Apache soap and java

Hi I wanted to know which websites have Apache SOAP webservices which we can write a client for in java and implement

First, it shouldn't matter whether they're running apache or not - that's the point of web services. Second, IBM and Microsoft have UDDI sites that list various web services. One public one I know of is google's. Is this for school?

Similar Messages

  • Apache Soap vs Java Webservices Pack

    Can anyone tell me how Apache Soap's implementation (AXIS) relates to what SUN is doing with their Webservice and XML packages? With SUN's upcoming standard will the Apache AXIS project have to incorporate the new code or is this all independent since it is based on SOAP and WSDL standards?

    sorry - i moved this topic to the correct forum.

  • Apache Soap and Sessions?

    Hey there,
    how can I use Sessions (Session ID in HTTP-Headers or Cookies) in Apache Soap? Have you an example?

    Please read
    Although you can't quite always achieve that sort of composability and resilience easily with SOAP, you can learn a little from the principles.
    The basic idea of SOAP is that provides a common envelope for some information being exchanged, allowing some degree of delegation and service composition.
    For SOAP to work in the intended manner, all the information to achieve any effect is placed inside the message envelope. This allows the SOAP message to be transport agnostic- for example part of the message chain may be http; another may be a direct call between SAX filters.
    Putting additional stateful behaviour into one component of such a system, in a manner that is opaque to all the other components, is a really bad idea-you have to add the additional behaviour to all points in between, and lose any benifit you would get from SOAP.

  • SOAP and java problem....create SOAPMessage from file. Extremely important!

    I've got a problem related to usage of SOAP in Java. I receive a file containing SOAP message with XML attachment. I store it on hard disk.
    Then I create a SOAP message as it is shown in source code below.
    When I try to get the attachment, the method doesn't return anything.
    If I pass to method createMessage value null instead of new MimeHeaders(), the result is the same.
    What can be the problem? How to solve it? Any idea?
    Looking forward any support.
    MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
    SOAPMessage message = factory.createMessage(new MimeHeaders(), new FileInputStream(xmlFile));
    Iterator attachments = message.getAttachments();
    log4j.error("TEST:before while:"+message.countAttachments());
    Object finvoice = attachments.next();

