Any extremely weak encryption suggestions?

I have an XML file that contains information on how to connect to a database, including the username and the password. I would like to make the password human-unreadable.
Essentially what I am trying to do is make it such that the department secretary (i.e., casual users) cannot just simply look at the XML file and get the information needed; we have decided that it's not worth the time and effort to secure the password against determined crackers because they will more than likely be able to exploit other holes or use specialized tools. In other words, obsfucation rather than true security.
I'd like to go with something like Rot13, have the JavaBean do a simple substitution cipher on the password string when the time comes to write it to the XML file, and likewise, read the data back from the file. Other members of the team have suggested hard coding the seed into the class file, and doing a random number substitution.
Any suggestions?

As mentioned elsewhere in this forum, Sun doesn't provide Base64 encoding and decoding within its standard libraries (that I'm aware of). For something as trivial as this, I really don't want to suggest to the customer that they download and install a third party library.
Granted, he's going to have to install my classes, but I legally can't package someone else's Base64 into my jar file, and I don't want to tell him to use implementation A in the common libraries, and then have someone else come along demanding implementation B.
Rolling my own version of Base64 is a definite possibility, but I'd like to wait and see what else is suggested. :)

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    Dear All,
    Our Internal security audit suggests to avoid the use of Week SSL ciphers for our SAP PI 7.0 servers.
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    Kindly suggest the action to be taken to resolve the issue.
    Please find the below comment from Audit.
    The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer weak encryption.
    Note: This is considerably easier to exploit if the attacker is on the same physical network

    Hi Jim,
    The remote host is the PI(7.0) server.
    PI server profile
    FN_JSTART = jcontrol$(FT_EXE)
    ssl/ciphersuites = HIGH:MEDIUM:!mMD5
    jstartup/recorder = java -classpath ../j2ee/cluster/bootstrap/launcher.jar ../j2ee/
    cluster/bootstrap -node %nodeID% %startTime% -bz $(DIR_GLOBAL) âexitcode %exitcode%
    login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1
    SAPSYSTEM = 00
    DIR_CT_RUN = $(DIR_EXE_ROOT)/run
    jstartup/trimming_properties = off
    jstartup/protocol = on
    jstartup/vm/home = /opt/IBMJava2-amd64-142
    jstartup/max_caches = 500
    jstartup/release = 700
    jstartup/instance_properties = $(jstartup/j2ee_properties):$(jstartup/sdm_properties)
    j2ee/dbdriver = /oracle/client/10x_64/instantclient/ojdbc14.jar
    PHYS_MEMSIZE = 512
    exe/saposcol = $(DIR_CT_RUN)/saposcol
    rdisp/wp_no_dia = 10
    rdisp/wp_no_btc = 3
    exe/icmbnd = $(DIR_CT_RUN)/icmbnd
    rdisp/j2ee_start_control = 1
    rdisp/j2ee_start = 1
    rdisp/j2ee_libpath = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)
    exe/j2ee = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)/jcontrol$(FT_EXE)
    rdisp/j2ee_timeout = 1800
    rdisp/frfc_fallback = on
    icm/HTTP/j2ee_0 = PREFIX=/,HOST=localhost,CONN=0-500,PORT=5$$00
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80$$
    # SAP Messaging Service parameters are set in the DEFAULT.PFL
    ms/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=81$$
    rdisp/wp_no_enq = 1
    rdisp/wp_no_vb = 1
    rdisp/wp_no_vb2 = 1
    rdisp/wp_no_spo = 1
    # Jcontrol: Migrated Profile Parameter
    #      create at Wed Mar 25 20:20:02 2009
    j2ee/instance_id = ID0079698
    Web dispatcher profile
    SAPSYSTEM = 00
    DIR_CT_RUN = $(DIR_EXE_ROOT)/run
    wdisp/shm_attach_mode = 6
    # Accesssability of Message Server
    #rdisp/mshost =
    #ms/http_port = 8100
    #ms/https_port = 8101
    wdisp/system_0 =, MSPORT=8100, SID=APQ
    # Configuration for medium scenario
    icm/max_conn               = 16350
    icm/max_sockets            = 32768
    wdisp/HTTPS/max_pooled_con = 16350
    icm/req_queue_len          = 8000
    icm/min_threads            = 100
    icm/max_threads            = 500
    mpi/total_size_MB          = 700
    mpi/buffer_size            = 32768
    mpi/max_pipes              = 21000
    wdisp/HTTP/max_pooled_con  = 8192
    wdisp/HTTPS/max_pooled_con = 8192
    # SAP Web Dispatcher Ports
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80,EXTBIND=1
    icm/server_port_1 = PROT=ROUTER,PORT=443,EXTBIND=1
    icm/HTTP/admin_0 = PREFIX=/sap/wdisp/admin,DOCROOT=./admin,AUTHFILE=/sapmnt/WD0/global/security/data/icmauth.txt
    wdisp/HTTPS/dest_logon_group = PUBLIC
    wdisp/HTTPS/max_client_ip_entries = 100000
    wdisp/HTTPS/sticky_mask =
    #Additional Parameters
    wdisp/add_client_protocol_header = true
    wdisp/auto_refresh = 120
    wdisp/max_servers = 100
    wdisp/handle_webdisp_ap_header = 1
    #Registering SAP Web Dispatcher in the SLD
    #wdisp/system_0 =, PORT=8100, SID=APQ, NR=00
    #Parameter to avoid week SSL ciphers

