Ant in Eclipse Builds a Corrupt JAR

When I build a JAR file in Eclipse using an Ant build file, the resulting JAR is corrupt. It cannot find the main class. Repairing the JAR using WinRAR fixes this issue. WinRAR reports repairing corrupt header information. This issue does not occur when manually exporting a JAR from Eclipse. In all cases, we are using the same manifest file. The Ant compile does not show any warnings or errors. The exact runtime error when executing the corrupt JAR is: "Could not find the main class. Program will exit."
I am relatively new to Ant. I have searched the forums and google, but I have been unable to find anyone describing similar issues. I have spent three weeks trying to make this code work. None of the tutorials or FAQs I have found mention this issue, and none of the techniques they describe resolve it. Do you have any idea what might be causing this issue, or how to resolve it? The main reason I want to use Ant is to automate our build process. We can't do that if we have to manually repair the resulting JAR file after each build. I'm probably missing something obvious, but I don't have the Ant experience to know what that is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ant Version: 1.7
Eclipse Version:
Java Version:
Platform: Windows XP (SP2)
My build file (replacing my login with 'username' for privacy purposes):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<project name="ecsMerlinJarBuild" default="MakeMerlinJar" basedir=".">
<target name="Initialize" description="delete old .class files">
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\component" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\core" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\dao" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\datatype" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\dto" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\interfaces" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\module" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\parents" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\process" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\screen" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\util" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\window" includes="*.class" />
<delete dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\windowwrapper" includes="*.class" />
<target name="Compile" description="Compile .java files">
<javac srcdir="JavaSource\com" includes="ebsco\**\*.java" bootclasspath="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.6.0_03\\lib\\rt.jar" classpath="C:\\Documents and Settings\\username\\workspace\\merlin\\IBMLibraries.jar" />
<target name ="MakeMerlinJar" description="Create a jar for the Merlin project">
<jar jarfile="Merlin.jar" excludes="*.jar, *.zip" manifest="MANIFEST.txt" update="true" duplicate="fail" >
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\component" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\component" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\core" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\core" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\dao" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\dao" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\datatype" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\datatype" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\dto" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\dto" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\interfaces" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\interfaces" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\module" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\module" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\parents" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\parents" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\process" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\process" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\screen" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\screen" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\util" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\util" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\window" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\window" />
<zipfileset dir="JavaSource\com\ebsco\windowwrapper" includes="*.class" prefix="com\ebsco\windowwrapper" />
<zipfileset dir="." includes=".classpath, .project, *.txt, *.xml" />
<target name="CopyJarFile" description="Copy the Merlin jar file to the set destination">
<copy file="Merlin.jar" todir="C:\\Documents and Settings\\username\\Desktop\\JARs"/>

And presumably that class actually exists? I can't see any reason why this build file wouldn't work, although I don't know why you're using zipfilesets. Maybe that's the problem. Another option is to export the jar from Eclipse, and ask it to generate an Ant script at the same time.
But really, you ought to have a look at some [Ant tutorials|] , or better yet, get your company to buy a copy of [this book|] because you're making more work for yourself than you need to here. For instance, you can use "**/*" to recursively include entire directory trees, rather than explicitly include each one

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    Note: If this post could be in a more appropriate forum category could someone please tell me which one is better.
    Vexing issue:
    I am using ANT so that it will take care of which classes have been modified and therefore which jars need to be updated.
    I noticed one way ANT can work is to look at the timestamp of the class files and then build the necessary jars. This works fine EXCEPT that eclipse has a nasty habit of sometimes recompiling everything, even when I dont ask it to. It would seem to make more sense basing the recompilation on the source files, and whether they have been modified. So I set this up with my build.xml, ie
    <target name="compile" depends="init"
    description="compile the source " >
    <!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} -->
    <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" fork="true"/>
    Now suppose I go and change one of my source files, ANT recompiles that file and that all works great. However, suppose that file had in it, which many do,
    public static String EXAMPLE_VARIABLE = "example";
    This static variable is referenced in many classes, and yet ANT only recompiles the one file, and thus there begins an inconsistency!
    Is there any way to get around this? I would have expected ANT to recompile all the files that depend on the class with the static variable but it doesnt.
    Any help much appreciated.

