Anwendung hängt beim Schließen der Schnittstelle

Iich habe in meinem System eine 8fach seriell Karte, an die mehrere Geräte angeschlossen sind. Diese werden häufiger angesprochen, dabei wird bei jeder Kommunikation die Schnittstellen geöffnet und wieder geschlossen.Nach einiger Zeit bleibt das System stehen, während es versucht die Schnittstelle zu schließen.

Hallo Marco
grundsätzlich sollte man seine Software so gestalten, dass Schnittstellen möglichst wenig geöffnet und geschlossen werden. Welchen Grund gibt es die Schnittstellen zu schließen und wieder zu öffnen?
Ich habe seither noch nie das Problem gesehen, dass das System beim Schließen hängen bleibt (unter WinNT).
Damit ergeben sich folgende Fragen:
Ist die seriell Karte von NI?
Welches Betriebssystem?
Welche Software (LV oder CVI) wird verwendet?
Welche Treiberfunktionen (VISA oder serpdrv) werden verwendet?
Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

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    rolffrom you sound pretty frustrated.....but a couple of ground rules...first, kill the profanity; "scheisse" may not be considered profanity im Deutchem Gebiet, but it is here, and it is not welcome,  second, we can try and help if you give us specific issues with a clear description of your environment, a general "dump" on the OS or hardware is inappropriate and doesn't allow us to provide any advice. 

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    zuersteinmal gibt es gar keinen Adobe Reader Pro.
    Es gibt entweder Adobe Reader oder Adobe Acrobat (Standard/Pro).
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    Das kleine schließt nur das aktuelle Dokument (gleichbedeutend mit Strg + W oder Datei > Schließen).
    Dein Problem kann diverse Ursachen haben.
    Zum einen sind die Dateien ja schon sehr groß, das kann dazu führen, dass der Acrobat mehrere hundert MB Arbeitsspeicher benötigt.
    Wenn der schon recht knapp ist, muss immer wieder auf die Festplatte ausgelagert werden ... und das dauert.
    Desweiteren kann es sein, dass die Dateien Skripte enthalten, die Acrobat beschäftigen.
    Das kann soweit führen, dass die JavaScript-Engine garnicht mehr reagiert und einfriert.
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    Für Tipps vielen Dank im Voraus

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    Gruß Dave

    Hallo David715, hast du ein http-Proxy in Einsatz? Wenn ja, hast du dieses im Policy Manager hinterlegt?Leider haben wir nicht ähnliche Erfahrungen.Leider können wir nicht sagen ob du was falsch macht.In diesem Fall,  würde ich dich bitten unseren Kundensupport Telefonisch oder über unser Formular zu kontaktieren, damit wir das Problem lösen können. Ciao rioda

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    unmount of /home failed (45)
    unmount of /net failed (45)
    Alle mir bekannten Maßnahmen führten zu keiner Lösung. (Festplatte, Rechte usw. alles i.O.)
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      Modell-Identifizierung:    iMac10,1
      Prozessortyp:    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Prozessorgeschwindigkeit:    3,06 GHz
      Anzahl der Prozessoren:    1
      Gesamtzahl der Kerne:    2
      L2-Cache:    3 MB
      Speicher:    8 GB
      Busgeschwindigkeit:    1,07 GHz
      Boot-ROM-Version:    IM101.00CC.B00
      SMC-Version (System):    1.52f9
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    For questions about Premiere elements, there is a dedicated forum; ask your question there:
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    My home-forum:
    Wiki: Deutsches ThinkPad-Wiki English ThinkWiki
    My ThinkPad-Collection

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    am 03.07.2000 0:17 Uhr schrieb UEHamisch unter
    [email protected]:
    X-Phorum-Thread: 107
    X-Phorum-Parent: 107
    > Die NCSA HTTPd ( cgi-src directory) bietet Beispiel CGI, die ich im Momen=
    > leider nicht entpacken kann, da ich erst Stuffit-Deluxe kaufen m=FC=DFte
    > wer ist so kompetent ???
    Mu=DF Du nicht kaufen: unter findest Du StuffIt
    Expander als Freeware...
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  • IPad 2 hängt beim abspielen von Videos stockt bei Wiedergabe

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    In der Regel ist es die Verbindung, wenn dies nicht gut läuft den Film nicht durch.
    Wenn Sie Wi-Fi verwenden, ziehen Sie das Stromkabel des Routers und dann lassen Sie uns sicherstellen, dass Sie haben ein starkes Signal.
    Sie können auch versuchen, dies; Halten Sie den Powerbutton und den Homebutton gleichzeitig bis das Apple Logo auf dem iPad-Bildschirm angezeigt.

