Antialiasing in 3d

I started to play around with 3d area of photoshop (cs5 64bit) and after couple renders i noticed that edges are not going to be antialiased. Look at the sample image. So can i get antialiasing  (render options doesnt give it) for 3d objects???

in fact, you're right. i thought i need to turn on the ray tracer mode in PREFEFENCES menu, but it obviously concerns about interactivity. Turned open gl on and in the render options chose raytraced option and my images are antialiased:)
And little pity that there's no antialias sample (density) option to make final output faster...but after all i am satisfied with that what is accessible in photoshop. It is always more than nothing.
Thanks Chris for enlighting me (this is infinite light ...;)

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  • Odd behavior when using custom Composite/CompositeContext and antialiasing

    I created a custom Composite/CompositeContext class and when I use it with antialiasing it causes a black bar to appear. I seems it has nothing to do with the compose() code but just that fact that I set my own Composite object. The submitted code will show you what I mean. There are 3 check boxes 1) allows to use the custom Composite object, 2) allows to ignore the compose() code in the CompositeContext and 3) toggles the antialiasing flag in the rendering hints. When the antialiasing flag is set and the Composite object is used the bar appears regardless of if the compose() method is executed or not. If the Composite object is not used the bar goes away.
    The Composite/CompositeContext class performs clipping and gradient paint using a Ellipse2D.Float instance.
    a) When the Composite is not used the code does a rectangular fill.
    b) When the Composite is used it should clip the rectangular fill to only the inside of a circle and do a gradient merge of background color and current color.
    c) If the compose() method is ignored then only the background is painted.
    d) When antialiasing is turned on the black bar appears, i) if you ignore the compose() method it remains, ii) if you do not use the Composite object the bar disappears (???)
    NOTE: the compose method's code is only for illustration purposes, I know that AlphaComposite, clipping and/or Gradient paint can be used to do what the example does. What I am trying to find out is why the fact of simply using my Composite object with antialiasing will cause the odd behavior.  Been trying to figure it out but haven't, any help is appreciated.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                for(int sy = src.getMinY(); sy < src.getMinY() + src.getHeight(); sy++) {
                    for(int sx = src.getMinX(); sx < src.getMinX() + src.getWidth(); sx++) {
                        int cx = sx - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                        int cy = sy - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                        if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) continue;
                        srcPixel = src.getPixel(sx, sy, srcPixel);
                        int ox = dstOut.getMinX() + sx - src.getMinX();
                        int oy = dstOut.getMinY() + sy - src.getMinY();
                        if(ox < dstOut.getMinX() || ox >= dstOut.getMinX() + dstOut.getWidth()) continue;
                        if(oy < dstOut.getMinY() || oy >= dstOut.getMinY() + dstOut.getHeight()) continue;
                        dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
                        float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                        dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                        dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                        dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                        dstOut.setPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

    I got a better version to work as expected. Though there will probably be issues with the transformation to display coordinates as mentioned before. At least figured out some of the kinks of using a custom Composite/CompositeContext object.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
    //            dumpRaster("SRC   ", src);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTIN ", dstIn);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTOUT", dstOut);
    //            System.out.println();
                if(dstIn != dstOut)
                    dstOut.setDataElements(0, 0, dstIn);
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                int w = Math.min(src.getWidth(), dstIn.getWidth());
                int h = Math.min(src.getHeight(), dstIn.getHeight());
                int xMax = src.getMinX() + w;
                int yMax = src.getMinY() + h;
                for(int x = src.getMinX(); x < xMax; x++) {
                    for(int y = src.getMinY(); y < yMax; y++) {
                        try {
                            // THIS MIGHT NOT WORK ALL THE TIME
                            int cx = x - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                            int cy = y - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                            if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) {
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                            else {
                                srcPixel = src.getPixel(x, y, srcPixel);
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                                dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                                dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                                dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                        catch(Throwable t) {
                            System.out.println(t.getMessage() + " x=" + x + " y=" + y);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            protected void dumpRaster(String lbl,
                                      Raster raster) {
                System.out.print(lbl + ":");
                System.out.print(" mx=" + format(raster.getMinX()));
                System.out.print(" my=" + format(raster.getMinY()));
                System.out.print(" rw=" + format(raster.getWidth()));
                System.out.print(" rh=" + format(raster.getHeight()));
                System.out.print(" tx=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateX()));
                System.out.print(" ty=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateY()));
                System.out.print(" sm=" + raster.getSampleModel().getClass().getName());
            protected String format(int value) {
                String txt = Integer.toString(value);
                while(txt.length() < 4)
                    txt = " " + txt;
                return txt;
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

