Apache FOP format text

I'm using Apex en Apache FOP to producce PDF reports.
In the table i have some text for example: 'This is a <strong>short</strong> letter for me'
When i have print the report, the text will not be parsed, because the text 'short' isn't bold. How can i do that ?

Hi Bruinsmm,
Thanks for reply.
I did what you mentioned and it is working fine.
I could generate pdf file,
but when i am using report layout, it is giving me error
(The adope reader could not open test.pdf because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged
(for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)
is there any thing should be running with tomcat??
Thans and best regards.

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  • LOGO in PDF file (Apache FOP)

    Hi all...I'm using the Apache FOP PDF printing option with the jsp packaged in the AppEx 3.0.1 install. I would like to put a logo in the header of the generated PDF file. I made a compy of the default generic columns layout and added this to the header section in Page Template:
    Test Header Changes
    <fo:external-graphic src="file:///tmp/FastenalLogo.png"/>
    The following error is then generated in the logs:
    07/10/31 10:50:44 [INFO] Using oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
    07/10/31 10:50:44 [INFO] building formatting object tree
    07/10/31 10:50:44 [INFO] setting up fonts
    07/10/31 10:50:51 [INFO] [1]
    07/10/31 10:50:51 [WARNING] table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
    07/10/31 10:50:53 [ERROR] Error while creating area : Error creating FopImage ob ject (file:/tmp/FastenalLogo.png) : Jimi image library not available
    07/10/31 10:50:54 [INFO] [2]
    07/10/31 10:50:55 [ERROR] Error while creating area : Error creating FopImage ob ject (file:/tmp/FastenalLogo.png) : Jimi image library not available
    07/10/31 10:50:55 [INFO] [3]
    07/10/31 10:50:55 [ERROR] Error while creating area : Error creating FopImage ob ject (file:/tmp/FastenalLogo.png) : Jimi image library not available
    07/10/31 10:50:56 [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
    I also tried using a URL (with appropriate syntax), but that generated these errors:
    07/10/31 10:44:14 [ERROR] Error while creating area : No ImageReader for this ty pe of image (http://epsilon.fastenal.com:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg)
    07/10/31 10:44:14 [INFO] [3]
    07/10/31 10:44:15 [ERROR] Could not load external SVG: http://epsilon.fastenal.c om:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg<Line 1, Column 50>: XML-20190: (Fatal Error) Whitespa ce required.
    07/10/31 10:44:15 [ERROR] Error while creating area : No ImageReader for this ty pe of image (http://epsilon.fastenal.com:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg)
    07/10/31 10:44:15 [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
    Is it not possible to import an external image file into a PDF rendered by the Apache FOP? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Carl --
    I changed the image source to this:
    <xsl:variable name="_SECTION_NAME" select="string('master0')"/>
    <fo:static-content flow-name="region-header">
    Test Header Changes
    <fo:external-graphic src="http://epsilon.fastenal.com:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg" />
    <fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="text text_2 text_0 #PAGE_HEADER_ALIGNMENT#">
    <fo:inline xsl:use-attribute-sets="page-header">#PAGE_HEADER#</fo:inline>
    I can access the image through my web browser using the URL, but my log is throwing these errors:
    07/10/31 13:01:18 [WARNING] table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
    07/10/31 13:01:20 [ERROR] Could not load external SVG: http://epsilon.fastenal.com:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg<Line 1, Column 50>: XML-20190: (Fatal Error) Whitespace required.
    07/10/31 13:01:20 [ERROR] Error while creating area : No ImageReader for this type of image (http://epsilon.fastenal.com:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg)
    07/10/31 13:01:20 [INFO] [2]
    07/10/31 13:01:21 [ERROR] Could not load external SVG: http://epsilon.fastenal.com:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg<Line 1, Column 50>: XML-20190: (Fatal Error) Whitespace required.
    07/10/31 13:01:21 [ERROR] Error while creating area : No ImageReader for this type of image (http://epsilon.fastenal.com:7784/i/FastenalLogo.jpg)
    07/10/31 13:01:21 [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
    Could the fo block be in the wrong place in the document? I'm not very familiar with XSL-FO and may have just placed it wrong.
    One other thing I just noticed. The webserver is actually using SSL, which on windows systems results in a pop-up about security. If I change the URL to https using the SSL port, I receive a message about security certificates.
    Message was edited by:

  • Apache FOP not displaying Cyrillic properly

    I am using apache FOP to generate pdfs' in Russian. I have embedded the fonts into the application but the output is being displayed as html numerical codes.
    The html numerical codes are stored in the database but I am unable to render them properly. I know the fonts are embedded correctly because when I apply the fonts to English text, Russian characters are displayed in the pdf correctly.
    e.g the Russian characters are displayed like this:
    &#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1076;... etc
    Why are my codes not displaying properly ? I'm a bit lost at this point.
    thanks in advance

    thanks for the reply.
    To clarify things a bit. My web page is submitting Russian text which is being stored in an Oracle database. This text is being stored in the &#xxxx; format. This formatting is displayed properly in a web browser but I am using Apache FOP to produce a pdf and the Russian text is not being displayed as the Russian characters but as the relative &#xxxx; codes. So these codes are not being translated back into their Russian Cyrillic symbols.
    I have configured FOP and embedded the Cyrillic TTF but these codes are still not displayed. I can apply the Cyrillic font style to English text and Russian characters are displayed so it seems that that cyrillic TTF is embedded properly.
    I am not generating an serialized xml file but rather creating a javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource object and with my xsl file I create the pdf code snippet below:
              //Setup a buffer to obtain the content length
              ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              // add fonts for Russian and Chinese certificates
              String fontConfig = path + "fonts/fontcfg.xml";
           FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance();
           FOUserAgent foAgent = fopFactory.newFOUserAgent();
              //Setup FOP
              Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF,foAgent , out);
              //Setup Transformer
              Source xsltSrc = new StreamSource(new File(xslFile));
              TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
              Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(xsltSrc);
              //Make sure the XSL transformation's result is piped through to FOP
              Result res = new SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler());
              //Setup input
              Source domSrc = new DOMSource(xmlDom);         
           //Start the transformation and rendering process
              transformer.transform(domSrc, res);
              //Prepare response
              //Send content to Browser