  • Itunes hängt beim anschließen von Iphone/Ipad

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    Gruss Joachim

    Back up all data.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    ~/Library/Application Support/SyncServices
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item selected. Quit the application if it's running. Move the selected item to the Trash. Relaunch the application and test.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

  • Ich habe eine folge gekauft aber beim abspielen bleibt der bildschirm schwarz


    My macbook pro does not work properly after the installation of Lion. eg., when I close the lid, and after opening the lid again the screen stays dark, but i hear the laptop is working. I makes no difference which buttons I press. Only shutting down complete and then restarting will start it again. Will somebody tell me please what I am doing wrong?
    Mit diesem Problem sind Sie nicht allein, es gibt viele, die Ähnliches beobachtet haben, siehe hier: iMac with Lion not waking after overnight sleep

  • Wie kann man einstellen, dass beim macbook air der Ruhezustand einsetzt, auch mit ext. monitor

    I use a macbook air 11'' with an external monitor. I always use both screens as extended desktop.
    When i close the macbook I want it to go to sleep, but it doesn't. The external monitor keeps running.
    How can I set it to go to sleep completely, when I close the lid and leave the room?

    There is no such feature in OSX.  Perhaps there may be a third party application.

  • WebUtil Help:WUC-015

    I have installed WebUtil and modified formsweb.cfg,default.env and orion-web.xml etc.
    But when I run WebUtil Demo I got error:
    WUC-015:You Form must contain the following Bean for this function to be available:oracle.forms.webutil.browser.BrowserFunctions.
    Please help

