ANT - Bind external Jar library

my ant XML file is actually working, except the part with binding the external jar file: jdom.jar:
I can run the created file "MySiebelTools.jar" But if I want to open an XML file with the tool, I get an error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jdom/input/SAXBuilder
How do I bing external Jar File like "jdom.jar" within the ANT XML file?
(I am using Windows XP & Eclips 3.2.1.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="JAR Builder" default="jarBuilder" basedir=".">     
     <target name="jarBuilder" description="Create a JAR file (Project Builder)">
          <jar jarfile="E:\Projects\aykut\download\MySiebelTools\MySiebelTools.jar" basedir=".">          
               <include name="main\*.class"/>
               <include name="util\*.class"/>          
               <include name="setvariablenull\*.class"/>          
               <include name="viewdetails\*.class"/>                         
               <include name="displayxml\*.class"/>                                        
               <include name="images\*.*"/>
                    <attribute name="Main-Class" value="main.MainControler"/>                         
          <path id="classpath">
               <fileset dir="G:\workspace\mylib\mylib">
                     <include name="jdom.jar"/>

hi jschell,
my java application is to read an XML file. It uses functions of jdom API (=jdom.jar)
I am using ant as jarBuilder to build my executable jar file.
To do that I have an xml file projectBuilder.xml (see my code above)
The projectBuilder.xml is for the automation to create the jar file for myapplication.
My problem is, I don't know the correct syntax to include the lib = jdom.jar in the projectBuilder.xml.
I hope it is clear now ... ?

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    I managed to set the classpath variable to "$HOME/jfreechart-1.0.13/lib/jfreechart-1.0.13.jar", but the Java compiler doesn't appear to be reading the variable.
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    $ echo $CLASSPATH
    [chenyuz@raritan ~]$ javac package org.jfree.chart does not exist
    import org.jfree.chart.*;
    ^ package org.jfree.chart.axis does not exist
    import org.jfree.chart.axis.*;
    ^ package org.jfree.chart.plot does not exist
    import org.jfree.chart.plot.*;
    ^ package org.jfree.ui does not exist
    import org.jfree.ui.*;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ApplicationFrame
    public class VWAnalyzer extends ApplicationFrame {
    17 errorsNow, when I try to compile it using the -cp option, it works (ish).
    $ javac -classpath "$HOME/jfreechart-1.0.13/lib/jfreechart-1.0.13.jar" package org.jfree.ui does not exist
    import org.jfree.ui.*;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ApplicationFrame
    public class VWAnalyzer extends ApplicationFrame {
                                    ^ cannot access org.jfree.ui.Drawable
    file org/jfree/ui/Drawable.class not found
                    ChartPanel panel = new ChartPanel( chart, true );
                                       ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method setContentPane(org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel)
    location: class VWAnalyzer
                    setContentPane( panel );
                    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method pack()
    location: class VWAnalyzer
                    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method setVisible(boolean)
    location: class VWAnalyzer
                    setVisible( true );
    6 errorsNow there's another dependency that I need to include, which is why the second compile (the one using -classpath) wasn't completely successful. However, when I try adding in that second JAR file to the classpath, the whole operation fails like the first compile:
    $ javac -classpath "$HOME/jfreechart-1.0.13/lib/jcommon-1.0.16.jar;$HOME/jfreechart-1.0.13/lib/jfreechart-1.0.13.jar" package org.jfree.chart does not exist
    import org.jfree.chart.*;
    ^ package org.jfree.chart.axis does not exist
    import org.jfree.chart.axis.*;
    ^ package org.jfree.chart.plot does not exist
    import org.jfree.chart.plot.*;
    ^ package org.jfree.ui does not exist
    import org.jfree.ui.*;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol: class ApplicationFrame
    public class VWAnalyzer extends ApplicationFrame {
    -snip- cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method setVisible(boolean)
    location: class VWAnalyzer
                    setVisible( true );
    17 errorsSo essentially I have two questions:
    1. Why is my computer not recognizing the global CLASSPATH variable?
    2. Why can I not add two dependencies to the classpath when using the -classpath option?
    I'm on a Linux computer and here's my Java version:
    $ java -version
    java version "1.5.0_04"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_04-b05)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_04-b05, mixed mode)

    sabre150 wrote:
    C_Zhao wrote:
    Point taken :)
    Thanks, it works now.
    I just expanded the $HOME and used a colon instead of a semi-colon.
    But one other thing. I tried using the * wildcard, but it didn't seem to work:
    CLASSPATH='/home/chenyuz/jfreechart-1.0.13/lib/*'Is this operation not supported in Java 1.5?It never has been supported! One must explicitly name the jars. You could always write a script to build the classpath for you by listing all the jars in a directory.*
    Ahem, in [Java 6:|]
    As a special convenience, a class path element containing a basename of * is considered equivalent to specifying a list of all the files in the directory with the extension .jar or .JAR.