  • PDF Printing with XSL-FO and Apache FOP

    Can anyone show me in the right direction for this? I've been hitting a wall for the past 2 weeks or so and it's really starting to infuriate me. How am I supposed to work this out? Where do I start? Let's say I create a layout file with a WYSIWYG XSL editor, in what format do I export it? XSL, XSLT or XSL-FO? I figured it was XSL-FO, but who knows. I tried them all anyways, but nothing seems to work. I seem to be missing a step or something, 'cause something's definitely not right.
    I created a report query (which actually contains two queries):
    select distinct
    V_Usager.NUMEROPERSONNE NoPersonne,
    V_Usager.NOMUSUEL || ', ' || V_Usager.PRENOM Usager,
    V_Usager.DATENAISSANCE DateNaissance,
    V_Usager.DESCRIPTION Sexe,
    NomNature || nvl2(PrecisionNature,', Précision: ' || PrecisionNature,'') Nature,
    decode(IND_Securitaire, 1, 'Oui', '0', 'Non') Securitaire,
    ltrim(decode(IND_DEMANDEIVAC,1,'Dossier IVAC','') || decode(IND_DEMANDEFLORES,1,', Dossier Florès','') || decode(IND_RISQUECRISE,1,', Risque de crise','') || decode(IND_MENOTTES,1,', Menottes nécessaires','') || decode(IND_ADRESSECONFIDENTIELLE,1,', Adresse confidentielle','') || decode(IND_TELEPHONECONFIDENTIEL,1,', Téléphone confidentiel','') || decode(IND_RISQUEFUGUE,1,', Risque de fugue','') || decode(IND_RISQUEVIOLENCE,1,', Risque de violence','') || decode(IND_MALDESTRANSPORTS,1,', Mal des transports','') || decode(IND_MEDICAMENT,1,', Médicament à remettre','') || decode(IND_SIEGE,1,'',2,', Siège fourni',3,', Siège d''enfant requis',4,', Siège de nouveau-né requis',5,', Siège d''appoint requis') || decode(IND_HANDICAP,1,'',2,', Handicap mental',3,', Handicap physique') || decode(IND_MEDICAMENT,1,', Médicament à remettre','') || decode(IND_JUMELER,1,'',2,', Ne pas jumeler',3,', Ne pas jumeler avec une fille',4,', Ne pas jumeler avec un garçon') || decode(IND_TRANSPORTEUR,1,'',2,', Transporteur féminin',3,', Transporteur masculin') || nvl2(REMARQUEPRECISIONS,', ' || REMARQUEPRECISIONS,''),',') Precisions,
    Disp1.PRENOM || ' ' || Disp1.NOM SaisiePar,
    Disp2.PRENOM || ' ' || Disp2.NOM || nvl2(Elem2.Description, ', ' || Elem2.Description,'') Requerant,
    ltrim(nvl(NOMPERSONNEAVISER,'') || nvl2(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,' ' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,1,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,4,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,7,4),'') || nvl2(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,' ' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,1,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,4,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,7,4),''),',') PersonneAAviser
    V_Dispensateur Disp1,
    V_Dispensateur Disp2,
    V_ElemStruct Elem2,
    DemandeID = :P7_IDDEMANDE
    and ID_Demande = DemandeID
    and ID_Usager = UsagerID
    and ID_CLegal = IDCadre
    and ID_Nature = IDNature
    and IND_Ressource = IDRessource
    and ID_Intervenant LIKE Disp1.NumeroDispensateur
    and ID_SaisiePar LIKE Disp2.NumeroDispensateur
    and Elem2.ElemStructID = ID_ElemStructSaisiePar
    to_char(DT_TRANSPORT, 'dd/mm/yyyy') || ' à ' || HR_TRANSPORT || nvl2(DUREE,' durée: ' || DUREE,'') DateTRSP,
    decode(IND_TYPETRANSPORT,1,'Aller',2,'Retour',3,'Aller/Retour') TypeTransport,
    when 1 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    when 2 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    when 3 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    end AdresseDEP,
    when 1 then
    when 2 then
    when 3 then
    end ContactDEP,
    when 1 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    when 2 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    when 3 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    end TelDEP,
    when 1 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    when 2 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    when 3 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    end AdresseDEST,
    when 1 then
    when 2 then
    when 3 then
    end ContactDEST,
    when 1 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    when 2 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    when 3 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    end TelDEST,
    decode(RET_NOM || ', ' || RET_ADRESSE || ', ' || RET_CPOSTAL, ', , ', '', RET_NOM || ', ' || RET_ADRESSE || ', ' || RET_CPOSTAL) AdresseRET,
    substr(RET_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(RET_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(RET_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(RET_POSTE,' poste ' || RET_POSTE,'') TelRET
    DemandeID = :P7_IDDEMANDE
    and ID_Demande = DemandeIDI then created a report layout in XSL-FO with XSLfast, but it won't work at all. I always get the dreaded "corrupted file" when I test my PDF Report... any ideas why it doesn't work? Have I missed something obvious?
    Best regards,

    Hello Mathieu
    i assume that the default PDF printing is working, but that you want to create some better looking reports and therefore use a different non-generic XSL-FO.
    You can do several things in Apex but you can use the Apache-Fop conversion also indepent from Apex.
    What you need is:
    1) An XML (Data) File. You can get it from your report query when you say export it to XML.
    2) The XSL-FO (Layout) file. THis is the processing instruction that says how convert the XML Data into an XML-FO. You can create it manually or with some tool.
    3) The next step is to render the XML-FO into any output format (pdf, rtf, html)
    The creation of the XML-FO and of the PDF are done by the apache fop converter (cocoon or Batik framework if I remember correctly) in a single process but you can influence it so that both steps are done separately. See also: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.95/running.html
    The advantage is that you usually get much better error messages from the single steps.
    My recommendation would be to do all the steps with a very basic report first.
    Then gradually improve the complexity of the report, the data and the layout.