    here is my orion-web.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE orion-web-app PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD Orion Web Application 2.3//EN" "">
         <context-param-mapping name="configFileName">D:\Oracle9iDS/forms90/server/formsweb.cfg</context-param-mapping>
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/html" real-path="D:\Oracle9iDS/tools/web90/html" />
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/java" real-path="D:\Oracle9iDS/forms90/java" />
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/jinitiator" real-path="D:\Oracle9iDS/jinit" />
         <virtual-directory virtual-path="/webutil" real-path="D:\Oracle9iDS/forms90/webutil/lib" />
         <session-tracking cookies="disabled" />
    # $Id: formsweb.cfg,v 1.23 2002/01/25 06:51:41 oraforms Exp $
    # formsweb.cfg - Forms Servlet default configuration file
    # This file defines parameter values used by the FormsServlet (f90servlet)
    # These are the default settings. Any of them may be overridden in the
    # Named Configurations section. If they are not overridden, then the
    # values here will be used.
    # System Paremeters cannot be overridden in the URL. User Parameters can.
    # These have fixed names and give information required by the Forms
    # Servlet in order to function. They cannot be specified in the URL query
    # string. But they can be overriden in a named configuration (see below).
    # Some parameters specify file names: if the full path is not given,
    # they are assumed to be in the same directory as this file. If a path
    # is given, then it should be a physical path, not a URL.
    # WorkingDirectory defaults to <oracle_home>/forms90 if unset.
    # The next parameter specifies how to execute the Forms applet under
    # Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x. Put IE=native if you want the
    # Forms applet to run in the browser's native JVM.
    # These match variables (e.g. %form%) in the baseHTML file. Their values
    # may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
    # (e.g. "")
    # or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
    # 1) Runform arguments:
    # These settings support running and debugging a form from the Builder:
    otherparams=debug=%debug% buffer_records=%buffer% debug_messages=%debug_messages% array=%array% query_only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render% host=%host% port=%port% record=%record% tracegroup=%tracegroup% log=%log% term=%term%
    # 2) HTML page title, attributes for the BODY tag, and HTML to add before and
    # after the form:
    pageTitle=Oracle9iAS Forms Services
    # 3) Values for the Forms applet parameters:
    ##<michael wang>
    width =100%
    height =100%
    # The following archive settings are for
    # archive_jini - settings for JInitiator
    # archive_ie - settings for IE native JVM
    # archive - settings for all other cases (Java Plugin, Appletviewer, etc)
    ##<michael wang> for WebUtil
    # Number of times client should retry if a network failure occurs. Only
    # change after having read the documentation.
    # 4) Parameters for JInitiator (used with Windows clients)
    # Page displayed to Netscape users to allow them to download JInitiator.
    # If you create your own page, you should set this parameter to point to it.
    # Parameters related to the version of JInitiator.
    # 5) Parameters for the Java Plugin (used with non-Windows clients)
    # Page displayed to users to allow them to download the JPI
    # (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
    # Parameters related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # 6) EM config parameter
    # Set this to "1" to enable Enterprise Manager to track Forms processes
    # 6) OID Config parameters (for Single Sign-On)
    # You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
    # by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
    # Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
    # default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
    # Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
    # "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
    # a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
    # a URL like "".
    # Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
    # "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
    # Example 2: configuration affecting users of MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5.x.
    # Forms applet will run under the browser's native JVM rather than
    # using Oracle JInitiator.
    # Example 3: configuration forcing use of the Java Plugin in all cases
    # (even if the client browser is on Windows)
    # Example 4: configuration running the Forms ListenerServlet in debug mode
    # (debug messages will be written to the servlet engine's log file)
    pageTitle=Oracle9iAS Forms Services - WebUtil
