Anysee DVB video card breaks HDV capture

I Have Anysee ( DVB-Combo digi TV USB - card. While anysee is cannected HDV video capture from video camera is not possible (Sony HDR-HC5) .
Capture window show message "Can't activate recorder, Try Reseting Camera"
Unpluging anysee fixes situation.

Sorry inaccurasy... Sony was connected by firewire...
Its just incompabilities of drives.
Unpluging that DVB tv-card fixes situation imediately.
Bit more test results... after setting camera to HD mode HD capture was possible even anysee was connected same time.
Message was edited by: Juha Haapajarvi

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  • 5.1.4 update breaks HDV capture? Unable to Initialize Capture Device

    Final Cut Pro cannot capture standard 1080i60 HDV footage from Sony FX1 camcorder. FCP reports "Unable to Initialize Capture Device" when the log and capture window is opened. However, the footage CAN be captured in iMovie (which is interesting, and unacceptable). When HDV>DV downconvert option on camcorder is activated, footage CAN be captured as anamorphic SD, so the camcorder and FW do work.
    The problem is occuring on a rock-solid FCP system that I use on a regular basis (mainly for SD editing). It has been approx 2 weeks since I last attempted a HDV capture, the system has been working great with SD footage (still does).
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    Here's what's interesting...I had a copy of the FCP v5.0.4 .app that I had saved an archive of prior to the crossgrade update. Guess what? I can load it up, and it captures HDV without any problems! With that in mind, this looks like an FCP 5.1.4 issue. But I am at a loss on how to proceed further in troubleshooting. Many thanks in advance for any assistance.
    Matt Jeppsen
    What I have tried:
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    *Swapped firewire cables and system firewire ports.
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    *Tried different variations of FCP A/V settings, tried all the HDV FW device control presets and the HDV AIC capture preset.
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    *Have also attempted installing QT 7.13 2 and 3 times in a row, also trying disk prefs repair BEFORE the post-install reboot.
    Final Cut Pro Audio/Video Settings:
    Sequence Preset: HDV-1080i60
    Capture Preset: HDV
    Device Control Preset: Sony HDV Firewire
    Sony HDR-FX1 IN/OUT REC settings:
    *COMPONENT: 1080i/480i
    *TV TYPE: 16:9
    *A/V->DV OUT: OFF
    System/Software Facts:
    *Final Cut Pro 5.1.4
    *Quicktime 7.13
    *PPC Mac G5 2.7 Dual (2.5GB RAM)
    *35GB free on System, 45GB free on internal FCP Scratch disk
    Final Cut Pro 5.1.4, G5 DP 2.7 (PPC) Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    I think I figured out this vexing problem. I too was having the same issue. Check to see that your Quicktime is newer than 7.1.2. If it isn't you'll have to upgrade it. I only upgraded to 7.1.6 here because I was afraid of going to a really new version. After I upgraded my quicktime, I ran software update and the Final Cut Pro 5.1.4 update appeared. I hoipe this helps.

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    "Native HDV Support
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    Thank you.

    It all depends on what type of work you are doing...
    Capture Cards are for use with other formats that cannot be captured via firewire: BetaSP, Digibeta, HDCAM, D5. They are also require for outputting to these formats.
    Not many broadcast facilities will take a DVCAM master...some will, but most won't. And depending on your client, they may or may not take an HDV master. They may want an HDCAM or D5 master if they are producing HD content. For that you need a capture card and high speed drive RAIDS.
    Why do other pricier systems come with capture cards? Because they are sold that way. FCP, out of the box, is ready to edit DV, DVCPRO 50, DVCPRO HD and HDV...FULL compression. Any need to do higher end requires a capture card.
    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

  • Video card for capturing HD

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    *Do I need a different video card to capture HD?*

    What is the exact model of your camcorder? a GL1 or GL2 ? Those models do not do HD.
    See FCE HD 3.5 user's manual (help menu) from page 207 to see how to capture HDV from HDV camcorders.
    FCE HD doesn't support capture cards, and the capturing process doesn't involve specific video card requirements.
    Michel Boissonneault

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     If you need more information, please let me know.
     Thank you,
     Bruce ?(

    If you followed the second link it says this:
    Windows XP/2000/Me/98SE - WDM Driver v1.22
    Version: 1.22
    File Size: 1.1 MB
    Release Date: December 9, 2002
    » Primary Download Site «
    » Mirror Site 1
    » Mirror Site 2
    » Mirror Site 3
    Release Highlights:
    First stand-alone WDM driver release for Personal Cinema and VIVO-enabled products.
    Right there at the end it says Release Highlights and says specifically that it's what you want...
    Read my man, read...
    Cheers!! 8)

