Any way to make overall system volume louder???

Is there a plug-in or app that can boost the overall system volume. The overall volume seems to be strangely low in these powerbooks. I was on an airplane watching a DVD via headphones (the B&O high end ones that I use with my ipod) and I could barely hear the DVD over the plane hum. I have both the system volume and the DVD Player volume up. I also have problems with certain QT Movies and WMV movies that the volume is low with and just have no way beyond the the players volume control and the system volume to make it louder.

Unfortunately not. One thing you can do to improve the volume, not to mention bass response, is to go wirth in-ear style headphones. They not only do they improve overall volume and audio quality they do reduce external noise.

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    However, I prefer using Mouse Locator (free download)
    I like this Mouse Locator Graphic
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    I use
    Chronosync (
    Dropbox (
    Both work very well. The former I use for manual, one-way synchroniziation of (nearly) entire systems. The latter for automatic syncing of very active directories through local and shared online storage.

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    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFEE80;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
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    set GlobalString to "this is a global text string"
    log result
    on SomeHandler(SomeText)
    set HandlerString to "this is a local text string"
    if SomeText is not "PASSWORD" then
    return "FAIL"
    return "OK"
    end if
    end SomeHandler
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    I sugggest you try my application, Dates to iCal. It is shareware with a 2 week trial period.
    Dates to iCal 2 is a replacement for Apple's birthday calendar for iCal. It has a range of features to allow the user to choose what, and what not, to sync to iCal from Address Book.
    As well as automatically syncing birthday dates from Address Book, Dates to iCal 2 can sync anniversary and custom dates. It can set up to five alarms for each date in iCal and can also set different alarms for birthdays and anniversaries. It allows the option of only syncing from one Address Book group. This application also allows for the titles of the events sent to iCal to be modified to the user's preference.
    Best wishes
    John M
    As I sell software on my site and ask for donations, the Apple Support Communities Use Agreement requires that I state that I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Down-arrow, Return. Return opens the selected message. I read through hundreds of messages without ever touching the mouse. Once you get used to the keystrokes, Mail is extremely efficient.

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    Sorry no, there isn't a way to turn off those reminders.
    You can send Apple a feedback here

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    Hi cindy,
    If you all have individual Apple IDs, then you would be able to dowload music from a shared iTunes library on a computer, but you would not be able to sign on each individual ID on an iOS device in order to download music purchased under the original Apple ID without a 90-day waiting period between sign-ons.
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    If you were to sign on a new Apple ID on, say, an iPhone, and then were to purchase and download some music from iTunes, then you would have to wait 90 days before you could sign on the old Apple ID to that iPhone in order to download previously purchased material (and vice versa).
    However, if all of the music purchased by that origjnal Apple ID is in an iTunes library on a shared computer, then you can hook up the device and selectively sync any music in that library to the device. You can also sign on any of the Apple IDs to that shared iTunes library and purchase music to be added to the library.
    You would need to authorize the computer for each of the new Apple IDs.
    Each of the Apple IDs would also be able to download that music purchased either by syncing to the iTunes library on the computer or by downloading it OTA on the device.
    So, each Apple ID can download music, movies, etc. purchased with that Apple ID OTA to the device. Also each Apple ID can sync any music, movies, etc. that are in the iTunes library on the computer regardless of who purchased them.
    The only other thing you would need to remember is that if an App needed to be updated, then the original Apple ID that was used to purchase that App would come up, and the password that goes with that Apple ID would be required to do the update.
    Hope that helps,

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    No, you cannot put indexes on a view. Think about what a view is, a stored sql statement. Oracle has no way of knowing what rows are in a view until it actually runs the view. So, even if you could, Oracle would need to run the view to get the rows, build the index, then run your query a second time using the index. Seems counter productive to me. A view can use indexes on the underlying tables if appropriate.
    Generally speaking, I would say that a query that makes use of multiple views is probably really inefficient. Often, you are only looking for one or two columns from a view which may require joining several tables whose columns are of no use in the main query. I would start by re-writing the query using the base tables, and only using those tables that are actually required to answer the question.

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    Events are organised strictly on date and time, as read by iPhoto from the Exif data in the Photo. You cannot manually sort.
    Create Albums. You can do much more organising with Albums, use Photos from different events, place them as you will. Best of all, Albums use no disk space at all. They simply reference the file on the Hard Disk. So a pic can be 1, 10 or 100 Albums with no wasted disk space whatever.

Maybe you are looking for