Another Legacy Bug...

When choosing "Hide Edges" under the View menu... it's an all or nothing affair. So that if you don't want to see 100000 dots on your artwork, you also can't see whether you have actually selected text or not.... like even the curser dissappears! Why?

The easy reply first:
To Mylenium:
yes, as I tell all of my clients and colleagues... using layers in Illi are a must and your best friend. I actually used layers in FH as well, however, a lot of FH users never found the need to. Go figure.
To Jesseham:
I hate to be a bore, but hey, why can FH (since v.1 I believe) hide the points when multiple objects are grouped? And even if they are grouped with text, why can I still alt-select in the group, text... seeing that it's selected, with a curser. Technically, you would almost never even need Hide Edges, if grouped objects only showed it's bounding box... which you can hide already anyway.
Sorry... but this is STILL one of the main problems I hear from colleagues, as well as a pain personally, moving over to Illustrator. It can't be that hard. I expect a simple elseIf statement, like: if text object show curser; else hide all? If grouped, hide points; else show all? Something like that? I expect something as primitive and simple as my knowledge of programming.
What happened to "Just do it"? Or was that only the Photoshop group's mantra?

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    Hi Sjtp,
    Thanks for the feedback.  I will make sure the cloud team get this useful info.
    BTCare Community Manager
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

  • Have i found another big bug? from 2nd monitor profile bug to Exp panel bug

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    System is macbook pro 2.4 4gb ram, formac 2010 second monitor.
    Leopard 10.5.2
    pro app 4.5
    Seems that i am not the only one with this problem, not many out there... just a few.
    Couple of links

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    2) insert into t values (1); Commit; (Record Committed)
    3) Goto Explorer on the left pane and click on the table to view the table t on the right (table will be displayed with a single column); Click on the data tab to view the data.
    4) Alter table t add (n2 binary_float); (Table modified)
    5) insert into t values (10, 10); Commit; (record committed)
    6) click on refresh button to view the data.
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    7) click on columns tab and click on the refresh button. (Two columns are displayed).
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    OS: Linux
    Database: 11g
    -- rsrini

    I am having a similar problem in When I put in a filter I need to use the enter key and not the refresh button. Nothing happens to the data grid when I hit refresh button. When I enter a filter that causes no data to display, then blank out the filter and hit the refresh button, no data is displayed in the grid. Then I hit enter and the data grid is refreshed.

  • IMovie 09 voiceovers silent - another iMovie09 bug

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    1. I changed some things in my iMovie project. Especially I added some voiceovers.
    2. I closed iMovie
    3. I made a backup copy to another drive
    4. I re-opened iMovie again
    Result: Some voiceovers are randomly very very silent and the volume an not be changed anymore.
    5. I check my backup copy on another Mac: Same result.
    What happened? Who can support me?
    Apple works always on new fancy stuff, but seems to forget the simple things.

    Sorry to post again, but I can't find any other post about this problem. Have you found a solution for this. I have the same problem. Can't change the volume of voiceovers in some projects...... but had no problem doing it before.

  • Another keyboard bug

    While the "dead key" bug is still not fixed in LR2 (although already
    reported in LR 1 and LR2 beta), there's another problem with the Tab
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    far from being perfect (at least under Windows).
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    We are just paying more for less quality :-( .
    PS: For those who are not aware of it: The "dead key" bug makes
    impossible to enter any character that requires a dead key to be
    produced. For example, to enter " ê " on a french keyboard, you need to
    hit " ^ " and then " e ". In LR, this yields " ^^e " instead of " ê ".
    Same problem with other european keyboard layouts and other special
    characters. So you have to use the old Alt + Code trick in order to
    enter those characters (and you also have to remember these codes - very
    modern UI, indeed).
    I find surprising that a software that has reached this high level of
    quality is still suffering from such a stupid bug that has been reported
    since a very long time.

    "*Tom*" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de news: <br />[email protected]..<br />> Hi Patrick,<br />><br />> on my comp (Win XP Prof + SP2; PS CS3 + 10.0.1 + CR 4.5) in no problem <br />> with Alt + Tab. It switches corectly to other apps.<br /><br />Hi Tom,<br /><br />I didn't say that it didn't switch to the other app. But before it does, LR <br />acts as if I had hit the Tab key and therefore closes or opens the right and <br />left panels.<br /><br />-- <br />Patrick

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    I think. Don't have Logic in front of me right now to test.