  • Help generate dynamic table in xslt for apache FOP

    down vote favorite
    For the following xml file, i need to generate an xsl-fo file to be converted into pdf.
    I am new to style sheets and struggling to create dynamic table. Please help.
    Also, the width for each column varies,based on the column.How would i include this into the code?
    The Column Headers and Column Values are dynamically populated in the xml file. Below is a sample.
    Can anybody please help in generating xsl-fo or xslt code?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

    I did some xsl-fo a few years ago for a project.
    It was an invoice generator spawning multiple PDFs out of single XML document generated from the database. Pretty cool stuff but very resource-consuming.
    I'm a bit rusty but here's a basic example for a single table, based on your sample data :
    XSLT stylesheet :
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
      <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
      <xsl:template match="/ReportData">
        <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
            <fo:simple-page-master master-name="Main" margin="8mm"
              <fo:region-body />
          <fo:page-sequence master-reference="Main">
            <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
                <fo:table table-layout="fixed" border-style="solid">
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="ColumnHeaders/ColumnHeader" mode="column"/>
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="ColumnHeaders"/>
                       <xsl:apply-templates select="Rows/Row"/>
      <xsl:template match="ColumnHeaders">
             <fo:table-row background-color="rgb(200,200,200)">
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="ColumnHeader" mode="header"/>
      <xsl:template match="ColumnHeader" mode="column">
        <fo:table-column column-width="{concat(Width*10,'mm')}"/>
      <xsl:template match="ColumnHeader" mode="header">
        <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
          <fo:block font-weight="bold"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></fo:block>
      <xsl:template match="Row">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="Column"/>
      <xsl:template match="Column">
        <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
          <fo:block><xsl:value-of select="."/></fo:block>
    Calling the XSLT engine and FOP :
    D:\XSLT>java -jar saxon9he.jar -s:in/reportdata.xml -xsl:testfo.xsl -o:out/testfo.xml  2>errors.log
    D:\XSLT>java -jar fop.jar org.apache.fop.cli.Main -fo out/testfo.xml -pdf out/testfo.pdf -c morefontsconfig.xml  2>errors.log
    Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
    Ouput :
    - The intermediate XSL-FO document :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
          <fo:simple-page-master master-name="Main" margin="8mm" page-width="250mm" page-height="100mm">
       <fo:page-sequence master-reference="Main">
          <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
                <fo:table table-layout="fixed" border-style="solid">
                   <fo:table-column column-width="50mm"/>
                   <fo:table-column column-width="100mm"/>
                   <fo:table-column column-width="80mm"/>
                      <fo:table-row background-color="rgb(200,200,200)">
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                            <fo:block font-weight="bold">Col-Header1</fo:block>
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                            <fo:block font-weight="bold">Col-Header2</fo:block>
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                            <fo:block font-weight="bold">Col-Header3</fo:block>
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
                         <fo:table-cell border-style="solid">
    - and the PDF document :

  • Apache FOP Examples

    I am interested in using Apache FOP & Apex for PDF creation as are multiple others, can anyone post some finished example PDF's for those of us considering this method to look at?

    I believe that this <xsl:value-of select="$ITEMS/LIST_ITEMS/ITEMS/def"/> will not work. You need to derive the value stored in ITEMS using $ITEMS and then concatentate the rest of the text to construct the path...
    Try this: 
    <xsl:value-of select="concat($ITEMS, '/LIST_ITEMS/ITEMS/def')"/>


    In this day I have one issue and I was not able to resolve.
    Basically I found many post that speak of something similar. But don´t found one particular solution.
    I have one installation of APEX 3.1 and installed APache FOP, but this installations are on E-business suite
    First installed EBS , then migrated DAtabase a, then installed APEX 3.1 and now installed OC4J Containers and configured Apache FOP, my SO is Linux 4, I have jdk 1.4.2.
    I'm trying to print some reports as PDF and I have the following problem:
    I followed the step "5.Installing and Configuring Apache FOP" of http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/html/configure_printing.html
    When I try to print my report I get this message on OC4J console:
    08/07/24 20:39:52 [ERROR] Logger not set
    08/07/24 20:39:52 [WARNING] Screen logger not set - Using ConsoleLogger.
    08/07/24 20:39:52 [INFO] Using oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
    08/07/24 20:39:52 [INFO] building formatting object tree
    08/07/24 20:39:52 [INFO] setting up fonts
    08/07/24 20:39:53 [INFO] [1]
    08/07/24 20:39:53 [WARNING] table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
    08/07/24 20:39:53 [WARNING] Sum of fixed column widths 660000 greater than maximum specified IPD 658800
    08/07/24 20:39:53 [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
    I get this message on Log Apache
    [Thu Jul 24 20:39:53 2008] [warn] mod_plsql: Stale Connection due to Oracle error 22293
    [Thu Jul 24 20:39:53 2008] [error] mod_plsql: /pls/apex/wwv_flow.accept ORA-22293
    ORA-22293: LOB already opened in the same transaction
    anybody help me ?

