Any comments about this code regaarding naming conventions and flow and e

/* Description : This procedure will start the process step for moving
data from staging to live table for Append and Replace paradigms
/**************** Change History ***********************************/
/* Date Version Author Description */
-- Global Specifications.
package_name_in VARCHAR2(50) :='ODS_APPEND_REPLACE';
v_location INTEGER := 10;
v_cntl_schema VARCHAR2(20):= 'SCNTL02';
-- Procedure Specifications.
schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
bch_dte_in IN DATE,
fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
bch_dte_in IN DATE,
data_grp_cde_in IN VARCHAR2,
verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2);
schema_name_in IN VARCHAR2,
proc_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
proc_step_cd_in IN VARCHAR2,
bch_dte_in IN DATE,
fl_nbr_in IN VARCHAR2,
verbose_log_flag_in IN INTEGER,
pred_check_req_in IN INTEGER,
error_code_1_in IN VARCHAR2,
ibd_id_in IN INTEGER,
proc_step_status_out OUT INTEGER,
sp_hier_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)
/* Local Variables Declaration*/
v_curr_date DATE := CURRENT_DATE;
v_procedure_name VARCHAR2(100):= 'APPEND_REPLACE_INSERT';
v_stg_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
v_act_tbl VARCHAR2(100);
v_whr_clause_out VARCHAR2(1000);
option_in VARCHAR2(30);
v_common_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
v_stg_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
v_act_col_list VARCHAR2(10000);
v_query VARCHAR2(10000);
v_thrshld_query VARCHAR2(10000);
v_actl_inpt_query VARCHAR2(10000);
v_proc_step_stat_query VARCHAR2(10000);
v_error_msg_in VARCHAR2(10000);
v_part_val_out INTEGER;
v_row_cnt NUMBER(10);
v_cmit_nbr NUMBER(10);
v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10);
v_rec_inserted_cnt NUMBER(10);
v_rec_errored_cnt NUMBER(10);
v_thrshld_nbr NUMBER(10);
v_data_grp_query VARCHAR2(10000);
v_data_grp_cde VARCHAR2(30);
v_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
proc_step_start_out NUMBER(1);
proc_step_status VARCHAR2(30);
handled_exception EXCEPTION;
/* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
IF verbose_log_flag_in = 0 THEN
/* Start the Append/Replace Update process step after all the predecessor process steps are complete */
ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.PROC_STEP_START( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
proc_step_cd_in => proc_step_cd_in,
ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
bch_dte_in => bch_dte_in,
job_name_in => job_name_in,
verbose_log_flag_in => verbose_log_flag_in,
pred_chk_reqd_in => pred_check_req_in,
proc_step_stat_out => proc_step_start_out,
sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
IF proc_step_start_out = 0 THEN
dbms_output.put_line('Process Step '|| proc_step_cd_in ||' started for Process '||proc_cd_in);
/*If process step is successfully started then get the active and stage table names */
ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_TABLE_NAME( proc_cd_in => proc_cd_in,
proc_step_in => proc_step_cd_in,
ibd_id_in => ibd_id_in,
actv_tbl_out => v_act_tbl,
stg_tbl_out => v_stg_tbl,
sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
IF v_act_tbl IS NULL THEN
v_error_msg_in := 'Active table name is null. Please check the parameters passed';
option_in := 'others';
RAISE handled_exception;
/* If Active table is not null then get the active partition of the table*/
dbms_output.put_line('Active table name is : '||v_act_tbl);
v_data_grp_query := 'SELECT data_grp_cde
FROM '||v_cntl_schema ||'.proc
WHERE proc_id = '||chr(39)||proc_cd_in ||chr(39)||
' AND ibd_id = '||ibd_id_in;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_data_grp_query INTO v_data_grp_cde;
ODS_CONTROL_UTILITY.GET_ACT_PART(tbl_name_in => v_act_tbl,
data_grp_cde_in => v_data_grp_cde,
meta_data_in => 'VIEW DYN METADATA',
part_val_out => v_part_val_out,
sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
IF v_part_val_out IS NULL THEN
v_error_msg_in := 'Incorrect table name ' || v_act_tbl;
option_in := 'others';
v_location := 20;
RAISE handled_exception;
dbms_output.put_line('Active partition for the table '|| v_act_tbl ||' is : '||v_part_val_out);
/*Get the list of active table columns*/
ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
col_name_out => v_act_col_list,
sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
v_act_col_list := SUBSTR(v_act_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_act_col_list)-1);
IF v_act_col_list IS NULL THEN
v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
option_in := 'others';
v_location := 30;
RAISE handled_exception;
/*Get the list of active table columns and concatenate the columns with 'stg_array(i)' */
dbms_output.put_line('Active Table Columns List: '||v_act_col_list);
ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
table_name_in => v_act_tbl,
identifier_name_in => 'stg_array(i)',
col_name_out => v_common_col_list,
sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
v_common_col_list := SUBSTR(v_common_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_common_col_list)-1);
IF v_common_col_list IS NULL THEN
v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_act_tbl || ' and get concatenated with ' || 'STTG_ARRAY' ||'. Check for the columns in table name';
option_in := 'others';
v_location := 40;
RAISE handled_exception;
ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_TAB_COLS (schema_name_in => schema_name_in,
table_name_in => v_stg_tbl,
col_name_out => v_stg_col_list,
sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
v_stg_col_list := SUBSTR(v_stg_col_list,1,LENGTH(v_stg_col_list)-1);
IF v_stg_col_list IS NULL THEN
v_error_msg_in := 'Failed fetching columns for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
option_in := 'others';
v_location := 50;
RAISE handled_exception;
/* Form the WHERE clause on the primary key columns to update the proc_flag
column of appropriate record in stage table */
ODS_APPLICATION_UTILITY.GET_WHERE_CLAUSE( schema_nme_in => schema_name_in,
tbl_nme_in => v_stg_tbl,
trg_id => 'stg_array(i)',
whr_clause_out => v_whr_clause_out,
sp_hier_inout => sp_hier_inout);
IF v_whr_clause_out IS NULL THEN
v_error_msg_in := 'No columns fetched for ' || v_stg_tbl || '. Check for the columns in table name';
option_in := 'others';
v_location := 60;
RAISE handled_exception;
dbms_output.put_line('Where Clause is : ' || v_whr_clause_out );
v_thrshld_query := 'SELECT proc_step_thrshld_nbr FROM '|| v_cntl_schema ||'.proc_step
WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) ||proc_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
' AND proc_step_cde = '|| chr(39) ||proc_step_cd_in|| chr(39) ||
' AND ibd_id = ' || ibd_id_in;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_thrshld_query INTO v_thrshld_nbr;
dbms_output.put_line('Threshold number for the process step '||proc_step_cd_in||' is '||v_thrshld_nbr||' for the process '||proc_cd_in);
v_query := 'SELECT proc_cmit_nbr FROM '||v_cntl_schema||'.proc
WHERE proc_id = '|| chr(39) || proc_cd_in || chr(39) ||
' AND ibd_id = '|| ibd_id_in;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query INTO v_cmit_nbr;
IF v_part_val_out = 999 THEN
/* Execute the dynamic pl/sql block to append the data to the active table*/
dbms_output.put_line('Executing Dynamic Insert Block for Append Paradigm');
v_location := 80;
v_rec_inserted_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
error_msg_in VARCHAR2(1000);
v_dyn_proc_step_upd_out NUMBER(1);
v_rec_updt_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
v_actl_inpt_cnt NUMBER(10):=0;
v_rec_errored_cnt_in NUMBER(10):=0;
v_dyn_option_in VARCHAR2(30);
v_dyn_sp_hier VARCHAR2(30);
v_dyn_handled_exception EXCEPTION;
v_dyn_verbose_flag NUMBER(1):=0;
SELECT }' || v_stg_col_list ||
' FROM ' || v_stg_tbl ||
' WHERE fl_nbr = ' || fl_nbr_in ||
' AND proc_flag = ' || chr(39) || 'N' || chr(39) ||
' AND to_date(bch_dte,'||CHR(39)||'DD-MON-YY'||CHR(39)||') <= '||CHR(39)|| bch_dte_in || CHR(39)||q'{;
stg_array array;
/* Enable the logging if verbose log flag is 0*/
IF v_dyn_verbose_flag = }' || verbose_log_flag_in || q'{ THEN
FETCH c BULK COLLECT INTO stg_array LIMIT }'|| v_cmit_nbr ||q'{;
FOR i IN 1..stg_array.COUNT LOOP
INSERT INTO }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}'|| v_act_tbl || q'{( }'|| v_act_col_list ||q'{,crte_pgm, updt_pgm, crte_tstp, updt_tstp, expsd_rec_ind) VALUES }' || q'{ ( }' || v_common_col_list || q'{,'}' || job_name_in || q'{','}' || job_name_in ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date ||q'{','}' || v_curr_date||q'{','N' );}' ||
v_rec_inserted_cnt_in := v_rec_inserted_cnt_in + 1 ;
v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as inserted';
UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
SET proc_flag = 'I' ,
updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;
error_msg_in := 'Record duplicated';
v_actl_inpt_cnt := v_actl_inpt_cnt + 1 ;
v_rec_errored_cnt_in := v_rec_errored_cnt_in + 1;
IF v_rec_errored_cnt_in >}' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ THEN
error_msg_in := 'Threshold limit }' || v_thrshld_nbr || q'{ Reached';
v_dyn_option_in := 'proc_step';
RAISE v_dyn_handled_exception;
error_msg_in := 'Error in updating PROC_STAT as error';
UPDATE }' || schema_name_in || q'{.}' || v_stg_tbl || q'{
SET proc_flag = 'E',
-- err_code = }' || error_code_1_in || q'{, --need to uncomment once the err_code column is created in stage table
updt_pgm = '}' || job_name_in || q'{',
updt_tstp = '}' || v_curr_date || q'{'
WHERE }'|| v_whr_clause_out ||q'{;