  • How to include external .jar libraries

    I'd like to use an external .jar library in my Java program.
    I import the package in the source code.
    But where do I have to specify the file location of the .jar file. Do I have to add its directory to the PATH environment variable or somewhere else??? So far I've done this only in Eclipse, but now I'm working in a pure linux environment... with no IDE.
    Thanks :)

    Or specify the classpath completely when you run javac.
    For example to compile a class called Foo in the current directory which uses classes from an external jar file I would say
    javac -cp .:../../whatever.jar Foo.javaAnd if Foo has a main() class:
    java -cp .:../../whatever.jar Foo(If you are working with a number of projects each with lots of classes and lots of (different) jars, it might be time to look at Ant.)

  • Permissions to external Jar for reading-writing on a file

    hi all,
    I explain my situation.
    I ' ve made an open source project similar to plpdf using jasper report libraries and others.
    My project, which works perfectly in a java jre, have some problems in Oracle Aurora jvm.
    I use the Reflection technique to load the classes from their libraries.
    For this i use this class :
    import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    * @author g.veltro
    public class Utility {
    public final static ClassLoader sysloader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    public static Object createIstance (Class classe,Object [] parameters,Class [] parametersClasses) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException{
    Constructor cons = classe.getConstructor(parametersClasses);
    return cons.newInstance(parameters);
    public static Object executeMethod(Object obj,Class objClass,String methodName,Object [] parameters,Class [] parametersClasses) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
    Method method = objClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName,parametersClasses);
    return method.invoke(obj, parameters);
    public static void addJarLibrary(String s) throws MalformedURLException, IOException{ <br /><br />addJarLibrary(new File(s)); <br /><br />}
    public static void addJarLibrary(File f) throws MalformedURLException, IOException{ <br /><br />addJarLibrary(f.toURI().toURL()); <br /><br />}
    public static void addJarLibrary(URL url) throws IOException{
    URLClassLoader urlsysloader = null;
    urlsysloader = (URLClassLoader) sysloader;
    try { <br /><br />executeMethod(urlsysloader,URLClassLoader.class,"addURL",new Object[]url,new Class[]{URL.class});
    } catch (Throwable t) { <br /><br />t.printStackTrace(); <br /><br />throw new IOException("Error, could not add "+url.getPath()+" to system classloader");<br /><br />}
    public static void addJarLibraries(String libDir) throws IOException {
    File directory = null;
    directory = new File(libDir);
    JarFilter filter = new JarFilter();
    File[] jarLibraries = directory.listFiles(filter);
    for(int i=0;i&lt;jarLibraries.length;i++){ <br /><br />addJarLibrary(jarLibraries</strong>{color}<em>{color:#993300}<strong>);
    } else { <br /><br />throw new IOException(libDir+" is not a Directory !"); <br /><br />}
    I gave all the permissions as dba to allow java to access files, etc. etc
    dbms_java.grant_permission( 'NEOGEO', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'accessDeclaredMembers', '' );
    dbms_java.grant_permission( 'NEOGEO', 'SYS:java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission', 'suppressAccessChecks', '' );
    Then when I try to call a class library that attempts to access a file residing in the file-system i recive an exception.
    This is an example of code that call a class and execute one methods.
    {color:#993300}<strong>public static Object compileJrxml(String path_file_jrxml) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
    Object jReport = null;
    Object jCompileManager = null;
    Class jcmClass = null;
    Object [] params = {path_file_jrxml};
    Class [] paramsClasses = {String.class};
    jcmClass = Class.forName("net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager",true,org.Reflection.Utility.sysloader);
    jCompileManager = jcmClass.newInstance();
    // compilazione del report
    jReport = Utility.executeMethod(jCompileManager,jcmClass,"compileReport",params,paramsClasses);
    return jReport;
    this is the exception :
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.Reflection.Utility.executeMethod(
    at org.EngineReport.ReportControl.compileJrxml(
    at org.EngineReport.ReportOracle.getReportByte(
    at org.EngineReport.ReportOracle.ReportAsBlob(
    at org.EngineReport.ReportOracle.ReportAsBlob(
    Caused by: the Permission ( /home/neogeo/Java_Resources.jrxml read) has not been granted to ProtectionDomain (file:/home/neogeo/lib/jasperreports-3.0.0.jar &lt;no signer certificates&gt;)
    AppClassLoader: file:/home/neogeo/lib/xml-apis.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jpa.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jdt-compiler-3.1.1.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/png-encoder-1.5.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/ant-1.5.1.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jaxen-1.1.1.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/mondrian- file:/home/neogeo/lib/commons-javaflow-20060411.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-bridge.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/antlr-2.7.5.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-parser.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/hibernate3.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-ext.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/commons-logging-1.0.2.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jasperreports-3.0.0.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-svggen.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-xml.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/xml-apis-ext.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-dom.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jakarta-bcel-20050813.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/servlet.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-gvt.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-svg-dom.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jxl-2.6.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/groovy-all-1.5.5.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/xercesImpl.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-awt-util.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/bsh-2.0b4.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/commons-digester-1.7.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-css.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/commons-logging-api-1.0.2.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jfreechart-1.0.0.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/itext-1.3.1.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/poi-3.0.1-FINAL-20070705.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-util.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/commons-beanutils-1.7.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/jcommon-1.0.0.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/saaj-api-1.3.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-script.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/xalan.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/batik-anim.jar file:/home/neogeo/lib/commons-collections-2.1.jar
    &lt;no principals&gt; (
    ( /home/neogeo/lib/jasperreports-3.0.0.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission user.language write)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission * read)
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission createSecurityManager)
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThread)
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission preferences)
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM)
    ( LoadClassInPackage.*)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
    at oracle.aurora.rdbms.SecurityManagerImpl.checkPermission(
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader.load(
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReport(
    ... 9 more
    The problem i think is that i have to give the permission for input and output on files to an external jar-library .
    I don't know how i can resolve this problem ....
    Do you have any suggestions? </em>