    When I pressing the button does export writes that "it is impossible to display the page".Export does not occur.
    However, I added apex_fop.jsp following:
    java.io.FileOutputStream os = new java.io.FileOutputStream ("/tmp/out.test");
    Once I click on the button in the apex export all the information stored in a file out.test.Open the file are all displayed correctly. However, the apex does not return the file, and writes "it is impossible to display the page"

  • Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.apache.fop.svg.SVGElementMapping

    I have an FOP application which presents the data retrieved from database in a PDF format.
    Now when Iam trying to deploy the FOP application to OC4J and I get the following error.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.apache.fop.svg.SVGElementMapping is not an ElementMapping
         at org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.addElementMapping(Driver.java:464)
         at org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.setupDefaultMappings(Driver.java:314)
         at org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.<init>(Driver.java:222)
         at org.appfuse.fop.FOPHelper.createPDF(FOPHelper.java:48)
         at FOPServlet.execute(FOPServlet.java:168)
         at FOPServlet.doPost(FOPServlet.java:109)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:765)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:317)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:790)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:208)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.AJPRequestHandler.run(AJPRequestHandler.java:125)
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:192)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    I believe its the problem with the class loaders.
    I even configured my orion-web.xml to load the local classes and following is the conf file:
         <web-app-class-loader search-local-classes-first="true" include-war-manifest-class-path="false" />
    I have loaded the most stable jar files(fop-0.20.5) required for the generation of PDF.
    The same application runs well in JDeveloper(
    Could somebody help me out with this.
    Its very urgent.
    Need to be able to deploy this by evening.
    Message was edited by:

    This means the code loading the element mappings does not recognize
    the SVGElementMapping as an ElementMapping, as it expects. The most
    likely reason is that they are loaded from different class loaders -That was the reason of my simple suggestion above.
    There are many ways that you can try now.
    One way is to put all libraries in your war into ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/applib. Also remove the following line
    <web-app-class-loader search-local-classes-first="true" include-war-manifest-class-path="false" />
    since this search-local-classes-first is problematic sometimes.
    It might be nice if you can verify that the classloader that loads SVGElementMapping is different from the one that loads Elementmapping at that point of code.
    Now Could somebody help me out as this is the problem of OC4J .Hmm, I would not say "problem of OC4J". A usage error or a false incompatibility at worst. "False" because there should be many normal and standard ways to make it work.

  • BIP Word Template and Apache FOP

    Can I create a report format using the BIP Word template .. export it as XSL-FO file and use it with the open source Apache-FOP from APEX?
    Is there some technical constraints or licensing issues with doing this ?

    The xslfo, you created from BIP , will have reference to functions , which are customized function written by oracle BIP in JAVA,
    so the apache-FOP has to know , that these functions are custom ones, not as normal XSL-fo...
    Manual Conversion from RTF to XSL-FO, and using them in Standard support should work i guess.
    The standard Supportgives only to XSL-FO, Advanced support helps you to get the RTF template , but for this, installation of BIP licensed is needed :)
    With e-biz license,i dont think, you can install BIP separately, that has to be with E-biz only.

  • Printing XLS, HTML, or RTF using Apache FOP

    Is it possible to print XLS, HTML, or RTF reports using Apache FOP? If not, is there another open source or free print server that will do this?
    Thank you.

    Your going to want to study the Cocoon sitemap concept to see how to pipeline the xml and xsl to the right output.
    To get this working correctly you need to understand the Cocoon sitemap concept and how to read data out of the XML file your posting in order to pipeline it to the right rendering format. It's pretty much a hands on affair so it depends on what your trying to do, sorry there is no easier way to do it.
    In a future versions it will be easier to do this as you will be able to select specific end points per report.
    blog : http://carlback.blogspot.com/
    apex examples : http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=11933:5

  • Do I need to use Apache FOP ?

    I am configuring Oracle BI Publisher with APEX following the instructions in http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/html/configure_printing.html .
    After completing step *3 Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Publisher on Windows* I am able to print reports in desired PDF, DOC, XLS format etc from APEX and all the functionalities seem to be available.
    So my question is why should I follow step *5 Installing and Configuring Apache FOP* ? Is there any other extra benefit of doing that ? Am I missing anything here ?
    Please advise,
    Ashish Agarwal (PMP, OCM & OCP)

    Hi Ashish,
    Sure, not a problem, please see my answers below:
    1) correct, you either use BI Publisher or Apache FOP or other XSL-FO processing engines as stated under #6
    2) the main advantage of using BI Publisher over Apache FOP is that BI Publisher allows for WYSIWYG report layout creation using the MS Word plug-in, and then using these templates as RTF based report layouts in Application Express. With Apache FOP or other XSL-FO processing engines you can't use RTF layouts, so you would have to design your report layouts using XSL-FO, which if done manually isn't exactly easy. There are other third-party visual design tools available though that provide help with that, just google for "xsl-fo design". Also, BI Publisher of course provides several advanced reporting capabilities when using this product directly, that are not available with the APEX / BI Publisher integration.
    3) BI Publisher Desktop, i.e. the MS Word Plug-In is part of the BI Publisher product, it's not a stand-alone product. So if you're a licensed BI Publisher user, you're also licensed to use BI Publisher Desktop. And BI Publisher Desktop doesn't provide much value if used stand-alone without the server.

  • Missing Format Text, Insert, and Edit Source, etc Options on Some Pages

    I’m having trouble understanding why certain pages have more edit options than others. I’m new to Sharepoint Workspace 2010 and I’ve been reading/ researching for answers for 2 days now. I tried to HyperSnap in some pictures however it will not allow me
    to until my account is verified and it's not sending a verification email, sorry!
    On some pages, I have the edit pencil with lots of great edit options such as Format Text, Insert and Edit Source. (This is good!)
    On some pages I have no edit pencil, but when I go to Page
    à Edit Page à I get few edit options, not including Format Text, Insert or Edit Source. (This is not good)
    After reading other somewhat similar posts, I noticed that on the pages where I get lots of edit options, they show SitePages in the URL. Where I get few edit options, SitePages is not in the URL.
    Is there a fix so that I can have the expanded edit options in all of my pages? Thank you for your help!

