Anonymous comments on blog

Is there anyway to not allow anonymous comments on an iweb blog?

If you enable commenting, anyone visiting your blog can post.
Your only recourse is to watch the blog and edit/delete unwanted comments.

Similar Messages

  • Blocking Anonymous Comments in iWeb 08?

    Is there a way to disable the anonymous comments option in iWeb?

    Are you hosting your site on an external server? If so, iWeb actually tells you when you publish to a folder that certain features are not available such as blog comments, hit counter etc.
    Blog comments or any comments are a MobileMe only feature, so you have to publish here to get them.


    I set up a Web page and then created a Blog. Is there any way I can stop anonymous comments or erase comments? It seems that blogging on iWeb is more for friends and family, rather than 'general' blogging...I have a blog on but it's lousy with Mac.

    From iWeb's Help > iWeb Help menu item...
    Allowing visitors to add comments and attachments
    Tip: Only group members can post comments to a website published to a group. To limit who can post to your site, you can password-protect it.
    Tip: When comments are added to your site, a blue dot appears in the iWeb site organizer, next to the blog page (if you are connected to the Internet).
    Deleting visitor comments and attachments
    You might want to delete a visitor comment if, for example, it contains an attachment that uses material for which you don't own the copyright, or if the attachment takes up too much space on your iDisk.
    To delete a comment directly from your website (without using iWeb), go to the comments webpage and click the lock icon. After you log in, click Manage Comments, select the checkbox next to each comment you want to delete, and click Delete.
    To delete a comment and its attachment using iWeb:
    In the site organizer, select the Entries page for the blog that contains the comment you want to delete.
    In the Title list (at the top), select the entry the comment is posted to.
    Click the Delete button (it looks like an X) next to the comment.
    If you are connected to the Internet, the comment is deleted immediately from the website (you don't have to republish).
    Note: To delete an attachment, you must delete the comment it's attached to.
    You are responsible for ensuring that you have all the necessary rights for material posted on your site, including material posted by others.

  • Page formatting is out of whack after comments, new blogs, etc

    I just started my website with iWeb and i'm already having problems. I first noticed this when I added a 7th blog entry and the white background on the blog listing page was not big enough for all the information there, so it shifted to a's difficult to explain... (pics should be helpful, keep reading)
    I figured out a way to fix it, change the page layout dimensions, publish, change the layout back, and publish again - and it works! I was happy I found that, until i saw that every time someone would comment a blog or a picture, the page would become screwed up like that and i'd have to go through every page with a comment and fix it.
    here are pictures of the problem (the white background should be covering the page top to bottom.
    Or you can check out the site yourself. add a comment to a picture and watch the formatting screw itself over.
    Message was edited by: Andrey

    Andrey wrote:
    Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem? Is anyone having a similar issue?
    Don't use gradient background.

  • Unable to Post Comments on Blogs

    Hi Friends,
    I'm not able to post my comments on blogs. Is it some authorization issue? I do have a blogger profile.
    Vimal G

    Is it some authorization issue?
    Certainly not so.  Can you provide the blog where you were not able to  post.  Also what error message system was popping up???  Ensure that while trying to comment on any blog, you have logged in :-(.  
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Can't leave comments on blogs using iPad

    I cannot comment on blogs using my iPad. Have tried Safari and Chrome. Found a suggestion to try Opera but it is so slow it won't even load the sites. Any suggestions?

    The problem seems to be specific to blogs. I enter the required information in the comment fields, i.e., name, email, website, and comment--then hit the submit button. The site goes through refresh as if processing comment but comment doesn't appear. I have researched online and this appears to be a common problem when using iPads to leave comments on blogs. The only suggested solution has been to use Opera browser but it is extremely slow. Here are some examples of sites:
    also, it doesn't make a difference if the site is mobile responsive.

  • Comments on Blog

    I am new to this forum and joined to hopefully get some help in regards the Blog I write. I have been writing my Blog for a year and have just found out that readers cannot post comments onto my blog. Upon visiting my webpage and clicking on the "post a comment" tab, a new window opens up with the message "We're sorry. We are having a problems processing your request". This is not a day thing but keeps happening. Can anyone help? Thanks in advanced

    Ali ~ Welcome to the discussions. See this Apple doc:
    MobileMe: Unable to add comments to blog pages
    ...which was found by searching here:
    In order for people to look at your site/blog, they can use either your or URL. But in order to post their comments on your blog (if you've allowed them), they must use your URL. If they try to add a comment via your URL, they'll get this message:
    "We're sorry. We are having a problem processing your request." it's probably better to tell everyone to use the URL to access your site, i.e.
    You can send feedback about this problem to Apple here:
    ...In Feedback Type, choose iWeb Publishing.

  • Can't comment my blog, on my pc!

    I can't comment my blog on my pc.
    It says:"We're sorry. We having a problem processing your requst."
    Help! What can i do ?
    mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    I can't comment from my friends pc's :'( (and my own)
    Is it only macs there can comment ?
    Because my mac can fine comment.
    It says:" We're sorry. We having a problem processing your requst." When i trying on a pc.
    Thank you Alfe

  • Want to allow students to send anonymous comments thru site

    I am a teacher and want to make a simple webpage on which students will be able to anonymously and (relatively) privately enter comments/criticisms/suggestions regarding my classes.
    All i really need is a little box on the webpage in which students enter whatever they want to tell me and click "send" to have them automatically sent to my email. Yet I do not see any way to do that with iWeb. Obviously a mailto: link would work, but then i would have their email address and that would hardly make it anonymous. it doesnt matter if ip addresses show up as i wouldnt know what to do with them anyway, but email addresses are a bit obvious...
    can anyone suggest a solution? i was thinking of a blog with comments, but i would not want the comments to be made public--if they can be made private (read only by me) that would work i suppose...

