Another iWeb Problem

I have been updating an iWeb site (which I initially set up in early March but STILL will not be found by a Google search)
The problem I now have is that when I update old pages and / or add new ones then click 'publish' when I search for the URL I just get the same old pages as below
To give you an idea of what I expect to find if I delete the 'home%20page' and add 'Clumber%20&%20Thoresby'
- I get to see all of the site as it should be but when I then click on Home I lose the new pages and it reverts to the old site as above
Baffled - any ideas ?
The above is your short iWeb URL. There is no real need to remember any other URL unless you have multiple sites (I realize you do), and even then you only need to specify up to the sitename. When I type in the short URL, it takes me to your Homepage and I can also click over to Clumber & Thoresby and back just fine. Are these the most up to date pages?
Could you clarify your problem some more for me? I'm not seeing a problem based on your above description. All the pages seem to be there and functioning properly.
For good measure, you should empty your browser cache in case you are seeing weird stuff show up from your browser memory. In Safari, look under the Safari menu and select "Emtpy cache..."

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    You could try duplicating the Domain.sites2 file and launch this in iWeb. Delete the last page you edited and try saving. If that doesn't work, undo and try deleting another and so on...
    If you can find the problem page you would only have to rebuild it rather than the whole site.
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    Thanks Roddy.
    FYI- I downloaded the "Domain.sites2" file from your page (because I deleted mine yeterday)  So now the file is sitting on my desktop in my "Download" window.
    I see the good back-up file I want to use on my desktop, but when I go to drag the file from my desktop and drop it in "Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb", it does not take.  I am not allowed to drop files on that iWeb page directly.  (I tried to drop the the "Domain.sites2" file from the Download window, but that also does not allow me to drag and drop it directly to the iWeb folder.)

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    Why don't my iWeb pages appear in AOL?
    What are you seeing exactly? A url would really help in figuring out what you are talking about.
    Is there a fix
    for this forthcoming from Apple?
    I doubt it.

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    yes i have watched the tutorial ... no comment made about this field at all
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    svfoster wrote: do we let Apple know something isn't right?
    Another approach is to join the +Apple Developer Connection+ -- the Online category is free, here:
    ....then you can use this to create a trackable problem report:
    ...And no, you don't need to be a "developer" to join — just an Apple user who wants to make sure Apple knows there's a bug and have the ability to track its resolution.

  • My iWeb problem stumped the Genius Bar

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    I got a problem thats really frustrating me . The Genius man in the apple shop couldn't help , he'd never seen this problem before so he suggested I try here . Here's the thing .
    I've made a site for my photography with my own domain name . Galleries up , blogging away to myself , everything was working fine for months . Until .... one day I added some more blog entries , saved but didn't upload them and switched off the mac . I opened up iWeb the next day and half the pages are either blank or show only the grey background , not just the new pages but older ones also . The welcome page & about me , all the galleries and several of the blog posts are gone .
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    Dave .

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Paragraph 2.3 of iWeb FAQ site has some tips on how to use some of the files from the published site in rebuilding: There have been a couple of posts of similar experiences, closing iWeb and when reopened the pages were empty or partially empty. I don't remember any fix-all for that. The problem sounds a lot like a problem with iPhoto, the library is good but when after shutting down and rebooting the next day it's appears empty. Fortunately there's a way to protect against that. But not with iWeb.

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    Not at all, I've used many FTP programs and this one appears to function just the same, however - I'm new to the world of mac and haven't got a clue really as to what I need to be uploading, I'll give an my website folder I currently have the folders Blog, Media, Scripts, Movie_files, and individual files titled feed.xml, Movie.html and index.html, (there is also another index file generated outside of my website folder by iweb, not sure why that's created but I simply upload the site folder and that index file to my site, as per the instructions mentioned on the link you provided) ...but, let's say I decided to update the Movie part of my website in iweb, after doing so, one would assume that I have to upload the new media files, perhaps reupload the movie.html as it's probably changed, the movie_files folder would need updating too as it will have a new .jpg for the picture loaded for the movie preview picture, and that should really be it, right?....apparently wrong, I tried doing exactly what I mentioned and while the files are uploaded, the website for some reason doesn't appear to recognize anything different at all, the only way is to reupload the entire website every time I make even the slightest of changes, perhaps I'm uploading the wrong files when I do it but I can't think of what else needs uploading..

  • Iweb problems publish second site

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    I use IWeb to make my site with no problem. however now I'm doing another site (diferent file and domain) and can't publish the new site). I've tried to erase my the first site from "sites" but cannot publish the other site!
    it doesn't respond to the command "publish".
    any help?
    thank in advance

    I delete "Cache.db" in Library/Cache/ ; "" in Library/Preferences.
    iWeb publishing don't change.
    With Time Machine, I restaure an older version of Domain all in "blue". When I want publish one modification, all the sites turn red.
    I chat with french MobileMe support. They say it's a iWeb issue.
    I delete iWeb. I install it and upload the last version. iWeb publishing don't change.
    I re-install Mac OS Snow Leopard and upload the last version. iWeb publishing don't change.
    I use iWeb since the first version, and I like it. I have many published pages.
    No news from MobileMe. Distressing situation, isn't it ?

