Animate video around a path

I want to animate 5 video clips moving around a path.   I have one of the videos tracing
a rounded rectangle, working fine.   Now I want to add the other 4 symetrically
around the same path. I know how to cut/paste the path but for the life of me I
can find no way to get them all equally spaced around the path following each

Well when you have your first video going thru the path, time it.
If it takes 4 seconds to go from strat to finish, then you divide it by the number of videos. If you have 4 videos then, each video will be lagging 1 second behind the preivous one.
Put your first video on the first layer, the second on the second layer, the third and fourth on the third and fourth layers.
Now add an expression to the second layer position: thisComp.layer("First Video").transform.position.valueAtTime(time-(thisLayer.index+1));
You can copy this expression to all your other video position property.
Explanation of the expression:
thisComp.layer("your main layer").transform.position << This is the current position of your first video layer.
.valueAtTime(time) << this is where you specify, where in the time you want to take the position value. (time is in second)
Hope that helps

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    Then, if it's not self-powered and you don't have a USB hub to power it, it's impossible.
    If you DO have a hub, give it a try. If the HDD is formatted in FAT32 or other, iOS-friendly formats (NOT NTFS!), you may be able to import videos / pics from it so that you can access them as imported media files.

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    Hi Monika,
    I was just writing back because that's what I figured.  But my wavy line paths were very labor intensive when I created them in Photoshop so I was trying to copy and paste or import those in to Illustrator, but with no success.
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    You can do a test here: ultimate trail video
    Best regards

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    I found some basic info in
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    /0/0.ext         /00.ext
    /0/0/0.ext       /000.ext
    /0/0/0/0.ext     /0000.ext
    /0/0/0/1.ext     /0001.extwich type of storage has better efficiency in ZFS?

    I have made some tests and here are results:
    OS: OpenSolaris 2009.06 (console mode, not Gnome)
    FS: ZFS
    CPU: Intel Pentium 4
    RAM: 1 GB (free 500 MB before start)
    Test 1 - ZFS
    Files: about 220,000 (system) + 12,356,630 (generated and tested files)
    File size: 1024 B
    Generation speed: about 1200 files per second
    Deleting speed: 10 hours
    |found|  files  |  time  |  avrg  | readed data |
    | yes |   1,024 | 45 sec |  44 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 37 sec |  36 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 50 sec |  49 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 42 sec |  41 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 36 sec |  35 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 48 sec |  47 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 36 sec |  35 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 51 sec |  50 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 43 sec |  42 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 47 sec |  46 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 48 sec |  46 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 42 sec |  41 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 47 sec |  46 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 42 sec |  41 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 45 sec |  44 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 43 sec |  42 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 37 sec |  37 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 49 sec |  48 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 46 sec |  44 ms |       1 MiB |
    Test 2 - MySQL
    Records: 16,777,214
    Record data size: 1024 B
    Size of table: 16.6 GiB
    Generation speed: about 700 files per second
    Deleting speed: 30 seconds
    |found| entries |  time  |  avrg  | readed data |
    | yes |   1,024 |  1 min |  66 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 41 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 41 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 43 sec |  42 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 41 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 41 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 41 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 41 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 41 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  40 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 40 sec |  39 ms |       1 MiB |
    | yes |   1,024 | 39 sec |  38 ms |       1 MiB |
    +-----+---------+--------+--------+-------------+So both ways are very similar, but MySQL was little faster and has more entries. My test computer is very bad, so it is hard to say wich way will be faster on some server with more RAM, fasters discs and CPU. But you were right, because MySQL was faster than FS. So maybe i will use database insteda of FS, because there is no limit and i can save som other info wich is in file's data now. Thanks that you compel me to try it.