    # $Id: forms90.conf,v 1.8 2002/03/01 01:11:53 pkuhn Exp $
    # Name
    # forms90.conf
    # Purpose
    # Apache mod_oc4j and mod_jserv configuration file for Forms 9i Services.
    # This file should be included into the Oracle Apache HTTP Listener
    # configuration file (typically by adding an include statement to the
    # oracle_apache.conf file)
    # Remarks
    # If Forms is to be used with JServ, the file needs editing
    # to add the "forms90" servlet zone with properties file
    # Notes
    # Virtual paths: We use AliasMatch when defining virtual paths for
    # security reasons (prevents directory browsing).
    # Virtual path mapping for Forms Java jar and class files (codebase)
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/java/(..*) "D:\Oracle9iDS/forms90/java/$1"
    # Virtual path for JInitiator downloadable executable and download page
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/jinitiator/(..*) "D:\Oracle9iDS/jinit/$1"
    # Virtual path for runform.htm (used to run a form for testing purposes)
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/html/(..*) "D:\Oracle9iDS/tools/web90/html/$1"
    #<michael wang>
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/webutil/(..*) "D:\Oracle9iDS/forms90/webutil/lib/$1"
    #<michael wang>
    # Configuration for JServ (if mod_jserv.c is available and not mod_oc4j.c)
    <IfModule mod_jserv.c>
    # Only configure for JServ if mod_oc4j is NOT available:
    <IfModule !mod_oc4j.c>
    # Virtual path mapping for FormsServlet and ListenerServlet.
    # Purpose: paths to invoke the servlets should be /forms90/f90servlet
    # and /forms90/l90servlet respectively.
    # We map f90servlet to servlet.if90, and l90servlet to servlet.ifl90.
    # The apJServAction directives (below) will then remap those.
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/f90servlet(.*) "/servlet.if90"
    AliasMatch ^/forms90/l90servlet(.*) "/servlet.ifl90"
    ApJServMount /forms90/servlet /forms90
    # Let the servlets be called by file extension (e.g /servlet.if90)
    ApJServAction .if90 /forms90/servlet/f90servlet
    ApJServAction .ifl90 /forms90/servlet/l90servlet
    # Prevent access to the Forms Servlets by paths other than
    # /forms90/f90servlet and /forms90/l90servlet.
    # 1. Prevent access via the .if90 and .ifl90 file extensions:
    <LocationMatch ^.*\.if.*90>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    # 2. Stop access by class (by paths like
    # /forms90/servlet/oracle.forms.servlet.FormsServlet)
    <LocationMatch ^/forms90/servlet/oracle\.forms.*>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    # Config. for OC4J
    <IfModule mod_oc4j.c>
    Oc4jMount /forms90 OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/f90servlet/* OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms90/l90servlet/* OC4J_BI_Forms
    # webutil.cfg - WebUtil default configuration file
    # This file provides all of the configuration settings
    # for webutil. These are divided into the following
    # sections:
    # 1. Logging Options
    # 2. Installation Options
    # 3. FileUpload and Download Options
    # 4. Untranslatable Strings
    # 5. Translatable Strings
    # 1. Server Side Logging Options for logging errors and log messages
    # You must set Enabled to true to allow mid tier logging without this
    # mid tier logging will not take place no matter what PL/SQL or URL
    # options are supplied to switch it on
    # Once logging is enabled the other settings come into play
    # Details
    # file : Defines the file name and location of the log file.
    # Note that WebUtil does no log file management you may
    # need to manually clean this file up from time to time
    # enabled : Can be TRUE or FALSE
    # errorsonly : Can be TRUE or FALSE setting to true will ensure that
    # only errors and not normal informational log messages
    # are written to the log file
    # For product use this would normally be set to TRUE
    # connections: Can be TRUE or FALSE setting to true will cause each connection
    # from a form using WebUtil to write into the log as it sets up.
    # 2. Installation Options
    # WebUtil needs to download some files to the client in order to perform
    # certain integration operations such as OLE or Registry Access
    # These files are downloaded the first time that you access one of the
    # functions than needs them
    # You have to define the location of these files on the server
    # Details
    # syslib.location: The vitual path to the directory holding the
    # the webutil library files on the server side
    # this must either be an absolute URL or a url
    # URL that is relative to the documentbase
    # syslib.<os>.<package>.<n>: The name(s) of the libraries required for particular
    # webutil beans
    # The format of this is name|size|version|showDownloadDialog