Any suggestions about this program to improve performance and effective cod

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    I would like your comments on this code. Doesn't it have a few oppertunities? I know it's jsp, but question is not directed toward the jsp, just the logic/syntax/etc. How about the == for starters?
              String z_Desc = (((String)hshipTrackSummaryDocList.get("Z_DESC")) == null) ? "" : (String)hshipTrackSummaryDocList.get("Z_DESC");
              if (z_Desc  == "" ) {
              }else {
                      <%=(((String)hshipTrackSummaryDocList.get("Z_DESC")) == null) ? "" : (String)hshipTrackSummaryDocList.get("Z_DESC")%></font>

    Hi mlovern! This code has several opportunities for "improvement". I noticed that the get("Z_DESC") method is called on hshipTrackSummaryDocList object several times. Each time, it returns the very same value. Hence, in the interests of efficiency, it's a better idea to call it once, save the return value and then use the latter.
    Also, I'm not too clear about exactly what you intended to do in the else clause. As it stands, your else clause will cause the JSP to fail.
    Be very careful while using the "==" operator while comparing strings. That causes object comparison, not object content comparison. The latter is the required test most of the time. Also, while comparing the contents of the strings, it's better to call the equals() method on the empty string or a constant string. So, if I needed to compare a test value against an empty string or a constant, here's how.
    if ( "".equals( testString ) )
       // do something
    else if ( SOME_CONSTANT.equals( testString ) )
       // do something
    }In the above code, even if testString was null, a runtime exception will not be generated. However, if the equals() method was called on testString and it happened to be null, you'd be looking at an exception.
    Here's how I would have written the code you supplied.
    String zDescValue = (String) hshipTrackSummaryDocList.get( "Z_DESC" );
    if ( zDescValue == null ) zDescValue = "";
    if ( "".equals( zDescValue ) )
       // do something useful
      // do something else
    }I've also come across similar situations. In order not to repeat the same code everywhere, I've wound up writing a couple of utility methods to assign "" to a string if it's null. Here are those methods.
    public static String processStringValue( String inputString, String defaultValue )
       return ( inputString == null ? defaultValue : inputString );
    public static String processStringValue( String inputString )
       return processStringValue( inputString, "" );
    }Finally, you may want to be careful about the code fragments you post. From your post and profile, I can guess where you work. Your employer may or may not care if parts of their code start showing up on the Internet. It's better to create a general piece of code that approximates what you want to convey. However, it's better to be safe than sorry.
    Hope this helps!

