Another Internet connection issue

The internet on my MBP works maybe 60% of the time. Either pages don't load or I get sent to my ISPs page saying "x" website cannot be found (actually, now the OpenDNS version). All other Macs (all running the latest OSX Leopard updates) and PCs in the house work perfectly fine, as does Vista in BootCamp.
I've seen the other topics, but nothing - and I mean NOTHING - has fixed this. Here is a list of things I tried:
Switched to OpenDNS on my computer AND router (an 802.11n Airport Extreme).
Ping every 5 seconds (didn't help so I stopped this).
Repaired Permissions.
Disabled log-in items.
Reset PRAM.
And here is the kicker... performed an Archive and Install (and then tried the above again).
Nothing. I can't even Sync 1Password, MobileFinder or BeatMaker on my iPhone with my Mac because of this. What on earth is going on here? I have a friend that has the same issue, so it has to be something in Leopard. Short of a clean install (I even have my doubts there) is there any hope?
Thanks a lot!

There's always the possibility it could be a hardware issue with the AirPort Extreme card in your MBP.
Do you see any messages in your /var/log/system.log that might explain the issues?

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    Hi Kevin,
    I'm using an XLR input mic which is connected to the phantom power enabled XLR mic socket on a USB M-Audio M-Track. The M-Track is connected by USB to the Mac Pro - so effectively I've got an M-Audio USB soundcard with a mic input.  I've also tried a microphone that is a straight XLR to USB cable (guessing with some soundcard chip buried in the usb plug) but that also yields the same effect of bad latency, intermittent quality, stuttering and repeating and echoing (without the speakers on during record so its not feedback).
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    Hi there,
    I'm wondering if someone can help me resolve an internet connectivity issue on my MacBook Pro.
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    Operating System is Mac OSX Version 10.6.7
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    It sounds like your MacBook Pro has either incorrect or missing DNS IP address information in it network profile. Let's start with your wireless connection. You would find these in System Preferences > Network > Wi-Fi > Advanced > DNS tab
    If your main Internet router is performing as the DHCP server, it would provide the DNS IP addresses (typically from your ISP) on this tab. You may have two or more addresses listed. If they are grayed, that means that the addresses are coming from the DHCP server.
    In the following example screen shot, I am using DNS servers provided by OpenDNS. Notice that they are grayed as they are being provided by my main Internet router. Again, these should be either ones provided by your ISP or ones you purposely set up, like my OpenDNS ones.

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    *228, option 2 (to reset Roaming)
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    Airplane Mode is set to "Off"; Restrictions are set to "Off"; Bluetooth is set to "Off"
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    I tried everything you did and more, i thought i had it working, but i got a voicemail today and when i went to open it earlier it just has the wheel loading forever and then says it cant onnect to voicemail. the searching does make it wear down the battery faster as well.  i can get calls, texts etc, but i cant help but think there are a few bugs with the ios 6.01 software

  • Internet Connectivity Issues

    By process of elimination, I may have the right source of my problem, but may not!
    Recently purchased a Time Capsule, primarily to replace my old Airport Extreme and extend its effective range within a new house. At the same time, I upgraded my iMac OS to Snow Leopard (so maybe this has caused a problem?!)
    In the last few days have been having severe internet connectivity issues - either v slow speeds or so slow that Mail and/or Safari times out. My ISP tells me that their lines are working fine (I know they would say that, wouldn't they) and, admittedly, my old Powerbook (connected to the Airport network and onto the DSL router) is running Internet applications fine. So somthing seems to be wrong with the iMac or its setup.
    Have run Network Diagnostics which tell me there's no problem (except it's still really slow!) and have obviously rebooted repeatedly (including the router and Time Capsule).
    Any ideas?