  • Another iWeb question

    With my 06 updated to 08, I plan at the end of the year to not publish one of my websites. (I have two) I would like to save the one I am not publishing for use at another time. I will keep the other one up and running. How can I save the not published one? And in the future, how would I bring it back to iWeb and be able to publish it again with the other site I have. Thank you!

    You don't need to have either of the files in the iWeb folder. I only suggested you move Website A there so that it launches when you open iWeb.
    To make this clear, the website stored in the iWeb folder will be loaded into iWeb when you launch the application. To load any other site stored in a separate folder you have to quit iWeb, go to that folder and click the domain file to launch it in the application.
    With the new system in .Mac you can only publish one website. When you publish a second site it replaces the first. This backwards step by Apple seems incomprehensible to most of us and is causing users a lot of problems. There is a work around but it involves moving folders around on your iDisk. You'll find information in this forum.
    .Mac was never the best way to publish sites and, with this recent restriction is less so.
    I only use .Mac for testing out sites before I upload them to a web hosting service. The company I host with allows you 6 sites for about $7 per month. The response and reliability are way better than .Mac. To do this you publish your site to a folder and upload it to the server using FTP software. There is a bit of a learning curve but it is by no means difficult and the advantages are worth the effort.
    If you decide to go this route and you choose a good hosting company you will get excellent tech support.
    You can email me if you need help or recommendations for hosting and software.

  • Is this an iWeb problem or something else?

    I normally publish a website to an ftp server using iWeb. 
    Its worked fine for a couple of years but recently when I try to publish it does its stuff, says its publishing in the background but then fails to upload.  I've talked to the company which hosts the domain and they can log in fine, as can I using Template, but I am not techno-skilled enough to publish the site using text. 
    Can anyone tell me whether this is an iWeb software problem or something else, and how to sort it?  Many thanks!

    Log in to another user account on your Mac, copy your domail file into the other user account and see if you can launch iWeb  and publish it to a folder.  If you can't then the problem is system wide and an reinstall of iWeb is warranted.
    To do so you'll have to delete the current application and all files with "iWeb" in the file name with either a .PKG or .BOM extension that reside in the HD/Library/Receipts folder and from the /var/db/receipts/  folder.
    Click to view full size
    Then install iWeb from the disk it came on originally and appy all needed updaters: Apple - Support - Downloads.
    If you can publish successfully in the other account then that indicates there's something in your account that's the culprit.  There is a test for that so let us know if you can or can't publish in the other account.
    As for Flux just download and start using it.  It will tell you that you have 30 days of demo mode. I suggest you watch the video tutorials at the Flux site and the few 3rd party flux videos on YouTube. I found them to be quite helpful.
    Even though it can open your published iWeb site files I suggest you start a new site from scratch to get a feel of the software.  iWeb sites are extermely complex and might scare you (it did me) into not going much further.  You can learn more by starting a new site from scratch or one if Flux's templates.

  • Iweb problems converting to ilife08

    anyone had or heard of this issue? I had a website published through ilife 06 and updated to o8. After doing this several of my pages lost formating and lost some fonts. The interesting thing is those same fonts where fine on some pages, no consistency with why some translate and some don't. I have brought it into the store 3 times and they instructed me to revert back to 06 or buy another software called freeway pro. Not sure what to do?? Any help will be appreciated! jonasbro

    I have experienced exactly the same problems. The only solution I found was to convert the text into an image.
    TO DO THIS: in iWeb:Preferences activate TEXT: SHOW TEXT IMAGING INDICATOR. This will show you which text is converted or not.
    Select your text box and in the INSPECTOR: SHAPE TOOL, select SHADOW (you can give the text a 0pt white shadow at 5%, which will make it invisible) This will convert the text into an image therefore hopefully no more font conflicts.
    I still have a few question marks appearing on my web page in places where there isn't even any text, but I haven't figured out how to get rid of that yet...

  • Too many redirects - Safari can't open page - Domainmonster to iWeb problem

    I am trying to publish my website made with iWeb - I purchased a domain from Domainmonster. - and by looking around the web I think I have done the whole CNAME thing correctly.
    When I go to my mobile me account summary it says - Personal Domain =
    So I think it should be OK.
    I clicked publish in iWeb and it seemed to work but when I try my domain I just get the following message: Safari can’t open the page.
    Too many redirects occurred trying to open “”. This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the original page.