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    Hello Pllumb,
    It sounds like you are unable to turn on Wi-Fi because the option is grayed out in Settings. Use these steps from the following article named:
    iOS: Wi-Fi settings grayed out or dim
    Restart your iOS device.
    Make sure that airplane mode is off by tapping Settings > Airplane Mode.
    Reset the network settings by tapping Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    This will reset all network settings, including Bluetooth pairing records, Wi-Fi passwords, VPN, and APN settings.
    Make sure that your device is using the latest software. To do so, connect your device to your computer and check for updates in iTunes.
    If you still can't turn Wi-Fi on, please contact Apple for support and service options. If you can turn Wi-Fi on but are experiencing other issues with Wi-Fi, please see these steps.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    total_funeral = 1640.00 + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76922)) + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00015.value) + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76926)) + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00010)) + Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76927.value) + (document.getElementById('CAT_Custom_76926_0').checked ? Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00010.value) : 0);

    This is all of javascript for caculation ( -
    function GetSelectedItem(frname) {
    chosen = ""
    len = frname.length
    for (i = 0; i <len; i++) {
    if (frname[i].checked) {
    chosen = frname[i].value
    return chosen
    function Recalculate() {
    total_funeral = ""
    crem_disbursements = ""
    burial_disbursements = ""
    total_disbursements = ""
    doctors_fees = ""
    crem_fee = ""
    cemetery_fee = ""
    minister_fee_crem = ""
    minister_fee_burial = ""
    civil_fee_crem = ""
    civil_fee_burial = ""
    carry_fee_burial = ""
    total_funeral = 1640.00 + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76922) ) + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00005)) + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00015.value)) + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76926) ) + Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00010.value)) +
    Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76927.value))  +
    (document.getElementById('CAT_Custom_76926_0').checked ? Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00010.value) : 0);
    minister_fee_crem = Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00003.value)
    minister_fee_burial = Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00004.value)
    civil_fee_crem = Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00006.value)
    civil_fee_burial = Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00001.value)
    carry_fee_burial = Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_00005))
    doctors_fees = Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76929))
    crem_fee = Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76930.value)
    cemetery_fee = Number(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76931.value)
    zz=document.getElementById('CAT_Custom_76926_0').checked==true;if(zz) { document.getElementById('basicServices').style.display='block'; } else { document.getElementById('basicServices').style.display='none'; };
    crem_disbursements = civil_fee_crem + doctors_fees + crem_fee + minister_fee_crem
    burial_disbursements = minister_fee_burial + cemetery_fee + civil_fee_burial
    if(Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76928)) == 0){
              total_disbursements = crem_disbursements;
              total_disbursements = burial_disbursements;
    if(Number(GetSelectedItem(document.catwebformform22057.CAT_Custom_76926)) == 0){
              CAT_Custom_00010.value=0 = total_funeral.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.doctors_fees.value = doctors_fees.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.civil_fee_crem.value = civil_fee_crem.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.civil_fee_burial.value = civil_fee_burial.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.minister_fee_crem.value = minister_fee_crem.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.minister_fee_burial.value = minister_fee_burial.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.carry_fee_burial.value = carry_fee_burial.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.crem_fee.value = crem_fee.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.cemetery_fee.value = cemetery_fee.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.total_crem_disbursements.value = crem_disbursements.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.total_burial_disbursements.value = burial_disbursements.toFixed(2);
    document.catwebformform22057.grand_total.value = (total_funeral + total_disbursements).toFixed(2);

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    Do I need the "Wildcard in House" in the Settings, General, Profile?
    This says that it is expiring and cannot find any information about this from Apple or Verizon.

    Apple haven't yet signed agreements with and similar local information services here in the UK or in europe. The rumor is that in the UK and others, will get it sometime towards the beginning of the year.

  • HT3275 Any ideas about this error message?  (error -1)

    Any ideas about this error message?
    "The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/ MacBook Pro.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1)."

    Standard Lion networking .. Reboot the TC or use the disconnect all users in the AU.. it has not closed the sparsebundle correctly from last time.. or has simply forgotten where the TC is.
    It is reported at least once a day here.
    See C17

  • I've preordered my iPhone 5 from apple and tried to get a sim from o2, they said I couldn't preorder. Does anyone have any information about this?