    In SharePoint we don’t have edit page options [ribbon toolbar page edit formatting options] for all types of page for application page we cannot edit application page like site pages
    again the missing edit button might be due to many causes:  
    Can you verify that it's not a permissions issue? Try navigating to the page in edit mode by appending to the url: your-site/Pages/YourPage.aspx?ControlMode=Edit&DisplayMode=Design
    Or you can try this
    your-site/Pages/YourPage.aspx? ?ToolPaneView=2
    1. You can check  that on some pages the ribbon is hidden by default. You need to make it visible by clicking on "Show Ribbon" on the "Site Actions" drop-down menu.
    2. You haven't been doing Visual Upgrade (which actually replaces your master page with the v4.master)
    3. If you have different master page and may be your master page is not 100% compatibile with SP2010, nor does it use the elements from v4.master (collaboration) or the example nightandday.master
    To add the button in your page you could use the <SharePoint:PageStateActionButton id="PageStateActionButton" runat="server" Visible="false" /> (if you've seen already that would generate the button on the left side of
    the ribbon)!
    Please can you ping the URL of the page and how you crated that page to further assist, we would be happy to help.
    Krishana Kumar http://www.mosstechnet-kk.com

  • Configuration setting that needs to be changed to allow flexibility copy and to paste formatted text

    what is the configuration setting in Contribute that needs to be changed to allow me flexibility copy and to paste formatted text?
    Example I am unable to copy and paste formatted text within contribute and the line that is represented under the heading below
    Research Analysis
    This is the  research and analysis page. The most recent analysis for all companies listed on the

    I'm not familiar with 'styled text'- which does not mean much other than it's on a very long list of things I don't know. But I do know you can cut several steps out here:
    If your script works so far then you can clean it up:
    tell application "FileMaker Developer"
    open "MacintoshHD:Users:stuart:Desktop:Practice.fp7"
    set mytext to record 2 of table 1 of database 1 as styled text
    end tell
    tell application "Microsoft Word"
    set myRange to create range active document start 0 end 0
    insert text (mytext) at myRange
    end tell
    Also try:
    set mytext to contents of record 2 of table 1 of database 1 as styled text

  • How do I use Dreamweaver CC 2014.1 Live View to copy complex formatted text into web page?