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    Um, not so with EA Scrabble for the iPod. When it plays its (annoying) background sounds, and one selects "off", it says, "uh uh, let me annoy you more fully" and turns the music back on.

    I think i've found another bug with setBundledExceptionMode(true), this time regarding dates.
    If you are using the oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter then even with setBundledExceptionMode(true), a java.text.ParseException gets thrown IMMEDIATELY if the inputed date format is incorrect.
    I got around this problem by subclassing oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter and catching the java.text.ParseExceptionThis is not a DATE only issue. Formatting service as a whole currently sits outside of Bc4J runtime apis and thus "does not" honor Bc4J settings like exception mode etc.
    JSPs need to "wrap" such exceptions and honor bundling of exceptions by going thru' the rest of the attributes. I'd log a bug for JSP code=gen for this.

  • Another Compiler Bug (message: An internal build error has occurred... Unknown Flex Problem)

    I was fighting with this problem for a few days. Finally I've got it resolved. I want to describe it and fill in BUG in the bug report, but I am not sure about Adobe support options. So, I am putting bug report here.
    1. ASSUMPTION: All problems which compiler reports as unknown problem are the real compiler BUGs/Problems. Eventually MXML compiler/ActionScript compiler should be able to take C++ or FORTRAN code or an aribitrary text and nicely tell "Error: It is not ActionScript (Flex) code" or "the code is corrupted from Line so and so...". When compiler crashed, it is most probably due to one of the states not handled (or not handled correct). Keeping this in mind I assume, that my code has nothing to do with the compiler crash.
    2. PROBLEM Description.
         - I tried to port our internal project from Flex3.5/Flex Builder 3 to Flex4.1/Flash Builder 4.
         - After checking out and trying to build code I start getting weird problems like Error 1037: Packages cannot be nested.
         - After cleaning and compiling project by project, walking up dependency tree, I was able to get rid of this problem.
         - On last Project I've got another problem (An internal build error has occurred... Unknown Flex Problem). Which I stuck with for a while.
         - When I checked log file I found following messages:
    !ENTRY com.adobe.flexbuilder.project 4 43 2010-12-21 15:45:24.353
    !MESSAGE Uncaught exception in compiler
    !STACK 0
    java.lang.ClassCastException: macromedia.asc.parser.InputBuffer cannot be cast to flex2.compiler.as3.CodeFragmentsInputBuffer
    at flex2.compiler.as3.AbstractSyntaxTreeUtil.lineNumberToPosition(AbstractSyntaxTreeUtil.jav a:1266)
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationGenerator.generateBinding( 569)
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationGenerator.generateBindingsSetupFunction(ImplementationG
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationGenerator.generateBindingsSetup(ImplementationGenerator .java:812)
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationGenerator.generateInitializerSupportDefs(Implementation
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationGenerator.generateClassDefinition(ImplementationGenerat
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationGenerator.<init>(
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationCompiler.generateImplementationAST(ImplementationCompil
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationCompiler.parse1(
    at flex2.compiler.mxml.MxmlCompiler.parse1(
    at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.parse1(
    at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.parse1(
    at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.batch2(
    at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.batch(
    at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.compile(
    at com.adobe.flexbuilder.multisdk.compiler.internal.ASApplicationBuilder$MyBuilder.mybuild(A
    at 4)
    at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.compiler.internal.FlexProjectBuilder.buildItem(FlexProjectB
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Project.internalBuild(
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.BuildAction.invokeOperation(
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction.execute(
    at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceAction$2.runInWorkspace(
    at )
    !SESSION 2010-12-22 09:48:27.766 -----------------------------------------------
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
    Framework arguments:  -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product
    Command-line arguments:  -data C:\Client_Flex4 -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product
         - I was able to get this problem cleared by putting compiler option for Flex Application projects:  -keep-generated-actionscript
    4. SIDE NOTE
      I do not really see putting this compiler option as the solution and living with the mistery is making me fill a bit bad.