    the problem with grant_permission is, that this can be done for a schema or a role - not for a ProtectionDomain as you need.
    Some on this forum claim that it is possible to control the SecurityManager by the java.policy file in OH/javavm/lib/security. You should try to put something like this in this file (create it if it doesn’t exist)
    grant codeBase "file:/<your codebase>" {
    permission<your privilege>;
    Unfortunately this doesn't worked for me in
    What you could try if you don't find other solution is to extend or write your own (not recommended) SecurityManager.
    To simple see if your application runs without security you can try the NullSecurityManager.
    compile and load the class in your schema and activate it with
    System.setSecurityManager(new NullSecurityManager());
    This is for sure not a solution for a productive system.
    Jaromir D.B. Nemec

  • Session EJB with external jar dependacy problem

    I have a Session EJB that I am having trouble adding to my Creator 2 project. The session bean is developed with netbeans 5.0, ejb2.1, for sjsas 8.2 PE. It has one external jar which is compiled into the ejb jar. When I try to add the session bean to my creator 2 project I get a java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException. Creator 2 is not finding one of the Exception external jar.
    The only way I have been successful in added the session EJB is also add the external jar. But the project fails when you load the page with javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound to the name java: xxxxxx I believe the EJB is failing at instantiation.
    Has anyone had this problem and overcome it?

    Finally I found solution.
    Instead of deploying ejb jar to ear I've created a new ear deployment profile (so now I have ejb jar profile and ear profile).
    It contains ejb jar + external jar library and custom with class-path to ext. jar.
    Difference between this and previous version is the old one ear cointained ejb jar and the ejb jar contained ext. jar.
    Now ear contains both ejb jar and ext. jar.

  • Oracle 10g ( ant-oracle-classes.jar

    I dint find Ant Task for stopping/starting/restarting the Oracle Application Server, but the specifies that you can do so with the Ant Tasks. I went through "ant-lib.xml" present in the ant-oracle-classes.jar, even it does not have these tasks.
    Is it by any chance that Oracle shipped a wrong library of "ant-oracle-classes.jar" in Oracle 10g ( is with that of Oracle 10g Release 3 (10.1.3), since this Release 3 does not support the stopping and starting of the server with the Ant tasks.
    If any one has any idea, please let me know.
    Whom should I report/ask?
    Can anyone give some pointers for the same. I would be very very thankful.
    Prashanth Babu.

    Thanks a lot Mike.
    But then, the problems donot stop there.
    I went though the decompiled code of and and found that doStartServer() of JSR88StartServer and doShutdownServer() of JSR88ShutdownServer, both call only one method ie deploymentManager.shutdown(), which is present in J2EEDeploymentManager class.
    Ideally, JSR88StartServer should start the server by invoking deploymentManager.restart(). But then, looks like there is a problem here too, since both these methods simply call shutdown only.
    And also, whenever I tried restarting the App Server from EnterpriseManager Console, it never restarts. It simply stops and does not do anything apart from that.
    Iam in a project where our applications have to be up and running on OAS 10g through automation of deployment ie either thru Ant Tasks or the J2EE Deployment API provided by Oracle. But, both the ways, it looks like there are one-too-many hurdles.
    Any inputs to the same would be of great help.
    I would just like to know, if any one has done the above. Please let me know.
    Prashanth Babu.