    Since Design View has been removed from Fluid Grid Layouts, and could be removed completely in next upgrade, I cannot use Live View to place complex text into my web pages.
    Our business requires the listing of complex job descriptions on our web pages.  Design View worked fine, Live View does not. Both examples are noted below.
    Using Design View the web page rendered this way:
    Research & Analytics Director
    Position# 2469
    Location:  Midwest
    Education Requirements:  MS degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering, Actuarial Science or related field or equivalent designation, such as FCAS.
    Other Requirements:  Include:
    Job Competencies:
    Achieve Results.
    Be Accountable.
    Lead Change.
    Lead Corp Vision & Strategy.
    Lead People.
    Maximize Customer Experience.
    Specialized Knowledge and Skills Requirements:
    Demonstrated ability to develop strategic partnerships.
    Demonstrated ability to identify potential issues, and to proactively work to the mitigation of those issues.
    Demonstrated experience communicating business implications of complex data relationships and results of statistical models to multiple business partners.
    Demonstrated experience formulating, approaching, and solving problems in massive, complex datasets.
    Demonstrated experience in public speaking and use of appropriate presentation skills.
    Demonstrated experience interfacing with business clients and driving solution discussions with both IT and business stakeholders.
    Demonstrated experience performing advanced statistical analysis, including generalized linear models, decision trees, neural networks, etc., to discover business insights and develop predictive models.
    Demonstrated experience with statistical and modeling software tools, such as SAS or R.
    Demonstrated management or leadership experience.
    Solid knowledge and understanding of mathematical modeling and research.
    Salary Range:  $146,300 to $243,800+
    Description:  This position is responsible for oversight and strategic direction of advanced analytics, including predictive modeling, that drive business performance consistent with company goals and objectives.  Works with internal business partners to understand and validate scope of advanced analytics projects and directs projects teams to support those projects.  Collaborates within the division and cross-divisionally to develop and integrate statistical models into various processes. Oversees research of new and innovative analytic tools and techniques.  Monitors industry trends in analytics and investigates new concepts, ideas, and data sources.  Primary accountabilities include:
    Advanced Analytics Oversight (40%):
    Provides oversight and direction for the design, development, and evaluation of predictive models and advanced algorithms that lead to business solutions.
    Directs the most complex and vital analytics work critical to the organization.
    Oversees advanced exploratory analytics that produce a variety of business solutions.
    Conducts peer review on technical aspects of projects.
    Partners with business areas (Commercial Lab, EDM, IS, etc.) on data innovation.
    Portfolio Strategy and Management (25%):
    Collaborates with Strategic Data & Analytics Vice President as well as business partners internal and external to the division to develop and execute advanced analytics strategy and project portfolio.
    Leverages business acumen and domain expertise in directing advanced analytics strategy and application.
    Aligns plans to divisional and corporate objectives/goals and integrates within the corporate planning cycle.
    Monitors and analyzes advanced analytics resources. Assesses needs and appropriately allocates resources to priorities and initiatives.
    Works with divisional management to improve work processes that impact work environment and divisional resources.
    Provides overall portfolio/project management oversight and direction for a variety of advanced analytics project.  Oversees measurement, monitoring and reporting of project progress and resource utilization.  Manages project resources to ensure timely delivery of projects consistent with divisional goals and objectives.
    Coordinates with business partners (Analytics Strategy, etc.) on knowledge management and participates in business area meetings. Maintains holistic view of the business.  Ensures rapid delivery and execution of insights derived from data analytics into the organization.
    Analytic Tools and Techniques Research Oversight (15%):
    Sets the vision for the use of new and innovative tools and technology.
    Maintains and fosters an industry awareness of new developments in analytics techniques and tools, and ensures quick execution in their use within the department.
    Interfaces with Enterprise Data Management (EDM) and Information Services (IS) on evolving technological and data needs and requirements.
    Strategies Linked to the Division's Business Goals/Results (10%):
    Establishes, communicates, and implements departmental plans, objectives, and strategies.
    Participates as a member of the Management Team.
    Maintains an active awareness of our Client's business environments, corporate culture, and structure to support key decision-making.
    Management/Leadership for Department or Unit (10%):
    Manages direct reports, systems, and projects to achieve department/unit goals in accordance with Company policies and practices.
    Prepares and analyzes department/unit plans and reports.
    Provides leadership by exhibiting influence and expertise, thus affecting the results of the operating area.
    Creates an effective work environment by developing a common vision, setting clear objectives, expecting teamwork, recognizing outstanding performance, and maintaining open communications.
    Develops staff through coaching, providing performance feedback, providing effective performance assessments, and establishing performance & development plans.
    Using Live View the web page rendered this way:
    Research & Analytics Director Position# 2469 Location: Midwest Education Requirements: MS degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering, Actuarial Science or related field or equivalent designation, such as FCAS. Other Requirements: Include: • Job Competencies: o Achieve Results. o Be Accountable. o Lead Change. o Lead Corp Vision & Strategy. o Lead People. o Maximize Customer Experience. • Specialized Knowledge and Skills Requirements: o Demonstrated ability to develop strategic partnerships. o Demonstrated ability to identify potential issues, and to proactively work to the mitigation of those issues. o Demonstrated experience communicating business implications of complex data relationships and results of statistical models to multiple business partners. o Demonstrated experience formulating, approaching, and solving problems in massive, complex datasets. o Demonstrated experience in public speaking and use of appropriate presentation skills. o Demonstrated experience interfacing with business clients and driving solution discussions with both IT and business stakeholders. o Demonstrated experience performing advanced statistical analysis, including generalized linear models, decision trees, neural networks, etc., to discover business insights and develop predictive models. o Demonstrated experience with statistical and modeling software tools, such as SAS or R. o Demonstrated management or leadership experience. o Solid knowledge and understanding of mathematical modeling and research. Salary Range: $146,300 to $243,800+ Description: This position is responsible for oversight and strategic direction of advanced analytics, including predictive modeling, that drive business performance consistent with company goals and objectives. Works with internal business partners to understand and validate scope of advanced analytics projects and directs projects teams to support those projects. Collaborates within the division and cross-divisionally to develop and integrate statistical models into various processes. Oversees research of new and innovative analytic tools and techniques. Monitors industry trends in analytics and investigates new concepts, ideas, and data sources. Primary accountabilities include: • Advanced Analytics Oversight (40%): o Provides oversight and direction for the design, development, and evaluation of predictive models and advanced algorithms that lead to business solutions. o Directs the most complex and vital analytics work critical to the organization. o Oversees advanced exploratory analytics that produce a variety of business solutions. o Conducts peer review on technical aspects of projects. o Partners with business areas (Commercial Lab, EDM, IS, etc.) on data innovation. • Portfolio Strategy and Management (25%): o Collaborates with Strategic Data & Analytics Vice President as well as business partners internal and external to the division to develop and execute advanced analytics strategy and project portfolio. o Leverages business acumen and domain expertise in directing advanced analytics strategy and application. o Aligns plans to divisional and corporate objectives/goals and integrates within the corporate planning cycle. o Monitors and analyzes advanced analytics resources. Assesses needs and appropriately allocates resources to priorities and initiatives. o Works with divisional management to improve work processes that impact work environment and divisional resources. o Provides overall portfolio/project management oversight and direction for a variety of advanced analytics project. Oversees measurement, monitoring and reporting of project progress and resource utilization. Manages project resources to ensure timely delivery of projects consistent with divisional goals and objectives. o Coordinates with business partners (Analytics Strategy, etc.) on knowledge management and participates in business area meetings. Maintains holistic view of the business. Ensures rapid delivery and execution of insights derived from data analytics into the organization. • Analytic Tools and Techniques Research Oversight (15%): o Sets the vision for the use of new and innovative tools and technology. o Maintains and fosters an industry awareness of new developments in analytics techniques and tools, and ensures quick execution in their use within the department. o Interfaces with Enterprise Data Management (EDM) and Information Services (IS) on evolving technological and data needs and requirements. • Strategies Linked to the Division's Business Goals/Results (10%): o Establishes, communicates, and implements departmental plans, objectives, and strategies. o Participates as a member of the Management Team. o Maintains an active awareness of our Client's business environments, corporate culture, and structure to support key decision-making. • Management/Leadership for Department or Unit (10%): o Manages direct reports, systems, and projects to achieve department/unit goals in accordance with Company policies and practices. o Prepares and analyzes department/unit plans and reports. o Provides leadership by exhibiting influence and expertise, thus affecting the results of the operating area. o Creates an effective work environment by developing a common vision, setting clear objectives, expecting teamwork, recognizing outstanding performance, and maintaining open communications. o Develops staff through coaching, providing performance feedback, providing effective performance assessments, and establishing performance & development plans.
    Obviously, as seen above, I'm doing something wrong or Live View does not do all the functions that Design View use to do.  I realize I can still access Design View in non-Fluid Grid Layout documents and that is my current work-around.  I copy from my Word file into Design View available in non-Fluid, then copy that code into my Fluid Grid Layout document, not real efficient use of my time.  And, even that work-around may not be available after the next upgrade.