    Hello AnaB4,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I see that you are getting a message to connect to server to update ink levels when printing with the 8620. This has been an issue since the weekend, server problems have been noted as the cause. The only resolution I know of at this time is to follow the steps here: Re: How do I correct the date on my HP Envy 4500?, or keep hitting OK.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to the left of the reply button to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Internet connectivity issues on Mac

    I was wondering if there was any solution to an internet connectivity issue I'm having on a mac. It seemed to start when I purchased a new modem: an iPrimus AudioCodes MP252 wireless router. Basically the internet connection will either drop out or become stagnant/very slow. There have been no connection/speed issues on any Windows PC or laptop, but often when you try to use the internet on the mac it precipitates a network dropout, thus affecting the connection on Windows computers as well.
    I'm trying to see if there's anything else that can be done besides taking it in to be serviced. ISP support hasn't been able to fix the issue, so perhaps it is some sort of compatibility issue between that particular modem and Apple Macs. Obviously the last resort is buying a new modem.
    Modem: AudioCodes MP252 Series wireless router
    Mac: Mac OS X Version 10.6.8

    Hi, some Modems/Routers only like Windows PCs, also see if QoS is running on it giving most resources to PCs.
    Make a New Location, Using network locations in Mac OS X ...
    10.5, 10.6, 10.7 & 10.8…
    System Preferences>Network, top of window>Locations>Edit Locations, little plus icon, give it a name.
    10.5.x/10.6.x/10.7.x/10.8.x instructions...
    System Preferences>Network, click on the little gear at the bottom next to the + & - icons, (unlock lock first if locked), choose Set Service Order.
    The interface that connects to the Internet should be dragged to the top of the list.
    If using Wifi/Airport...
    Instead of joining your Network from the list, click the WiFi icon at the top, and click join other network. Fill in everything as needed.
    For 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8, System Preferences>Network, unlock the lock if need be, highlight the Interface you use to connect to Internet, click on the advanced button, click on the DNS tab, click on the little plus icon, then add these numbers...
    (There may be better or faster DNS numbers in your area, but these should be a good test).
    Click OK.
    If that doesn't work try changing channels on your Router.

  • EA6900 Internet Connection Issue - Desktop connected via ethernet cable

    Hi there,
    I have an HP p6837c, 64-bit OS with Windows 7 Home Premium. It is directly connected to the EA6900 via ethernet cable. My internet connection constantly drops (as in variably every 5 seconds to 5 minutes) then re-establishes itself. I have no internet connection issues when directly connected to the modem. All of the wirelss devices that are connected via the EA6900 are working without any issue. My husband's laptop, which has Windows 8.1, functions with no problem when directly connected to the EA6900 via ethernet cable. We've tried swapping out the cable. We've tried adjusting the MTUs per Support's suggestion. Nothing has solved the issue
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    Internet Service Provider and Modem Configurations
    What ISP Service do you have? Cable or DSL?
    What ISP Modem Mfr. and model # do you have?
    Is ISP Modem/Service using Dynamic or Static WAN IP addressing?
    What ISP Modem service link speeds UP and Down do you have?
    Check cable between Modem and Router and PC, swap out to be sure. Link> is recommended.
    Check ISP MTU requirements, Cable is usually 1500, DSL is around 1492 down to 1472. Call the ISP and ask.
    I recommend that you have your ISP check the cabling going to the ISP modem, check signal levels going to the ISP modem. For cable Internet, RG-6 coaxial cable is needed, not RG-59. Check for t.v. line splitters and remove them as they can introduce noise on the line and lower the signal going to the ISP modem. Connecting to the ISP modem could result in a false positive as the signal to the modem could be just enough to that point then adding on a router, could see problems. The router operation is dependent upon getting good data flow from the ISP modem and the modem is dependent upon getting good signal from the ISP Service.
    Router and Wired Configurations
    Setup DHCP reserved IP addresses for all devices ON the router. This ensures each devices gets its own IP address when turned on and connected, eliminates IP address conflicts and helps in troubleshooting and maintain consistency for applications that need to connect as well as mapped drives.
    Ensure devices are set to auto obtain an IP address.
    If is an option on the router, select Local Connection Only.
    PC 3rd Party Security Software Configurations
    Turn off all anti virus and firewall programs on PC while testing. 3rd party firewalls are not generally needed when using routers as they are effective on blocking malicious inbound traffic.
    Router Placement
    Forum User - "Well I feel really dumb. After moving the router away from other electronic devices my speeds are back to normal. Just a heads up for anyone experiencing slow speeds, you might want to move it away from other electronics and see if that helps."
    3-6' feet minimum safe distance between devices.
    Placement on main level floor and central in the building and WELL ventilated is preferred. Not in basements or closets as building materials, or near by electronics devices could interfere or hinder good signal propagation.

