External jar not included in ear

I created a library dc with an external jar in its public part and this library dc is used in a j2ee library dc (like described in [ Howto embedd external Jar in EAR    |;).
my enterprise application project uses a web module dc and this j2ee library dc.
so far..but when I deployed the buildt ear and call my application the classes which are in my external jar file can´t be resolved at runtime.
what´s my fault? has anyone an idea?
Edited by: Thorsten Winter on Feb 4, 2008 2:47 PM
I am working with nwdi and nds and developers workplace sp 13 and web as 7.0

Hi Thorsten
Please follow the blogs
Hope it helps

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    It is included...Just not installed by default (in a typical install).
    You can go to "start/settings/control panel/add and remove programs" and select the JRE. If you get the option to modify or change and you have "supervisor" rights to your machine, then you can select the "modify or change" option (twice) and add support for additional languages. If there is a little yellow "1" in front of the drive icon, it is not installed. You must select the option and choose the first option on the drop down list...follow through to finish. Make sure you do not have any browser windows open (or anything else which may be using the JRE such as Tomcat). The install builds the charsets.jar. Good Luck

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    Hmmm, perhaps this is part of the problem:  here is the defLib.pp file which is automatically generated when you create a J2EE Library DC:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <public-part ....>
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    Drahkir wrote:
    ..I am working on a rather simple puzzle game and made custom .png files for the game pieces. Now that I finally figured out how to get Java to paint it on the board and work properly I'm having a new problem. If I make a .jar and run it from my machine it runs fine, presumably because the .pngs are stored locally on my machine. If I email the .jar to anyone, when they open the game everything is there except for the game pieces (the .pngs). I am not sure if there is a way to include the .pngs into the .jar file, Yes there is. A Jar can contain PNG, GIF, JPEG or BMP files, TXT, RTF, or HTML. In fact, Jars can store anything intended to be accessed by URL or (by virtue of that) InputStream. You will find that most Java methods that accept a File (or the ones that accept a String that represents a file path/name), will also accept an URL or InputStream. This is handy, since a File object can never point to a resource inside a Jar.
    So, to make this happen:
    - Put the images wherever you want in the Jar. A common approach would be to put them all into a sub-directory like 'images'.
    - When it comes time to access them, form an URL to the resource using ..
    URL url = myObject.getClass().getResource("images/image1.png");- Then use the URL in place of whatever you are doing now.
    ...Since my question is faily generalized, and this project is written over many classes, I have decided not to include any code. Let me know what code you need to see and I will gladly and promptly post it.For 3 reward points? No, please don't post your code.
    I hope you can figure it out from what I have put above, but I am not very inclined to revisit this thread.

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    Hi Kevin,
    why don´t you just add the two additional JAR files to the classpath at runtime:
    java -cp x1.jar;x2.jar -jar yourJar.jar
    This is the easiest way to start your Java app.
    Have a look at java - the Java application launcher for details.
    Regards Helmut

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            <pathelement path="${classes}"/>
            <pathelement path="${lib}/*.jar"/>
         <pathelement path="C:/bea/weblogic92/server/lib/webserviceclient.jar"/>

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  • DownloadService.loadResource for external jars for 1.6.0-19+

    First, be kind with my english, i'm french (nobody's perfect...)
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    All my jars are signed with the same certificate, so i was a bit confused.
    Anyway, i follow indications and put the Trusted-Only: true attribut into the manifest of main.jar.
    But it leads to this exception:
    java.lang.SecurityException: Trusted-Only loader attempted to load sandboxed resource from http://monserveur/a.jar
         at com.sun.deploy.security.CPCallbackHandler$ParentCallback.check(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.security.CPCallbackHandler$ParentCallback.access$1400(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.security.CPCallbackHandler$ChildElement.checkResource(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployURLClassPath$JarLoader.checkResource(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployURLClassPath$JarLoader.getResource(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployURLClassPath.getResource(Unknown Source)
         at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.jnlp.JNLPClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at my.package.a$5.run(a.java:348)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)I found some posts that deal with similar problems but it does not give me a working solution. The difference seems to be the fact that i load external jars (not defined into JNLP).
    My JNLP is validated though JaNeLA.
    I cannot set a.jar, b.jar as resources into jnlp because i retreive their location during execution...
    My JNLP also declare:
    </security>I think i'm a bit confused with the sandbox notion and the Trusted-Only: true attribut of the manifest. I also tried to add it to a.jar, b.jar and not main.jar but vainly. I also tried to set it on all jars but it does not work better.
    Is there a way to load external jar without having the Mixing Signed and Unsigned Code warning popup? What do i not well understand?
    Sorry to be so chatty...
    Thanks in advanced for any answer.