    Hans thank you for your reply and attention to this matter.  Moreover, with your steeped expertise I do not, in any fashion, intend to be flippant or capricious. 
    However, I do not believe the reply is on point since I'm not discussing the insertion of an HTML tag/element; but rather, the placing of complex formatted text into my various web pages.
    Design View and  2014.1 Live View seem to serve different functions.  That is, Design View, for us, serves as a highly sophisticated HTML5 code generator that allows us to properly display complex formatted text that originally is created as a Word docx file.  As I noted in my original post, the complex formatted text from the Word file is then pasted into Design View and thus properly renders on the web page.  I invite you to try this yourself.  Simply copy my properly formatted text in my original post (that can be found at "Using Design View the web page rendered this way:") to a Word file, and it will retain the complex formatting, then copy that Word file text to both Design View and  2014.1 Live View files.  Please apprise me of your results.
    Discussion has been had in at least two separate threads on the Design View disappearance in Fluid Grid.  In https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1597260 staff member Lalita wrote "It would be helpful for us if you list the issues you are seeing with fluid grid live view editing."  And in https://forums.adobe.com/message/6807088#6807088 staff member Subhadeep wrote "If you can list down the workflows you are trying while editing in Live View & the issues you are facing in doing so, it will help us understand what is amiss & suggest alternative workflows to do the same."  I believe I've pointed out issues when attempting to use Live View for functions or work flow that customarily had been done in Design View.
    Being a CC subscriber, if someone can provide me with a workflow using other additional Adobe products to get my complex formatted text from Word ultimately to my Dreamweaver web page, be it an image insert or whatever, I would take the suggestions.
    The difference in the coding of my example in my original post is as follows.
    Code when using Design View is:
    <p><strong>Research &amp; Analytics Director</strong><br>
      <strong>Position# 2469</strong><br>
      <strong>Location:</strong>  Midwest<br>
      <strong>Education Requirements:</strong>  MS degree in Mathematics, Statistics,  Economics, Engineering, Actuarial Science or related field or equivalent  designation, such as FCAS.<br>
      <strong>Other Requirements:</strong>  Include:</p>
    <ul type="disc">
      <li>Job       Competencies:</li>
      <ul type="circle">
        <li>Achieve        Results.</li>
        <li>Be        Accountable.</li>
        <li>Lead        Change.</li>
        <li>Lead Corp        Vision &amp; Strategy.</li>
        <li>Lead        People.</li>
        <li>Maximize        Customer Experience.</li>
      <li>Specialized       Knowledge and Skills Requirements:</li>
      <ul type="circle">
        <li>Demonstrated        ability to develop strategic partnerships.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        ability to identify potential issues, and to proactively work to the        mitigation of those issues.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        experience communicating business implications of complex data        relationships and results of statistical models to multiple business        partners.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        experience formulating, approaching, and solving problems in massive,        complex datasets.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        experience in public speaking and use of appropriate presentation skills.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        experience interfacing with business clients and driving solution        discussions with both IT and business stakeholders.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        experience performing advanced statistical analysis, including        generalized linear models, decision trees, neural networks, etc., to        discover business insights and develop predictive models.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        experience with statistical and modeling software tools, such as SAS or        R.</li>
        <li>Demonstrated        management or leadership experience.</li>
        <li>Solid        knowledge and understanding of mathematical modeling and research.</li>
    <p><strong>Salary Range:</strong>  $146,300 to  $243,800+<br>
      <strong>Description:</strong>  This position is  responsible for oversight and strategic direction of advanced analytics,  including predictive modeling, that drive business performance consistent with  company goals and objectives.  Works with internal business partners to  understand and validate scope of advanced analytics projects and directs  projects teams to support those projects.  Collaborates within the  division and cross-divisionally to develop and integrate statistical models into  various processes. Oversees research of new and innovative analytic tools and  techniques.  Monitors industry trends in analytics and investigates new  concepts, ideas, and data sources.  Primary accountabilities include:</p>
    <ul type="disc">
      <li>Advanced       Analytics Oversight (40%):</li>
      <ul type="circle">
        <li>Provides        oversight and direction for the design, development, and evaluation of        predictive models and advanced algorithms that lead to business        solutions.</li>
        <li>Directs        the most complex and vital analytics work critical to the organization.</li>
        <li>Oversees        advanced exploratory analytics that produce a variety of business        solutions.</li>
        <li>Conducts        peer review on technical aspects of projects.</li>
        <li>Partners        with business areas (Commercial Lab, EDM, IS, etc.) on data innovation.</li>
      <li>Portfolio       Strategy and Management (25%):</li>
      <ul type="circle">
        <li>Collaborates        with Strategic Data &amp; Analytics Vice President as well as business        partners internal and external to the division to develop and execute        advanced analytics strategy and project portfolio.</li>
        <li>Leverages        business acumen and domain expertise in directing advanced analytics        strategy and application.</li>
        <li>Aligns        plans to divisional and corporate objectives/goals and integrates within        the corporate planning cycle.</li>
        <li>Monitors        and analyzes advanced analytics resources. Assesses needs and        appropriately allocates resources to priorities and initiatives.</li>
        <li>Works        with divisional management to improve work processes that impact work        environment and divisional resources.</li>
        <li>Provides        overall portfolio/project management oversight and direction for a        variety of advanced analytics project.  Oversees measurement,        monitoring and reporting of project progress and resource        utilization.  Manages project resources to ensure timely delivery of        projects consistent with divisional goals and objectives.</li>
        <li>Coordinates        with business partners (Analytics Strategy, etc.) on knowledge management        and participates in business area meetings. Maintains holistic view of        the business.  Ensures rapid delivery and execution of insights        derived from data analytics into the organization.</li>
      <li>Analytic       Tools and Techniques Research Oversight (15%):</li>
      <ul type="circle">
        <li>Sets the        vision for the use of new and innovative tools and technology.</li>
        <li>Maintains        and fosters an industry awareness of new developments in analytics        techniques and tools, and ensures quick execution in their use within the        department.</li>
        <li>Interfaces        with Enterprise Data Management (EDM) and Information Services (IS) on        evolving technological and data needs and requirements.</li>
      <li>Strategies       Linked to the Division's Business Goals/Results (10%):</li>
      <ul type="circle">
        <li>Establishes,        communicates, and implements departmental plans, objectives, and        strategies.</li>
        <li>Participates        as a member of the Management Team.</li>
        <li>Maintains        an active awareness of our Client's business environments, corporate        culture, and structure to support key decision-making.</li>