  • Internet Connectivity Issues, 511 CPU Fan not detected

    I have been experiencing some issues with my HP ENVY Pohenix 800-060 (running Windows 8.1) PC lately.
    My internet connectivity has been acting crazy. Pages won't load fully. For example, when I am on Facebook I can't scroll down and have more posts load. I have to hit refresh and sometimes it will let me scroll down further than before. To load sites sometimes I have to hit refresh. If I am using just the wifi I am constantly connecting and disconnecting at totally random intervals but it's stable if I use an ethernet cable (however the other issues still persist). Images won't load fully as seen here
    Also, starting yesterday when I restart my computer I get an error message that says 511 CPU fan not detected. I have opened my computer and dusted the fan and I have also unplugged it and plugged it back in to the motherboard to make sure it's securely connected. What's strange is that this only happens about 8 out of 10 times when I start my computer, and if it does happen I can simply touch the fan to get it started and it will work just fine until I turn my computer off.
    I noticed in the HP Support Assistant that if you update to Windows 8.1 it says that you may experience internet connectivity loss and hardware problems so I don't know if these problems are related or not. I have checked and my drivers are up to date according to the HP website that searches for updates for you.
    I am currently backing up my computer and plan on resetting it to factory default if I can't find the source of these problems. 

    Eldrscrolls, welcome to the forum.
    Please check the CPU fan thoroughly before using the computer futher.  If it has failed you could fry the components.  I don't know if it has liquid cooling, but if so, be extremely careful.
    A System Recovery is a very good idea.  After updating Win 8.0 to 8.1 on my HP Split, I had several problems, such as, wireless connectivity.  I did the Recovery back to Win 8.0.  It solved my problems.  After a few days I gave Win 8.1 another chance.  It has performed admirably.  If the system is overheating because the CPU fan failed this could cause your problems, also.
    Please click the "Thumbs up + button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • WRT120N Internet Connection Issue

    I have a unique problem that I have not been able to find any forum that helps. I hope someone out there can help me as I have been spending hours trying to fix it and gettin very frustrated. Linksys support blames the problem on my modem and my ISP support blames it in on the router. This message might be a little long, but I want to explain everything. I have had my router for a couple months now and everything was working fine. I use to have my router hard wired to my desktop and had another computer for my kids connected wirelessly. Just recently, I bought a new laptop to replace my desktop and was hoping to go completely wireless with my laptop and the kids computer. Before I tore down my desktop, I connected my laptop to my network and internet seamlessly so I could transfer some files. However, when I tore down my desktop and disconnected the ethernet cable that was hard wired to the router I lost my internet connection on all computers. The weird thing is as soon as I hard wired my router to my laptop I regained internet access and once I unplug it, I lose it. I have tried resetting my router and setting my network up for scratch again but it did not help. I have a feeling that is is some configuration setting on my router that needs to be changed, but I don't know what. When I do have my hard wire disconnected and I lose internet access, I can still access my network and talk between the computers. Please help!

    That's understandable. I agree there's a doubt in upgrading the firmware because some had more trouble than resolving the issues. I checked the latest version for your router which is v1.0.04. However, most have it successful. I'm thinking that some wasn't able to upgrade the router properly, causing it to malfunction. And as to their technical support, they will still insist you to upgrade the firmware. There's no other way but to update it.
    Anyway, I found your issue a little weird. But let's give it a try before flashing your router with the new firmware. Does your ISP rely on registered MAC address? Because some had trouble with it and cloning the MAC address resolves it. Here are the steps. Give it a try.