    You know, that's a good question. I would think JVMs at runtime could resolve static variables, like when it compiles classes using that static variable it puts a placeholder "Hey, here I am using XXX, at runtime, figure it out and give me the value right at the start..". But I think it works like you suggest in that a static value is compiled into every location that uses it. The only thing I can think of is provide a target for a build-all in your ant and have it rebuild all.
    I agree though that the javac compiler should be smarter in how it compiles classes. Anytime a class has certain attributes that may be compiled in to other classes, it should check and recompile any class that depends on the static value that has changed.

  • Packaging JAR's using Ant in Eclipse

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    Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in
    server thread; nested exception is:
    java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested excep
    tion is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AddressBookImpl_Stub
    at sun.rmi.server.....
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <project default="packaging">
    <!-- Change location(s) to desired path(s) where client and/or
    server jar files should be copied to, else will create folders
    "client" and "server" in project directory and copy them to
    there. -->
    <property name="serverDir" location="./server"/>
    <property name="clientDir" location="./client"/>
    <!-- performs all tasks -->
    <target name="packaging">
         <!-- Compiles all files in project directory. Necessary for to be compiled -->
         <javac srcdir="."/>
         <!-- RMI compiles AddressBookImpl & BuddyInfo -->
         <rmic classname="AddressBookImpl" base="."/>
         <rmic classname="BuddyInfo" base="."/>
         <!-- Creates server jar file -->
         <jar destfile="./server.jar" basedir="." includes="**.class" excludes="AddressBookUser.**">
                   <attribute name="Main-Class" value="AddressBookImpl"/>
                   <attribute name="Class-Path" value="."/>
         <!-- Creates client jar file -->
         <jar destfile="./client.jar" basedir="." includes="**.class" excludes="AddressBookImpl.** BuddyInfo.** **Skel.class">
                   <attribute name="Main-Class" value="AddressBookUser"/>
                   <attribute name="Class-Path" value="."/>
         <!-- copy jar files to specified directories -->
         <copy file="./server.jar" todir="${serverDir}"/>
         <copy file="./client.jar" todir="${clientDir}"/>     
    Sorry bout the length. Just want to cover my bases. Thanks for any help.

    I am also having problem in building server.jar file using Ant. I am using EJB jar file in my web application, this jar file is called remotely from server to client. Client.jar file working correctly but the server.jar file contains error which is given below:
    15:30:47,296 WARN [verifier] EJB spec violation:
    Bean : Server
    Section: 22.2
    Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java cla
    ss that implements the enterprise bean's business methods in the <ejb-class> ele
    Info : Class not found on 'com.ejb.ServerBean': No ClassLoaders found for: com.ejb.ServerBean
    15:30:47,296 ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not create deployment: file:/C:/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/default/deploy/server.jar
    org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Verification of Enterprise Beans failed, see above for error messages.
    In above error, "Class not found on 'com.ejb.ServerBean' " is given. Will there be all the classes of EJB jar file in server.jar ? I think only the interface class file i.e. Server.class and serverHome.class must be included, am I correct or not?
    Also the build.xml which I am using for creating server.jar is given below:
    <project name="ServerEJB" default="make_server_jar" basedir=".">
    <!-- Initialization variables -->
    <property environment="env" />
    <property name="" value="${}"/>
    <property name="source.dir" value="ejbModule"/>
    <property name="build.dir" value="build"/>
    <property name="classes.dir" value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
    <property name="distribution.dir" value="dist"/>
         <property name="" value="server.jar"/>
    <target name="clean" description="Deletes compiled and generated code">
    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <target name="make_server_jar" depends="" description="Builds a server.jar with stubs for apps to use">
    <mkdir dir="${distribution.dir}" />
    <jar destfile="${distribution.dir}/${}" basedir="${classes.dir}">
         <exclude name="**/*Bean.class"/>
    I am using server.jar file in server as interface which will remotely call client.jar which will be kept at client location.
    Anybody, can you provide me with the solution for this problem?...
    Thank you.