  • Font smoothing / antialiasing

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    Font blurring - err, antialiasing - is done in Windows by way of ClearType. So, I'd try the ClearType PowerToy.
    Or, found some info by using _Google_: (there's some info if you look) … fonts.html

  • How to export antialiased images of PDF pages?

    Hello all:
    I recently upgraded to Acrobat XI, and I am surprised to see that you STILL cannot export (or Save As) PDF pages to images that are ANTIALIASED!? Does anyone have a simple answer for this that doesn't involve a workflow of more than 5 steps? This is so headslappingly obvious a need that I'm at a loss for what Adobe's engineers are thinking when programming the Save As Image functions...
    I posted this question all the way back in 2009 (see post at, and still the answer is the same: when Acrobat saves pages as TIF or JPEG files, they are ALIASED. Who would want that? Who?! WHY?
    It's simply exasperating that Adobe does not include a tiny, little check box that says "Antialiased" in the "Save As TIF / JPEG Settings" dialog box where you set all kinds of parameters like resolution and colorspace....If the exporting process would just include antialiasing, you could set the resolution you desire and YOU'RE DONE.
    But, as far as I can tell, you still have to perform some kind of gymnastic routine like:
    Open the PDF and select all the desired page thumbnails to export.
    Right-click and choose Extract Pages. Make sure to check "Extract Pages as Separate Files."
    Export all the separate PDFs for each desired page into a folder somewhere.
    Open Photoshop and start recording an Action.
    Open one of the PDFs and specify the desired resolution.
    Save it in a desired location in an image file of your choice (TIF/JPEG).
    Stop recording the Action.
    Delete the resulting image you made of the test PDF page to avoid an overwriting error later when running the batch (or check box to overwrite in batch dialog).
    Run the Action in Batch mode on the entire folder of separate PDF pages.
    This is preposterous.
    Adobe, please get the simple things right for everyday low-level users before adding feature bloat to Acrobat with each passing version. Please.

    Hi Dave: Good points about reducing feature bloat and installer footprint taking priority for most users...
    However, if, as you say:
    Acrobat and Adobe Reader are developed as a standalone product family....
    Ultimately, since you can get an AA bitmap of a PDF file by just opening it in Photoshop etc., there is very little commercial demand for Adobe to include that feature in Acrobat.
    then, those people who do not have Photoshop (because AA is designed to be standalone, right?) cannot access antialiasing in exporting PDF images at all! Your point is exactly my point.
    If there is so little demand, then why include Export to Image functionality at all? Just eliminate it completely to save installer footprint space!....But, then, I'm sure you realize people would complain about that immediately, no? So, again, why include it at all when it's only able to export aliased images which virtually nobody is going to want? That's very passive-aggressive toward's Adobe's users. Nobody really benefits from half-baked features only begrudgingly included in software to placate the vocal minority of users who would otherwise miss it. I realize this isn't a huge issue for most users, but I think this points to a larger mentality within Adobe and the software industry in general....
    There is a huge number of people working in corporations that own legacy versions of AA who have not and will not likely subscribe to Creative Cloud! (e.g.: The 100-person architecture/engineering firm I worked at for 10 years had one copy of Photoshop on a community graphics workstation and made everyone use a sign-up sheet to access it.)
    Also, it's nice in theory that PDFs are supposed to be a print format. But, many many times, AA users have to make images (for PowerPoint, blogs, client portals etc.) from PDFs that they did not originally create and do not have the source files to recreate or export as images from their originating software. PDF export to images from Acrobat is their only choice without access to Photoshop.
    And, if AA is truly designed to be a stand-alone product, untethered from the capabilities of the entire suite of functionality across Creative Cloud apps, then a modular plug-in approach to controlling feature bloat would be more appropriate, no?
    For example, AutoCAD is a giant, sprawling application for technical drawing. And AutoDesk has recognized over the years that AutoCAD is used by many industries, each with special needs unneccesary to other industries' user base. So, they've created add-on packs of plug-ins that transform vanilla AutoCAD into AutoCAD for Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Bridge Design, Home Building, etc....see where I'm going?
    And Adobe has a far larger installed user base for Acrobat than AutoDesk does for AutoCAD! How about plugins like AA for Technical Publishing, AA for 3D modeling, AA for Presentations?...