  • Help need in Adding External jar files.

    Hi all,
    Iam developing ADF application using JDEV
    I need to move files from one directory to another so i have used external jar "commons-io-1.4.jar" file.
    i did this by going to the project properties -->Libraries and Classpath -->Add Library
    added the jat file.
    In java class i have used the function
    File.copyFileToDirectory(reQueueFile, TargetLocation,false);
    it was working fine when i tried in IntegratedWeblogic server but when i deploy in Standalone Weblogic server its not getting the jar file.
    Its throwing me the exception
    javax.el.ELException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;Z)V
    at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(
    at com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl.invoke(
    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.broadcastToMethodExpression(
    Please let me know is there a way of adding the lib to the project.
    Suresh kumar.k

    First you should check that the library has the checkbox 'Deploy by default' is checked for your library.
    The you open the project properties of the view controller project, select Deployments, edit the deployment descriptor. Select the Node 'File Groups'->'WEB-INF/lib'->'Contributors'. this should give you a list of libraries your project uses. Check if your library has the checkbox checked (is selected fro deployment). If it's not checked, set it.
    This should include the library.

  • Including External JARs for Java Application in OC4J

    Hi Experts,
    Here is my requirement.
    I have developed my Java application using Tomcat Server & Eclipse. In my application I have used some External JARs & imported the classes in my JSP.
    Now that I'm using OC4J Server instead of Tomcat I'v no clue as to where I have copy these External JARs for my application to work.
    I have installed OBIEE-Client which includes OC4J server. The path where I have placed my application is as below
    If I run my application the server does not import the classes in the JSP which we include using Import statement using JSP tags (*ex* - <%@ page import = "org.apache.commons.fileupload.*"%>).
    This is the location which I found, where I need to put my Java-J2EE application. This OC4J_BI comes with OBIEE.
    Kindly help me out on where to place these External JARs exact location in OC4J.
    Also let me know if I have to alter any configuration/xml file (if so pls specify the file name & its location).
    Thanks in advance,

    You can either include the external libraries in the application, by placing them into WEB-INF/lib, or you can import them into the server as "shared libraries", normally you'd use the "enterprise manager" application to do this. Having loaded a shared library you then add it to the classpath when you're deploying the application.

  • How to call external jar files in EJB project for CE

    I would be thankful if someone could help me with this -
    I need to call the external jar files into my EJB project - Here is what I have done and am getting runtime exception as  -
    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/glance/pdf/pt/PTDoc
    1. Created a EJB  project" HelloWorld "  using Java perspective in NWDS 7.1 called with client as HelloWorldClient and EAR project as HelloWorldEAR.
    2. Am working on HelloWorld project (1st one).
    3. In my code I am instantiating a class which is a class in one of  the external jar file that I need to refer in my project.
    4. I have set the Java Build path but it works only for the compile time and fails during runtime.
    5. Have read I need to create external library DC and refer in my project "HelloWorld".
    Can anyone help me with exact steps what needs to be done - during creation of external library project and then for my "HelloWorld" EJB project. How would I be able to reference or set the external library project in my EJB project?
    Looking forward to hear from experts.
    Edited by: Shiv Khullar on Aug 30, 2010 9:39 PM

    Hi Edson,
    I tried it , but it still gives me runtime exception.
    javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/glance/pdf/pt/PTDoc
    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/glance/pdf/pt/PTDoc
    Steps I performed are -
    1. Created a library project and created 2 Public parts "Compilation" and "Assembly"
    2. Build the library project.
    Now in my EJB project using Project Explorer - set the classpath and added both compilation jar and assembly jar files.
    This is how the classpath entries for external library looks like -
    <classpathentry kind="lib" path="/"/>
         <classpathentry kind="lib" path="/"/>
    I have also added the jar files I used in my external library project as "User Library" from Java Build Path . I dont do it , then the code fails during compilation itself.

  • How to handle External Jar files in EJB DC

    I have created a EJB DC.
    I have added the required MDM Jar files to the class path.
    These MDM Jar files are supplied by SAP for integration with Master Data Management.
    But the DC build fails.
    If I create the same project as a <b>REGULAR</b> EJB (non-dc approach)project, everything works fine.
    How to bundle the MDM jars (External jars)in a DC?
    How to create the Public Parts in the DC for the added MDM External Jars?
    How to use the above DC in the EJB DC?
    Basically, I am looking for a step by step procedure,
    to add external jars in a DC.
    And to use the above DC in a EJB DC.
    Any assistance in this regard is appreciated.

