Anime Studio for iBook G4?

I would like to know what kind of anime studios can I by for my daughter's iBook G4?

Depends on which version of the iBook your daughter owns. On the iBook if you go to the apple logo and then to 'about this mac' it will tell you what processor, Mac OS X and memory it has.
The system requirements for Animie Studios Debut and Pro for Mac is:
Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher (Universal Binary) PowerPC G4/G5 Processor, 500 MHz or above (Intel recommended). 540 MB free hard drive space; 256 MB RAM; 1024x768 resolution; 16-bit color display; CD-ROM drive (for physical version of application); Adobe® Flash® Player 9 or newer (embedded library); Internet connection for Content Paradise.
A later iBook G4 with 1GHz and above, running Mac OS X 10.5. With a extra 512 Meg of memory installed should be fine running this software.
For further information on Animie Studios go to:
Hope this helps

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    I don't see any particular new feature being asked for here. Jack basically asked if Illustrator included any so-called "variable stroke" features. Those have been described to him. Jack has not yet sufficiently described the behavior in Anime Studio Pro to which he alludes, to discern whether it is significantly different from Illustrator's treatment.
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    Other users in this forum have often asked for an elaboration of a variable stroke weight feature that they could deliberately modify after-the-fact. Think about this: They want to more accurately control the results of "variable stroke" features. (More about this below.) They have suggested (sometimes with elaborate mockups) such things as special on-object handles or (egads, no!) additional modal dialogs to controllably alter the positions of thicks and thins. Such suggestions:
    Are seldom very thoroughly thought-out. In practice, they would be every bit as tedious as just drawing the path the way you want it to begin with.
    Usually overlook the existing functionality. The yet-another-dialog suggestors fail to understand that the current implementation of ArtBrushes already provides that.
    Universally overshoot the real-world practicality of such ideas. They all result in too-complicated interfaces with too much tedium to use them.
    Almost always stem from a beginner's fear of using the primary tool of a Bezier path drawing program: The Bezier path drawing tool.
    As explained at length, Illustrator already provides tools for both the "as-you-draw" (limited by the real-world inaccuracy of current stylus hardware and [I suspect] Illustrator's 1/12 second redraw response) and the "applied shape" (hindered by a few interface and option problems) methods.
    In all drawing programs I've used, I invariably find the "applied shape" method superior for both loose, sketchy, cartooney work and for painstakingly accurate work. That's why I consider stylus hardware in vector programs to largely be an "emperor with no clothes." People who swear by it go to absurd stretches of "logic" to defend it, grossly--often laughably--overstating their supposed "advantages."
    Fact is, when you really LISTEN to what people are saying, it boils down to this: Users (usually newcomers) think they want a vector drawing program to act like a raster painting progam, because they think that's more intuitive, and they think that the only difference between vector and raster artwork is that one is scaleable and the other isn't. But vector artwork by its nature seeks accuracy and whether they think it or or not, accuracy is what such requestors seek.
    Why else does that stylus-enamored user engage in that ever-tighter re-shaping of the path dozens of times? Because he WANTS that loosey-goosey hardware/software combination to accurately match his mental image of what that raster "stroke" is supposed to look like. He is SEEKING vector-like accuracy and smoothness. But he's doggedly determined to do it with a hardware/software combination that is inherently inaccurate (i.e.; "painterly" features like Blob, Pencil, Brush, Eraser, Smooth tools; "automatic drawing" commands like LiveTrace, Smooth; "painterly" pointing devices).
    All these things strive against the inherent nature of vector drawing. It's like vector drawing being ashamed of its own advantages. He does this purely to avoid the direct-drawing methods which are designed for accuracy--i.e.; those which are commesurate with the advantages inherent in vector drawing. (It's not just about resolution independence.)
    So newcomer user-demand drives development to concentrate on such dubious "painterly" features, trying to make vector programs "more approachable" by forcing them to act like what they are not, while neglecting year-after-year, version-after-version, interface improvements of the features which reflect what vector programs really are. As a result, much-needed advancement of vector-appropriate features and interface elegance goes unaddressed. The net result is vector software that doesn't even feel serious anymore.
    Illustrator's Brushes are best-of-class, but they all fall short because of this misdirected focus on their being loosey-goosey "painterly" and inaccuate. Here are the fairly modest improvements they despirately need, which I have stated many times over the years, and which just fall into the black-hole abyss of Adobe's feature-requests:
    Art Brushes
    Need ENDINGS. Art Brushes should completely obviate Illustrators' hideously outdated Arrowheads feature. But they don't, because you can't apply a non-distorting END to the paths.
    Need a set of sensible default presets that demonstrate to newcomers that Art Brushes can be employed for far more commonly useful things than strained and always-disappointing attempts to emulate "natural media" like chalk or watercolor. The most useful Art Brushes are those made from extremely simple geometric shapes.
    Pattern Brushes
    Need an option to DISALLOW scaling/distortion of the END TILES and CORNER TILES.
    Need a set of sensible default presets that demonstrate to newcomers that Pattern Brushes (provided the other improvements mentioned herein) can be employed for far more things than mere frame borders.
    Ends & Corners
    Alternatively, separate ENDS & CORNERS as a distinct kind of "brush" that can be optionally applied in combination with all other Brushes.
    Include options for non-exclusive occurances at: Path Ends, Path Corners, All AnchorPoints, Segment Centers.
    With careful thought, this feature could probably encompass, and thereby obviate the functionality of Scatter Brushes.
    Art Brushes and Pattern Brushes
    Need to support use of Symbols as Ends and Corners.
    Need improved interface for controlling their position boxes. The crude rearmost-invisible-rectangle thing is half-baked and grossly unintuitive.
    Need a double-click interface to edit their base artwork commensurate and consistent with Isolation Mode and editing Symbols. One should not have to drag the Brush artwork to the page, Ungroup it multiple times, and AltDrag it back into the Brush palette to edit its artwork.
    Art Brushes, Pattern Brushes, and Symbols
    Need an option to DISALLOW scaling of STROKE WEIGHTS in the base artwork.
    Graphic Styles
    Need a set of default presets that leverage the above-mentioned uses of ArtBrush/PatternBrush combinations that demonstrate to newcomers the range of practical things possible through such combinations, instead of just yet-another-worn-out-attempt at "gel buttons."
    All Brushes, Styles, and Symbols
    A better treatment for managing Libraries.
    Illustrator's horrible interface for drawing paths and making selections needs a complete, from-the-ground-up, rework, so newcomers will stop fearing direct Bezier drawing in the first place. This is the root cause of the vast majority of Illustrator's learning curve pain for newcomers.
    Illustrator's horribly scattered interface needs a complete consolidation and reorganization, NOT just yet-another window dressing pasted over the existing [dis]organization scheme.
    Illustrator's horribly outdated feature set needs to be brought at least fully up-to-date with other mainstream vector drawing programs. It is simply missing too many bare-bones basic functions that should be standard-fare, and have long been standard fare in other programs (user defined drawing scales, joining of paths, proper cutting tools, path combinations without ridiculous caveats, and much more.)
    If doing any of the above means breaking backward-compatibility with previous versions, SO BE IT. Stop development of this buggy, sluggish, outdated application where it is, and call the above a new product.

