[ANN] Introduction to JSF internet seminar - Today

Join us for this live internet seminar, Broadcasted to your PC , Today (Monday) at 10:00am PST (California time).

For those who missed the seminar - a replay is now available from here:
Please join us for the next seminar on Thursday if you have any JSF or ADF Faces questions.

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    Date: 22 June, 2004
    Time: 11:00am PST (02:00pm EST)

    For those who missed the seminar - a replay is now available from here:
    Please join us for the next seminar on Thursday if you have any JSF or ADF Faces questions.

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    If you want to do an paradigm shift, have some fun with C. I think it's a good candidate to teach you about imperative programming and lower-level thinking. (When people say it's glorified assembler, there's a certain point to it.)
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    Hi, We are in the process of converting our inhouse developed applications (Forms 5.0 and Reports 3.0) into web enabled one. Since I am outside the US , I am unable to attend the free seminar help recently. I would appreciate your help in sending any documentation/handouts on the current topic. This will help me a lot.
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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == fiefox was updated today ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; HPDTDF; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C)

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  • Announcing: Developing JSF Portlets with WebLogic Portal Whitepaper

    Just Released: Developing JSF Portlets with WebLogic Portal Whitepaper
    A supplemental developer's guide has been published to help guide WLP 10.x customers that wish to use JSF as the web framework for building portlets on WebLogic Portal. This is a sizable document (150 pages) that covers a large number of topics. It also coaches developers on best practices and common pitfalls.
    Important: It also clarifies the supported configuration of JSF within Portal Web Projects. Workshop for WebLogic by default configures a web project in a configuration that is not supported by WebLogic Portal. The guide explains how to address this:
    * Change from the unsupported MyFaces JSF implementation to the supported Sun Reference Implementation (RI)
    * Change from the unsupported "client" STATE_SAVING_METHOD to the supported "server"
    The guide can be downloaded here:
    To help internet searches locate this document, the table of contents is reproduced below:
    1.1. Prerequisites...................................................................... 8
    1.2. Applicable Versions............................................................ 8
    1.3. Native Portlet Bridges and Standard Portlet Bridges .......... 8
    1.4. JSF Portlet Support Roadmap ........................................... 9
    1.5. Whitepaper Structure ....................................................... 10
    1.6. Look Before You Leap ..................................................... 10
    1.7. For More Information........................................................ 10
    Part 1: Converting JSF Applications into Portlets
    2. IDE Support for JSF Portlets Chapter ...................................... 12
    2.1. Workshop for WebLogic – WebLogic Portal's Supported IDE 12
    2.2. Workshop Features for JSF Support in WebLogic Portal.. 12
    3. Introduction to JSF Portlets Chapter ........................................ 18
    3.1. Creating Your First JSF Portlet......................................... 18
    3.2. Essentials of JSF Portlet Views........................................ 21
    3.3. WebLogic Portal Artifacts................................................. 22
    4. Configuring JSF within WebLogic Portal Chapter..................... 24
    4.1. JSF Library Modules in WebLogic Server ........................ 24
    4.2. Installing the JSF Libraries into a Portal Web Project ....... 25
    4.3. JSF Configuration Settings............................................... 27
    4.4. Configuring JSF 1.2 ......................................................... 29
    4.5. Building an Unsupported JSF Implementation Library Module 31
    4.6. Faces Configuration is Web Application Scoped.............. 31
    5. Navigation within a JSF Portlet Chapter................................... 33
    5.1. Navigating within a Portlet with the JSF Controller ........... 33
    5.2. Redirects.......................................................................... 34
    6. Namespacing Chapter ............................................................. 35
    6.1. Namespacing Managed Bean Names.............................. 35
    6.2. Client ID Namespacing with the View and Subview Components 35
    6.3. Client ID Namespacing with the WLP NamingContainer .. 36
    7. Logging, Iterative Development, and Debugging Chapter ........ 39
    7.1. Logging............................................................................ 39
    7.2. Iterative Development ...................................................... 39
    7.3. Debugging ....................................................................... 40
    8. Custom JavaScript Chapter ..................................................... 42
    8.1. DOM Manipulation within a JSF ....................................... 42
    8.2. Form Validation within a JSF Portlet ................................ 45
    9. Preparing JSF Portlets for Production Chapter ........................ 46
    9.1. Configuration.................................................................... 46
    9.2. Performance and Scalability............................................. 47
    9.3. Security............................................................................ 49