    You should not reference the MDM jar files by setting classpath directly. For setting references to it from your EJB DCs , you will have to create a DC of type "External Library". Deploy this DC also before your EJBs are deployed. You will then have to create a public part for this DC and the reference the public part from the DC metadata of the EJB DC ie set the Used DC list of EJB DC to the public part of the ext lib. You will get info about this in NDS help as well on

  • External jar not included in ear

    I created a library dc with an external jar in its public part and this library dc is used in a j2ee library dc (like described in [ Howto embedd external Jar in EAR    |;).
    my enterprise application project uses a web module dc and this j2ee library dc.
    so far..but when I deployed the buildt ear and call my application the classes which are in my external jar file can´t be resolved at runtime.
    what´s my fault? has anyone an idea?
    Edited by: Thorsten Winter on Feb 4, 2008 2:47 PM
    I am working with nwdi and nds and developers workplace sp 13 and web as 7.0

    Hi Thorsten
    Please follow the blogs
    Hope it helps

  • How to import external jars in a CAF project?

    Hello Experts!
    Could you help me find out the way to import external jars in a CAF project. I have tried to import the jars
    in ejbmodule using "java build path--->libraries". But while trying to build the project it's displaying error and all the imported jars automatically get removed from the list.
    I have read that creation DC of type "External Library" can help me.
    1) Create a DC of type external library
    2) Copy my jars to folder "libraries"
    What should I do next? And how can I import my DC of type "External Library" to my CAF project?
    Looking forward for your suggestion.
    Thanks & Regards

    This article will guide you how to deploy the external jar files to the application server.
    Add the library project to the public part of your caf project to use the jar files.

  • Exception while adding External Jar files in NWDS

    Dear Friends,
                            Actually i am adding an external Jar file in my EJB Module in NWDS.I am using this jar file for converting XML to flat file and i am calling this module from Receiver ommunication channel.For this process, i am importing dom4j.jar file in the EJB Module.
                          Now i have created an external Library project for the cause that i have used the external jar file, and i have made following code in the provider.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE provider-descriptor SYSTEM "library.provider.dtd">

    I have included 4 references because i have imported following in my ejb module.
    import org.dom4j.Document;
    import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
    import org.dom4j.Element;
    I am not sure of wht to include in reference target and provider name, I am getting the following exceptions in Message monitoring:
    1. AO: Document Exception: org.dom4j.DocumentException: E:\usr\sap\BWS\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\server0\
    2. Nested exception: E:\usr\sap\BWS\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\server0\
    Help me in this issue..
    Thanks in advance
    N.Jayanth Kumar

    thanks for you help sidharth.
    i have now jar files in the server and the application  referring to the jar files. everything is deployed fine. however, when i start the application..i get the error -"package jcifs.smb does not exist". the jar i am using is jcifs-1.2.7.jar. in my web module when i expand the jar i see the package and the .class files inside. what am i missing?
    Also, i din't define a SharingReference to usermanagement in portalapp.xml as i am working towards a pure j2ee enterprise application. the web module (DC) referes to the jar files. is there any step similar to defining the sharing reference for the web module DC?
    please help. thanks - sowmiyar

  • External Jars referencing error

    I followed all the following steps which were discussed in forum to referencemy 9 external jars, my DC build was succeded in NWDI and has been deployed onto portal server. I got error message "DeploymentException:Clusterwide Exception:Failed to prepare application.....check the reference....." while running that ear file from portal.
    Steps i followed to reference external library:
    1) Created externallibrary DC, plces jars and made them as public (<b>here i made one public part for all jars, do i need to create different public part for different jars)...</b>
    2) Created library DC and added the above DC as used dc for build time and runtime reference,then deployed onto server i can see the service in visual admin with alljars in it.
    3) Created webdynpro DC and added above library DC as used DC, I added library reference tooo, build was succeded and above getting runtime error. <b>Iam giving the exact reference which is copied from visual admin.</b>
    I removed the library reference but iam still getting the same error.we running on NW'04s SP8,Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Damodhar,
    Please check the posting
    from the posting::
    "you need public part with type "compilation". Also you need to open project properties, go to "Web Dynpro References -> Web Dynpro Application" and add run-time reference to DC that exposes component"
    Regards, Anilkumar

  • External jars in Web Dynpro for Java CE 7.1.1

    Hi there,
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