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    The application to open .pkg files is the 'Installer' ...located in your Applications/Utilities Folder. Hopefully it hasn't been deleted ...and to make it the default application to open .pkg files simply do a 'Get Info' on any .pkg file then got to 'Open with...' and make the 'Installer' the default application for this file.

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    In addition, IE doesn't handle margin: 0 auto; on divs very well. So you have to also add "text-align: center" on the body element, which will center align all elements for IE, then "text-align: left;" on the #wrapper. (It will left justify all elements within the centered wrapper.)
    Here's a very trimmed example. Notice that I also put a border on the "wrap" div, this can be removed.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
      text-align: center;
      margin: 0; 
    #wrap {
      border: solid 1px red; /* so that you can see the width */
      text-align: left;    
      margin: 0 auto;
      width: 700px; 
    <div id="wrap">

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    What kind of animation do you want to do? 
    For animated humans is Poser Pro quite nice:
      Poser 3D Animation & Character Creation Software - Official ...
    A professional application would be Cinema 4D   CINEMA 4D Studio - Everything You Need for High ... - Maxon
    or Maya:
    I nearly forgot: A very powerful animation tool is the free Blender,  see:  Download - - Home of the Blender project - Free ...

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    Open the App Store app, go to the Featured pane, swipe to the bottom, tap the Apple ID and sign out. Tap again and sign in with the Apple ID of your choosing.