    9.4. Localization...................................................................... 50
    Part 2: Interacting with the Portal Environment
    10. Native Bridge Architecture Chapter ...................................... 54
    10.1. Container Architecture Overview.................................. 54
    10.2. Container Architecture.................................................. 54
    10.3. Container Interactions .................................................. 55
    11. Interportlet Communication Chapter .................................... 56
    11.1. Using Session and Request Attributes for IPC (Anti-pattern) 56
    11.2. Using the WLP Event Facility for IPC with JSF Portlets 56
    11.3. Notifications ................................................................. 60
    11.4. Comparison of the IPC Approaches ............................. 60
    12. Scopes Chapter ................................................................... 62
    12.1. Conceptual Scopes for Standard JSF Applications ...... 62
    12.2. Conceptual Scopes for Portal Applications................... 63
    12.3. Implementation Patterns for Portal Scopes .................. 63
    13. State Sharing Patterns Chapter ........................................... 66
    13.1. State Sharing Concepts ............................................... 66
    13.2. HttpSession Versus HttpServletRequest ...................... 66
    13.3. Base Code for HttpSession Patterns ............................ 67
    13.4. Single Portlet Pattern ................................................... 68
    13.5. Multiple Portlet Patterns ............................................... 69
    14. Rendering Lifecycles Chapter .............................................. 77
    14.1. WLP and JSF Lifecycles .............................................. 77
    14.2. Invocation Order of WLP and JSF Lifecycle Methods... 77
    14.3. Accessing WLP Context Objects from JSF Managed Beans 78
    15. Portal Navigation Chapter .................................................... 80
    15.1. Programmatically Constructing JSF Portlet URLs ........ 80
    15.2. Changing the Active Portal Page.................................. 80
    15.3. Redirects within a Portal............................................... 83
    16. Ajax Enablement Chapter .................................................... 85
    16.1. Ajax in JSF Portlets...................................................... 85
    16.2. Partial Page Rendering Pattern.................................... 85
    16.3. Stateless API Request Pattern ..................................... 86
    16.4. Portlet Aware API Request Pattern .............................. 87
    16.5. Controlling the WLP Ajax Framework........................... 91
    17. Additional WLP Features Chapter........................................ 93
    17.2. Portlet Container Features ........................................... 93
    17.3. Portal Container Features ............................................ 98
    18. Example: Implementing a Login Portlet Chapter .................. 99
    18.1. Login Portlet Motivation................................................ 99
    18.2. Login Portlet Design..................................................... 99
    18.3. Login Portlet Implementation...................................... 101
    Part 3: Integrating Third Party Libraries
    19. Integration Overview Chapter............................................. 111
    19.1. Types of Libraries....................................................... 111
    19.2. Roadmap for MyFaces Trinidad and ADF Faces Rich Client 111
    20. Using the Facelets View Technology Chapter.................... 113
    20.1. Introduction to Facelets .............................................. 113
    20.2. Configuring Facelets Support ..................................... 113
    21. Using the Apache MyFaces Tomahawk Component Library Chapter 115
    21.1. What is Apache MyFaces Tomahawk? ...................... 115
    21.2. Support for Tomahawk in WLP................................... 115
    21.3. Tomahawk Component List........................................ 116
    21.4. Installing and Configuring Tomahawk......................... 119
    21.5. Resolving the Duplicate ID Issue................................ 120
    21.6. Referring to Resources .............................................. 120
    21.7. forceId Attribute.......................................................... 124
    21.8. File Upload................................................................. 125
    22. Using the Apache Beehive Navigation Controller Chapter . 126
    22.1. Apache Beehive Page Flow ....................................... 126
    22.2. JSF and Page Flows .................................................. 126
    22.3. Configuring the JSF Integration with Page Flows ....... 127
    23. Appendix 1: Consolidated List of Best Practices ................ 130
    24. Appendix 2: Known Issues and Workarounds.................... 132
    24.1. CR383659, CR383662 Inconsistent failures with JSF portlets 132
    24.2. CR342124: IllegalStateException due to duplicate client-id 132
    24.3. CR384916: IllegalStateException due to duplicate client-id when using certain components such as Tomahawk and Trinidad...... 133
    24.4. CR361477 Problems with the integration of JSF portlets with Apache Beehive Page Flows.................................................................. 133
    24.5. CR377945 JSF 1.2 suffers from a memory leak during iterative development .............................................................................. 134
    25. Appendix 3: The JSFPortletHelper Class ........................... 135
    26. Appendix 4: The CleanupPhaseListener Class .................. 147