    Hi Faser,
    I just tried it on Vista with our latest FB Plugin build but
    I was unable to reproduce your issue with the following setup:
    - FB Plugin build installed by Administrator account user
    under her Documents folder
    - Administrator account user can launch, create Flex projects
    under her own workspace without any problems
    - Standard account user can launch the FB Plugin build (need
    Admin's password) and create Flex project (default location) under
    his own workspace
    If your setup is different, can you please log a bug at
    Be sure to include what build you are using, whether it's
    reproducible, the detail of the setup, etc...

  • Another Airport Bug

    <div style="-webkit-border-radius: 15px; border: 1px solid grey; background: #eee; padding: 5px;"
    I've been searching all over both Apple's knowledge base and the rest of the internet because of this problem. My Macbook Pro's built-in airport is totally unusable,
    The menubar item displays the "airport on" image, but the only two options are "turn airport on," which does nothing, and the "Open Internet Connect..." item. Internetc Connect says the Airport is on, and the status is
    "Status not availible"
    "Status not availible"
    "Status not availible".
    The Airport will automatically connect to open wireless networks, but does not inform the user. The Airport menu bar remains the same.
    Has anyone encountered this problem, or have a suggestion?
    17" Macbook Pro Core 2, 2GB Ram, Bootcamp'd   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    More info: these people seem to have the same bug::
    This is another instance -- but the helpful responder confuzed the built-in airport with a base station.
    Another thread; this seems to be a fairly common bug:
    I submitted a bug report on this, so hopefully Apple will get back to us (affected users).
    Also: I don't seem to be able to edit my first message - that is REALLY annoying

  • Another setBundledExceptionMode bug?

    To the JDEV team,
    I think i've found another bug with setBundledExceptionMode(true), this time regarding dates.
    If you are using the oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter then even with setBundledExceptionMode(true), a java.text.ParseException gets thrown IMMEDIATELY if the inputed date format is incorrect.
    I got around this problem by subclassing oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter and catching the java.text.ParseException
    import oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    * This class will be used by the BC4J framework application "bc4j.ear".
    * Due to the above, this class needs to be treated as a BC4J framework class
    * and therefore needs to be added to a jar in the OC4J classpath
    public class CustomDateFormatter extends DefaultDateFormatter {
         public CustomDateFormatter() {
         * This method has the same functionallity as the super class DefaultDateFormatter.parse()
         * except that it traps any ParseExceptions so that "bundled exceptions" work correctly in
         * the BC4J framework
         public Object parse(String formatString, String parseThisString) throws ParseException {
              try {
                   return super.parse(formatString, parseThisString);
              } catch (ParseException e) {
                   return null;

    I think i've found another bug with setBundledExceptionMode(true), this time regarding dates.
    If you are using the oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter then even with setBundledExceptionMode(true), a java.text.ParseException gets thrown IMMEDIATELY if the inputed date format is incorrect.
    I got around this problem by subclassing oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter and catching the java.text.ParseExceptionThis is not a DATE only issue. Formatting service as a whole currently sits outside of Bc4J runtime apis and thus "does not" honor Bc4J settings like exception mode etc.
    JSPs need to "wrap" such exceptions and honor bundling of exceptions by going thru' the rest of the attributes. I'd log a bug for JSP code=gen for this.

  • Another major bug - titles get lost!

    This is a bug which has existed through iMovie 09 and still plagues me. Is this the right place to report it?
    What happens is that I amend some titles in my project and then move on, perhaps working on another project or closing iMovie and re-opening it later. When I do so, I notice that none of my title changes were saved!! 8-(
    It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens often enough that I get caught out and end up publishing videos (as I did today) with credits which are wrong, for example.
    Very embarrassing and I really hope Apple look into it, as it's driving me insane......

    The usual advice here is to ensure that you click "Done" after amending a title. However, I've found that even doing this doesn't always cause the title to "stick". It seems to come undone after quitting iMovie. The next time iMovie is opened, the title reverts back to the previous edit. In some cases, people have reported that it defaults to the title default text. It doesn't seem to be consistent, and there doesn't appear to be any pattern to it - it just strikes now and then!
    PS You can send feedback to Apple here:
    Message was edited by: John Cogdell - added PS

  • Another Coverflow bug?