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    Thanks for any replies.

    if they sit in the middle, they don't have the hardware spec.
    also its not an open protocol.... its not for secure data, its for authentication of a license. The hardware spec of the client is embedded into the original message from client->server in a randomized way
    server strips this out of the message and sends a response also embedded with the same hardware mixup, the client then only authenticates if it gets not only a valid license response but with the correct hardware key that matches the system.
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    Hello everyone,
    First, if I've posted this question in an inappropriate forum, I apologize.  If you'll direct me to a more appropriate forum, I'll post this question there.
    Here's my issue...  we've just installed a set of SAP Web Dispatchers in our DMZ, and we've configured the HTTPS/SSL functionality so that Internet consumers can securely communicate with us.
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    SSL encryption ciphers are classified based on encryption key length as follows:
    HIGH - key length larger than 128 bits
    MEDIUM - key length equal to 128 bits
    LOW - key length smaller than 128 bits
    Messages encrypted with LOW encryption ciphers are easy to decrypt. Commercial SSL servers should only support MEDIUM or HIGH strength ciphers to
    guarantee transaction security.
    Their recommended solution for us is to "Disable support for LOW encryption ciphers."  My question to you, in turn, is... How do I do that? 
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    Anyone have any ideas?
    ~Fred Claypool, Jr.

    > First, if I've posted this question in an inappropriate forum, I apologize. 
    No problem. If you get no answer here, try also this forum:

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    The Oracle documentation has a good overview of the options available
    Generating XML Data from the Database
    Without knowing your version, I just picked 11.2, so you made need to look for that chapter in the documentation for your version to find applicable information.
    You can also find some information in XML DB FAQ

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    Step 1 to 8 with pictures attached:
    1. Select any free app
    2. Tap install App
    3. Just tap Create New Apple ID
    4. Confirm your country; fill in your country's name
    5. Agree with Term and Condition
    6. Fill in your Apple ID and Password
    7. Create and answer secret question
    8. Select NONE for billing information
    Other pictures

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    iphone 3gs firmware v3.1.2
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    Is there anything I should be aware of in the settings.
    I followed the basic setup - no manual fiddeling with any of the settings.

    gv wrote:
    1. You can check all the settings through the web interface at
    2. As long as your iPhone maintains a connection and does not really slow down it does not matter how many bars the iPhone shows. I think the iPhone has problems calculating the correct signal strength on 802.11n routers. I have seen something similar on a dlink router. My iPhone jumped from 5 to 1 and back. Most of the time it was at 1 bar. Yet, I had perfect connections and normal internet speed. Thus, check internet functions on your iPhone. Unless you loose connections or they get extremely slow I would simply ignore it.
    Problem being is that I'm not sure where to check via the web interface as to what mode it's on right out of the box.
    The only way, recalling from last night's attempts, is if I go in and select the manual settings option rather than the wifi protected button, which would then allow me to enter manual settings.
    Only there, would I know what it would be set at because I would obviously have to set it. I'd rather not go into changing manual settings unless absolutely necessary at this point. 
    As for the iphone not displaying the signal strength correctly - I'd have to say it is, given the following download speed test results: 27, 95 , 28, 149 kbps (not the most spectacular) compared to say 9388 kbps when the iPhone initially comes out of sleep and connects to the network. The signal drops to the one dot within about 10-15 seconds approximately.
    With the old dLink G router, the signal strength registered full and download speed tests supported that, same as outlined above with the weak signal and corresponding d/l results.