    I attach also a SOAP message. Perhaps it will help you.
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:eb="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/msg-header-2_0.xsd">
    <eb:MessageHeader xmlns:eb="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/msg-header-2_0.xsd"
    SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" eb:id="20030222133003285">
    <eb:Manifest eb:id="Manifest" eb:version="2.0">
    <eb:Reference eb:id="Finvoice" xlink:href="20020209-133003">
    <eb:schema eb:location="http://www.pankkiyhdistys.fi/verkkolasku/finvoice/finvoice.xsd" eb:version="2.0"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.2 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Jussi Paasikallio (OKOBANK Group) -->
    <!--Sample XML file generated by XML Spy v4.2 U (http://www.xmlspy.com)-->
    <!DOCTYPE Finvoice SYSTEM "Finvoice.dtd">
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Finvoice.xsl"?>
    <!--Finvoice xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="C:\l\finvoice\Finvoice.xsd" Version="1.0"-->
    <Finvoice Version="1.0">
              <SellerOrganisationName>Pullin Kala Oy</SellerOrganisationName>
                   <SellerStreetName>Haapatie 7</SellerStreetName>
                   <SellerPostOfficeBoxIdentifier>PL 302</SellerPostOfficeBoxIdentifier>
         <SellerContactPersonName>Hanna Paananen</SellerContactPersonName>
              <SellerEmailaddressIdentifier>[email protected]</SellerEmailaddressIdentifier>
              <SellerVatRegistrationDate Format="CCYYMMDD">19990321</SellerVatRegistrationDate>
              <SellerPhoneNumber>(09) 542 1222</SellerPhoneNumber>
              <SellerFaxNumber>(09) 542 2221</SellerFaxNumber>
              <SellerCommonEmailaddressIdentifier>[email protected]</SellerCommonEmailaddressIdentifier>
                   <SellerAccountID IdentificationSchemeName="IBAN">FI1234567890123456</SellerAccountID>
                   <SellerBic IdentificationSchemeName="BIC">OKOYFIHH</SellerBic>
                   <SellerAccountID IdentificationSchemeName="IBAN">FI1234567890123456</SellerAccountID>
                   <SellerBic IdentificationSchemeName="BIC">NDEAFIHH</SellerBic>
              <BuyerOrganisationName>Kalakauppa Vilkkunen</BuyerOrganisationName>
                   <BuyerStreetName>Haapatie 1</BuyerStreetName>
         <BuyerContactPersonName>Maija Vikkunen</BuyerContactPersonName>
              <BuyerEmailaddressIdentifier>[email protected]</BuyerEmailaddressIdentifier>
              <InvoiceDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020612</InvoiceDate>
              <InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">100,00</InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount>
              <InvoiceTotalVatAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">22,00</InvoiceTotalVatAmount>
              <InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">122,00</InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount>
                   <VatBaseAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">100,00</VatBaseAmount>
                   <VatRateAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">22,00</VatRateAmount>
                   <PaymentTermsFreeText>14 p�iv�� netto</PaymentTermsFreeText>
                        <PaymentOverDueFineFreeText>Yliaikakorko 16%</PaymentOverDueFineFreeText>
              <DeliveredQuantity QuantityUnitCode="Kpl">10</DeliveredQuantity>
              <OrderedQuantity QuantityUnitCode="Kpl">10</OrderedQuantity>
              <UnitPriceAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR" UnitPriceUnitCode="e/kpl">5,00</UnitPriceAmount>
              <RowIdentifierDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020611</RowIdentifierDate>
              <RowDeliveryDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020615</RowDeliveryDate>
              <RowFreeText>Tuurat myyd��n varsien kanssa.</RowFreeText>
              <RowVatAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">11,00</RowVatAmount>
              <RowVatExcludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">50,00</RowVatExcludedAmount>
              <RowAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">61,00</RowAmount>
              <ArticleName>HUOLLON VUOSIMAKSU</ArticleName>
              <StartDate Format="CCYYMMDDHHMMSS">20020611000000</StartDate>
              <EndDate Format="CCYYMMDDHHMMSS">2003062011000000</EndDate>
              <RowVatAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">11,00</RowVatAmount>
              <RowVatExcludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">50,00</RowVatExcludedAmount>
              <RowAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">61,00</RowAmount>
                   <EpiDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020612</EpiDate>
                        <EpiBfiIdentifier IdentificationSchemeName="BIC">OKOYFIHH</EpiBfiIdentifier>
                        <EpiNameAddressDetails>Pullin Kala</EpiNameAddressDetails>
                        <EpiAccountID IdentificationSchemeName="IBAN">FI1234567890123456</EpiAccountID>
                   <EpiInstructedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">122,00</EpiInstructedAmount>
                   <EpiCharge ChargeOption="SHA">SHA</EpiCharge>
                   <EpiDateOptionDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020628</EpiDateOptionDate>

  • SOAP and java problem....create SOAPMessage from file

    I've got a problem related to usage of SOAP in Java. I receive a file containing SOAP message with XML attachment. I store it on hard disk.
    Then I create a SOAP message as it is shown in source code below.
    When I try to get the attachment, the method doesn't return anything.
    If I pass to method createMessage value null instead of new MimeHeaders(), the result is the same.
    What can be the problem? How to solve it? Any idea?
    Looking forward any support.
    MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
    SOAPMessage message = factory.createMessage(new MimeHeaders(), new FileInputStream(xmlFile));
    Iterator attachments = message.getAttachments();
    log4j.error("TEST:before while:"+message.countAttachments());
    Object finvoice = attachments.next();