  • [Solved] Help needed with getting fonts antialiased.

    Greetings.  I'm in the process of installingArch and I must be missing something as fonts just aren't antialiasing.  Any help would be appreciated.  I'm using the Fonts guide on the wiki.  Here's the steps I did:
    pacman -Rd libxft
    yaourt -S fontconfig-lcd cairo-lcd
    pacman -S libxft-lcd
    Freetype is installed and I linked what I could to /etc/fonts/conf.d/:
    10-autohint.conf 40-nonlatin.conf 65-nonlatin.conf
    10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf 45-latin.conf 69-unifont.conf
    20-fix-globaladvance.conf 49-sansserif.conf 70-no-bitmaps.conf
    20-unhint-small-vera.conf 50-user.conf 80-delicious.conf
    29-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf 51-local.conf 90-synthetic.conf
    30-metric-aliases.conf 60-latin.conf README
    30-urw-aliases.conf 65-fonts-persian.conf
    I've tried changing settings in the KDE control center from "System Settings" to Enabled, started a new app.  But no luck.  I've created a basic ~/.fonts.conf that has antialiasing and hinting, logging out and logging in again to no avail.  What got me was that fontconfig didn't install a 10-antialias.conf:
    10-autohint.conf 25-unhint-nonlatin.conf 60-latin.conf
    10-no-sub-pixel.conf 29-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf 65-fonts-persian.conf
    10-sub-pixel-bgr.conf 30-metric-aliases.conf 65-khmer.conf
    10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf 30-urw-aliases.conf 65-nonlatin.conf
    10-sub-pixel-vbgr.conf 40-nonlatin.conf 69-unifont.conf
    10-sub-pixel-vrgb.conf 45-latin.conf 70-no-bitmaps.conf
    10-unhinted.conf 49-sansserif.conf 70-yes-bitmaps.conf
    20-fix-globaladvance.conf 50-user.conf 80-delicious.conf
    20-unhint-small-vera.conf 51-local.conf 90-synthetic.conf
    Is this the problem?  Obviously I'm missing a step here.  Any ideas, what do I need to do?
    Last edited by Kisha (2009-03-05 01:18:41)

    Dallied through the thread and didn't find anything.  No luck thus far.  Looks like this is a system-wide problem as KDM in not antialiasing.  Change to a new ~/.fonts.conf:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="hinting" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >
    <match target="font">
    <edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter">
    but the problem persists.  Argh, this is tough.  Did I possibly forget something?
    Last edited by Kisha (2009-03-05 00:03:19)

  • Opening a Photoshop smart object file in Illustrator looks horrible (antialiasing problem)

    Hello all,
    This problem is killing me and I really wish I had done this logo in Illustrator, but I didn't now I have to suffer. Help!
    I am doing a freeland job for a friend so I am not all that and a bag of chips with Illustrator. I am better at Photoshop but I need the vector, so I did my logo in photoshop and created a smart object out of it. I saved a version as a tiff and one as a jpg. My friend is creating his own leaflet in Word and the logo works beautifully there. I am creating a flyer for him in Illustrator and the logo is aliased in Photoshop but when I put it in Illustrator it looks antialiased and bad. He also has a little cheapy yahoo sitebuilder website until I create a website for him and the same logo(jpg) will not open in the yahoo site for him. I work and go to school so I don't have the time to recreated the logo in illustrator. It looks really good the way it is until I put it in Illustrator. Any ideas? please?
    Thanks to anyone that answers this question, and kudos for taking time out of your busy day to calm my angst( or add to it)please don't add to it...

