Another classpath-package question

I have two classes residing in a directory called Record, and both classes declarepackage Record;as their first line of code. The RecordObject class instantiates the DBConnector class, and will not compile unless I strip the package declarations off both classes. The compile error for RecordObject (when both classes have the package directive) is:
C:\jswdk-1.0.1\examples\WEB-INF\servlets\Record\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class DBConnector
location: class Record.RecordObj
static DBConnector dbc;
C:\jswdk-1.0.1\examples\WEB-INF\servlets\Record\ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable DBConnector
location: class Record.RecordObj
connection = DBConnector.getInstance().getConnection();
when only the RecordObject class has the package directive, the error is:
C:\jswdk-1.0.1\examples\WEB-INF\servlets\Record\ cannot access DBConnector
bad class file: .\DBConnector.class
class file contains wrong class: Record.DBConnector
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
static DBConnector dbc;
Following the recent classpath posts, I just changed my classpath, but this did not help the compilation:
C:\>set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\jswdk-1.0.1\examples\WEB-INF\servlets;

This is even stranger:
When I enter "set" in the dos window that I set the classpath in, I see my setting. However, if I open a separate dos window and enter "set", there is no CLASSPATH entry at all.
When I try to compile my RecordObj class from the command line of the dos window with the classpath, all is fine. I had been compiling from Textpad before. But when I try to compile from the other dos shell, I get the same errors that TextPad showed me.
Could somebody explain how setting the CLASSPATH only sets it in one dos window, and not in the total environment? Thanks.

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    What you can do is get all the interfaces on the old package that you want to be included in the new package. This way, the new package will have the exact code from the old package.Or generate a scenario out of your ("old") package and drag&drop the scenario in the "new" package.
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    - Pete

    Lightroom color management.
    a.) Monitor profile used: The profile set as the default in your operating system (e.g. Windows xp). (your monitor profile software usually does this when you calibrate/profile your monitor).
    b.) Working space: ProPhotoRGB
    c.) Export color space: You can choose one of the following sRGB; Adobe RGB or Pro Photo RGB.
    There is no option (afaik) to change a.) or b.) the option you choose in c.) will affect how the exported image will be displayed in color managed applications or non-color managed applications.
    Non-color managed applications are not able to display Adobe RGB or Pro Photo RGB correctly. I guess if you wish a consistent display of your images in color managed and non-color managed applications then the only common factor is sRGB and you should export your images in sRGB color space.
    The benefits of the other expanded color spaces are in printing and you also would have to get this end of your color management correct. Printing profiles to match your printer and each paper being used etc.
    Until you can get this all sorted out you will get better results from sRGB, this is also applicable when using most commercial printing services.

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                    System.out.println("Ahi va...");
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    It's not too early to start following the Sun coding
    conventions for Java:
    thanks for your reply.
    Yes, I agree. I use conventions with my programs. But my real problem was with a real application and then I did quickly this simple code to help others to understand the problem and give a fast reply...
    Let me know if that works. (It was fine on my
    machine.) - MODYes it works fine, thanks.... and Damn...Murphys law again, the only option I didn't tried is the solution to my problem... :)
    Thanks again...

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    CLASSPATH denotes the path for searching your class files. So obviously it cannot be set to empty :)
    Since yours is WinXP, to set CP permanently, rightclick on My Computer and click on Properties. Choose Advanced tab and click on Environment variables. There you will find CLASSPATH. Click on Edit button to modify the path. Leave the path you see as it is and then append it with the following path of your lib directory
    where C: is the drive where your java is installed. If you are doing your programs on a different directory such as C:\UsulSK\Java, you can include the same in the classpath. Always separate different paths with semi colon.
    Click on OK to confirm the modification. The new classpath takes into effect when u open a new cmd prompt window... .
    PS: Read material on setting classpath from sun website

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    Hello user12259190.
    You can do an export of the user itself, excluding table data as inH:\>exp
    Export: Release - Production on Tue Dec 22 11:22:52 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Username: db_user@db_sid
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    Enter array fetch buffer size: 4096 >
    Export file: EXPDAT.DMP >
    (2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U > 2
    Export grants (yes/no): yes > no
    Export table data (yes/no): yes > no
    Compress extents (yes/no): yes > no
    Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    server uses UTF8 character set (possible charset conversion)
    Note: table data (rows) will not be exported
    Note: grants on tables/views/sequences/roles will not be exported
    . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
    . exporting foreign function library names for user DB_USER
    . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
    . exporting private type synonyms
    . exporting object type definitions for user DB_USER
    About to export DB_USER's objects ...
    . exporting database links
    . exporting sequence numbers
    . exporting cluster definitions
    . about to export DB_USER's tables via Conventional Path ...
    . . exporting table  TABLE_NAMEs
    EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
    . exporting synonyms
    . exporting views
    . exporting stored procedures
    . exporting operators
    . exporting referential integrity constraints
    . exporting triggers
    . exporting indextypes
    . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes
    . exporting posttables actions
    . exporting materialized views
    . exporting snapshot logs
    . exporting job queues
    . exporting refresh groups and children
    . exporting dimensions
    . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions
    . exporting statistics
    Export terminated successfully with warnings.Unfortunately, you can't export just the objects you want to unless they are tables.
    Using import (imp) you can list the content of your packages, procedures, functions, views, etc. and perhaps that will give you what you need.
    Another choice would be to useSELECT * FROM user_source ORDER BY 2, 1, 3;to list the code.
    Hope this helps,