    I attach also a SOAP message. Perhaps it will help you.
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:eb="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/msg-header-2_0.xsd">
    <eb:MessageHeader xmlns:eb="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/msg-header-2_0.xsd"
    SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" eb:id="20030222133003285">
    <eb:Manifest eb:id="Manifest" eb:version="2.0">
    <eb:Reference eb:id="Finvoice" xlink:href="20020209-133003">
    <eb:schema eb:location="http://www.pankkiyhdistys.fi/verkkolasku/finvoice/finvoice.xsd" eb:version="2.0"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.2 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Jussi Paasikallio (OKOBANK Group) -->
    <!--Sample XML file generated by XML Spy v4.2 U (http://www.xmlspy.com)-->
    <!DOCTYPE Finvoice SYSTEM "Finvoice.dtd">
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Finvoice.xsl"?>
    <!--Finvoice xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="C:\l\finvoice\Finvoice.xsd" Version="1.0"-->
    <Finvoice Version="1.0">
              <SellerOrganisationName>Pullin Kala Oy</SellerOrganisationName>
                   <SellerStreetName>Haapatie 7</SellerStreetName>
                   <SellerPostOfficeBoxIdentifier>PL 302</SellerPostOfficeBoxIdentifier>
         <SellerContactPersonName>Hanna Paananen</SellerContactPersonName>
              <SellerEmailaddressIdentifier>[email protected]</SellerEmailaddressIdentifier>
              <SellerVatRegistrationDate Format="CCYYMMDD">19990321</SellerVatRegistrationDate>
              <SellerPhoneNumber>(09) 542 1222</SellerPhoneNumber>
              <SellerFaxNumber>(09) 542 2221</SellerFaxNumber>
              <SellerCommonEmailaddressIdentifier>[email protected]</SellerCommonEmailaddressIdentifier>
                   <SellerAccountID IdentificationSchemeName="IBAN">FI1234567890123456</SellerAccountID>
                   <SellerBic IdentificationSchemeName="BIC">OKOYFIHH</SellerBic>
                   <SellerAccountID IdentificationSchemeName="IBAN">FI1234567890123456</SellerAccountID>
                   <SellerBic IdentificationSchemeName="BIC">NDEAFIHH</SellerBic>
              <BuyerOrganisationName>Kalakauppa Vilkkunen</BuyerOrganisationName>
                   <BuyerStreetName>Haapatie 1</BuyerStreetName>
         <BuyerContactPersonName>Maija Vikkunen</BuyerContactPersonName>
              <BuyerEmailaddressIdentifier>[email protected]</BuyerEmailaddressIdentifier>
              <InvoiceDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020612</InvoiceDate>
              <InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">100,00</InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount>
              <InvoiceTotalVatAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">22,00</InvoiceTotalVatAmount>
              <InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">122,00</InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount>
                   <VatBaseAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">100,00</VatBaseAmount>
                   <VatRateAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">22,00</VatRateAmount>
                   <PaymentTermsFreeText>14 p�iv�� netto</PaymentTermsFreeText>
                        <PaymentOverDueFineFreeText>Yliaikakorko 16%</PaymentOverDueFineFreeText>
              <DeliveredQuantity QuantityUnitCode="Kpl">10</DeliveredQuantity>
              <OrderedQuantity QuantityUnitCode="Kpl">10</OrderedQuantity>
              <UnitPriceAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR" UnitPriceUnitCode="e/kpl">5,00</UnitPriceAmount>
              <RowIdentifierDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020611</RowIdentifierDate>
              <RowDeliveryDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020615</RowDeliveryDate>
              <RowFreeText>Tuurat myyd��n varsien kanssa.</RowFreeText>
              <RowVatAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">11,00</RowVatAmount>
              <RowVatExcludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">50,00</RowVatExcludedAmount>
              <RowAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">61,00</RowAmount>
              <ArticleName>HUOLLON VUOSIMAKSU</ArticleName>
              <StartDate Format="CCYYMMDDHHMMSS">20020611000000</StartDate>
              <EndDate Format="CCYYMMDDHHMMSS">2003062011000000</EndDate>
              <RowVatAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">11,00</RowVatAmount>
              <RowVatExcludedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">50,00</RowVatExcludedAmount>
              <RowAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">61,00</RowAmount>
                   <EpiDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020612</EpiDate>
                        <EpiBfiIdentifier IdentificationSchemeName="BIC">OKOYFIHH</EpiBfiIdentifier>
                        <EpiNameAddressDetails>Pullin Kala</EpiNameAddressDetails>
                        <EpiAccountID IdentificationSchemeName="IBAN">FI1234567890123456</EpiAccountID>
                   <EpiInstructedAmount AmountCurrencyIdentifier="EUR">122,00</EpiInstructedAmount>
                   <EpiCharge ChargeOption="SHA">SHA</EpiCharge>
                   <EpiDateOptionDate Format="CCYYMMDD">20020628</EpiDateOptionDate>