    Hello Noel and c,
    I created the logo in photoshop
    ( to make vector in photoshop, I need the scalability, I made the logo a smart object)
    I then saved a copy as a jpg(for web) and a tif for print. I am creating a flyer in Illustrator, so I have to bring the logo into illustrator, when I do it looks like an aliasing problem. I had that aliasing problem in photoshop, but I still had text.... so I could antialias the text. In Illustrator the logo is just a tif, or jpg(I have tried both) It is not a text, but an image and it looks antialiased. In some programs the logo looks good, in some programs the logo looks bad.  The only layer I have in the good photoshop file that I saved  as a jpg, and as a tif is one layer that has text and the logo on it- this is a smart object. I have additional work files that have multiple layers, but I do not want multiple layers on my final print, web file. When I open up my laptop, I will save a screenshot.
    Thanks so much

  • Export Antialiased JPEG from Acrobat Pro?

    Hi all:
    I noticed today that when I open a PDF in Acrobat Pro 9 and save the page as a JPEG image, there is no ability to save the JPEG of the page with antialiasing. This seems odd and limits the usefulness of the command to me.
    I have been in a few situations lately where I need to send someone a JPEG to use for web purposes, but I didn't have access to Illustrator to export an antialiased JPEG from the original art. I can't understand why you would want to export only aliased JPEGs of Acrobat PDF pages........anyone? Am I simply missing the option box during the Save command?...
    Thanks for reading -

    I'm talking about saving a VECTOR file that is a PDF into an anti-aliased JPEG. Sometimes, you want to save a JPEG of a vector PDF file that you did not create and for which you do not have the original.
    For example, to save an entire 200-page PDF of technical drawings which you find on the web as a series of numbered, antialiased JPEGs automatically, in order to place them in a PowerPoint show. That's not "easy enough" in a "graphics package."

  • IWork won't allow small text to be antialiased in PDFs

    Are there any PDF / iWork / OS X experts out there who can please help with this one?
    I have three documents which were to be printed as A5 booklets. As a result I formatted them on A5 pages using small text (7 and 8 point). I know this sounds small but they look fine printed out and the photocopier does a a great job of making the 30 page booklets.
    The problem I have is when I export to PDF for use of the documents on screen the 7 and 8 pt text is not antialiased, no matter what zoom setting is used to view the documents. 9 pt text seems to be the smallest text that is antialiased in OS X but at least in Pages when you zoom in the smoothing effect is applied for easy on-screen reading and editing. However, in Preview (or Quicklook) any sub-9 pt text looks awful at every zoom setting even though I have Preview set to 'smooth text and line art'.
    The only potential workaround seems to be increasing the page size and scale in 'page setup…' in Pages but because the document is quite complex this leads to a lot of layout errors. I realise now I should have started with a larger page, reducing the scale when printing.
    (Just to make things more confusing, Textedit shows unsmoothed sub-9 pt text at every zoom setting but DOES export PDFs with antialiased sub-9 pt text.)
    Can anyone see another workaround? Thanks!

    Thanks again everyone. It is possible my original issue has become lost with these super-close-ups! Yvan seems to have noticed what I have, so even though his text is huge (and therefore very smooth), you can see that Preview isn't anti-aliasing the text. My problem is viewing the text at relatively small sizes. My 7 and 8 point text end up looking like this in Preview:
    If I scale the text up (by altering the page size and scale in Pages > Page setup) then the text looks less jaggy in Preview. Unfortunately this process messes up my formatting throughout the document. These screen grabs were taken while the PDFs were the same size on the screen:
    Just to emphasise my point, here is the effect of toggling the 'smooth text and line art' setting in Preview. 7 and 8 point text from Pages is never anti-aliased for me!
    Sorry for the delay - away from broadband at the moment so sharing the files was a struggle (and this is the first time I've tried this so bear with me if it doesn't work...)
    Thanks again.