    # multiple libraries can be downloaded per package but
    # ensure that the <n> values are consecutive and start at 1
    ## Do not change the following lines unless instructed to do so
    ## But you can add your own libraries in here
    # 3. Upload / Download options
    # For the file upload and download options you can define the default
    # locations on the server that webutil can use as a work area
    # Optionally you can switch upload and download off
    # Details
    # transfer.database.enabled: Can be TRUE or FALSE - allows you to disable
    # upload and download direct from the database
    # server.
    # transfer.appsrv.enabled: Can be TRUE or FALSE - allows you to disable
    # upload and download direct from the application
    # server.
    # transfer.appsrv.workAreaRoot: The root of the location in which WebUtil can
    # store temporary files uploaded from the client.
    # This location is always readable and writable
    # no matter what the settings in and
    # appsrv.write are.
    # This setting is required if you need the
    # Client side READ /WRITE_IMAGE_FILE procs
    # transfer.appsrv.accessControl:Can be TRUE or FALSE - allows you to indicate
    # that uploads and downloads can only occur from
    # the directories named in the
    # and transfer.appsrv.write.n
    # entries and their subdirecories. If this setting
    # is FALSE transfers can happen anywhere.
    #<n>: List of directory names that downloads can read
    # from.
    # transfer.appsrv.write.<n>: List of directory names that uploads can write
    # to.
    #NOTE: By default the file transfer is disabled as a security measure
    #List<n> directories\temp
    #List transfer.appsrv.write.<n> directories
    # 4. Untranslatable Strings
    # These errors can happen early in the initialisation process before we
    # have the client locale information to use to detect the correct
    # language version for the error
    EN.msg.error.error008=WUC-008: Server side logging was requested but no log file was specified - logging is disabled
    # 5. Translatable Strings
    # The following properties represent Strings displayed in various server
    # side error messages
    # They are available here to allow customisation
    # Messages are in the Format "<countrycode>.msg.key
    # The message reading code picks up the country code automatically from the
    # client. If the required country code cannot be found then the english (EN)
    # message is displayed as a default.
    # You may alter the EN versions of each key, but do not remove them!
    # General Dialog titles
    EN.msg.install.progress.title=WebUtil Install
    EN.msg.install.progress.subtitle=Downloading required libraries; Please wait...
    EN.msg.errordialog.title=WebUtil Error
    # App Server side errors
    EN.msg.error.error007=WUC-007: Unable to write to WebUtil logging file
    EN.msg.error.error015=WUC-015: Your Form must contain the following Bean for this function to be available:
    EN.msg.error.error408=WUH-408: The WebUtil Client code sent back a bad Process ID - Please report this error
    EN.msg.error.error110=WUT-110: Database LOB is of zero length
    EN.msg.error.error111=WUT-111: Database LOB is un-initialised
    EN.msg.error.error112=WUT-112: Invalid open mode for Blob. Value should be W or R
    EN.msg.error.error113=WUT-113: Too many rows match the supplied where clause
    EN.msg.error.error114=WUT-114: SQL Error
    EN.msg.error.error115=WUT-115: Checksum Failed
    EN.msg.error.error116=WUT-116: Transfer already in progress
    EN.msg.error.error117=WUT-117: Application Server file name cannot be null
    EN.msg.error.error118=WUT-118: Application Server file does not exist or is of zero length
    EN.msg.error.error119=WUT-119: Error reading data from Application Server file
    EN.msg.error.error120=WUT-120: Zero bytes read from Application Server file
    EN.msg.error.error121=WUT-121: This file transfer has been forbidden by the Adminstrator
    EN.msg.error.error122=WUT-122: Java Functions are not available on the Appliciation Server
    EN.msg.error.error123=WUT-123: The webutil.jar file cannot be found on the Appliciation Server Classpath - Some file transfer functions will not work.
    EN.msg.error.error124=WUT-124: Unable write data on the application server
    EN.msg.error.error125=WUT-125: Checksum error closing file on application server
    EN.msg.error.error126=WUT-126: Error closing application server file
    EN.msg.error.error127=WUT-127: Unable to create workarea
    EN.msg.error.error128=WUT-128: Exception creating workarea
    #German versions of the Dialog Titles
    DE.msg.install.progress.title=WebUtil Installation
    DE.msg.install.progress.subtitle=Ben�tigte Bibliotheken werden geladen; Bitte warten ...
    DE.msg.errordialog.title=WebUtil Fehler
    #German versions of the Errors
    DE.msg.error.error007=WUC-007: Kann nicht auf die WebUtil Log Datei zugreifen
