Another twist on the endash conversion problem

Hi everyone -
I know that there are several posts out here about the
conversion form X5 to RH 7.0 and "&endash;" appearing in the
actual compiled HTML instead of an actual –. Those have been
very helpful to me in getting my head around why I was seeing code
in my compiled help!!
We have fixed all the erroneous &endash appearances in
our documentation, and have installed the 7.0.2 patch that has the
fix for when we open any of our other projects. So, here's what's
strange. I seem to be able to insert an endash just fine on my
computer using the Insert Symbol menu and the short cut Alt 0150
and things compile fine. Endashes looking like endashes. However,
my coworker, who is running the same version of RoboHelp with all
the patches that I have, is not able to insert the endash. It looks
fine in the WYSIWYG view in RoboHTML, but when she compiles, or
when she uses the preview (Eyeglasses icon), the dash displays as
&endash in the text. Her instance does not however convert all
the correct appearances of an endash... seems to only be anything
new that she adds.
Any ideas? Our current work around is for her to use a
regular -, which is an ok work around, but I'd like a solution if
possible. We've looked for settings that might be different,
missions fonts, etc, and have come up with nothing.

If you want to test the reliability of your hard disks copy some huge files while the system is under stress such as with Prime95 running at high priority and then binary compare them. Of course doing so may very well corrupt your HD...
Unfortunately it seems that most of the threads contain half-truths or misconceptions. For instance it appears that with the Neo you need to set the AGP to 67 or 68 to get it to lock while you don't with the Neo2, but I see lots of Neo people telling Neo2 people they need to change it. That's both the beauty and the difficulty with forums such as this. You will probably get lots of advice and some of it may even be right.  
There are various tools that ostensibly show the actual AGP frequency and they don't show anything but 66 when I OC. OTOH most of the fields show glaring errors probably due to bugs so who can really trust them? Ironically nVidia's nVSystemUtility is one of them. Someday I hope someone who can do something about it actually notices and tries to fix them.

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    Sorry Chris, but can you elaborate on your process?
    re 1. How? By doing a search for 'itunes'?
    re 2. How did you erase the ipod? with disk utility?
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    What do you mean by "not sufficient"? The AUPitch plugin can be tuned a lot finer than the pitch slider - the only downsides I can see are (1) that it takes up one of the effects slots and (b) that two regions on the same track can't have different pitch corrections.

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    Edited by: Vamsi on Jun 17, 2010 10:00 PM
    Edited by: Vamsi on Jun 17, 2010 10:01 PM

    Did you try to see the output?
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    try this.
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    good luck.

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    Moderator message: date conversion questions = FAQ, please search before posting.
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    Hope this logic helps you.
    DATA LF_DATE    TYPE DATS VALUE '21122010'. " 21-dec-2010
    DATA LF_DATE_BI(10).
    WRITE LF_DATE TO LF_DATE_BI.  "Now LF_DATE_BI contains the date in user format
    "Now populate the value LF_DATE_BI to the screen field

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    Thank you for all your help above.
    Just to confirm your advice, am I right with the following conclusions? :
    1. The script (function) to fill the text field with the modification date of a different PDF file needs to be stored in a folder level .js file.
    2. The document containing the text field needs to call the .js function either within the document script or within the custom script property of the text field itself.
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    var LastSync = "C:\sync\bin\lastsync.pdf";
    var strMsg = util.printd("h:MM tt",LastSync.modDate) + " on ";
    strMsg += util.printd("dddd, d mmmm, yyyy",LastSync.modDate);
    this.getField("LastSyncDate").value = strMsg;
    If the syntax is totally different to the above I would be very grateful for some guidance in the right direction.
    I much appreciate your time to help me ... I'm almost there.
    Kind Regards,

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    Please refer:
    Click the Chat Now button at the end of the page and talk with a live agent who would resolve it ASAP.

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    Try deleting and redownloading again, this time with simultaneous downloads disabled.
    While downloading select Downloads in the left-hand column and make sure Allow Simultaneous Downloads is unchecked.

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    Where did you put the LR catalog?
    Did you install the same version of LR, which one?
    OS and version?
    Open the folder where the catalog (*.lrcat) is located. If you see a file with lock in it while LR is not running, delete it.
    Now try to start LR again.

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    No. This issue is dicussed here frequently. The only option is to be patient and try often. Search this forum for other posts about this issue.

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    Close all open apps by double-tapping the home button, then swiping up and off the screen with the app window (not the smaller icon).
    Then reset: hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until you see the apple, then let go.(No data loss) Try it again.

  • A3 Conversion problems SOLVED for the moment.

    When I first launched A3 and began the conversion process, I ran into the same problems as others here. All 8 processors on my Mac Pro were maxed out. Other apps ran glacially slow. And the conversion process simply stalled with no progress having been made after 12 hours.
    Before I began the A3 conversion, I had updated my Vault.
    Last night, I deleted the in-conversion library, and made a duplicate of my Vault for safety. I then rebooted my Mac Pro in 64-bit mode pressing 6 and 4 at boot.
    I launched A3, turned off Faces (for the moment) and created a new library in the original location. A3 will not directly open or convert the A2 vaults so my vault had to be imported.
    A3 has now been importing and converting my A2 vault for 12 hours and it's making good progress. All of the masters and projects have been imported. A3 is now half way through processing (upgrading) the 30,000 masters (basically a mix of Canon 6Mp and 10Mp RAW images) in my library. The processors almost never max out and the computer is responsive.
    So far, so good.

    Using A2, I was able to successfully restore my library from the A2 vault. I took care not to use any of the tools within A2 just in case programming conflicts existed due to having both A2 and A3 installed.
    After the restore had completed, I quit A2, copied the A2 library to its normal location, and then launched A3 using the Option key to allow me to specify which library to open.
    A3 offered to upgrade the library, and I agreed, also allowing it to upgrade all photos to A3 standards.
    Note. I had Faces turned off at the time.
    The library upgrade proceeded flawlessly.
    Once completed, I browsed my library. There were still a few green Mark III previews, and my Mark III images were still being processed using the A2 processor.
    I then deleted the old A2 vault, and created a new one from A3 to replace it. A3 has just finished backing up my library to the new vault.
    (Note. At all times during this procedure, I've had at least 3 copies of my library including the one in use by A3. If you lose a digital photo, *it's gone*. Don't take risks.)
    My next step will be to select all of the photos and reprocess them using the A3 Processor ( *not recommended* if you're a professional photographer who makes money from their photos and has spent hundreds of hours adjusting and perfecting your photos for your clients. Do your own testing before deciding whether to reprocess).
    I'll then update the vault before proceeding to turn on Faces. If the Faces process corrupts the library, I'll be able to restore from the vault.
    Boot in 64-bit mode if you can, anytime before launching A3.
    Back up your A2 library to a vault.
    Relaunch A2 holding the command-option keys, and repair the library. If you have time, consider rebuilding the library (although that option might not have been available in A2).
    Launch A3 holding the option key down.
    When given the option, create a new library. This will give you the opportunity to do:
    Turn off Faces in Preferences.
    From the File menu, choose Switch to Library and choose your A2 library.
    Previews are sometimes not updated correctly. A forced Generate Preview is required.
    My A3 vault turned yellow after making a few adjustments to my images. When I clicked to update the vault, I was shown the same warning dialog that others have reported:
    Aperture Update Vault error text:
    *Not Enough Disk Space*
    The vault "Aperture Vault" does not have enough space to hold your library.
    17179869169.15 GB is needed, but only 82.38 GB is available.
    *Final Recommendation*
    If you're a professional photographer, wait for the update before upgrading to A3 :–)
    Cheers all.

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