      <li>Management/Leadership       for Department or Unit (10%):</li>
      <ul type="circle">
        <li>Manages        direct reports, systems, and projects to achieve department/unit goals in        accordance with Company policies and practices.</li>
        <li>Prepares        and analyzes department/unit plans and reports.</li>
        <li>Provides        leadership by exhibiting influence and expertise, thus affecting the        results of the operating area.</li>
        <li>Creates        an effective work environment by developing a common vision, setting        clear objectives, expecting teamwork, recognizing outstanding performance,        and maintaining open communications.</li>
        <li>Develops        staff through coaching, providing performance feedback, providing        effective performance assessments, and establishing performance &amp;        development plans.</li>
    Code when using Live View is:
      <div id="liveview" class="fluid">Research &amp; Analytics Director Position# 2469 Location: Midwest Education Requirements: MS degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering, Actuarial Science or related field or equivalent designation, such as FCAS. Other Requirements: Include: • Job Competencies: o Achieve Results. o Be Accountable. o Lead Change. o Lead Corp Vision &amp; Strategy. o Lead People. o Maximize Customer Experience. • Specialized Knowledge and Skills Requirements: o Demonstrated ability to develop strategic partnerships. o Demonstrated ability to identify potential issues, and to proactively work to the mitigation of those issues. o Demonstrated experience communicating business implications of complex data relationships and results of statistical models to multiple business partners. o Demonstrated experience formulating, approaching, and solving problems in massive, complex datasets. o Demonstrated experience in public speaking and use of appropriate presentation skills. o Demonstrated experience interfacing with business clients and driving solution discussions with both IT and business stakeholders. o Demonstrated experience performing advanced statistical analysis, including generalized linear models, decision trees, neural networks, etc., to discover business insights and develop predictive models. o Demonstrated experience with statistical and modeling software tools, such as SAS or R. o Demonstrated management or leadership experience. o Solid knowledge and understanding of mathematical modeling and research. Salary Range: $146,300 to $243,800+ Description: This position is responsible for oversight and strategic direction of advanced analytics, including predictive modeling, that drive business performance consistent with company goals and objectives. Works with internal business partners to understand and validate scope of advanced analytics projects and directs projects teams to support those projects. Collaborates within the division and cross-divisionally to develop and integrate statistical models into various processes. Oversees research of new and innovative analytic tools and techniques. Monitors industry trends in analytics and investigates new concepts, ideas, and data sources. Primary accountabilities include: • Advanced Analytics Oversight (40%): o Provides oversight and direction for the design, development, and evaluation of predictive models and advanced algorithms that lead to business solutions. o Directs the most complex and vital analytics work critical to the organization. o Oversees advanced exploratory analytics that produce a variety of business solutions. o Conducts peer review on technical aspects of projects. o Partners with business areas (Commercial Lab, EDM, IS, etc.) on data innovation. • Portfolio Strategy and Management (25%): o Collaborates with Strategic Data &amp; Analytics Vice President as well as business partners internal and external to the division to develop and execute advanced analytics strategy and project portfolio. o Leverages business acumen and domain expertise in directing advanced analytics strategy and application. o Aligns plans to divisional and corporate objectives/goals and integrates within the corporate planning cycle. o Monitors and analyzes advanced analytics resources. Assesses needs and appropriately allocates resources to priorities and initiatives. o Works with divisional management to improve work processes that impact work environment and divisional resources. o Provides overall portfolio/project management oversight and direction for a variety of advanced analytics project. Oversees measurement, monitoring and reporting of project progress and resource utilization. Manages project resources to ensure timely delivery of projects consistent with divisional goals and objectives. o Coordinates with business partners (Analytics Strategy, etc.) on knowledge management and participates in business area meetings. Maintains holistic view of the business. Ensures rapid delivery and execution of insights derived from data analytics into the organization. • Analytic Tools and Techniques Research Oversight (15%): o Sets the vision for the use of new and innovative tools and technology. o Maintains and fosters an industry awareness of new developments in analytics techniques and tools, and ensures quick execution in their use within the department. o Interfaces with Enterprise Data Management (EDM) and Information Services (IS) on evolving technological and data needs and requirements. • Strategies Linked to the Division's Business Goals/Results (10%): o Establishes, communicates, and implements departmental plans, objectives, and strategies. o Participates as a member of the Management Team. o Maintains an active awareness of our Client's business environments, corporate culture, and structure to support key decision-making. • Management/Leadership for Department or Unit (10%): o Manages direct reports, systems, and projects to achieve department/unit goals in accordance with Company policies and practices. o Prepares and analyzes department/unit plans and reports. o Provides leadership by exhibiting influence and expertise, thus affecting the results of the operating area. o Creates an effective work environment by developing a common vision, setting clear objectives, expecting teamwork, recognizing outstanding performance, and maintaining open communications. o Develops staff through coaching, providing performance feedback, providing effective performance assessments, and establishing performance &amp; development plans.  </div>
    It is readily apparent that Design View is a much needed code generator in the Dreamweaver product.  Live View serves completely other, and needed, purposes.  Therefore, I still, after all the forum discussions, do not understand why Design View has been removed from Fluid Grid.
    Again Hans thank you for your reply.  But unless I'm missing something, citation to the links you provided does not solve my problem.  And that problem is this: If Design View is on its way out and thus will be completely removed from Dreamweaver at some point, then how do I provide my information (i.e. complex executive job descriptions) on my website?
    Apparently a vote is taking place https://forums.adobe.com/ideas/3922 on the issue of placing Design View back into Fluid Grid.  I do not understand why the need for two rather disjunctive functionalities are at the mercy of the democratic process.  These are matters of engineering principles not "town hall gatherings".

  • Regarding email notifications, I want to receive "Submitted Data" and Formatted Text... Is this possible?

    It seems as though I cannot receive formatted text, which is crucial to my form submissions making sense.

    Thank you so much, Ram!  I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP!
    I am wondering if it possible to manually create a node in RSA6 for the InfoSet.  I tried it by doing the following:
    I went to RSA6 and clicked on the white icon for "Create Node".  I then entered the number "8", followed  by the name of the InfoSet.  (I entered an "8", because all our DataSources seem to start with an "8".  I'm not sure why.) 
    The DataSource now shows up, but when I double-click on it, nothing happens.  When I select it in the hierarchy and then click the icons for "Display" or "Change" or "Check", I just get an error message that says, "You have not selected any DataSources."
    Also, do you know where I can get my hands on the white paper? 
    Thanks again!

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