Ap purchased but not downloaded.

I have purchased several apps sucessfully but when I bought 'Ipad calculator' recently it did not download. I assumed my purchase had not gone through but I now have a receipt. This has a 'Report a problem' link but that just takes you to the App purchase page, which is rather unhelpful. I have searched Apple Support, I promise, but unless I am being more than usually foolish I cannot see this is covered. Grateful for any guidance as to how I can reload - or do i simply need to but it again?

I did a similar thing with an app called Tweetcaster.  I started out with the free one then paid to get rid of the apps and to say thank you, however my Purchases only show the one Tweetcaster app and £2.99 new to Tweetcaster Pro.
I can only guess if you're still seeing adverts something either went wrong with the download update or there is a bug.  I'd recommend contacting he developer on the app support section first, to see if they can advise further.
Not sure if this will help as well:  http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4009.
Ultimately, your best bet may be to go here: https://expresslane.apple.com/GetproductgroupList.action select the 'iTunes' option then 'iTunes Store' and 'Purchases, Billing & Redemption'.
Let us know how you get on.
Good luck,

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