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    There is a thread that may be found here that has some details:
    OS X 10.10.3 Update
    and here (reverting back to 10.10.2 fixes things):
    Specifically, my Visiontek Eyefinity 6 7750 stopped working, and another users Radeon 7770 stopped working.  Yet, the 7970 continues to work.  Reverting to the old ATI 5770 that came with the machine renders it usable. This is a problem as the 7750 only took a single slot, and the two 5770s eat up 3 slots so I can't use my USB 3 card, etc.
    I remember this once happened before.  I think it was with the 10.9.2 update which borked a bunch of video cards that worked fine under 10.9.1, and then were again made to work just fine with the 10.9.3 update.
    All the 'standard' fixes have been attempted.  Clean installs.  Fix permissions. Etc.
    Not sure why apple would seemingly disable support for these cards, other than by accident, I assume, much like happened with the 10.9.2 update.
    Also not sure if just copying the correct driver from 10.10.2 might solve the problem until Apple get's around to fixing the issue.  Has anyone tried?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!

    Hi, i am using dual Cinema Display 30 and 23 with a HIS ATI 7750 1 GB on a Mac Pro 3.1. Post upgrade from 10.10.2 to 10.10.3 my display eded unusable blurry. Therefore I have tried to replace the 10.10.3 kext with the previous 10.10.2. But it did not work out as expected. I managed to get some video output but no acceleration at all. Therefore the system is unusable. Therefore i full downgraded to 10.10.2 now.
    Never the less it might be a good starting point for someone to get acceleration running. This is what I did:
    I have to set the nvram variable kext-dev-mode=1, but be warned this will allow any unsigned > .kext to load, including rootlets, malware, etc.
    I did this in order to allow me to modify the kext if necessary and to ensure that if 10.10.2 kext might be locked that they still be loaded and the computer will not be prevented from boot.
    sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
    sudo shutdown -r now
    Post this i copied from my other Mac running 10.10.2 the file /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX4000.kext to my Mac Pro 3.1 running 10.10.3 with no proper video output. Basically i copied all ATI related kext from one mac to the other.
    copied  [MAC10.10.2]/System/Library/Extensions/ATI* ----> [MAC10.10.3]/System/Library/Extensions/ATI*
    copied  [MAC10.10.2]/System/Library/Extensions/AMD* ----> [MAC10.10.3]/System/Library/Extensions/AMD*
    someone needs to do a diff here to identify the file with is necessary the only one i found with a significant change seems to be AMDRadeonX4000.kext
    I forced to rebuild kext cache manually
    sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
    sudo kextcache -m /System/Library/Caches/ /System/Library/Extensions
    And reboot!
    sudo shutdown -r now
    After the reboot I had  display output but no acceleration at all. Seeing the video out put made me happy but the system is unusable to to the lack of acceleration of the display. I am really looking forward for Apple to fix the update and to reapply support for the ATI GPUs hence it allows to save environmental resources to keep good products like the Mac Pro 3.1 running...



    During capture?  That is new...
    Ann Bens wrote:
    I captured some hdv this weekend in CS6 and i had preview during capture. This would be windows.

  • Sound "lags" behind video after HDV Capture!

    So I'm new to iMovie. I recently tried to capture some HDV clips from a Sony HDR-FX1 and when I play the clips after I've captured them, the sound lags behind the video. I've captured regular DV (4:3) clips without having this problem. Does anyone know what is happening?

    Sometimes, if your import of HDV tapes is slower than 'real time', the sound may seem too slow (..lower pitch..) or may lag after import.
    This seems to be due to a memory "cache"; iMovie seems to remember that the video played slower than normal while importing, and so the sound runs 'slowly' afterwards.
    It sometimes works just to quit from iMovie and then restart the program (..that empties the "memory cache").
    You could also 'Extract' the audio ( selecting the video clip, and then using Apple key +'J'..) so that it drops into the separate audio track beneath the video. You can then just drag the audio clip to the left slightly, so that it matches up properly with the video.