  • [SOLVED] How to make small MS fonts antialiased?

    I have the ttf-vista-fonts package installed because I like fonts like Calibri. However, at font sizes under 15 pt, that font (and one or two others in the set) gets rendered without antialiasing on, which really grates on the eyes considering that the other fonts on my system are antialiased at that size. To make matters horrendously worse, anytime a ligature occurs in the text ("tt", "fi", etc.), those letter pairs are antialiased! I copied the calibri TTF files over from a Windows installation and they are indeed the same files as on Windows, where it antialiases all the way down to 8 pt and possibly lower. From this I know it's something in my configuration.
    What in my configuration is making this happen and what do I have to change to make this font antialias all the way down? Something in my fonts.conf maybe?
    Last edited by jgott (2011-06-17 22:25:03)

    thayer wrote:
    Calibri has embedded bitmaps; this drove me nuts too. The easiest thing to do, depending on your current DE/WM, is to add the following lines to your ~/.fonts.conf
    <!-- disable embedded bitmaps in fonts to fix Calibri, Cambria, etc. -->
    <match target="font">
    <edit mode="assign" name="embeddedbitmap"><bool>false</bool></edit>
    Check out my fonts.conf for more info. Websites like used to look horrible before this fix.
    Thank you, this quick little snippet totally did the trick. And actually, Coding Horror was one of the places where I was constantly bugged by this in the recent past.

  • Font antialiasing in Terminal with Dual Screen setup

    I am reposting basically the same problem found here: because I didn't find any solution browsing through the board.
    Basically the problem is this:
    1. Using only the laptop screen I have no problem. If I launch terminal with a single screen and then connect a second monitor I still have no problem.
    2. If I then quit terminal and relaunch it it's like the font loses some antialiasing, it's much more thinner.
    3. If I disconnect the second monitor it doesn't fix itself, I have to quit and relaunch terminal.

    emeres wrote:
    Does running the applications with DISPLAY variable help?
    env DISPLAY=:0.1 pcsx
    Setting the gaming monitor as primary output with xrandr might also help, if you get it running again. Take a look at dmesg about any warnings or errors and what modules are loaded.
    I actually just started experimenting with DISPLAY, and it works how I want it to.  I'm going to play with that a little bit (write scripts to launch my programs on that screen) to get the result I want.  So, I think this issue is solved.  Thanks.

  • Font Hinting, Antialiasing, etc vs Desktop Environments

    I wonder if any of the presets for font hinting, antialiasing and subpixel rendering apply to a desktop environment (like GNOME, KDE SC or Cinnamon). I've enabled all 3 of them and I just can't see a difference.
    The only one that seem to make a difference (with Cinnamon at least) is LCD filtering.
    The wiki page on Font Configuration does mention something about desktop environments but I'm not sure I understand. Cinnamon has its own configuration settings for font hinting, antialiasing and subpixel rendering (and from what I can remember GNOME too) but if memory serves when I installed the Infinality patches I clearly saw a difference with the font rendering afterwards, so why the Infinality patches work and not the more basic built-in stuff.
    Thanks in advance...

    I explored this some time ago and one issue I had was that I had to reset the font cache to see the changes.

  • Font Antialiasing/Smoothing

    How can I influence font antialiasing/smoothing?
    All text appears to be smoothed for tube monitors but I want the method for flat screens.
    Do java.awt.RenderingHints have any effect? If so, where can I set them since I don't use Graphics2D?