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    Thanks & Regards

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  • Ant in eclipse

    when i use ant in eclipse.
    it says
    [javac] BUILD FAILED: file:D:/JavaProject/ACS/testAnt.xml:18: Unable to find a javac compiler; is not on the classpath.
    Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
    but i set the classpath as follow:
    how to slove that?

    Thanks for the solution E13, that fixed the same problem I was having. However, I'm thinking that this might be an Eclipse-specific bug, and not due to a shortcoming on M$ part (for once :)
    The reason I say this, is that when I was trying to debug this problem, I noticed that Eclipse kept wanting to set its internal java.home to the location of the System JRE (which was J2SDK1.4.2 in my case - run 'ant -diagnostics'). So I'm assuming that when it looked under ${java.home}/bin, it didn't find the javac compiler and failed.
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    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x>ant install
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Trying to override old definition of task copy
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\${
    build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\${
    build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to copy.
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\${
    build.home}\components\RECENT\compass\LATEST\java-loader\compass-loader.jar to c
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Storing loaded properties in System
    [comp-loader] Stored 67 properties
    [comp-loader] Loaded Compass ( 0 file(s) copied, 17 task(s) defined )
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 24 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_ptwebui ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 24 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 15 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_ptwebui_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 15 component(s)
    Duplicated project name in import. Project global defined first in D:\plumtree_u
    i_source\portalui\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\common\include\global.xml and a
    gain in D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\commo
    Trying to override old definition of task uri://
    Trying to override old definition of task uri://
    Trying to override old definition of task uri://
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to co
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    to copy.
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Already loaded
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_nopull ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_java ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_noarch ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_win32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_solaris32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_linux32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_aix32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [delete] Deleting directory D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build
    [ant] Parent project doesn't contain any reference 'compass.loader'
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to co
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    to copy.
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Already loaded
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\registe
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\feature
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\install
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_nopull ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_java ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_noarch ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_win32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_solaris32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_linux32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_aix32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [echo] The property BuildEnvironment.IA_HOME either is not set
    [echo] in your file or is set to an incorrect
    [echo] location. You will be unable to build an installer. This
    [echo] does not affect developer installations. Developers can
    [echo] ignore this warning.
    [echo] Current value: ${BuildEnvironment.IA_HOME}
    [echo] Environment variables necessary for versioning not set. BUILD_MAJOR
    , BUILD_MINOR, BUILD_SERVICEPACK, and BUILD_HOTFIX must be set in order to get a
    ccurate version information.
    [devinstall] install-portalui-java
    [fastmarshall] Parent project doesn't contain any reference 'compass.loader'
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to co
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    ss-loader.jar to copy.
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Already loaded
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_nopull ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_java ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_noarch ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_win32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_solaris32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_linux32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_aix32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\warbuil
    Trying to override old definition of task comp-collate
    Trying to override old definition of task comp-stage
    [comp-collate] Version: <null> (null)
    [comp-collate] Collate [java-portalui]
    ortalui-dev.xml:34: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:1177: The following err
    or occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:652: The following erro
    r occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:733: The following erro
    r occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:478: The following erro
    r occurred while executing this line:
    No File: D:\bea\alui\_customer_repository\portalui\6.1.x\local\java-ptwebui\jav
    Total time: 1 minute 15 secondsa