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    Hope one of you guys can help me ;-)

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    for now it would be nice to get the data from my card, so i can continue with the conversion ;-)

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    Are there other ways to capture that would make the footage better. 
    From what I have read allot of people have had problems with these cards. 
    Im just looking for the best way to get the footage off my camera with the best resolution. 
    Thanks:  Glenn 

    I have posted this before in the PC Buying Guide (post #23 and later), but have a look at this diagram:
    The problem is that once recorded to tape, the material is compressed to MPEG and there is no way to get the data back, that were lost during compression. The only thing you achieve is that you lose device control, lose all timecode information, lose all metadata like date and timestamp and exposure data and lose the capability of scene detection. There are no gains to compensate the losses.
    Compare it to a glass of orange juice, that was made by heavily compressing oranges. How do you think you can reconstruct the original oranges that the juice came from? Were there 4 large oranges or 6 small ones or a mixture? Were they light colored or were they dark or a mixture of light and dark?
    BlackMagic in their marketing may lead you to believe otherwise, but the truth is they can only guess at how many oranges were used, their size and color. It is nothing more than a guess.

  • Do I lose High resolution video signal when I capture through FireWire?

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    No, capturing DV or HDV via firewire is a bit for bit transfer of the original recording ... zero loss.

  • JVC HDV Capture Problem

    FCP=6.01; Camcorder=GY-HD200U; Deck=BRHD50U. The firmware on the deck and camera are the latest (0102 for the camera and 0108 for the deck) and I'm still getting a continuously recorded clip broken into several clips on log & capture. I'd rather not use the "uncontrollable" setting for capture if possible. Does any one know of a patch either in FCP or by JVC to solve this issue?

    This issue probably has to do with your video format - let us know:
    Format shot (HDV 720p30 by chance?)
    Capture settings
    Connection type (firewire?)
    This will help us narrow down the issue.
    If you are sure the connection and settings are ok, try power-cycling everything, which helps to reset the deck's connection, make sure you are capturing to a properly formatted drive other than you system drive, etc.
    Was this tape previously recorded on by any chance? I've seen that generate TC breaks during capture in the past.
    Hope this helps -
    Max Average

  • New Member / Video Card Choice Question

    New CS4 Production Premium User Here.
    I am building a computer system specifically for Video Editing and production for use with Premier CS4 & Sony Vegas.. Have been doing my usual amount of Over Research here and other places but have a series of issues I am having a little trouble coming to grips with.
    I have been into computer editing game for a long time but strictly in the Audio Recording /Mixing area /..
    Video is a new interest which has me hooked / Im also a Gear Junkie so I have to watch it. 
    I will probably be back with a couple more topics but to keep this thread simple /
    My first post question is the topic of Video cards: Adobes Hardware compatibility list seems a little out dated. ?
    The system does not have to be an ultimate gaming rig as I am not into that / just SD & HD Video editing & 3d effects.. I need a card which will do what is needed / works well with Premier CS4 / Is not too loud fan wise / can run 24/5 and not overheat.
    I also will need the ability to monitor on a HD TV with a good sound monitoring system / Midas / Bryston / Dynaudio etc;
    I was considering either of the following / from lowest price to highest.
    ASUS GeForce 9600GT Silent 650MHZ 512MB 1.8GHZ DDR3 PCI-E Dual DVI-I HDCP HDTV Out
    ASUS GeForce 9800GT Matrix 612MHZ 512MB 1.8GHZ DDR3 PCI-E Dual DVI-I HDCP HDTV Out
    ASUS GeForce 9800GTX+ Dk 740MHZ 512MB 2.3GHZ DDR3 PCI-E Dual DVI-I HDCP HDTV Out
    Is a 512mb card sufficient?
    Will all of the above do what is needed for my purpose?
    What about noise of heat issues.
    My system could be running close to 24/5 at times.
    Have not made a final decision on all components but will probably basically start of like this.
    Vista 64 Bit/OS
    Core I7 940
    Asus Rampage 2 Extreme or a plain P6T
    Antec 1200 Case / For now I will leave out the hard drives and other things on my list.
    My builder suggests to stick with ASUS Video Cards because he has the fastest warranty replacement service on his end for ASUS products / plus I am a total ASUS Motherboard guy with years satisfied experiences.. (in Audio setups).
    Any feedback or comments on the above will be appreciated.
    Thanks / Orion