    So, I finally succed in finding a solution.
    But this solution seems perhaps a barbarian way to solve my problem but it works.
    The idea (as far as i understand) is that when you define "all-permission" into JNLP file, then these permission are granted for JNLP ClassLoader. When you load external jar through DownloadService.loadResource, then another classloader is used. It seems that this classloader does not inherit security policy from JNLP ClassLoader.
    My solution is to define my own policy:
        * @return a {@link Policy} with all permission granted
       private Policy getAllPermissionPolicy()
          Policy policy = new Policy() {
             private PermissionCollection m_permissionCollection;
             public PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource p_codesource)
                return getAllPermissionCollection();
             public PermissionCollection getPermissions(ProtectionDomain p_domain)
                return getAllPermissionCollection();
              * @return an AllPermissionCollection
             private PermissionCollection getAllPermissionCollection()
                if (m_permissionCollection == null)
                   m_permissionCollection = new AllPermission().newPermissionCollection();
                   m_permissionCollection.add(new AllPermission());
                return m_permissionCollection;
          return policy;
       }For sure, you can decline this with permission you need. Here, all permission are allowed.
    I'm not quite satisfied because it's seems to be a barbarian style solution. But for now, it fits my uses => no warning popup!
    If anybody has a more proper way to deal with such an issue, i'll be glad to hear it!
    Hope it helps.

  • How to include an external jar file in .EAR project

    Hello All,
    I have created a web service through java class in sap netweaver 7.1.
    For database connection i want to add external jar file as reference. could you all please tell me how to do this or can i get some scenario where it is explained.
    Please Help
    Vanita Jain

    Hi Vanita,
    open your project in nwds > right click on the project > click on properties option from the menu > click on java build path from the left-side navigation of the window > and click on libraries in the right side tab > here you'll get a button called add external jars > clicking to this, will open browser window to select a jar file.

  • NWDS SPS 09: Jars not in external Library - Patch available?

    Hello experts,
    I am facing the problem described here:
    The result of the discussion is that the jars not being included in the external library is a bug of NWDS SP 9.
    Is there already a patch available? I searched throught Service Market Place but there is only a patch for Developement Infrastructure (DI Build Tool).
    Thanks for help,
    Enrico Lenk.

    Hi Maksim,
    Here you are the content of application-j2ee-engine.xml from EAR project
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <application-j2ee-engine xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="application-j2ee-engine.xsd">
    And just in case, content of ejb-j2ee-engine.xml from the EJB project
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ejb-j2ee-engine xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ejb-j2ee-engine_3_0.xsd">
    Libraries i'm using are: mdm-admin.jar, mdm-common.jar, mdm-core.jar, mdm-data.jar, mdm-extension.jar, mdm-protocol.jar and mdm-publishing.jar
    Not sure what's the prefered option, if use these libraries as external jars or add to my project as dependency
    Thanks a lot in advance

  • Including External JARs for Java Application in OC4J

    Hi Experts,
    Here is my requirement.
    I have developed my Java application using Tomcat Server & Eclipse. In my application I have used some External JARs & imported the classes in my JSP.
    Now that I'm using OC4J Server instead of Tomcat I'v no clue as to where I have copy these External JARs for my application to work.
    I have installed OBIEE-Client which includes OC4J server. The path where I have placed my application is as below
    If I run my application the server does not import the classes in the JSP which we include using Import statement using JSP tags (*ex* - <%@ page import = "org.apache.commons.fileupload.*"%>).
    This is the location which I found, where I need to put my Java-J2EE application. This OC4J_BI comes with OBIEE.
    Kindly help me out on where to place these External JARs exact location in OC4J.
    Also let me know if I have to alter any configuration/xml file (if so pls specify the file name & its location).
    Thanks in advance,

    You can either include the external libraries in the application, by placing them into WEB-INF/lib, or you can import them into the server as "shared libraries", normally you'd use the "enterprise manager" application to do this. Having loaded a shared library you then add it to the classpath when you're deploying the application.

  • How to include external jars - URGENT...

