Any web browser thats enabled to video output?

Any browser out there that works with video output?

Search Browsers in the App store, then look at the product description.
They will tell you if they support this feature.

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    Hi, I had the same problem (and with DreamWeaver as well) but I found this on another discussion forum, and it works well:
    Re: Safari 6.1 on MacOS 10.8.5 not play quicktime movies 
    11 nov. 2013 22:04 (in response to Nicolas Strobel)
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    Probably none. It's very possible that the reason the MLS required Internet Explorer is that they use technologies (such as Active-X) that are proprietary to Microsoft and so would not be available from the iPad even if a browser will report itself as being Internet Explorer.
    You can try iCab Mobile, though, and see if it will work for you:
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    better than u
    hellbetter than whom you dickhead.
    stay away from forums.

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    Please check if this happens in [ Safe Mode].
    [ Problematic Extensions]
    [ Troubleshooting Extensions and Themes]
    [ Uninstalling Add-ons]
    [ Uninstalling Toolbars]
    Safe mode disables the installed '''Extensions''', and themes ('''Appearance''') in '''Tools''' ('''Alt''' + '''T''') > '''Add-ons'''. Hardware acceleration is also temporarily disabled - the manual setting is '''Tools''' > '''Options''' > '''Advanced''' > '''General''' > '''Use hardware acceleration when available'''. [ Options > Advanced]. All these settings/add-ons can also be individually or collectively disabled/enabled/changed in Firefox normal mode to check if an extension, theme or hardware acceleration is causing issues.
    [ Options]

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    - Abram

    i have the same issue with safari on my mac. i'm not sure if i have snow leopard or not. all i know is i am on a G4 with mac os 10.5.8 and have safari 5.0.1. last week, i could not watch certain video clips online, because {as it stated in my browser where the video should be} i did not have the most recent flash player. but when i went to download the most recent version, it told me it would not work on a power pc mac. so i researched and found out i had to use the flash player... it's the most recent version that will work on a power pc mac. so i uninstalled the flash player i had on my mac and installed this player. all well and good... now i can see the videos.
    but what's not well and good is that i no longer have hi-res images in my browser. all images are pixelated and unclear. i posted on the adobe forum to see if i could get an answer as to why.
    here was my post/inquiry...
    "I recently upgraded my Flash Player so that I could view internet content (such as videos) that were not available to me before I upgraded. Ever since, the images on most web sites that I visit are now pixelated (look very low-resolution). I had not made any other changes to any settings on my computer or software. The browser I use is Safari 5.0.1. I had to upgrade to the Flash Player because I am on a PowerPC Mac G4, and that is the most recent version of Flash Player that will work with Power PCs.
    Anyway, now that I have upgraded (which included first uninstalling the old Flash Player), my images look pixelated... most do, anyway. For some reason images I post to flickr appear okay on screen. But normal 72dpi images on standard web sites (like Yahoo) appear very lo-res.
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    here was their reply...
    "Sounds like the installation went pear-shaped somewhere. Try it again using the method described here:
    Or maybe they'll know what the cause of your pixelated images is."
    but the discussion link they gave me did not help. i had already done what it suggested. and i tried it again... still no luck.
    help.... anyone!!!! please?

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    - how do you use it?
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    nowhere documented is how to use it with xorg >6.8.0
    anyone can help me?

    atitvout just works with the vesa driver ...
    and try the option "atitvout -f t" (and remember to put the tv connected before booting)
    but the gatos drivers would be much better

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    Make sure you are using the genuine version of Acrobat Reader
    Make Money Online
    Earning Money Online

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    == After Java update ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

    Sorry Chris but I don't even get that far - after download latest Firefox - I cannot get the installation to work. I get dialogue box with "0% extraction" then nothing also cannot get Opera to install. The installation stalls at the same point of extracting the download. The only browser to work is IE8. I think it is more a Java problem as everything worked Ok until I took a Java upgrade.

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    QuickTime expects video files with separate video and audio tracks, but many MPEG formats used a muxed (multiplexed) single track that contains both. Therefore, iTunes & the iPod (both of which use QuickTime) only show the video and no sound.
    iPod plays video but not audio of some exported files
    One way to work around this is to use MPEG Streamclip to convert the files to fix this issue...
    Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing video with iTunes and iPod
    GUIDES TO: Converting Video for iPod - Mac & Window

  • Cannot access certain websites on any web browser

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    Same for me, started with Facebook on all browsers (FF, Chrome, Safari)a month or two from now, and today twitter and this very + some software like ClamXav cannot connect anymore to update their database, etc.
    In VirtualBox with Ubuntu and VMWare Fusion Win XP : both with FF, same problem, same websites / IP
    _It is neither the router nor the DNS_ since my wife's computer works fine on the same network with all those websites and apps (PowerPC 10.5.8)
    _It is not the firewall either_ on or off, it does not change a thing.
    So far, I managed to make it all work (even apps like ClamXav) by using Vidalia TOR + Tor add-on on FF || Tor Browser (Safari under Namaroka) works great too.
    Tor makes browsing a little bit slower and anonymity can have its drawbacks, so it is not a long-term solution.
    So for those in need of a quick access to their websites : > Download > Tor Browser Bundle for OS X Intel
    Now, why is that it works with Tor and not without ?
    What to do to solve the situation ?
    TIA for any help !

  • Mac doesn't load facebook or yahoo at home on any web browser

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    How do you connect to the Internet? If you are using a wireless network, or Ethernet to a wired router, you may want to try resetting your router and setting it back up again fresh from default settings. It is possible that something in the router's settings is corrupted.
    Best of luck.

  • Re: how to enable s-video output in lenovo R61i--- What buttons ???

    What buttons enable S- video on R61  ????

    atitvout just works with the vesa driver ...
    and try the option "atitvout -f t" (and remember to put the tv connected before booting)
    but the gatos drivers would be much better

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