  • SOAP and Java within an Application Package

    We are doing an integration with Oracle Content Server. We have successfully checked in reports by sending a SOAP with attachments message in the application package PSRF_REPORT_CREATE calling custom Java methods.
    All is well, until we try and receive the SOAP response, in which nothing happens. After we call the checkin.SendMessage (our java method to checkin a report), we use the following generic PeopleCode insert statement just to test if the next line of the code is executing...
    This does not update our database, and it looks as if it is not even executing. We have also tried logging to a test file, but this fails to run as well. If it is directly after our soap request, why would it not run? Is there something we need to do to tell the system to wait for the response before commencing?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Just to make sure I understand the question... You customized the PSRF_REPORT_CREATE.CreateReport PeopleCode by adding some Java (JavaObject, etc). Is checkin your custom Java object with SendMessage being a method of that object? Are you using a Java SOAP client, like Axis2, to communicate with the Oracle Content Server or are you using Integration Broker? Again, just to verify, you are calling a Java method called "SendMessage." You can tell this is executing because you can see changes in your Oracle Content Server. However, as far as you can tell, no statements after that statement are executing. Is this correct?

  • Communication between SOAP and java proxy does not work

    Hi Group,
    i want to proceed following scenario:
    For that i have created of the message interface of a remote function module my java proxy.
    Calling the java proxy with following scenario works successfully:
    Further, i have created in the integration engine(configuration) my wsdl file. In the SAP
    Netwaever Developer Studio, i have made a standalone proxy project, that is consuming the
    web service out of the wsdl file.
    Testing the web service client with following example works fine:
    But when i try the scenario SOAP->XI->JavaProxy, i get following rmi exception on client side:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Service call exception; nested exception is:
    java.lang.Exception:  Element 'Z_GPS_PING.Response' not found in response message.
    at com.demo.sap.MI_WEBSRV_GPS_PING_OUTBBindingStub.MI_WEBSRV_GPS_PING_OUTB(MI_WEBSRV_GPS_PING_OUTBBindingStub.java:86)
    at com.demo.test.TT_Pinger.main(TT_Pinger.java:36)
    Caused by: java.lang.Exception:  Element 'Z_GPS_PING.Response' not found in response message.
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.wsdl2java.soapbinding.MimeHttpBinding.getResponseDocument(MimeHttpBinding.java:942)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.jaxrpc.wsdl2java.soapbinding.MimeHttpBinding.call(MimeHttpBinding.java:1231)
    at com.demo.sap.MI_WEBSRV_GPS_PING_OUTBBindingStub.MI_WEBSRV_GPS_PING_OUTB(MI_WEBSRV_GPS_PING_OUTBBindingStub.java:79)
    ... 1 more
    In the monitoring, the execution of both directions is ok. In the response message, i can see the result of the java proxy.
    Here is the result:
    <ns:Z_GPS_PING.Response xmlns:ns="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
    My first thought, was, that i have a problem with the prefix, so i have changed it via xslt transformation into "rfc",
    but it got the same error message.
    Does anyone know, which problem we have here?
    For any hint or suggestion, i would be much obliged.
    P.S. WAS and Sap Netweave Dev Studio is on patch level 12

    Hi Group,
    the SAP has solved the Problem now.
    The coresponding OSS note is: 862926
    (release date 18.07.05)
    The reason was, that the response payload name wasn't
    "maindocument". For that, the adapter didn't found the payload and returned an emty one.

  • SOAP and Apache compartibility probs

    i want to deploy a soap web service and i 've read
    the www.soapuser.com tutorial but unfortunately it
    seems that there is a major problem somewhere
    that i can not discover.
    Can u tell me a stable version for deploying soap web services in an apache server?
    also what packages i need. if you give me some tutorial page it would also be very helpful!!

    Hi Thierry,
    When we wrote the web services layer for BEA we purposefully left out
    stateful session beans and entity beans because they did not match the
    "services" model and there is no standard way to keep the state between
    calls to the service. I believe the Apache implementation uses the HTTP
    session for this behaviour. I don't know what the problem is with the
    Apache SOAP implementation but I can try and help you either 1) use a
    stateless session bean to call your sfsb, or 2) convince me that stateful
    beans implemented outside the web services standard is something BEA should
    "Thierry Janaudy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I wanted to use BEA's implementation of SOAP, but the problem is that you
    cannot call SFSB.
    Therefore I tried to install and run Apache SOAP (Which provides a service
    for SLSB, SFSB, EB).
    However, you I try to remotely list the services through:
    java -cp %CP% org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient
    http://localhost:7001/soap/servlet/rpcrouter list
    I always get
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
    at org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName.<init>(QName.java:80)
    at org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName.matches(QName.java:146)
    at org.apache.soap.Envelope.unmarshall(Envelope.java:237)
    at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(Call.java:230)
    Do you have any idea why?