    Thanks for the help! It started building after commenting the DTD tag include in the xml.
    But build failed with few warnings and errors.
    two of the warnings are as follows (FYI I've compass folder as you suggested in other thread)
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\pt
    b-0.6.jar to copy.
    Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    offline mode.
    AND the ERROR message is as given below
    [javac] Compiling 154 source files to D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\ptwebui\portalpages\build\x86\classes\java
    [javac] D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\ptwebui\portalpages\java\prod\src\com\plumtree\portalpages\condition\conditiontypes\ compareTo(java.lang.String) in java.lang.String cannot be applied to
    [javac] if ("*".compareTo(arIPAddress) != 0 && ((XPConver
    t.ToInteger(arIPAddress[i]) < 0) || ((i == 0) && (XPConvert.ToInteger(arIPAddres
    s[i]) == 0)))) {
    [javac] ^
    [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    [javac] 1 error
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\build_core.xml:103: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\ptwebui\build_core.xml:80: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\common\include\default-build.xml:142: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\common\antlib\java.xml:35: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

  • Invalid or COrrupt JAR file

    I have one jar file of java classfiles created in eclipse. Its working fine with eclipse after giving Run Configuration (main class).
    But when I try to run jar file from command prompt its giving me error - ' Invalid or corrupt jar file'
    I have edited for adding Main-Class also.
    I have also checked in Tools-->folder option-->File Types-->Selecting Jar-->Advanced-->Edit and given the correct path of javaw.exe like - "D:\SDP75\jdk\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*. The same jdk used for compling the classes.
    Please help me. I have done volumes of googling for this. This is very crtytical to me.

    802387 wrote:
    Its working fine with eclipse after giving Run Configuration (main class).So it works if you just run the main class.
    But when I try to run jar file from command prompt its giving me error - ' Invalid or corrupt jar file'
    But it doesn't when you attempt to run it as an executable jar.
    I have edited for adding Main-Class also.
    As a guess that is the problem. You messed up that file.
    Or you are not running the same thing in both cases.

  • [svn] 2847: add code coverage ability to asc build.xml ( clover jar and license required to run)

    Revision: 2847
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-08-14 15:06:10 -0700 (Thu, 14 Aug 2008)
    Log Message:
    add code coverage ability to asc build.xml (clover jar and license required to run)
    Modified Paths:

    I ran into this same problem when using ProGuard 4.1 for Java obfuscation. The problem is that there is a space in the path to your JDK/JRE, for example: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03. Because there is a space before the word "Files", it isn't working. The solution to to wrap quotes around that particular command-line argument. In ANT, I needed to use single-quotes (because double-quotes were already in use for the XML attribute) such as:
    <java jar="proguard.jar" fork="true" timeout="30000">
    <arg value="-libraryjars"/>
    <arg value="'${java.home}/lib/rt.jar'"/> <!-- Notice both double and single quotes used on this line. --> of the arguments go here...
    Alternatively, using ProGuard's custom ANT Task, it would look something like (notice the use of double-quotes around the rt.jar location):
    -libraryjars "${java.home}/lib/rt.jar" of the arguments go here...
    Anyways, I hope this helps you or anyone else who runs into the same problem. Both of these approaches have worked for me.

  • Running a JUnit test case using Ant in Eclipse

    If I have a "JUnit", how can I run it using "Ant" in Eclipse?

    Right-click on the ant build script and select "Run as ant build". But why bother? Eclipse has its own JUnit runners

  • Building ESB Configuration Jar

    We are using OSB 3.0 and workspace studio to build the configuration jar and to deploy it in the Bus.
    1. Can any one please let me know how we can build the configuration jar automatically using ant or maven build. (without using the option given in the IDE workshop studio)

    Seems like it is unsupported:

  • Looking for sample ANT files for building workshop webservice app outside the IDE

    I am currently planning to use Workshop for implementing a webservice application.
    I am looking for any sample ANT files that would enable me to build and deploy
    both the webservice EAR and the client JAR outside the IDE.
    Bao Nguyen

