Sharing catalogs between computers which include tags

We have about 10,000 photos to scan from my Mother's old albums (80 years of photos).  We each have Adobe Photoshop Elements 10. We want to split the photos up and each of us tag different photos (using same tag names) and then be able put it all together so that each of us have the same photos with the same tags.  How can we do this?

Since there is no feature to merge catalogs in PSE11, you'll have to use a simpler workflow.
The idea is to do the scanning and tagging separately, and finally choosing the smaller catalog to prepare the import into the bigger catalog.
A few tips :
- Choose which catalog will be the final one and which will be the one from which the files will be imported into the main catalog
- A good idea would be that on the smaller one, you create a dedicated scanning master folder. If the files are saved on an external drive, that will make the import easier.
- Do as much organizing as you can : tagging, setting capture date and adding captions (very important for scans), star rating. You may want to rename files according to various presets.
- You can start with the same tags hierarchy in both computer : it can be saved as a text file and restored on the other computer
- When you are ready, you 'write metadata' to files so that the importing computer gets them back.
- Remember that you can't get back albums, version sets or stacks by writing metadata to files. So, use tags instead of albums; for version sets or stacks, maybe flatten them to keep the last (best) version at the import stage.
- Now, you can import all the files in the final catalog. If the files to import are on an external drive, there is no copy needed to the final computer. Otherwise, you have to transfer them as you prefer. In that case I would favor a full backup of the smaller catalog to an external drive and a restore on a new master folder on the final computer.
- Once you have done the import on the final computer, you'll have to share your work (catalog and full picture collection) with the owner of the first computer : I recommend a full backup to external drive of the final catalog and a restore to the smaller one.

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    > When we open the catalog file through PSE7 on each computer, we only see the photos uploaded from the individual computer, not from both.
    It sounds like each computer in fact has a different catalog. You can verify the catalog locations by doing Help > System Info.
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    If you're talking about synching the photos, and the photos are on the computers, the answer is "No" because the catalog keeps the location information keyed to the drive ID.
    If you want to store the photos on a network storage device that's common to both computers, it can be done.  See this FAQ:

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    Hello cacalenni,
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. I understand that you wish to learn how to import songs using Home Sharing in the new iTunes. The following resource should assist you in doing so:
    iTunes 12 for Mac: Use Home Sharing to import items from another iTunes library
    Matt M.

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    Have you:
    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
      - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.            
    If a PC
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

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