    OK I still could net get it sorted so I contacted Domainmonsters help desk and below is the nice clear answer to my problems.
    I add it here in case anybody else has problems.
    Ethiod, thank you very much for you help, regardless, much appreciated that you at least tried to help.
    Thank you for contacting
    1. Log in to your account and choose to manage your domain by highlighting it on the right hand menu and clicking “Manage”.
    2. Choose “Website Content” then click “Web Forwarding”.
    3. Within Web Forwarding set-up non-framed web forwarding to point to – this will forward the root record (non www.) to the www. address – meaning that either or will go to the correct location.
    4. Once saved, click on the “ > Control Panel” breadcrumb at the top of the page to take you back to your control panel.
    5. Click on “Manage DNS”.
    6. Within DNS settings delete the A Record for www. (check box to the right hand side and then click “save DNS Updates”)
    a. Now add a CNAME Record with the following settings:
    i. Alias: www
    ii. Address:
    7. You will now have pointed your www. record to your account.
    8. You will need to ensure that your iWeb account is correctly set-up to expect your domain. You can do this by specifying a Personal Domain ( Apple have provided a tutorial here
    Let me know if I can assist you further

  • Error Publishing from iweb 09 - Server or iweb problems??

    I upgraded from iweb 08 (I had no issues) to iweb 09, and I have publishing errors more than half the time. Are the mobileme servers having problems, or is there a hack in the iweb software?
    This is a big problem because I have 20 Gb of pages with video that I need to re-publish. It is bad enough that I will be tying my network up for 2 weeks, but that I often don't make progress.
    The message is "Error connecting to mobileme, check network.. .." The problem is that it uploads for an hour or so before it stops.. I am double checking to see if my routing is causing the problem, but I don't think so..
    Is Apple working on this? Are there numerous people who are now stuck re-publishing their sites and the servers are getting beat up? Does anyone know how to diagnose this type of problem?

    Finally i solved the issue of Publishing Error in iWeb 09 with MobileMe.
    Procedure which i followed and might also help you guys.
    Lets say your default site name is XYZ then create a new site e.g. ABC.
    Thereafter dragged all pages from default site XYZ to new site ABC ONE BY ONE.
    *In the preference folder delete any PLIST files related to iWeb (i had two files in my folder).*
    *Once you drag all pages from your default site to new site there after just make a new blank page and publish the site.*
    Then start dragging first one page from new site ABC and publish one page. There after repeat all pages one by one and publish after every page you drag from new site ABC to default site XYZ.
    Once you finish then take a backup in time machine of the domain.
    There after start your blog page then publish again then start photos album page, publish again then your movie page, publish again etc because these are the pages which were mostly creating errors.
    After you complete the final page and publish remove the blank page and publish again.
    I spent 3 days with the same problem and finally i could finish by this method in few hours.

  • Calling method from another class problem

    i am having problem with my code. When i call the method from the other class, it does not function correctly?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class Dice extends JComponent
        private static final int SPOT_DIAM = 9; 
        private int faceValue;   
        public Dice()
            setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60,60));
        public int roll()
            int val = (int)(6*Math.random() + 1);  
            return val;
        public int getValue()
            return faceValue;
        public void setValue(int spots)
            faceValue = spots;
        @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            int w = getWidth(); 
            int h = getHeight();
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            g2.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
            g2.drawRect(0, 0, w-1, h-1); 
            switch (faceValue)
                case 1:
                    drawSpot(g2, w/2, h/2);
                case 3:
                    drawSpot(g2, w/2, h/2);
                case 2:
                    drawSpot(g2, w/4, h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, 3*w/4, 3*h/4);
                case 5:
                    drawSpot(g2, w/2, h/2);
                case 4:
                    drawSpot(g2, w/4, h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, 3*w/4, 3*h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, 3*w/4, h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, w/4, 3*h/4);
                case 6:
                    drawSpot(g2, w/4, h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, 3*w/4, 3*h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, 3*w/4, h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, w/4, 3*h/4);
                    drawSpot(g2, w/4, h/2);
                    drawSpot(g2, 3*w/4, h/2);
        private void drawSpot(Graphics2D g2, int x, int y)
            g2.fillOval(x-SPOT_DIAM/2, y-SPOT_DIAM/2, SPOT_DIAM, SPOT_DIAM);
    }in another class A (the main class where i run everything) i created a new instance of dice and added it onto a JPanel.Also a JButton is created called roll, which i added a actionListener.........rollButton.addActionListener(B); (B is instance of class B)
    In Class B in implements actionlistener and when the roll button is clicked it should call "roll()" from Dice class
    Dice d = new Dice();
    it works but it does not repaint the graphics for the dice? the roll method will get a random number but then it will call the method to repaint()???
    Edited by: AceOfSpades on Mar 5, 2008 2:41 PM
    Edited by: AceOfSpades on Mar 5, 2008 2:42 PM

    One way:
    class Flintstone
        private String name;
        public Flintstone(String name)
   = name;
        public String toString()
            return name;
        public static void useFlintstoneWithReference(Flintstone fu2)
        public static void useFlintstoneWithOutReference()
            Flintstone barney = new Flintstone("Barney");
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Flintstone fred = new Flintstone("Fred");
            useFlintstoneWithReference(fred); // fred's the reference I"m passing to the method
    can also be done with action listener
    {code}    private class MyActionListener implements ActionListener
            private Flintstone flintstone;
            public MyActionListener(Flintstone flintstone)
                this.flintstone = flintstone;
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0)
                //do whatever using flinstone
    Edited by: Encephalopathic on Mar 5, 2008 3:06 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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