  • Authentication and EJB Providers in Apache SOAP 2.0

    Has anyone tried to modify the latest Apache SOAP code to pass the rpcrouter
    servlet Basic Authentication information (from HTTPSession) on to the JNDI
    initial context in the Stateless Session EJB Provider code (i.e. impersonate
    the authenticated http user for EJB calls)? I am thinking about allowing
    SOAP users to inherit the EJB deployment descriptor access control setup.
    Dan Meany

    With the link attached.
    Hi Denes, This is a configuration for configuring mod_auth_sspi on Apache 2.2 (and proxy to the EPG) I haven't tried 2.0 but I'm pretty sure it should work in the same way.
    Re: NTLM Authentication

  • SOAP, webservice and JAVA

    Hi, all,
    If there are two different business systems need to exchange data, after sending and receiving messages, they both have to update their database. Do you think directly using JDBC adapter to insert/update each other's tables is a secure and effient way? Or using JAVA/APAB proxy to send out data, then using SOAP adapter to receive the data, and then using Java program to update database is much better?  Can anybody provide any sample scenario and Java programs for the later? Any comment will be highly appreciated!

    Hi Marea,
    I am slightly confused with your question... Anyways i have given you all the info regarding JDBC Adapter and how it actually works...
    A JDBC sender adapter has 2 essential fields,
    1. SQL Statement
    2. Update Statement
    Your SQL statement will contain your SELECT statement and once your SQL statement is executed, UPDATE statement is executed. This is done so that records that have been selected by the SQL statement should not be selected again as the JDBC sender adapter will poll over the database for every poll interval.
    If you want to SELECT something from your Database, then you will have to go for a JDBC sender adapter.
    But, if you want to insert/update your Database, then you can go for a JDBC receiver adapter.
    Multiple insertions are possible for a JDBC receiver, but multiple Selection queries (different select queries) are not possible for a single JDBC sender adapter.
    Just check these links to understand how JDBC adapters work,
    If you wanna do update/insert you will have to follow the
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/2e/96fd3f2d14e869e10000000a155106/content.htm">Document Formats for the Receiver JDBC Adapter</a>
    For Configuring the Receiver JDBC Adapter refer:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/64/ce4e886334ec4ea7c2712e11cc567c/content.htm">Configuring the Receiver JDBC Adapter</a>
    For Configuring the Sender JDBC Adapter refer:
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/7e/5df96381ec72468a00815dd80f8b63/content.htm">Configuring the Sender JDBC Adapter</a>
    To access any Database from XI, you will have to install the corresponding Driver on your XI server.
    Or on the JDBC end you can write a stored procedure to make your data update more efficient.
    Go through this blog for stored procedures.
    Please go through this blog and see if it helps you.
    For more info, just take a look at these links also,
    I would suggest you to go through the following documents for use of JAVA in relation to database.....
    Please go through the steps mentioned in all of these links.

  • Apache SOAP 2.2 and WL 6.1

    When trying to use Apache SOAP 2.2 with WL Server 6.1, I get the following error
    when attempting a call.invoke():
    "Unable to resolve namespace 'SOAPSDK3'"
    I can successfully make the SOAP call using a stand-alone application (not inside
    weblogic). I found the following FAQ which described the same problem for WL
    Server 6.1 (beta):
    I have not been able to get a working solution though. The XML Registry was already
    setup as described, using the org.apache.xerces.*. I also put xerces.jar in front
    of weblogic.jar in the WL Classpath (not sure if this would have any effect).
    Originally, I had put XERCES 1.3.1 there and had no problem starting WL, but
    got the same error as before - Unable to resolve namespace 'SOAPSDK3'. When I
    placed another version of XERCES, namely 1.4.3 - I could not even start WL properly,
    it crapped out with a memory exception and quit the JVM. I read on WL docs that
    XERCES 1.3.1 is required and you cannot put another version in front of the weblogic.jar,
    otherwise you have problems (they were right on that one). Here are the WL docs:
    So, I'd be interested to see if you anyone has suggestion as to what I might try.
    It appears that I MUST use XERCES 1.3.1, but when I put the in front of weblogic.jar
    I don't solve the problem. If you know of anything I might try, please let me
    know. Thanks.
    WL 6.1 on Windows 2000 - application inside EAR file.
    SOAP Client - Apache SOAP 2.2
    SOAP Server - MS SOAP Toolkit (ISAPI - VB dll)
    Christopher Hurley
    Tallán, Inc.
    [email protected]
    cell 201.739.2194