    DE.msg.error.error015=WUC-015: Folgende Bean muss in der Form enthalten sein um diese Funktion zu nutzen:
    DE.msg.error.error408=WUH-408: Der WebUtil Client Code hat eine ung�ltige Prozess ID zur�ckgegeben - Bitte melden Sie diesen Fehler
    DE.msg.error.error110=WUT-110: Datenbank LOB hat eine L�nge von Null
    DE.msg.error.error111=WUT-111: Datenbank LOB ist nicht initialisiert
    DE.msg.error.error112=WUT-112: Ung�ltiger Modus zum �ffnen eines Blobs. Wert muss W oder R sein
    DE.msg.error.error113=WUT-113: Zu viele Reihen entsprechen der angegebenen Bedingung
    DE.msg.error.error114=WUT-114: SQL Fehler
    DE.msg.error.error115=WUT-115: Checksummen Fehler
    DE.msg.error.error116=WUT-116: �bertragung erfolgt bereits
    DE.msg.error.error117=WUT-117: Ein g�ltiger Dateiname auf dem Applikation Server ist erforderlich
    DE.msg.error.error118=WUT-118: Datei auf dem Applikation Server fehlt oder hat eine L�nge von Null
    DE.msg.error.error119=WUT-119: Fehler beim Lesen der Datei auf dem Applikations Server
    DE.msg.error.error120=WUT-120: Es konnte kein Byte vom Applikation Server gelesen werden
    DE.msg.error.error121=WUT-121: Die �bertragung dieser Datei wurde vom Administrator unterbunden
    DE.msg.error.error122=WUT-122: Java Funktionen sind auf dem Applikations Server nicht verf�gbar
    DE.msg.error.error123=WUT-123: Die Datei webutil.jar befindet sich nicht im CLASSPATH des Applikations Servers - Einige Datei�bertragungsfunktionen stehen somit nicht zur Verf�gung
    DE.msg.error.error124=WUT-124: Es konnte nicht schreibend auf den Applikations Server zugegriffen werden
    DE.msg.error.error125=WUT-125: Checksummen Fehler beim Schlie�en der Datei auf dem Applikations Server
    DE.msg.error.error126=WUT-126: Fehler beim Schlie�en der Datei auf dem Applikations Server
    DE.msg.error.error127=WUT-127: Der Arbeitsbereich konnte nicht erstellt werden
    DE.msg.error.error128=WUT-128: Ausnahmefehler beim Erstellen des Arbeitsbereiches
    #French versions of the Dialog Titles
    FR.msg.install.progress.title=WebUtil Installation
    FR.msg.install.progress.subtitle=Ben�tigte Bibliotheken werden geladen; Bitte warten ...
    FR.msg.errordialog.title=WebUtil Fehler
    #French versions of the Errors
    FR.msg.error.error007=WUC-007: Ecriture impossible dans le fichier de log WebUtil
    FR.msg.error.error015=WUC-015: Votre forme doit contenir le Bean suivant pour que cette fonction soit disponible:
    FR.msg.error.error408=WUH-408: Le client Webutil a renvoy?un numero de process erron?- Contactez votre administrateur
    FR.msg.error.error110=WUT-110: LOB dans la base de donn�es a une longueur de zero
    FR.msg.error.error111=WUT-111: LOB dans la base de donn�es n'est pas initialis?
    FR.msg.error.error112=WUT-112: Mode d'ouverture invalide pour un BLOB. La valeur doit �tre W ou R
    FR.msg.error.error113=WUT-113: Trop de lignes renvoy�es pour cette clause where
    FR.msg.error.error114=WUT-114: Erreur SQL
    FR.msg.error.error115=WUT-115: Echec du Checksum
    FR.msg.error.error116=WUT-116: Transfer d�j?en progr�s
    FR.msg.error.error117=WUT-117: Le nom du fichier sur le serveur d'application ne peut �tre null
    FR.msg.error.error118=WUT-118: Le nom du fichier sur le serveur d'application n'existe pas ou a une taille de zero
    FR.msg.error.error119=WUT-119: Erreur en lecture des donn�es provenant du fichier sur le serveur d'application
    FR.msg.error.error120=WUT-120: Zero bytes lu ?partir du fichier sur le serveur d'application
    FR.msg.error.error121=WUT-121: Ce transfert de fichier est interdit par l'administrateur
    FR.msg.error.error122=WUT-122: Java Fonctions non disponibles sur le serveur d'application
    FR.msg.error.error123=WUT-123: Le fichier webutil.jar n'est pas present dans le Classpath du serveur d'application - Certaines fonctions de transfert de fichiers ne fonctioneront pas
    FR.msg.error.error124=WUT-124: Impossible d'�crire sur le serveur d'application
    FR.msg.error.error125=WUT-125: Erreur de Checksum en fermant le fichier sur le serveur d'application
    FR.msg.error.error126=WUT-126: Erreur pendant la fermeture du fichier sur le serveur d'application
    FR.msg.error.error127=WUT-127: Creation de la Workarea impossible
    FR.msg.error.error128=WUT-128: Exception pendant la creation de la workarea
    #A sample .ENV file for use with WebUtil note the following important Points:
    # 1. The webutil.jar file is in the classpath so that the upload to app server will work
    # 2. The FORMS90_PATH includes the directory which holds the webutil.pll
    # 3. The WEBUTIL_CONFIG parameter is defined to point at the webutil.cfg file
    # !! If you re-use this env file then rememeber to change the paths !!
    I've double checked my configuration many times.
    but the error WUC-015 still exist, and the webutil-demo
    failed to run.

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