Anyone here plays DOTA? ( its a map in warcraft 3)

anyone here plays DOTA? ( its a map in warcraft 3).. if yes.. who is your fav hero and why?? do u also play in garena??
Edited by: karunsud on May 6, 2011 7:59 AM

I do when time allows it, but I'm not good at it. Tried Garena once but its infrastructure is a failed attempt of a VLAN. The Ghost++ protocoll serves a lot better

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    <E-mail Edited by Host>

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    ( w=tab2&tabview=tab0)
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    1)  Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions
    Torrifromny wrote:
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    2)  See Here.  Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    Ask to speak with the Account Security Team...
    3)  Or Email Here  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    Apple offers a Barclay's VISA card that provides 6-12 months at 0% interest on your first purchase from Apple.  You can even sign up for the card & get approved at the same time that you place your order. 
    If your purchase is under $999 USD you get 6 months at 0% interest.  If more than $999 you get 12 months at 0% interest.  As long as you make the minimum payment on time every month you continue at 0% until the promotional period runs out.
    Note: if any payment is late or you don't pay off the balance within the promotional period, you get charged all the interest that accrued from day one; as of today that rate is over 22%, so it is important to make all your payments on time and pay off of the full balance before the end of the promotional period.
    Last year I applied for the card at the same time I ordered my iMac; got approved immediately; and then set up an automatic payment every month with Barclays so I wouldn't risk being late; and then I paid off the remaining balance 30 days before the end of the promotional period.  Everything went smoothly, Barclays' online system worked perfectly; they did not play any billing tricks nor did they ever spam me with junk promotions.  Recently they offered another 12 months at 0% financing, so it's not just a one time offer!
    Your profile doesn't say where you are located, so if you are outside the USA you will need to check the Apple website for your country to see if there is a similar financing offer in your location.

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    Does anyone here have a Novation Nocturn and use Logic 8?
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    Any ideas? The Nocturn seems like a great piece of kit, but it's completely useless to me unless I can record modulation from it.
    Thanks in advance!

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    EG701P-VE SFMA and EG701AX-VE SFMA:
    +3.3V @ 36A
    +5V @ 45A
    +12V*1 @ 18A
    +12V*2  @ 17A
    3.3V + 5V Combined = 320W (MAX)
    Total Power = 600W
    +3.3V @ 38A
    +5V @ 42A
    +12V*1 @ 14A
    +12V*2 @ 18A
    +12V*3 @ 16A
    +12V*4 @ 14A
    3.3V + 5V Combined = 240W MAX
    Max. Combined +12V = 480W(40A)
    Total Power = 660W
    The EG851AX-VH is clearly a server PSU for Dual or Quad Opteron due to its multiple +12V leads and total power bias towards +12V.  The increased total power over the EG701P-VE SFMA or EG701AX-VE SFMA is almost completely accounted for by the extra +12V leads for multiprocessor configuration.  In a uniprocessor board, that power goes unutilized and the connectors just dangle with no purpose.
    This power supply makes little sense in a non-server or uniprocessor environment and will probably have a substantial premium in price for little or no added benefit.

  • My com auto reboots only when im playing 'Dota'

    My com keeps restarting by itself only when i'm playing Dota. My com specs are as follows:
    CPU: Intel E7200 Duo Core 2.53GHz
    Mother Board: MSI MS-7345
    Memory Brand: Cosair DDR2 1GB
    Video Card: WinFast PX8600 GTS TDH 256MB DDR3 128 Bit
    Hard Drive: Seagate 250 GB
    OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2
    Power Supply Unit: 350W (output), 12V2 18amps (input)
    It is interesting to note that whenever my com restarts, it will show the 'blue' screen before rebooting. After rebooting, my mouse will seem to be 'disconnect' and i would have to replug it in again or it will not work. I am using a Razer Diamondback Mouse (Not 3D mouse). My keyboard is a normal BenQ keboard with nothing fanciful.
    My comp temp flutuates from the following temps when I'm playing 'Dota':
    Motherboard: 42 to 46deg
    VGA: 50 to 54deg
    I suspect that it is my PSU, any comments anyone?

    "I suspect that it is my PSU, any comments anyone?"
    350W (output), 12V2 18amps (input)"
    Yes, most suspected.
    >>> PSU's---2 x 12v---The Dual Rail Myth <<<
    >>> Is your problem caused by your PSU? <<<
    For Good PSU suggestions and more info:
    Could be memory troubles too, do memory check with  >>Memtest86<<

  • Does anyone here own the MSI P6N SLI V2?

    I'm thinkin about getting this board for a budget rig (E4300/2GB RAM/7900GS), but I havent heard anything about it yet. So I dont know whether it has any overclocking options in the BIOS or not. Its cheaper than the FI, and has one more PCI-E 1x slot. Doesnt come with Firewire though, but I dont need that. The layout is pretty clean, even thouth the Floppy controller is in a horrible position.
    So is anyone here running the thing succesfully? Any links to user experiences in forums or reviews would be appreciated too of course. 

    it's surely 4 layer PCB. you can see there are ample area for voltage rails on the board. Good delivery of 5V, 3.3V, 12V to the entire board. I would expect stable overclocking too.

Maybe you are looking for

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