Any update on synching catalogs between computers...

I didn't see this mentioned in the Victoria's posted release notes...
I'm wondering if there are any plans to add synching capabilities between computers?  Having one catalog to use while tethering, exporting that catalog then importing it to my main catalog is just a lot of work that I wish didn't have to take place.  I'd even be fine with a requirement to never have both catalogs open at once.
It would also be nice to do processing work on my MacBook Pro while away from home and then be able to easily sync those changes back to my Mac Pro (something like how ChronoSync works).

I would also like to have an easy way to work with one LRCAT set between multiple computers. With LR3 you cannot store LRCAT files on a network drive. If we could then we could use it more like a central database. Sometimes I am editing images on my main PC but other times I want to work on my catalogs elsewhere in myhome from my laptop and have to import/export to  keep things in sync. I like may people that value their images like to keep my files on NAS storage to take advantage of the RAID1 protection and I belive with gigabit network equipement being the norm even for SOHO this should be acceptable performance, or at least a minor paus between image loads being much less of an anoyance than having to go through extra import/export processes.
I can also see a need for server based version of LR. Currently LR3 is conceptualy similiar to MS Access, and I can see a need for a self sufficient version of LR Server that would be conceptualy similiar to MS SQL Server. LR4 or a future version of the current LR product could be enhanced to be a required UI 'front end' or (a.k.a. fat client) to access the server based image reposator I will call LR Server.
This theoretical LR Server product would/should be licenced out of the box for single simultanious access so i lines up with the LR and PS EULA ability to use the same licence on a second portable comptuer for non simultanious use. Then there should be a way to upgrade the licence for multiple simultanous access for small companies that need one LR database accessed by multiple simultanous users. LR Server would not need security controls of its own as it can rely on usual server permissions, we just need easy central access without the anoyance of import/export processes.

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    Since there is no feature to merge catalogs in PSE11, you'll have to use a simpler workflow.
    The idea is to do the scanning and tagging separately, and finally choosing the smaller catalog to prepare the import into the bigger catalog.
    A few tips :
    - Choose which catalog will be the final one and which will be the one from which the files will be imported into the main catalog
    - A good idea would be that on the smaller one, you create a dedicated scanning master folder. If the files are saved on an external drive, that will make the import easier.
    - Do as much organizing as you can : tagging, setting capture date and adding captions (very important for scans), star rating. You may want to rename files according to various presets.
    - You can start with the same tags hierarchy in both computer : it can be saved as a text file and restored on the other computer
    - When you are ready, you 'write metadata' to files so that the importing computer gets them back.
    - Remember that you can't get back albums, version sets or stacks by writing metadata to files. So, use tags instead of albums; for version sets or stacks, maybe flatten them to keep the last (best) version at the import stage.
    - Now, you can import all the files in the final catalog. If the files to import are on an external drive, there is no copy needed to the final computer. Otherwise, you have to transfer them as you prefer. In that case I would favor a full backup of the smaller catalog to an external drive and a restore on a new master folder on the final computer.
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    This is what the Adobe help file says about syncing site settings: ( .html)
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    Have you:
    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
      - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.            
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    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
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    This question was solved.
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    You cannot sync between computers, What can be done though, to get the data from your E2 to the Vista 64 bit PC is to sync by bluetooth. You can check in your device manager to see if the PC already has bluetooth installed. If it does just find the bluetooth port on your PC, put the E2 a couple of inches away from the PC and in hotsync manager choose to hot sync by bluetooth. If you don't have bluetooth already installed on your PC you will need to purchase a USB bluetooth dongle, install the drivers that come with it and then sync. The first time you sync it could take a little while depending on how much data you have on the device.  Hope this helps.....
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    Your Lightroom license key is
    a. Single user / owner
    b. You are allowed two active installations, with one in use at any point in time.
    c. It is cross platform Mac and or PC.
    d. You can install / uninstall as many times it is necessary, as long as you meet the criteria above.
    The latest updates can be accessed from the link below.
    Product updates

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    Hi ,
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    2). F4
    Please help on the same if u have any idea or clue.

    Hi Srinivas!
    Where did you get your implementation from?
    It would be nice if you could debug your code!
    For the F4 method, have you seen this note?
    Note 544904 - Sample source code f.BAdI /SAPAPO/SDP_SELECTOR ('F4'method)
    Also check this note. It contains selection modifications in the BAdI:
    Note 376902 - SDP selector: Basis corrections for BADI
    I do not know your release and support package in your SCM, but you can find a lot of notes related to this BAdI.
    Thank you!
    SCM Support Consultant

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    I'm trying to use the standard transaction /SAPAPO/TSKEYFMAIN in order to check the TS values.
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    'Error in updating ALV field catalog in selection'
    Could you please provide me with further details about the error? What could be the possible solution to avoid it?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Marius,
    thanks for your answer.
    I would like to use the /SAPAPO/TSKEYFMAIN transaction to check massively the values in the time series KFs and not just the consistency of them.
    So do you know any other transaction to do it or do you have an idea about the error of /SAPAPO/TSKEYFMAIN?
    Thanks for your help!

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    Hi Pat,
    Using Lightroom Cloud to Sync Catalog Between Two Machines
    If you’re running Lightroom on a laptop during your location shoots, you might want to take all the edits, keywords, metadata, and of course the photos themselves, and add them to the Lightroom catalog on your studio computer. It’s easier than it sounds: basically, you choose which catalog to export from your laptop, then you take the folder it creates over to your studio computer and import it.
    You need to decide whether you want to export a folder (all the imported photos from your shoot), or a collection (just your Picks from the shoot). In this case, we’ll go with a collection, so go to the Collections panel and click on the collection you want to merge with your main catalog back in your studio. (If you had chosen a folder, the only difference would be you’d go to the Folders panel and click on the folder from that shoot instead. Either way, all the metadata you added, and any edits you made in Lightroom, will still be transferred over to the other machine.)
    Please refer to for more details.
    Eshant Jindal

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