    Hi Raj,
    Yup, I did see that sample file. However, it only demontrate how to build an
    EAR file. I am also looking for samples of how to generate the client JAR (using
    proxy to gain access to the webservice) and also how to deploy the web service
    EAR file to the server.
    I tried to use the ANT tag "clientgen" referencing the generated EAR file. It
    complainted of the missing WAR file. I checked the content of the EAR file and
    found no WAR file generated.
    I am also looking for a better way of accessing the webservice more generically
    instead of going through the proxy which is quite coupled to a specific app server.
    Please provide examples.
    Bao Nguyen
    "Raj Alagumalai" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hello Bao,
    Please refer to my post "Ant script for building EAR "dated August 21
    I have attached a sample which does this.
    Raj Alagumalai
    WebLogic Workshop Support
    "Bao Nguyen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3f61477e$[email protected]..
    I am currently planning to use Workshop for implementing a webserviceapplication.
    I am looking for any sample ANT files that would enable me to buildand
    both the webservice EAR and the client JAR outside the IDE.
    Bao Nguyen

  • Failed to build javax.mail.jar (Java Mail 1.4.4) with Maven-2.2.1

    I am building javax.mail.jar using with the source of "JavaMail 1.4.4 source code", downloaded from , we have some customized changes in few source java files (regarding IMAP and response) of this source, otherwise no changes we have done in this source for building mail jar with maven.
    I was using Maven 2.2.1 - successfully downloaded repository on my systems when I had Java 1.6. Then I have moved to java 7 but it failed, on roll back changes I was unable to download repositories as I had downloaded at earlier stage.
    System has set JAVA_HOME of Java Home directory
    [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin:0.4.11:compute-osgi-version': Unable to load the mojo 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin:0.4.11:compute-osgi-version' in the plugin 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin'. A required class is missing: Lorg/apache/maven/shared/osgi/Maven2OsgiConverter;
    [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Trace
    org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionExcep tion: Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin:0.4.11:compute-osgi-version': Unable to load the mojo 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin:0.4.11:compute-osgi-version' in the plugin 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin'. A required class is missing: Lorg/apache/maven/shared/osgi/Maven2OsgiConverter;
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecuto r.executeGoals(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecuto r.executeGoalWithLifecycle(DefaultLifecycleExecuto
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecuto r.executeGoal(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecuto r.executeGoalAndHandleFailures(DefaultLifecycleExe
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecuto r.executeTaskSegments(DefaultLifecycleExecutor.jav a:348)
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecuto r.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(DefaultMav
    at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(DefaultMaven .java:138)
    at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main( 62)
    at org.apache.maven.cli.compat.CompatibleMain.main(Co
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ e Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Native
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(De
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(L
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(Launcher. java:255)
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode (
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(Launcher.ja va:375)
    Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManagerException: Unable to load the mojo 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin:0.4.11:compute-osgi-version' in the plugin 'com.sun.enterprise:osgiversion-maven-plugin'. A required class is missing: Lorg/apache/maven/shared/osgi/Maven2OsgiConverter;
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.getCo nfiguredMojo(
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.execu teMojo(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecuto r.executeGoals(
    ... 17 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/apache/maven/shared/osgi/Maven2OsgiConverter;
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredFields(Class.jav a:2291)
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
    at tFieldByNameIncludingSuperclasses(ReflectionUtils. java:47)
    at org.codehaus.plexus.component.composition.FieldCom ponentComposer.getFieldByName(FieldComponentCompos
    at org.codehaus.plexus.component.composition.FieldCom ponentComposer.findMatchingField(FieldComponentCom
    at org.codehaus.plexus.component.composition.FieldCom ponentComposer.assembleComponent(FieldComponentCom
    at org.codehaus.plexus.component.composition.DefaultC omponentComposerManager.assembleComponent(DefaultC
    at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.compose Component(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.p hase.CompositionPhase.execute(CompositionPhase.jav a:29)
    at org.codehaus.plexus.lifecycle.AbstractLifecycleHan dler.start(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.component.manager.AbstractComp onentManager.startComponentLifecycle(AbstractCompo
    at org.codehaus.plexus.component.manager.AbstractComp onentManager.createComponentInstance(AbstractCompo
    at org.codehaus.plexus.component.manager.PerLookupCom ponentManager.getComponent(PerLookupComponentManag
    at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.getCo nfiguredMojo(
    ... 19 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.shared.osgi.Maven2OsgiConverter
    at$ 200)
    at Method)
    at ava:188)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 07)
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader.loadClas sDirect(
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.DefaultClassRealm.loadCla ss(
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.DefaultClassRealm.loadCla ss(
    at org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader.loadClas s(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 52)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoade
    ... 36 more
    [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 29 minutes 36 seconds
    [INFO] Finished at: Fri Dec 21 13:07:49 IST 2012
    [INFO] Final Memory: 13M/23M
    [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Complete log output of downloading process can be seen here -
    I am removing local repository ".m2" folder from my user each time before restart build. I have tried to download on different OS but it always stuck at same error.
    Can anybody please let me know what settings are changed that I need to update ? Or which repositories need to remove to get rid of this error?