    I've preordered my iPhone 5 from apple and tried to get a sim from o2, they said I couldn't preorder. Does anyone have any information about this?

    Generally buying on contract or buying outright from apple with a separate sim from a provider is little difference in cost.
    Work out the total cost over 24 months for the phone+monthly tarrif and you will see.
    Also the contracts where the phone is cheapest but have a higher monthly cost tend to be the ones that cost you move over a 24 month period.
    For example;
    Using O2 UK as an example (other carriers are very similar). For the iPhone 5 64GB;
    From Apple £699, plus O2 On & On £20 per month is £1179
    From O2, Phone £249, per month, £41. Total over 24 months is £1,233
    From O2, Phone £169, per month, £46. Total over 24 months is £1,273
    From O2, Phone £69.99, per month, £63. Total over 24 months is £1,581  <Cheapest phone, most expensive
    *These all use the same tarrif of unlimited talk,texts and 1GB data. The only difference is how much you want to pay upfront for the phone*
    Also worth noting is buying the phone from apple and the O2 tarrif is only a 12 month tarrif so you're not locked in for 24 months.
    As you can see, the cheaper the phone, the more the overall amount you pay.

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    I'm running OS X 10.4.11 on my PowerMac, and cannot retrieve email.  Does this have to do with iCloud?  I also cannot upgrade my operating system as my computer won't accept it.  Any information about this for me? Thank you!

    Hi Steve,
    If this is dot mac or Mobile me you can still use IMAP eMail in the iCloud.
    Do not delete the old account yet. sign up for an iCloud account if you haven't.
    I understand .mac mail will still come through. Do not delete the old account yet.
    You cannot use .mac or MobileMe as type of Account, you have to choose IMAP when setting up, otherwise Mail is hard coded to change to & to, no matter what you try to enter.
    iCloud Mail setup, do not choose .mac or MobileMe as type, but choose IMAP...
    On second step where it asks "Description", it has to be a unique name, but you can still use your email address.
    IMAP (Incoming Mail Server) information:
        •    Server name:
        •    SSL Required: Yes
        •    Port: 993
        •    Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
        •    Password: Your iCloud password
    SMTP (outgoing mail server) information:
        •    Server name:
        •    SSL Required: Yes
        •    Port: 587
        •    SMTP Authentication Required: Yes
        •    Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
        •    Password: Your iCloud password
    Also, you must upgrade your password to meet the new criteria:  8 characters, including upper and lower case and numbers.  If you have an older password that does not meet these criteria, when you try to setup mail on your mac, using all of the IMAP criteria listed above, it will still give a server error message.  Go to         then follow directions to change your password, then go back to setting up your mail using the IMAP instructions above.
    Thanks to dpepper...

  • Naming convention for packages and classes

    Hi all,
    Is there any naming conventions for packages and classes which uses a design pattern ?. If yes what are the conventions used for business delegate,session facade, service locator,DAO and any other patterns.
    Anto Paul

    that is a good question and one we have considered also. We dont yet cover the naming conventions for classes based on patterns but maybe will in the future. Currently, in the blueprints apps we tend to do some things like naminga class
    -AccountDAO etc for DAOs
    -For servicelocator we have a class called ServiceLocator viewable at
    -for session facade, its a bit trickier since the name is so long and we cant add "SessionFacade" to the end of each facade class. I think in general we put "Facade" in the name, usually near the end
    -For Business Delegat, again it seems too long to add to each class name. So in the past we have added
    a "BD" to the names of the delegates. Some examples are at
    -For transfer objects we usually add a TO to the end of the name. Some examples at
    Seems like something we could get a bit more consistent about.
    hope that helps,

  • Hi all. i have adobe PS cc and i want to upgrade to PS and lightroom. How do i go about this without haveing to pay for both and paying the one combined price? thanks

    hi all. i have adobe PS cc and i want to upgrade to PS and lightroom. How do i go about this without haveing to pay for both and paying the one combined price? thanks