  • Airport Extreme - Weak Signal

    Good morning -
    I have a 17" iMac G4 800 (no Airport Card - cable connected to the Airport base station) and a 12" PowerBook G4 133, networked with Airport Extreme. I connect to the internet via DSL with a Siemens Speedstream 4100. My ISP claims download speeds up to 6Mbps although it's usually closer to 4 or 5 (I don't know if this is relevant but thought I'd include it).
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    I suppose that another closed network (not detectable by MacStumbler) could be causing the slowdown - but on all channels?
    - Increased the Transmitter Power to 100% and changed the Multicast Rate to 11, since I don't need the range to be especially broad, but again I'm still mighty low.
    BTW, what is the "Mode"? Presently it's set to 802.11 b/g compatible. Would that setting have an impact on my situation? Since I don't know what it is, I don't much want to play with it just yet...
    What else should I be checking/doing?
    iMac G4, Powerbook G4, Airport Extreme   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    It could be that a different type of device is operating at, or causing interference at, 2.4 GHz and causing your wireless network problem. Cordless phones are one big culprit. See KB 58543, AirPort: Potential sources of interference for some other ideas.
    - Increased the Transmitter Power to 100% and changed the Multicast Rate to 11, since I don't need the range to be especially broad, but again I'm still mighty low.
    Increasing the multicast rate can decrease the range. The multicast rate is the guaranteed data transfer rate. The network will drop if this rate can not be guaranteed.
    BTW, what is the "Mode"? Presently it's set to 802.11 b/g compatible. Would that setting have an impact on my situation?
    There are 3 settings:
    802.11b only - The wireless network operates at the slower (11 Mbps) 802.11b protocol for all clients. Since 802.11g is backwards compatible, both 802.11b and 802.11g devices can connect.
    802.11b/g - The wireless network allows both 802.11b and 802.11g clients to connect. The network speed will be slowed only if any 802.11b clients actually are connected.
    802.11g only - The network operates at the faster (54 Mbps) 802.11g for all clients. 802.11b clients will not be able to connect.

  • Change to User Mapping Strong encryption to weak encryption

    HI Floks,
    we have EP 5.0 and want to change the Branding Images on the Logon Page.
    However, Direct Editing is not available.But User Mapping is availble
    The path in EP 5.0 was :
    "System Administration -> System Configuration -> UME Configuration -> User Mapping".
    its strongly encrypted
    am looking this info "Encryption of User Mapping Data: Strong encryption ". Ihave to change brading image
    Does anyone know why or if there is another way to modify the UME property ume.logon.branding_image. how to convert this encryption or another way is there to change logo .\
    if any links or suggestions are provide me

    Hi Preethi,
    I'm wondering about your message. It seems you mismatch EP5 and EP6 with each other.
    In EP5 the logon screen can be found at the IIS. There are 2 different logon screens: form logon or HTTP logon. The branding image is only available for form logon. In the admin guide for EP5 you can find the following information:
    'You can customize the form-based logon to reflect your companyu2019s branding or other special
    requirements. The dialog is located at Inetpub\wwwroot\SAPPortal\FormLogon.asp.'
    see also
    Furthermore there was no strong encryption possible for EP5.
    The path you mentioned in your message reflects only for EP6 and onwards. And I'm wondering why you talk of strong encryption in this context. The way of encryption has nothing to do with the branding image.

  • Encrypt suggestions

    Hi friends!
    I would like to encryp my messages in my client and server java app.
    And I have these problems:
    If I use an algorithm to encryp my strings, perhaps my characters became on-readable characters and like for instance \n or something that, and I use /10 to separate my messages and process then. So is there anyway to encrpy a string, but resuliting in another string with characteras from a to z?
    Another question, it would be possible to use SSL to encroty my messages? should I pay to somebody? Is it necessary to use a 3rd computer?
    Thanks a lot for your advice