    Looks like there is some sun plugin being used there. Might be that you need the nexus repository so maven can fetch plugin dependencies from it.

  • Corrupt .jar files

    Hi All,
    We are trying to deploy JDeveloper for OAFramework through patch 4573517.
    After extracting, we are facing errors for initiating OC4J instance due to corrupt .jar files.
    So if any one is having the listed .jar files for JDeveloper OAF compatible, kindly mail on [email protected]
    .jar files
    Thanks in Advance

    It didn't work, but I can reach sites that I have a link to on my Desktop. I haven't had Mozilla Firefox very long and I don't even remember what should appear when I select it. Any other thoughts? I appreciate your reply irregardless. At least I am now backed up with a new restore point. Many thanks bens545

  • Building debuggable JDK jars from JDK sources

    I want to build the JDK jars (rt.jar, tools.jar, etc.) that contain classes with debug information, from the JDK sources. I found a web page where it detailed several steps, but they were too many and too general for me. My platform is : Linux 2.6.9- #1 SMP i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux. Can someone tell me some straightforward steps to build these jars. When I run 'gmake sanity' in control/make directory, I get errors like :
    ERROR: You do not have access to the previous java release jre bundles.
    Please check your access to
    and/or check your value of ALT_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_PATH or ALT_PREVIOUS_JRE_FILE
    This will affect you if you build the images target.
    ERROR: You do not have access to the previous java release sdk bundles.
    Please check your access to
    and/or check your value of ALT_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_PATH or ALT_PREVIOUS_JDK_FILE.
    This will affect you if you build the images target.
    I simply want to know which env variables exactly should I set and to what values. Specific information regarding these will be much appreciated. Thanks.

    I don't understand what you mean by 'run the JVM in debug mode'. I don't want to debug the JVM, but want to debug the JDK classes. And for that, the classes need to have been compiled with debug info.
    In any case, what I want is : build JDK jars with debug info, given that the sources are available. I'm sure this kind of thing was already tried out by at least some, if not many. So, I'm seeking some guidelines from them.

  • Corrupt JAR, error while reading

    I installed SDK 3.0 and jdk 1.6.0_05. i compiled a simple application and created a jar-file in command line using the following commands:
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_05\bin>javac -source 1.4 -target 1.4 -bootclasspa
    th C:\lib
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_05\bin>jar cvfm HelloMidlet.jar manifest.txt Hell
    added manifest
    adding: HelloMidlet.Class(in = 1410) (out= 655)(deflated 53%)
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_05\bin>And now, when i'm trying to run my app with one of the emulators in SDK, i have an error:
    *** Error ***
    A problem occured during deploying application from
    Corrupt JAR, error while reading: HelloMidlet.class
    Process exited with exit code 1What can be the problem?
    P. S. Sorry if i had mistakes in English, i'm just studying)

    Please don't post in threads that are long dead and don't hijack other threads. When you have a question, start your own topic. Feel free to provide a link to an old post that may be relevant to your problem.
    I'm locking this thread now.

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