    LCD text didn't quite make it into this release. Only greyscale.
    As "mipa" noted, this isn't Java 2D, FX is a different API and implementation
    from the ground up, so you can't use RenderingHints

  • BUG with antialiasing of two near figures

    Please consider two black squares (picture attached, just a simple illustration of a problem).
    Squares are precisely aligned to be side-by-side.
    And as you can see, there is an artifact between squares. Artifact was generated by Illustrator`s antialiasing, because if you press
    Ctrl+K (Preferences) and switch off antialiasing, gray line disappears.
    Possible workarounds:
    W1) Totally switch off antialiasing (AA). BAD: lines becomes ugly.
    W2) Place on that objects raster effect with AA off. BAD: rasterising by it self is bad; filesize x2; jagged edges.
    W3) Slightly shift edge of one square towards other square. BAD: hard to do if geometry is much more compleх.
    W4) Approximate needed with mesh objects. BAD: two side-by-side meshes have the same bug.
    My questions:
    Q1) Is there any other workarounds? Hotfixes?
    Q2) Is there any sense to submit this bugreport to Adobe? And how can I submit it?
    Q3) Is there some kind of technical support (forum, email etc) where I can also ask?
    Illustrator versions with described bug: CS3, CS5.
    And I guess all other versions.

    Have you tried using "Align to Pixel Grid" option in the transform panel ? On selecting the black squares and turning this option ,it works. It aligns the square edges to pixel grids and there by removes anti-aliasing effect.
    Hope this would help.

  • 8800 GTS do not support 8x and 16x antialiasing?

    When I change my antialiasing settings in Doom 3 to 8x or 16x and then restart the app it
    keeps reseting to 4x. Also, in the config-file it only seems to recognize 256 MB VRAM, 8800 GTS has 512.
    Is this a bug in the Doom 3 app or is it the 8800 GTS drivers or is there an actual solution to this?
    Thanks in advance!

    Quote from: Glacial on 20-December-06, 03:17:08
    Don't worry I will do the CPU upgrade thing, it's a future plan.
    I bought the 8800, as a replacement for my old 6600GT which is sorta dead!
    Ok, seeing as I seem unable to find a decent single rail PSU on UK sites how about this:
    It has 4 rails!
    On further research i've discovered that OCZ tell which rail is attached to what.
    One for the CPU
    Another one for CPU and PCI-E
    One for Peripherals including SATA
    One dedicated PCI-E
    What d'ya think?
    Cheers guys.
    Forget about split-rails, get a decent single-rail.
    Tagan has nice ones, that can be combined with a switch!

  • HELP: Java 2D stand alone (antialiasing)

    I badly need java 2D standalone package for use with JDK 1.1 applications. If someone still has a copy of it or knows where can I download it, please contact me at [email protected]
    Eventually, I'll be gratefull if anyone can point me to some antialiasing algorithms or packages.

    What kind of antialiasing are you looking for? Antialias of vector graphics? fonts? etc.. For simple things like vector graphics, drawn through I think I can give you some pointers (without using sun's java2d)
    But antialiasing text drawn (using .drawText()) is another story. Not that it cannot be done.
    By the way, Java2D (which supports antialiasing) will not work with jdk1.1. There was a JFC version for 1.1 but it didn't include java2d.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Can't open NEF (Nikon Raw) photos in CS2

    Using CS2 on a Power Mac G5, running 10.5.8 with plenty of ram. Photos taken on a Nikon D700 in Raw format and transferred directly from camera to computer using Nikon Transfer. When I try to open a photo marked NEF in Photoshop's Bridge, I get a mes

  • Open dialog box on second monitor?

    Hi there, I use CS6 on a system that utilises two monitors. To maximise the amount of screen on Monitor 1 used for viewing my photos, I have arranged the workspace so that my history, actions and other panels are on Monitor 2. However, whenever I ope

  • Update problem

    I have created a table with name videotitletable with all fields of text type using MS Access and i 'm trying to update a record in this table through java program but i'm getting this error . java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access

  • Want to download itunes 11.1?

    help me download itunes 11.1 version please

  • PS CC 2014 very slow to load and operate after 2014.2 update

    I updated my Photoshop CC 2014 64bit today.  It was working perfectly up to the update.  Since the update, PSCC 2014 has been very, very slow to load and slow in use.  I have uninstalled PS used the PS Cleaner and reinstalled through CC Desktop.  The