  • Multiple Internet Connection Issues

    Hi there, long time reader first time poster.
    I figured I should post this as, while having read through hundreds of similar posts I still can't figure out how to solve my connectivity issues.
    I just bought a new iMac 21.5 inch 3.2Ghz i3 model and while I am happy with the machine overall, it is the second one in a month - the first had a faulty ethernet port and refused to connect to the internet out of the box. Apple replaced it without question - almost as if they knew.
    The replacement has now seemingly developed the same issue.
    Some background info. The computer was connected both through ethernet and through the TC I bought to back it up until yesterday. So I was getting both a wireless signal from the TC and one through ethernet.
    I have a hub that has 5 devices connected to it ( Printer, Cable TV, iMac and TC - now a PS3 ) That hub is served a signal by a simple NTT modem connected to a phone line. That modem is now nearly 5 years old but has always given great net speeds so I don't believe the problem to be the modem - I could be wrong though.
    I just bought a PS3 and tried connecting it yesterday but had multiple problems. Despite me entering the correct PPPoE information to the letter, the PS3 refused to connect, saying the password and username was incorrect. I could connect it via a Bluetooth signal but no hard wired connection would work.
    So I unplugged everything from the hub, shut down all the machines, turned off the modem and let it sit for 10 minutes and then plugged the ethernet cable from the PS3 straight into the modem, giving it a direct line. Switched on modem, rebooted PS3 and tried again - this time it connected through ethernet. I still don't know how or why. I can guess but I'm sure you guys know much more about this than I do.
    So then I tried connecting the iMac back to the net, reconnected all the hub, followed the same procedure. Off, sit for a bit, on etc. This time the PS3 has no connection and now the iMac has no connection either!
    The TC gave a green light though so I was able to get wireless. I tried removing all net locations from the iMac, installing new ones, renewed the DHCP lease, but no matter what I did (PPPoE info 100% correct) it just refused to establish a connection.
    The the bloody TC light flashed amber and I couldn't get wireless either despite being plugged into the hub and getting a signal! The PS3 is now working and the cable is fine so I am starting to think either I have cluster ****** the whole setup or something is wrong with the iMac.
    I go away for an hour then come back and the stupid TC has somehow picked up a connection! The light is green again?! But now the time connected display is scrolling repeatedly. I've got net but what the **** is wrong with all this?
    Bottom line - not ethernet connection for the iMac but TC seems to be working and all other devices have a connection.
    Please help me if you can! I just can't figure any of this out.
    Message was edited by: Zildog
    Message was edited by: Zildog

    Your description is a bit confusing, but I use English as a second language, so it may be just me.
    1. How is the hub connecting to your modem, by ethernet cable or wirelessly?
    2. Which device is negotiating the internet connection with your ISP, the modem?
    3. Does the device that negotiates the connection use PPPoE?
    4. How are the other devices being handed their internet connection? DHCP only?
    Only one device should be connecting directly to your ISP using the PPPoE protocol and configured with your account username and password. This device is preferably the modem. This device should be configured to hand out internal IP addresses to the other devices on your LAN using DHCP. All of the other devices should be configured to request an IP from that device, whether by ethernet or wi-fi, just with DHCP.

  • Windows 7 and internet connection issue

    I am having a problem connecting to internet on Windows 7 OS. I have a Macbook that installed Windows 7 on Bootcamp. When I connect the DSL wire to my computer in dormitory it connects automatically. But when I go to somewhere else it doesn't connect. I also tried to connect using IP address which consists of 4-5 rows of numbers. Unfortunately, I cannot find the tab where I can enter these IP address numbers. So I was wondering if there is something wrong with my Network Driver (or may be it is missing some networking drivers).
    The main reason I want to connect to the Internet in Windows system is because I need to activate Keyshot (which requires internet connection and it works only on windows platform). My teacher said if the IP system is different on the Windows installed Macintosh, then it may not activate the product. So I was wondering if my Windows networking system works differently from Windows system on normal PC. If so how to fix this connection problem. Sorry if my question is too complicated.
    But again, I am able to connect on my windows at home. But this connection is still not allowing me to activate the software. As I understood, this program requires normal internet connection of Windows. I don't know what is wrong with my computer.

