Annoying glitch in jdev navigator window (jdev903)

an easily reproducable, but annoying problem:
A. Workspace selection
1) Open 2 workspaces.
2) Left click on one of them (so it is selected) (workspaceA).
3) Now rightclick the other workspace (workspaceB). The context menu now shows the wrong Rebuild options (for workspaceA), which could easily fool you in to
compiling the wrong workspace.
4) Now rightclicking workspaceA again now displays Rebuild workspaceB, so the workspace was selected by the previous rightclick, but apparently the
contextmenu's are triggered to soon.
B. Project selection
With project righ-clicking, the context menu is almost right (if you look closely, you can see the contextmenu switch project after it is displayed though) if you perform the above instructions on 2 projects in stead of workspaces.
The problem is not fully ok here though either. Although the context menu shows options of the correct project, it lacks several menuitems, like 'Edit business components project'. This one only shows up if you performed a left-click first, or rightclick twice.

Thanks for reporting the problem. Indeed annoying. It is already fixed
in 9.0.4.

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    If you are familiar with VBA, I suggest you try Application.ActiveInspector.currentitem
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    Also learn from Inspector.CurrentItem Property:
    Since I'm not an expert about VBA, if you need further assistance, kindly post the question in the Developers' forum:
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