    You should talk to Adobe Support thru chat or by phone when they are available (Not usually on weekends) as they might be able to help arrange the change without any cancellation penalties.
    Phone/Chat support - For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Make sure you are logged in to the Adobe site, have cookies enabled, clear your cookie cache.  If it fails to connect try using a different browser.
    Creative Cloud support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues) ( )
    Otherwise what you would normally do is first consult the following page to see what you can do on your own
    Manage your membership and payments | Creative Cloud -creative-cloud.html
    and then if necessary cancel the current plan (penalties being possible) and subscribe to the new one.
    Cancel your membership or subscription | Creative Cloud

  • I create an id. on review option when i enter visa card and security code, it always gives an error msg "Invalid Secruity code". but i use this code for money withdraw from ATM and for shopping also. plz tell the solution ????

    i create an id. on review option when i enter visa card and security code, it always gives an error msg "Invalid Secruity code". but i use this code for money withdraw from ATM and for shopping also. plz tell the solution ????

    The code they are asking for is the last three digits of the number on the back of the card (you don't use this when using an ATM or presenting the card in shops).

  • I see lots of people asking questions about the "white screen" app store update failure. I see no answers from Apple about this...What is the problem, and what is the solution?

    I see lots of people asking questions about the "white screen" app store update failure. I see no answers from Apple about this...What is the problem, and what is the solution?

    It's a problem that Apple is having with their App updating system.  The best solution is to be patient, and wait for Apple to solve their systemic problem.

  • Code Inspector - Naming conventions &mExtended Naming conventions for Progs

    Hi experts,
    I had a look into the naming conventions enforced by 'DEFAULT' variant of code inspector (SCI).
    the relevant categories are: "Naming Conventions", and "Extended Naming conventions for Programs" under "Programing conventions".
    in the "Extended Naming conventions for Programs" category, for functions, (applicable while calling the functions) it says,
    importing parameter : I[:type:]_
    exporting parameter : E[:type:]_
    changing parameter  : C[:type:]_
    tables parameter    : T[:type:]_
    but in the "naming conventions" category, for functions (applicable while defining the functions), it says,
    importing parameter : P_*
    exporting parameter : P_*
    changing parameter  : P_*
    tables parameter    : P_*
    I felt, while defining the function too, its better to have beginning with  I_, E_, C_ or T_ instead of P_
    is the 'DEFAULT' variant of code inspector is provided and recommended by SAP?
    for easier maintenance and clearer understanding, which naming convention is more suitable, or is there any official guidelines released by SAP for ABAP developers.
    appreciate the opinions from experienced abap developers.

    Thanks for your answer.
    But what about Entity Objects, View Objects, View Links, and Application Modules.
    I would like my developers to have an easy way to name them and also find them via intellisense.
    So I was thinking in naming them the following way :
    Entity Objects :
    View Objects :
    View Links :
    Application Module :
    However the use of "_" is not so "Java naming oriented".
    So other alternatives would be:
    1. take the "_" :
    1.1 EOEmployee (I don't like the fact of having 3 capital letters together).
    1.2 EoEmployee (I don't like the fact of having Entity Object with a lowercase "o").
    2. Use the prefix at the end, but this way I loose the intellisense feature I want:
    ex: EmployeeEO
    Which naming approach are you using for big projects ?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Documentation on ISAB2B Services of CRM

    Hi All, We are supporting a CRM 2.0C version of Internet Sales using ITS. THis uses ISAB2B sales. But there is no documentation available anywhere for these ISAB2B templates. Where can I find the documentation so that I can understand the templates a

  • Lightroom reverted back to older version

    I am using lightroom 2.7 and it hung up on me (as it does quiet often) and I had to close it use the end program command.  when I reopened it, it looks like it has reverted to an older version of lightroom (I think 2.0)   it is showing me old catalog

  • ABAP & Java 7.0 trial on suse in vmware - Error in Licence check

    I've installed and managed to start the SAP Netweaver system. I can logon to the ABAP stack using SAP* and import my licence: System ID (3 characters):             N4S System number (18 characters):        000000000310683067 System type:             

  • Audition CC and out of application memory issue (Mac osX 10.9.4)

    Hi All, I'm trying to do an "Automatic Speech Alignment" between two AC3 5.1 files (~170Mb and ~ 80Mb, ~59' each), and at 35% I'm running always out of application memory (and I cannot continue, even closing all applications and maintaining only Audi

  • Will there be a security fix for my Mac ?

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