    Thanks for the direction. Did you mention the Bootcamp forum within this or are you talking about a forum that exists outside of (maybe some website solely devoted to Bootcamp or windows issues)?

  • HT1695 iPad 3 iOS6 upgrade internet connectivity issue

    I just upgraded my WIFI only new iPad to iOS 6 and as soon as it finished the install it lost connection with my wireless network. It recognizes the network and I can even inter the password, but then it says unable to connect.  How do I fix this issue since I cannot even exit the setup for iOS 6 without an internet connection?
    When I upgraded my iPhone 4s today to iOS 6 I also noticed that it is also unable to connect to my wifi, however, my laptop, playstation, etc connect just fine (its not a router issue).
    Please help.

    I am also having this exact problem.   I am unable to connect to my FIOS wifi router (which I usually have disabled) but am unable to connect to my Netgear WG102 Access Point - with WPA2 or no security - I get the same error message - unable to connect
    Apple.....I think you guys have F#$%ED up with whatever you did.   All my other devices on IOS5 work, but my IOS6 devices now do not work with Netgear.

  • Recent McAfee update creating Verizon internet connection issue

    A recent update of McAfee security software contains a bad DAT file (#6807) which stops your ability to connect to the internet, even though your computer shows a connection your modem/router. The fix is to uninstall McAfee & reinstall a corrected version from their website. If you go the the McAfee website there is an alert on their homepage addressing the issue & linking you to the fix. 
    Verizon's tech support (2 hrs. on the phone last night & 1/2 hr on live chat with them this morning) had no clue and was unable to help me solve my connectivity problem. But a very brief message on Verizon's support telephone line cautioned about the McAfee issue. A rhetorical question - if the problem is widespread enough to warrant an automated message when you call for assistance, then why don't their tech support personnel know about it?

    I have recently been working on a friend's laptop with this same problem, no internet access.  He works for Verizon and the Verizon Fios tech told him he had to contact McAfee because it was a McAfee issue.  They never told him that it may have been caused by a McAfee update.  So he called the McAfee tech support and they had him remove one of the McAfee products, but the Family Protection Suite was still present and he could not remove it.  I tried to remove it, but I kept getting an error trying to remove it.  I then did an internet search and found that all of the McAfee products could be removed one instance.  Use the McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool availabe from the following link:
    Run this program and all of the McAfee suite will be removed.  This was done on my friends laptop and after a reboot, all internet connectivity was restored.
    Good Luck,

  • Internet Connectivity issue on my MacBook Air using Time Capsule.

    My brand new Air has a connectivy problem on my home network. My iMac, iPhone 4 and iPad all use the same time capsule network with no drop of Internet. My air is showing full strength wifi signal but it loses the Internet connection every 5 minutes or so, and reconnects after 3 or 4 minutes with no help from me.
    The Air shows no such problems using the office wifi network.
    Please help! The Air is 4 days old and might be heading back to the iStore (or off the balcony) if I can't solve the issue soon.
    Many thanks

    What exactly is crashing?

  • WRT54G no internet connection issue

          I've been using a WRT54G router for a few years and it's worked fine until now.  I recently installed AVG8.5 on to my computer and now the router can't find the internet connection.  I have my compture wired to it.
          I hooked the mode directly up to my computer to make sure the modem wasn't the issue and it worked fine.  I checked to make sure the local settings were on autodect and the lights on the router are all lit correctly.  I have uninstalled AVG8.5 and the router still keeps saying that it cannot detect an internet connection.  I've tried reseting the router and reinstalling the software, but no dice.
          I did manage to get it to broadcast its SSID, but when I tried to connect wireless it won't allow anything to connect to it.  So, I'm assuming something is blocking it on my machine.  Any advice?  Thanks!

    After resetting the router I assume the router is not properly confiured and that's the reason you have lost the Internet connection on all the computers...
    You should leave the AVG8.5 un-installed and re-configure your router...
    If your Internet Service Providor is Cable follow this link
    If your Internet Service Providor is DSL follow this link

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