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    Thanks in advance

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    Do I save the contents of the .indp package to disk and manually replace the old contents with these?
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    Thanks, in advance,

  • A package question.

    package java.lang;
    // Referenced classes of package java.lang:
    //            Object, Class, Comparable, IllegalArgumentException,
    //            NullPointerException, String, System
    public final class Boolean
        implements Serializable, Comparable
    package java.lang;
    // Referenced classes of package java.lang:
    //            Object
    public interface Comparable
        public abstract int compareTo(Object obj);
    }above are the associated interface and class in the Java Core API, package
    a question, why Boolean class does not use the fully qualified name for Comparable when it implements it??

    Besides, Boolean and Comparable are in the same
    package anyway, no need to use the full name.this is confusing.
    I was taught that the signature (full qualifiedname)
    is always package+classname, if you dont importany
    package.It's not called "signature", but the following are
    * The fully-qualified classname is ALWAYS package +
    * If a class is in the same package as the current
    class, you don't need to specify the FQ name. Just
    the classname is enough.
    * If a class is in java.lang, you don't need to
    specify the FQ name. Just the classname is enough,
    because java.lang.* is impicitly imported.
    * For all other classes, you need to either specify
    the FQ name, or you need to import that class name.And regardless of whether something is imported or not, your classpath needs to include that class' package's parent directory (except for classes in the core API).

  • Another external drive question

    As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've partitioned my WD 500 GB firewire 800 external drive into three partitions. My intention was to obtain a bootable backup in the first partition (100 GB) and have the other two as supplemental strorage for future use (200 GB and the remaining approx. 165 GB). After performing an immediate backup of the Macintosh HD into the first partition, I read that a "duplicate", not "backup" was required for boot purposes.
    I'd really appreciate some suggestions here from those with more experience in these matters. My internal 500 GB HD has approximately 28 GB of used capacity currently (this will grow, of course, over time). Should I have created a partition for a bootable start up and "duplicated" the internal HD? Then, should I use a second partition for normal backups? What size should these partitions be configured to allow for maximum future storage, without pushing the limits on the backup/startup partitions? And finally, what are the steps to re-configure the external to achieve my desired intentions?
    This is a lot of question, but I certainly appreciate the guidance provided me thus far in my early days of Mac enjoyment. Thanks.
    iMac 24 2.33/3G Ram/500G HD/7600GT/BT K/M /WD 500GB FWHD   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Hello! Sounds like you have thought it out well. All you need now is to clone your main drive so it will be bootable. You can do that using CarbonCopyCloner, SuperDuper, or you can use the Apple Disk Utility you already have. A lot of people use SuperDuper and others swear by some of the others. Below are listed Kappy's steps to do it using the disk utility. I use several bootable backups just for peace of mind. I generally clone to one and then the other so if something happens during the cloning (such as a power outage) I'll still have a drive that works. I usually make a clone about once a month and then backup any important documents every day to a flash drive, cd/dvd, or another hard drive volume. Once you make a clone you should always boot from it to make sure it's booting ok. Sometimes a clone will fail to boot. I also HIGHLY recommend obtaining and using DISKWARRIOR. Diskwarrior is the "gold standard" for disk drive directory maintenance which is the leading cause of hard drive problems. Using DW about once a month or after any force shutdown, forced re-start, or power outage will head off most disk problems. Tom
    Kappy's Steps to Produce a bootable clone
    Prep external FW drive:
    1. Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
    2. Select the backup or destination volume from the left side list.
    3. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (journaled, if available) and click on the Erase button. This step can be skipped if the destination has already been freshly erased.
    4. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    5. Select the backup or destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    6. Select the startup or source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
    7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    8. Select the destination drive on the Desktop and press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window. At the bottom in the Ownership and Permissions section be sure the box labeled "Ignore Permissions on this Volume" is unchecked. Verify the settings for Ownership and Permissions as follows: Owner=system with read/write; Group=admin with read/write; Other with read-only. If they are not correct then reset them.
    For added precaution you can boot into safe mode before doing the clone.