  • SPA 525G[2]: monitor mjpeg video RTSP , remove PATH constraint

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    The SPA 525G and 525G2 could easily display ANY RTSP stream of MJPEG; it certainly has the power.   If one constrained the video stream (or transcoded non-matching stream on the fly) to:
    5 fps
    Constant Bit Rate
    (with low bitrate)
    phone would play it PROVIDED one match the INANE URI PATH
    SPA video monitoring bugs
    Cannot use video monitoring with BlueTooth enabled
    setting line to disabled is not enough  (admin advanced, voice, phone, bluetooth)
    SPA video monitoring defects
    cannot assign video monitor to soft touch button?
    INANE URI PATH filter precludes direct use of compliant video via RTSP from other IP cameras
    It IS possible to use other mjpeg stream via RTSP so long as one presents inane expected PATH
    Please remove the PATH filter from the phone's firmware in the next update.
    SPA525G2 video monitor DOES work with TrendNet TV-IP312  [ethernet IP Camera]
    video encoding: mjpeg
    video quality: normal
    frame rate: 5
    ..with some creative use of nginx or apache
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    An appropriate reply SHALL NOT quote the above guide or section of documentation as it would insult the customer or demonstrate gross ineptitude on behalf of Cisco.

    There is no reason I should have to delete my preferences every single time I want to use the program.
    Sure enough, but your description of the behavior and the whole shebang crashing with ntdll indicates a file I/O or permissions problem nonetheless. So check your folder permissions, user privileges and possibly any security tools. Same for 32bit services and drivers that simply may not be compatible. A quick look in the device manager can tell you that...

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    Here is a picture:
    They appear around the curtains, around the bed (the red thing at the bottom), and the white part on top of the bed. (Actually, this has a stroke of black, but the gray stroke does this "dot dot dot" effect.)
    It looks incredibly ugly, and I don't know why it's there. Help? The zoom of this picture is at 100%.

    Wow, problem solved. I just changed the color mode from CMYK to RGB. Hope this helps out others with the same issue!

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    Any suggestion? Can I modify the path directly? The PDF is supposed to be linked to another interactive PDF and to work both online and offline.

    Thanks for the reply. I tested the file on other computers, though, and it doesn't open the video on any computer but mine (mine: the one I used to embed the video).
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    You can see my try ;

    URL seems to show video on both Chrome and Firefox.
    Please clear cookies of the browser and then try to check the URl

  • Moving Videos Around With Zen Visio

    Hi all, I need some help with my videos on my new ZEN V:M. I have already put some videos on there and they are under the main Video folder, however I would like to put them into a sub-folder within the Video folder. The ony problem is?Zen M Explorer won't let me transfer them into the sub-folder. I try to drag and drop but nothing happens. I try to copy and paste but nothing happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    <EM>My second Zen has been performing ok since I cleaned it up. Hopefully this will solve problem. If it continues, I will be purchasing an Ipod.</EM>
    John that is exactly what I opted to do. I was just too nervous making this kind of investment to have the customer service response so lacking, along with the weak warranty.
    I got an iPod, though I really didn't want too. I was able to get the Hi-Fi speaker system, JVC car adapter kit so that the text information and control of my iPod is done via my JVC head unit. These two things alone made the switch worth while. I really like the ZV:M, but with the above mentioned issues and no real accessories this was a no brainer. I know folks say on the display isn't as good, but it is good enough for watching video podcast occasionally, I didn't buy the ZV:M or iPod to watch videos. But I can tell you the touch pad is better and doesn't dri've nuts.
    By the way I've not had one single issue. No clattering MP3 playback and no freezing up... not a single time and I've used the iPod for going on 4 days. Today was the first full day I used it on the road in my truck, in the office and to take a slow walk around the property to check on my animals. Flawless performance! I am happy! If only I could have had this with the Zen Vision:M. I really wanted to support Creative, but this is what happens when you don't do a better job with quality control and testing your product. I had not realize that Creative is actually in 3rd place, well behind San Disk which is in 2nd place by a country mile behind Apple. Now I understand why no one makes accessories for the Creative MP3 players.
    Message Edited by OTACORB on 08-2-2006 06:04 PM

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    Go to Solution.

    Thank You Sooo Much I played it again and i found the vod path file thank you

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    To retrieve the data from database, I suggest that you could use DAO and you could iterate the records.
    There is a link about RecordSet of DAO that can help you:
    # Database.OpenRecordset Method (DAO)
    For this requirement of play video, I suggest that you could create a new form, then add the Windows Media Player ActiveX control to the form.
    You could set the value to URL property to specify the media file. To full screen the player, you could set
    fullScreen to True.
    For the issue of play one after another or play a video through VBA, they are more related to VBA, the VBA forum is the better place for VBA questions, I suggest that you could post it there for solutions.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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