    Don't know whether below is related to your problem:

  • Interoperability between apache soap toolkit(client)and ms soap toolkit

    Interoperability between apache soap toolkit(client)and ms soap toolkit.Give me an example where i can send and receive a complex data type from apache tomcat in client side to ms soap toolkit on the server side.It is urgent.Plz try to give me a solution as soon as possible.

    The toolkits don't have to work together at all. And by the way, you aren't sending the data to the MS toolkit, you're sending it to some MS product that can process the data. Any data that follows the standards should work.

  • Apache and Java System Web server

    Is it possible to run Apache Web Server and Java System Web Server on the same computer or is one of them which has to run.

    Sure it can be run simultaneously as long as they don�t share the same Socket (pair of IP-Address/TCP-Port).
    But the question is does it make sense at all - what would you get from Apache which is not there in SJS WS?

  • Linkage Error when using Apache SOAP 2.2 with Weblogic 6.1

    Has anyone seen this error before? Apparently I've got some incompatible versions of xerces being loaded. I tried putting different versions of xerces.jar in the front of my classpath, and creating an XML Registry to point to org.apache.xerces.jaxp..., but I always get the same error message.
    D:\soap>java -classpath "/soap-2_2/lib/soap.jar;activation.jar;mail.jar;xerces.jar;." org.apache.soap.server.Servic
    eManagerClient http://localhost:8001/App/servlet/rpcrouter list
    Ouch, the call failed:
    Fault Code = SOAP-ENV:Server.Exception:
    Fault String = loader constraints violated when linking org/xml/sax/InputSource class

    Has anyone seen this error before? Apparently I've got some incompatible versions of xerces being loaded. I tried putting different versions of xerces.jar in the front of my classpath, and creating an XML Registry to point to org.apache.xerces.jaxp..., but I always get the same error message.
    D:\soap>java -classpath "/soap-2_2/lib/soap.jar;activation.jar;mail.jar;xerces.jar;." org.apache.soap.server.Servic
    eManagerClient http://localhost:8001/App/servlet/rpcrouter list
    Ouch, the call failed:
    Fault Code = SOAP-ENV:Server.Exception:
    Fault String = loader constraints violated when linking org/xml/sax/InputSource class

  • Apache SOAP with websphere 6.1

    I want to use Apache SOAP in websphere 6.1 since we will be reusing the framework developed already using Apache SOAP.This has been implemented only with weblogic previously.
    Now we are trying to use this in combination with websphere 6.1,Is this supported?How to proceed?

    Hi Thierry,
    When we wrote the web services layer for BEA we purposefully left out
    stateful session beans and entity beans because they did not match the
    "services" model and there is no standard way to keep the state between
    calls to the service. I believe the Apache implementation uses the HTTP
    session for this behaviour. I don't know what the problem is with the
    Apache SOAP implementation but I can try and help you either 1) use a
    stateless session bean to call your sfsb, or 2) convince me that stateful
    beans implemented outside the web services standard is something BEA should
    "Thierry Janaudy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I wanted to use BEA's implementation of SOAP, but the problem is that you
    cannot call SFSB.
    Therefore I tried to install and run Apache SOAP (Which provides a service
    for SLSB, SFSB, EB).
    However, you I try to remotely list the services through:
    java -cp %CP% org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient
    http://localhost:7001/soap/servlet/rpcrouter list
    I always get
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
    at org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName.<init>(QName.java:80)
    at org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName.matches(QName.java:146)
    at org.apache.soap.Envelope.unmarshall(Envelope.java:237)
    at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(Call.java:230)
    Do you have any idea why?

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