    Ricardo_Ruiz_Lopez wrote:
    Thanks a lot for your replies.
    My strings contain sensitive information ( customers money information ) and my messages are going to travel thru Internet, so I need something very secure.PayPal, your online banking, the login to this site and millions of other sites use SSL often through HTTPS. You won't find anything more secure other than not using the Internet at all.
    I think SSL could be the best option after reading your suggestions and something on the net.Yep.
    "SSL is not used to encrypt a single message. SSL is used to encrypt an entire socket connection. The idea is that you open a SSL connection (which can be thought of as a wrapper over a "normal" socket connection) and then use it as if it were a normal socket connection. The difference is that all traffic sent this way is encrypted."
    Thanks, it doesnt matter if it encrypts all my connection.
    "Should you pay someone?"
    I think you didnt understand me. I am reading about SSL and I read about buying a certificate and pay to someboy like Verisign or something like that. Right now, I realised that this is an authentificattion process which is not necessary, so I gguess I could use only encription part. BTW I know there are free algorithms.
    Any suggestion (or link) to use SSL for only encrypt my connection without 3rd companies??? ( I�m looking for that right now)I don't really understand. Are you asking about Java SSL implementations? If so then, as I said in my earlier post, no third party implementation is required; it is built in to the later version of the JRE and the earlier versions of the JRE can use the Sun JSSE library.

  • Connecting a windows XP laptop to Airport extreme, WPA encryption

    have just got an airport extreme and have managed to connect to it and access internet fine with my macbook. I'm using WPA/WPA2 Personal encryption with an 8 character password. After finding the network equivalent password (a 64 character Hex key) I managed to get my housemates Vista laptops connected. HOWEVER, when I go to enter this into my friends XP laptop (connected through a Netgear wireless receiver), it will not let me as the 64 character key is 1 character too long - do I just enter the original 8 character password?
    I hope someone can help!!!!

    Is the password you are using limited to letters and numbers - no punctuation or other strange characters?
    This really should work. The fact it doesn't suggests to me that some other setting is not being chosen correctly. As I mentioned this above select "WPA Personal" with TKIP (not AES) encryption. As a second choice, select "WPA2 Personal". Make sure the WinXP software drivers for its wireless interface are up to date.

  • I was just told ML could not be installed because apple HD is broken and could not be repaired. I never had any problem ever to suggest a broken HD, on my 2 yr. old mac pro. 10.6.8. Any one else having this problem? Will I get a refund,  if so how?

    I have a 2009 MAC PRO 10.6.8. Had never had any problems. Tried installing Mountain Lion today. Was told, " Mountain Lion could not be installed because Hard Disk is broken"!
    Is it because HD is broken or perhaps incompatible? Has any one else had this problem? I had no symptoms suggestive of a broken HD. Will I get reimbursed if ML could not be installed? If so what do I have to do?
    How can I verify the status of the HD, in absence of symptoms for my own information?

    mottoo wrote:
    I have a 2009 MAC PRO 10.6.8. Had never had any problems. Tried installing Mountain Lion today. Was told, " Mountain Lion could not be installed because Hard Disk is broken"!
    Is it because HD is broken or perhaps incompatible? Has any one else had this problem? I had no symptoms suggestive of a broken HD. Will I get reimbursed if ML could not be installed? If so what do I have to do?
    How can I verify the status of the HD, in absence of symptoms for my own information?
    The solution to your problem is rather simple
    1: Get a external hard drive and use Disk Utility to format it with a GUID partition map and OS X extended Journaled.
    2: Export your browser bookmarks and any other needed data to a file,. Copy your User data folders of Music, Pictures etc over to the external  drive via drag and drop copy methods, disconnect the drive.
    I don't advise using TimeMachine at this point since your boot drive is messed up, thus so will be your TM drive, just transfering the problem later on back to the new install. We are proceeding with a "Fresh install" method to eliminate as many issues as possible which a TM restore can return to a new OS X install.
    3: Next you will need to follow these instructions to zero erase (important) and install 10.6 fresh, use the same named account (different password ok)
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6
    4: Before you return files or install programs, Software Update fully and use the AppStore to install 10.8, this way it will be on a fresh 10.6 install, free of issues.
    5: Install any and all 10.8 compatible programs as much as possible before returning your User files, this is a performance measure.
    If you need too, use this site to find one's that are 10.8 compatible.
    6: Last install your user files from the external drive backup into their respective Music, Pictures, Movies etc., folders, into the same named accounts so you preserve your iTunes playlists. When you open those programs, they will update their respective support files automatically.

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