    I am using Eclipse for development.
    My application uses some external jars.
    This step is simple in Eclipse, one simply indicates where the jars are to the IDE.
    However, when I make an executable JAR file from my project, those external JARs are not included.
    So when I run my program, everything is fine until the parts that uses the external JARs.
    Does anyone know how to include them outside of Eclipse platform?
    I am going to see my client in an hour and of course I can't bring my source and install an Eclipse at my client's computer to show them my demo...
    please help... thanx...

    You add those external jars to the classpath or the jars classpath if you're running the program from a jar. Or put the external jar to JAVA_HOME\lib\ext (IIRC)

  • Problem using Jar to include external jars in an application

    Ok so, I've just completed a project, and i want to be able to jar it up so its executable by just using the jar file. I can do this, and it will load the first screen. However, i used eclipse to develop it so I just added two files to the eclipse path and it all worked. But when I jar up my application (and include the two external jars in my app), and try to use any class that needs the external jar, it dies and says java.lang.NoClassDefinitionError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet
    How do i set it up so it actually finds the classes in the external jar?? Its fairly important that i get this to work :)

    If this app is not running as part of Tomcat, you have two options. One, as ejp pointed out, is to put the missing jars into your $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext dir. If you've already tried that and it's not working, then the jars your putting there do not have the necessary classes in them. Use 'jar -tf <jarname>' to see a list of the classes in the jar.
    The second approach, which it sounds like you've already tried, is using the Class-Path entry in the Manifest file. You must make sure that the jar you're referencing (servlet.jar) has the missing classes in it, and that the jar is in the same directory as the application jar. Another potential gotcha with this approach is to make sure that the jar is not indexed (they're not indexed by default).

  • Declare external jars in the manifest in a EAR file

    Hi all,
    I'm using weblogic 7.0, I build a web service from a java class. So here is the ear file :
    - myWebservice.ear - META-INF - application.xml
    - myWebservice.ear - META-INF - MANIFEST.MF
    - myWebservice.ear - web-services.war - META-INF - MANIFEST.MF
    - myWebservice.ear - web-services.war - WEB-INF - classes - ...
    - myWebservice.ear - web-services.war - WEB-INF - web-services.xml
    - myWebservice.ear - web-services.war - WEB-INF - web.xml
    - myWebservice.ear - web-services.war - myWebserviceClient.jar
    I hope I'm clear... :)
    Actually, I would like to add in the 2nd manifest.mf something like :
    Class-Path: ../lib/myTools.jar
    myTools.jar is not in the ear file, it is just a relative path.
    Can someone tell me is it is possible ? If so, how to do so?
    I will appreciate any advice :)

    No, that doesn't work in J2EE 1.3.
    The typical approach would be to include the jar file within the EAR and then in the WAR file, specify a manifest class-path.
    If you were using WLS 9.x, then it would be possible to deploy the jar file separately as a library or optional package, but this is not available in 7.0
    -- Rob
    WLS Blog http://dev2dev.bea.com/blog/rwoollen/

  • External USB not recognized on my iMac (intel) in Disk Utility, Finder as well as in Terminal diskutil list but is listed in System Profile, which includes the location ID of 0xfa400000 / 5.  Can the location ID be used to restore USB identity ?

    My 1TB Seagate external USB not recognized by my iMac (intel) in Disk Utility, nor in Finder as well as in Terminal "diskutil list" but it is listed within the System Profile, which includes the location ID of 0xfa400000 / 5.  Can the location ID be used to restore the identity of my external USB ?

    Hello JNotorious,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    USB and FireWire Quick Assist
    Have a nice day,

  • SJWS SP3 - Not including some jars from war file

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    finer: WebappLoader[/vc]: WEB3107: Deploy WAR /WEB-INF/lib/weblogic.jar to
    finer: WebappLoader[/vc]: WEB3107: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/j2ee.jar to
    C:\Sun\WebServer6.1\https-mis-lt-23974.corporate\webapps\XXXXXXX\WEB-INF\lib\j2ee.jarAs you can see it see's the two jar files from my WAR file.
    But when I try and run the app, have a look at the CLASSPATH it created. The two jar's are missing. WHY??????????????
    info: for host trying to GET /vc/login/jsp/login_redirect.jsp, service
    -j2ee reports: WEB2798: [] ServletContext.log(): WEB4077: Classpath from the ser
    vlet context is:

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