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    Flushkie wrote:
    I copied 250 gig of music from my old pc hard drive to my desktop. I just imported them to iTunes by adding them to my library. Now that the music is all in iTunes, I can delete the large music file on my desktop?
    This is another topic that should have it's own thread.
    To answer your question. It depends on if you had <iTunes/Preferences/Advanced/Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library> checked. If the files were copied then you have duplicates and the files on the desktop can be deleted. If the files were not copied then the files on the desktop ARE your music files.

  • Adobe Reader 9.3.2 silent install package questions, please ...

      I am a network and Desktop Support person for a higher education facility.  I was asked to take over automating software application
      I have a script process, created by Auto-It (Scite script editor), that has been working well for Adobe Reader 9.1 with updates to 9.1.1, 9.1.2 and 9.1.3 (found on the Internet) -
    msiexec /i \\<server>\<path>\AcroRead.msi TRANSFORMS=\\<server>\<path>\AcroRead_10132009.mst /passive /norestart /update \\<server>\<path>\AdbeRdrUpd911_all_incr.msp;\\<server>\<path>\AdbeRdrUpd912_all_incr.msp; \\<server>\<path>\AdbeRdrUpd913_all_incr.msp
      My questions:
    Is there a similar process for installing Adobe Reader 9.3 silently and then updating to 9.3.2?
    If so, what are the steps, ex. expand/extract the initial 9.3 .EXE, then create a transform using Orca/<transform making of choice>, etc.?
    With having read of some issues in this forum regarding Adobe Reader 9.3.2, should I continue using 9.1.3 and wait?
      Thank you for your time.

    Well we have a wiki where I work, and here is then entry I have created on how to deploy Adobe Reader. See if any of this helps, if not, we'll take it from there.
    It is HIGHLY recommended that you read and follow the directions of the deployment guide provided by Adobe located at The documentation located here is simply for a quick reference for those who have already read the guide.
    The rights to distribute Adobe Reader must be obtained by filling out the form found at After filling out the form and being accepted to distribute Adobe Reader, you will receive an email with a link to download the redistributable version of Adobe Reader. You will be prompted to download a .exe package containing the Reader MSI file. The general form of the command to convert a Nosso-compressed file to an MSI package is:
    <path to>\AdbeRdr90_en_US.exe [<switches>...]
    Do not execute any file after installation (overrides the -e switch) This switch should be used if user only wants to extract the installer contents and not run the installer.
    Specifies the name of folder where the contents of the expanded package are to be placed. The folder name should be enclosed in quotation marks. It is best if you do not use an existing folder, and there should be no space following the “-nos_o”.
    For example:<path to>\AdbeRdr90_en_US.exe -nos_o”TestFolder” -nos_ne
    Using the extracted MSI, create an Administrative Installation Point (AIP) using the command-line:
    msiexec /a <path to>\AcroPro.msi transforms=<path to>\AcroPro.mst
    The AcroPro.mst transform file is created by the Adobe Customization Wizard 9
    You can apply any patches that may have been released since the major version release. Use the command-line:
    msiexec /a <path to>\AcroPro.msi /p <path to>\AdbeRdrUpd931.msp;<path to>\AdbeRdrUpd932.msp
    Once all this is complete, you can fully deploy the software by running the command-line:
    <path to>\AcroRead.msi transforms=<path to>\AcroRead.mst /qb
    More information can also be found in the Enterprise Administration Guide

  • Classpath & packages

    I've been struggling to set up my package structure properly. Here's the situation:
    C:\project\impl2 :contains the files in "package impl2"
    C:\project\impl :contains classes that import impl2.* (let's call these the "child classes")
    (OS is Win2000)
    When I set the CLASSPATH=C:\project or compile with "-classpath c:\project", the child classes can "import impl2.*" fine, but can't see each other?? :( and when I disable those options they can see each other normally but naturally can't see package impl2.
    Eg: when I say "can't see each other" I mean:
    Say class X has 'import impl2.*' and compiles OK, then class Y that also has 'import impl2.*' and uses an instance of class X compiles with the error "Cannot resolve suymbol: class X location class Y ...etc...".
    with class X & Y both in c:\project\impl
    Now evidently I'm doing something wrong here, but I dunno what. Any replies whould be most appreciated.

    So if i want classes at location A to use a package at location B i muts include both A and B in the classpath, even if I'm compiling from A. I see...
    According to the Java tutorial at :
    "For your convenience, the Java runtime system automatically imports three entire packages:
    The default package (the package with no name)
    The java.lang package
    The current package "
    It was my understanding that "the default package" meant the classes at A in my example, but I guess to import it you still have to have the right classpath ;)
    I did have a problem when I tried to include 2 paths in the classpath, should something like
    -classpath c:\project\impl; c:\project\impl2
    do the trick?

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