    Hi Peter!
    First, I wish to thank you for the great work.
    We followed your whitepaper and managed to deploy a JSF portlet on WLS.
    But we are not able to register it (consume it) as remote portlet in Oracle Portal 10.1.4. The error log is as follows:
    An error occurred while trying to refresh the provider. (WWC-43190)
    An error occurred during the call to the WSRP Provider:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: serialization error: serialization error:
    unexpected null value for literal data; nested exception is:
    serialization error: serialization error: unexpected null value for literal data
    com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializationException: serialization error:
    serialization error: unexpected null value for literal data
    com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializationException: serialization error:
    unexpected null value for literal data
    Java stack trace from root exception:
    unexpected null value for literal data
    at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(StreamingSender.java:62)
    Source)Do you have any idea why this happens? Or you can provide some useful links to WLP -Oracle Portal federation?
    Thank you and best regards,

  • Wifi not working with iTunes, apps store and some, but not all Internet sites....why???

    Yesterday I noticed while browsing Internet that some sites would not open and that some games I regularly play would not open. I also found that I could not open either the apps store or iTunes. Everything seemed to be working the day before and I have not recently upgraded ios (been on version 6.1.3 for a while) or changed any settings on my iPad (2).  With Internet research today I found suggestion that if I switched to 3G I would be able to access these apps and,sure enough, under 3G connection everything works fine. Some other forums suggest changing wifi router settings to fix the issue ....I have not tried this as I wouldn't  like to mess with my router and end up effecting other peripherals/pc's connected to it that are working fine....especially when I am not terribly IT savvy when it comes to hardware settings.  But as I haven't changed anything on my ipad why would my wifi suddenly stop connecting to some apps on my iPad, but not all??? Interestingly I can access many Internet sites (forums) with wifi connection but not the apple forum! To get to anything apple related I have to switch back to 3G ....that includes checking the iOS version I am on via settings!
    I also mention that I have done all the other suggested fixes found on various forums, such as rebooting iPad, renewing wifi lease, clearing cookies, closing all apps etc etc, to no avail. Seems the only suggested fix I have not tried is mucking around with my router which I am very hesitant to do given the **** I went through with my telco when my home Internet connection suddenly stopped working last year. Took me weeks of phone calls to get my internet connection back and being forced by the telco to a more expensive plan, hence very reluctant to start mucking around with that side of things, but why should I need to when it does seem to be working ok with other devices in the home?
    I have started this as new discussion as, even though I am not terribly IT savvy,  I cant see how this could be related to the wifi issues that many on the newer devices (iPhone 5 and iPad mini etc) are reporting as I haven't recently upgraded anything on my ipad and all was working perfectly up until yesterday.
    Any other suggestions on how to get wifi working correctly again on iPad or do I really have to risk the working of every other device in my home and chase it from modem/router side?

    Hi there,
    You mentioned that you have tried a few troubleshooting steps already, but you may want to take a look at the article below, specifically the section titled "If you are unable to access the Internet while connected to a Wi-Fi network"
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Hope that helps,
    Griff W.

  • New fios customer as of today and having some issues.

    Just had fios tv  and internet installed today. I understand with there is going to be a learning curve and have done some searching however I have not found a solution. I also contacted online support but was told the system is down and they basically couldnt do anything. 
    First thing we noticed is that our living room box 1.9- qip-6416-p2 wont display the guide in full screen. It only shows us one hour ahead and is cut off on the sides with black bars. This is  a 52" wide screen and the settings on the box are set correctly.. This is when it is set to full mode on the guide. 
    The box in the bedroom qip-7100p2 displays the guide fine in full mode 
    I have reset the box and the router and this did not help. 
    I also have a problem trying to acces the dvr information online both boxes display BAD GATEWAY..
    I am also unable to use my android phone  as a remote. It tells me the last four digits of my number are incorrect. 
    Any input would be greatly appreciated. In the meantime I suppose ill do some more searching. Thank you. 
    EDIT: Just found some information regarding the 6xxx boxes saying they do not support the HD guide format? Is this true?
    I hope to get the issues solved fast. I still havent canceled charter and DTV but would sure like to. 
    EDIT: AND now as of a few minutes ago the router had just rebooted all own its own... i hope this isnt a sign of things to come.

    Brian I am sorry that you are having these problems. You are correct about the 6xxx boxes not able to get the guide in HD format and the chop off. We can remedy this. I have sent you a private message to get more information from you.
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
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