Any harm of having iPod in case while playing?

Can there be any harm for the iPod if I have it in the case (which came with it) while playing music?
Just wondering cause I read that you should not have it in the case while recharging it.

There is no harm at all while playing it. The warning about charging it in a case is the iPod gets warm while charging and the case could make the temperature even higher.

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    Make sure Soundcheck on the iPod is enabled.
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    Hi Athey,
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    Here is the link to one..
    Here is the link to another one...
    Hope these help

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    I had the same trouble w/ my iPod Touch 16GIG Gen 1 & it seemed to be worse after upgrading the software/firmware to Version 2.1; to the point where I was arranging to get it back to The Apple Store before it was 30 days old. The trouble seems to be worse as I approached 14GIG's of filled memory. I mostly have audio, but a few movies are loaded also. But I couldn't view the album art from end to end & it would also freeze & go back to the home screen after about 5 seconds of audio from an audio track intermittently. It was frustrating.
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    Give the Home button a try & let us know.
    Best of Luck-

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    Hey, just had this problem but its been fixed.
    This was my question.
    Might have to wait until they reply to ur Reported Problem Question before all the steps work. Took about 24hours to reply.
    Hope it helps

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    In theory, it shouldn't do any harm. The reason I added the qualifier is that its possible that a non-Apple charger could in some way, not be quite up to spec and could behave oddly. Of course, Apple chargers can go bad, too. iPods will stop accepting a charger once they are fully charged. I have used chargers while my iPod has been connected to speakers with no difficulty and no harm to the iPod.

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    Hi salahipod, and Welcome to Discussions!
    Regarding the headphone issue, it could be one of two things. First, it could be a problem with the song files themselves, especially if the issue happens with the same song(s). If you suspect it only happens to songs from a certain CD, for example, try deleting and re-importing the troublesome CD(s). Second, it could be an issue with the headphone jack itself. Inspect the jack for damage, like something lodged in it or perhaps something that looks bent. Insert headphones - do they go in all the way? Do they seem loose, like there is extra wiggle room in the jack? If there appears to be a hardware issue with the iPod, it would be worthwhile to send it in to Apple if you are still under warranty.
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    A bit confused by your statement
    bcboarder wrote:
    . I do not understand why the music is clearly on the Ipod but wont reconize it anywhere.
    Are you seeing your music listed in the iPod screen, or in Win explorer as in your earlier post?
    I can see all the songs in my Edrive>al's Ipod> Ipod Control> Music folder.
    A corrupted iPod database, will report zero music used, and have your music size reported as others, so you wont see the music in the iPod screen. Sorry, I thought there was some hope for you with iPodAccess, in recovery of the corrupted iPod database with your ratings.
    You can try to borrow and  use the Mac Disk Utility ->First Aid ->Repair.
    Of course, if your iPod Hardisk is in a bad state, from the Disk Diagnostic report, then all my suggestion are futile.

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