    On my Classic 160G, after scrolling through coverflow and selecting the an album I want to hear, I push the center button and once the album begins to play, I have the following problem.
    Once the album begins to play, if I press the menu button to go back up a level (to coverflow) the iPOD continues to play, but the controls lock up for 30 seconds. The music continues to play and after 30 seconds, the iPOD unfreezes and the time bar moves to the correct location in the song.
    It's like during play the menu button is locked? I can move back and forth between songs and pause, but not up a level.
    However, if I pause the track and push the menu button, after the 30 second freeze, it goes to coverflow.
    I have firmware 1.0.1 and all my songs are MP3 @ 192. Is anyone else having this problem or am I headed back to the store for an exchange?

    I think i've found another bug with setBundledExceptionMode(true), this time regarding dates.
    If you are using the oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter then even with setBundledExceptionMode(true), a java.text.ParseException gets thrown IMMEDIATELY if the inputed date format is incorrect.
    I got around this problem by subclassing oracle.jbo.format.DefaultDateFormatter and catching the java.text.ParseExceptionThis is not a DATE only issue. Formatting service as a whole currently sits outside of Bc4J runtime apis and thus "does not" honor Bc4J settings like exception mode etc.
    JSPs need to "wrap" such exceptions and honor bundling of exceptions by going thru' the rest of the attributes. I'd log a bug for JSP code=gen for this.

  • N8 Conversations - Another annoying bug

    I've found that using the Conversations as the default message view, while composing SMS and hitting send, the N8 takes the message being sent as a multiple part long SMS ever for messages which are just 2 characters long.  Like I was saying "Ok cool. See you later" to one of my friends, went into the delivery reports section and it said "1/2 pending", then flashed delivered.
    This bug will be very annoying for people who have only a limited number of SMS bundled every month or are on a Pay as you Go solution.
    Has anyone else noticed this bug? I prefer using the Conversations view as default, but it's impossible to use over a long period of time if the N8 is going to continue exhibiting this bug.

    Did you actually said "Ok cool. See you later"?
    Or did you use any diacritical letters?
    Go to 'SMS Options' and change encoding to 'Simple'.

  • Another subfolder bug (or JSF flow?)...

    1. Create new project
    2. On the Page1 place any image from the Samples directory such as navbar.jpg
    3. Create subfolder
    4. Create a new page Test.jsp in the subfolder
    5. Place a button on Page1 to point to test/Test.jsp
    6. Place a button on Test.jsp to point back to Page1
    7. Create two navigation cases: from Page1to Test and back from Test to Page1
    8. Create action handlers for the both buttons
    9. Start project and click the button to go to Test page then click the button to go back to Page1
    See how the IMAGE on Page1 is NOT displayed (path is broken - address bar still points to the test/Test.jsp)
    Please fix it in the upcoming subfolder/jspf patch if possible.
    The current workaround I have to use is calling getExternalContext().redirect("../Page1.jsp");
    in the action handler for the Test page button

    We don't support subfolders very well. We recently fixed a bunch of bugs in this area, so I was hoping that this would be fixed, but when I tried on the current bits it I get the same problem.
    Note that the URL being "wrong" is unrelated to this, and that this is actually how JSF works (yeah, it's a bit counter intuitive. This might be a good blog topic.) You can google around for some information about this, but in essence you get this problem when the navigation decision is made on the server -after- the user has submitted the request on the browser and the url bar is updated.
    Back to the bug:
    You can work around this by manually changing the "value" attribute of the image to be context relative; e.g. instead of having a value of "resources/navbar.jpg", make that "/resources/navbar.jpg" (e.g. just add a / at the beginning). Now it will work fine at deployment.
    Unfortunately, until you get the next patch (which should be very soon; it left development a while ago and is being tested) this won't work well at design time. In the patch the designer was fixed to handle context relative paths right in most scenarios. This means that the image won't show up at designtime (you'll just see a box with the url in it instead.)
    I'm not sure why the page relative path doesn't work; I'll forward that to somebody more familiar with JSF internals.
    -- Tor

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