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    Hello Glittergirl68,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like the function to reseize the Font in an iBook is not functioning properly.
    I recommend a few things here. First close all the apps that are running in the background:
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    From: iOS: Force an app to close
    When you have done that, restart the phone, and try again.
    If the issue persists, I would follow these steps from the article:
    iOS: Troubleshooting apps purchased from the App Store
    2. Check for app updates
    You can setup apps to update automatically in Settings > iTunes & App Store, but make sure that your apps are up to date:
    Open the App Store and tap Updates. If updates are available, tap Update All.
    If  prompted, enter your iTunes Store account information. App Store will then download and install the app updates.
    Note: Some apps may require a Wi-Fi connection to update.
    3. Install another app from the App Store
    If none of your user-installed apps will launch, there could be an issue with Apple ID authorization. Download and install an app that isn't already installed on your device to reset this information. You can also remove an app from your iOS device and download it again from the App Store or sync the app from your computer.Note: If you have installed apps using multiple Apple ID accounts, you may need to perform this step for each account.
    4. Restart the app
    If the issue affects only a single app, try closing just that app.
    5. Restart your device
    Turn the device off and on.
    6. Reinstall the affected app
    Remove the app from your device and reinstall it:
    Tap and hold any app icon on the Home Screen until the icons start to wiggle and show a small "x" in the top-right corner of the app.
    Tap the "x" in the corner of the app you want to delete.
    Tap Delete to remove the app and all of its data from your device.
    Press the Home button.
    Go to the App Store.
    Search for the app and then download it again.
    All the very best,

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    Your gif doesn't need to have multiple layers, but it does need to have multiple states. To save yourself a lot of confusion, create the animated gifs first, and then export them. Create your navbar in the usual way, with simple rolloveres or swap images. Export the navbar.Rename the animated gifs with the names of the over state of the navbar images, and then delete (or mone to another folder) the over state images of the navbar. Move the renamed gif animations into the image folder of the navbar. Preview in browser. The animated gifs should have replaced the original over state of the buttons.

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  • I have an iPad 2 and used old Apple ID for iBook app; now it wants to upgrade but I have a new Apple ID, how can I make certain I don't lose any data in my iBooks?

    I have an iPad 2 and used old Apple ID for iBook app; now it wants to upgrade iBook but it is "stuck" on my old ID, yet I already created a new ID but it won't let me update the App.  I have everything backed up on my MacBook so if I delete iBooks on my iPad and retrieve the App under my new ID and then sync with my MacBook, will I still have all of the books, etc.?

    Your purchases are tied to your Apple ID. If you bought all of the books with the old ID then AFAIK you will have to continue to use that ID in order to continue to sync those books to the iPad.
    You have to update the app with the old ID so I don't see how you could keep the books with the new ID. Maybe I am wrong about this, but someone else will chime in I'm sure and correct me if I am wrong.

  • Looking for iBooks Author vendor

    Looking for iBooks Author vendor to create multiple books based on an existing template. The books are operative techniques for the orthopaedic surgery industry. Need an idea of cost to outsourse. Here are the specs:
    7 chapters
    the first page of each chapter is an overview of the chapter that includes hyperlinks to each step in the operative technique
    total of 44 pages
    each page has at least one video widget (some pages have two), a photo gallery widget plus a static image and text
    glossary index with 100 entries that include text and photos (would love to find someone who can program including collada 3-D images into the glossary. but that is a nice to have, not a need to have)
    all images require resizing for the ibook (they are print images)
    all videos require compression for the ibook
    half of the pages have 3-d collada files
    heavy typesetting is required
    three pages include large interactive images with 20 labels
    Looking for estimates to present to the company on the cost to outsourse as well as find possible vendors to talk to and provide more detail.

    i apologize. here is my contact email if anyone is interested in talk more about this.
    [email protected]

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    I faced with one issue for launch MaxDB studio for first time.
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    Could you please help me on this?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best Regards

    If not solved yet...
    What says appsrv.log ? Which user are you using to start the appserver ? Which user have you specified when sreating the database ?

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    What is your exact workflow? The proper procedure is to select your text layer in AE, find the text preset you want to use, then drag or double click that preset to apply it to your project.
    It also helps  if we know your version of AE and OS down to the decimal point. You didn't give us much to go on.

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    The Report a Problem link can also be found in iTunes/Store/View Account/Purchase History.
    Before asking for a refund, also try deleting the book and redownloading it.
    If you find that the iBookstore is does not meet your needs, you can try one of the others like Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Googlebooks, or Sony.
    To let Apple know your views on their apps or services, use

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