    You are correct...this type of functionality is not currently built into iWeb...even with its new commenting ability.
    What you should take a closer look at is the original iComment Haloscan usage. This system was utilized to add commenting abilities to iWeb before Apple implemented its own commenting system. Basically, the free iComment app links any of your iWeb pages to the free Haloscan commenting system. Do a search on iComment and Haloscan to find out more.
    Haloscan commenting is a little more full-featured compared with the current Apple system. With Haloscan, you can enable comment moderation, which means that comments would not be shown to the public until you okay them. You would log into the Haloscan site in order to read your comments and then "release" any comments that you want to be displayed. I can see this helping in your case. Your students would simply leave comments that only you could see when you log into your Haloscan account...and you would never have to release them from moderation.
    Let me know if this helps you or not. Feel free to mark this reply as either "solved" or "helpful". Thanks.
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  • Can't post comments to Blog after MobileMe push

    My blog will not allow anyone to post comments now, since the MobileMe migration. When you click "add comment" it brings up the MobileMe migration page with info on MobileMe. I believe that I have set up everything necessary on my computer for MobileMe, so how do I get the blog to quit directing to this page? I have two autistic children, and I use this blog for their therapists to post comments about their daily therapy sessions - I really need to get this fixed QUICK! Also, when publishing the blog, I get an error message at the very end - "error publishing" - but everything is visible like it published successfully. Thanks for any help.

    It is not just the Blogs, my Photos pages won't allow comments either. I just started with iWeb a couple of weeks ago and it took me a while to discover that the comments feature was not working. Made me feel kind of foolish, I had asked some friends to check out my site and then was a little perturbed that they hadn't posted any comments.
    I would hate to try setting up on another site as I like the basic simplicity of iWeb.
    Does anybody know of anything else as easy to use? I'm in the trial period and if this doesn't get fixed I definitely will not be continuing.

  • Can't post comments to Blog site

    Since .Mac switched to, I cannot see comments on my blog site.
    I can post/publish to the site from iWeb and others have said they can post comments (using Firefox, but not Safari). But when I go to view the comments, I get an error message:
    # Exception: TypeError
    # Message : Value undefined (result of expression postLinks.forEach) is not object.
    # File : Comments.js, Line:138
    I have not done anything differently in how I'm publishing the page.
    I am using Safari 3.1.2 to view the site.
    I am using iWeb '08 2.0.4 to publish the site.
    I have also tried to use Firefox (3.0.1) to see the comments, and get this error message:
    # Exception: TypeError
    # Message : postLinks.forEach is not a function
    I can see the comments if I open iWeb and read down the page. I cannot post comments using iWeb though.
    Any ideas?
    Message was edited by: Danielle Lum1

    Danielle ~ See this old thread:

  • How come you can't add comments to blog that you create in IWeb unless you have a mobileme account when you can no longer get an account.

    I have a site that i'm working on for class and i need to be able to have people comment on my blogs and stiff and they can't because im using FTP because I don't have a mobileme account.  WIll this be changing soon that you can all comments to your site using IWeb.

    You need to use a commenting system like Disqus or Intense Debate...

  • Problems with postin comments on blog

    People are having problems posting comments on my blog. They get an error message saying that there is a problem processing request. The boxes are checked allowing for comments and there seems to be no font problems. Any other suggestions?

    This depends on where you are publishing your site as to whether you can get comments or not - are you publishing to MobileMe or another host?

  • Restore Comments in blog entries?

    Had some mess with iWeb 2.x and returned to iWeb 1.x
    Now all blog comments are gone. Is there any chance to restore them?
    Thanks, willi

    Does anybody know how the comments are stored in iWeb 2.0? And even better: how in iWeb 1.x? I would like to restore them from 2 to 1.
    Your help would be very appreciated. Thank you.

  • Viewing new comments on blogs and podcasts

    So, I open up iweb and the symbol with the number pops up on the iweb icon(which from what I've gathered is the "new comments"). Is there a way to just check the new comments, or do I have to go through my site and find them one by one. I allow comments on my pictures(as well as my blog and podcast) and I have a lot of pictures, so going through one by one to find comments doesn't seem to make much sense because it would take forever.
    Thanks for the help.

    I just spent a lot of time trying to figure this out myself, but I finally did.
    In iWeb, look to the left side of the page names in the left hand column. You will see a blue dot next to any page with new comments somewhere within. If the comment is for a blog entry, the blue dot will be next to the main blog page. Click on "entries" under that and look for the blue dot to the left of the blog entry titles.
    If the comment is on a photo, there will be a little comment icon on all photos where comments have been left. The icon is hard to see and there's no apparent way to tell which photo might have new comments that I can see, bu it's there. The icon is a little white bubble in the bottom right hand corner of the photo -- it's a bit hard to see.

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