    Thanks Members for the Feedback:
    I am trying to stick just to the Video Card Issues so the topic does not get all over the map / Raid issues have already been researched & I might have a question about that later in another thread.
    Witha the video card issue I am just trying to see if I can get a reply which the majority of users agree upon / not an easy task & that is were my confused state of topic started.
    b Keith
    It seems what you have said about QUADRO cards is the most agreed upon overall from my last three months of research at various locations / The cost is extreme for these cards & I was just trying to determime if I realy needed to go that far : >$2,000.00 and up.
    just for the Graphics card..
    Perhaps I should start of with one of the cards I first mentioned which are dirt cheep compared to the Quadro series and replace it when I have arrived at the point where my shills are beyond my hardware limitations.
    b Charles & Jim.
    Thanks for the reference to the . >ASUS GeForce 9800GTX+ Dk 740MHZ 512MB 2.3GHZ DDR3< I was thinking this might be the best to start with / except for the reported could be problems of / Noise / card size and Heat issues if running 24/5?
    Other issues you have stated also seem to be agreed upon from mny sources as well / which is why I am considering perhaps not going Raid "o" from the start / perhaps Raid 5.. / or No Raid until I see If realy need it for my own personal use level.
    b conclusion to this point in the game:
    Looks like If I do a top notch system following all the higher end recomendations it will cost me over $10,000.00 (if I include a capture card / raid card (Areca 1220 or 1240(don't want to get into that topic just yet)& all the extras... This is about double the investment I had planned as this is basically a serious hobby not a business venture. Plus we have not included another $6,000.00 for a half decent peosumer HD camera with a few extras. I was trying to keep the entire setup to 8 to 10 grand total.. Not including the software / so this looks like wishfull thinking at best / Ho Ho.
    b remember / unfortunately my pricing reflects Canadian $$ which includes a 25% hike in pricing because our government wants the loonie (Good Name) low valued so businesses can export our products at built in 25% Sale Pricing.
    Perhaps,we wont get into that topic/please, but I just couldn't resist / when I start thinking about government issues (anywhere in this world) I tend to go off the deep end as part of why I am going into this video thing is to document the destruction of our environment & the entire democratic process, which is a total farce in my neck of the woods. Nuff Said..
    Again Thanks for the input and I will keep watching and perhaps cover another topic later / my goal is to place an order for a build within the next 10 days of so.
    B Orion

  • New Video Card for G5 dual 2.3  PCIex running Matrox MXO box

    Greetings. I have an HDV project and purchased an MXO to allow viewing
    on external monitor. The MXO did not work with my GeForce 7800 video card
    and I spent over an hour with Matrox tech support and they also sent me
    a second MXO box. The CPU does not appear to see the MXO and we were unable to see any signal (i.e. color bars during set up)
    My question: Has anyone found a way to integrate
    MXO into a FCP set-up like mine? I'm running a G5 2.3 late, 6 gig ram,
    FCP 6.04 and this video card mentioned above. The second part of question:
    If I need to replace video card, has anyone done this with my particular G5 and had good success? I have found on the Matrox site that one user has put an
    ATI 1900x into his G5 and they also support a lesser card GeForce 6600. I do not
    want to take a step back with any modification and want to make sure my system which funs very smoothly now is not compromised. Thanks for any experience and insight into this.
    G5 dual 2.3 GeForce7800 Mac OS X (10.4.11)
    Go Back

    Thanks for this post/response. The 7800GT card I currently have was a build to order option and I assume was not flashed. I'd love to figure out if there is a
    way to get my current card to like the MXO box, or to install a new, equally fast video card that would allow me to use MXO. I may install an x1900 Mac Edition and see how it works but do want to hear from other late edition G5 owners that they have been happy with this card (running OS 10.4.11, Final Cut Pro).

  • Video Card

    Hello all ?  I need some assistance if you would please ?  I recentley purchsed a p7 1380t running win 7 home premium.
    I5 3330, 3.0GHz....6GB of memory, 64 bit.  The graphics are on board, I am considering installing a video card. Not wanting to break the bank ?  What would be a good video card to install.
    After watching quite a few utube video's I notice a lag/ lack of performance. I'm thinking a new/better stand alone video card would solve this issue.
    Any and all recomendations will be appreciated. Also would a new video card be a hard install ? And what would be required ?  I'm not totally in the dark and I'm familiar with the insides of a computer........
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    BlueWing, welcome to the forum.
    I believe that a new dedicated video card would increase system performance considerably.  However, depending on what you want to do with the computer, it may mean a power supply unit (PSU) upgrade, also.  The existing PSU is only 300W.  Most newer mid-level cards require a minimum of 400W.
    Here is a very good card that will show you what I mean.  Look at the section titled "System Requirements" in the "Details".  The card is older, so the price is reasonable.  It should give you good performance with Youtube videos.
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

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