Aperture and M8

Hello, I can't import the assets from my Leica M8 to Aperture. Any ideas? Latest OS update issue? Thanks!

It should be supported: http://www.apple.com/aperture/specs/raw.html
If you are really on Mac OS X 10.4, as your signature says, that may be the problem.

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    I have been storing my Aperture and IMovie Libraries on an external hard drive that recently died.  Fortunately I've been using Time Machine to back up to a 2nd external drive.  How do I restore my libraries to a new external hard drive?

    This is a tricky one.
    Open up Time Machine and go back to a date using the timeline on the right side of the window when you know the drive was working and was backing up as part of Time Machine backups.
    Click on the name of your Mac under the Devices heading on the left side of the window in Time Machine, and if things are working correctly you will see Macintosh HD (or whatever you have named it) and the name of the external hard drive that was backing up in the past.
    Right-Click on the name of the external hard drive and then click on "Restore (name of drive) to....."  You may be asked for your adminstrator password at this point.
    It might be easier to restore the drive contents to your desktop if you have room on your Mac, and then copy things over to the new external drive where you want to store the Aperture and iMovie Libraries.
    Once the libraries have been moved over the new external hard drive, you will likely need to "point" Aperture and iMovie to the location of the libraries on the new external hard drive.

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    I'm evaluating both Aperture and Adobe's Lightroom to decide which one meets my needs for the best price (got a deal on Lightroom 3 for $120 and I know Aperture 3 is $79 in the Mac App Store).
    I have a few questions:
    I currently use iPhoto '11 (9.1.3) and have Photoshop CS4, so I have tools for importing DSLR shots and making pro-type changes in Camera Raw, while also having iPhoto to organize my photo library and syncing Events and Albums with my iPhone and iPad.
    I like that I would be able to maintain my iPhoto library data for Faces and Places in Aperture, but am concerned that when the iPhoto library is "upgraded" for Aperture, and I decide I don't really need that program, the upgraded library won't work with iPhoto anymore.
    Will I still be able to use iPhoto to access and organize my library, or will it be forever converted for use with Aperture?
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    Recently, iPhoto bugs make Events show up multiple times in iTunes when syncing for iPhone and iPad.
    If iPhoto management is this unstable, I would like to consider choosing a new method of organizing and syncing to iOS devices and abandoning the iPhoto library method.
    Will I find a better user experience with Aperture, or does it also use the single file library and suffer the same struggles iPhoto users have been seeing lately?

    I like that I would be able to maintain my iPhoto library data for Faces and Places in Aperture, but am concerned that when the iPhoto library is "upgraded" for Aperture, and I decide I don't really need that program, the upgraded library won't work with iPhoto anymore.
    The iPhoto library isn't changed in any way by Aperture. Aperture will import the Library and you can choose to copy the files to the Aperture Library or reference them within iPhoto. As long as you don't delete files from the iPhoto Library via Aperture (which you could do if you choose to Reference) there is no impact on iPhoto
    Will I still be able to use iPhoto to access and organize my library, or will it be forever converted for use with Aperture?
    They are completely different libraries.
    Recently, iPhoto bugs make Events show up multiple times in iTunes when syncing for iPhone and iPad.
    Fixed in the 9.1.3 update.
    Will I find a better user experience with Aperture, or does it also use the single file library and suffer the same struggles iPhoto users have been seeing lately?
    Like iphoto, Aperture can use the "single file library" or it can use a Referenced Library (just like iphoto can). Note that using a Referenced Library offers not a whit more in terms of features or capabilities. It's file storage plain and simple. Nothing more.
    No you won't see the "same struggles iPhoto users have been seeing..." because Aperture is an entirely different allication.
    But you my see Aperture or Lightroom struggles

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    Try the following:
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down to open the First Aid window.
    2 - Run Option #4, Rebuild Database.

  • How to get Aperture and iPhoto to use Pentax *ist DL RAW images natively

    Using some techniques that I found in various places in these forums, I am going to give step-by-step instructions to get Aperture and iPhoto to recognize Pentax *ist DL RAW images natively.
    Note: This worked for me using 10.4.6 with the latest iPhoto 06 and Aperture updates. I do NOT know if this will work on older versions of OS X, iPhoto, or Aperture.
    Note: If you also use a Pentax *ist DS camera, these instructions will probably disable support for that particular device due to the modifications made to a system file. Only complete these instructions if you want to use a *ist DL camera.
    ** These instructions involve modifying system level files using a HEX editor. If you are not comfortable with this, do NOT attempt to do this or you could kill your system. Remember, BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP. These steps worked great for me but follow at your own risk!! **
    Ok, lets begin...
    1) Download this great patch by macintosh_tech
    This patch contains an updated raw.plist file which includes the RAW information for the *ist DL. This patch also contains an updated libRaw.dylib file and an updated Raw Presets file for Aperture.
    ** Do NOT copy the libRaw.dylib file from this patch to the folder listed in the patch Read_Me. This file did not work on my Intel-based Mac and crashed my system!!
    I was able to modify my original libRaw.dylib file using a HEX editor to get it to work on my system. Instructions for this modification will follow.
    2) Open the .dmg of the patch in a Finder window
    3) Open a new finder window and browse to /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ImageIO.fra mework/Resources
    *4) Backup the libRaw.dylib and Raw.plist files. Copy them to a safe location. For extra safety, you can just copy the whole Resources folder to a safe location (Make sure that you COPY it and dont MOVE it)*
    5) Right-click the libRaw.dylib file and select "Get Info". Look at the bottom of the info window and expand the "Ownership & Permissions" tab. In this section, expand the "Details" tab. If the lock icon is in the locked position, click it to unlock it. Change "Owner" to your user name. If requested, enter your system password at this point. Close the info window. This step lets you modify the libRaw.dylib file.
    6) Complete step 5 for the Raw.plist file.
    7) Copy the Raw.plist file from the "Place In System Folder" folder from the patch to the Resources folder. It will ask you if you wnt to overwrite the existing file. Click "Replace".
    8) Open a new finder window and browse to the /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/Aperture/ folder.
    * 9) Backup the "Raw Decode Presets.plist" file *
    10) Copy the "Raw Decode Presets.plist" file from the "Place In Home Directory" folder from the patch to the /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/Aperture/ folder. Click "replace" if it asks you.
    11) Here's the tricky part. Download a HEX editor if you don't have one. I used 0xED. It is free and can be downloaded from
    12) Open the libRaw.dylib file from the Resources folder in your HEX editor.
    Note: This is your original libRaw.dylib file from your /System/Library/...../Resources/ folder, NOT the file from the patch.
    Use the Find function and search for the string "Pentax *ist DS". Make sure you are using "Search Type: Text" (or equivilent in your editor) and that you use proper case. When you find this string, change the "S" in the "DS" to an "L". The string should now look like "Pentax *ist DL". Use the "Find Next" function to find the next instance of "Pentax *ist DS". Again, change the "S" to an "L". There should be two total instances that you need to change. Save the file and exit the editor.
    13) Open Disk Utility and repair permissions. This will set the raw.plist and libRaw.dylib files back to their original permissions.
    14) Reboot the system.
    15) You should now be able to view .PEF files natively in Aperture and iPhoto. I appologize in advance for any typos. Let me know how this works, as this is my first tutorial of this nature.
    Macbook 2.0   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    It would appear that my last post was a moot point as the 10.4.7 update adds support for the *ist DL. It's nice to have it biult into the operating system now.

  • Aperture and iPhoto should use the same library

    Hi all,
    It seems that there is a lot of conversation about moving photos between Aperture and iPhoto. For example, some like iPhotos slideshow better but still require Apertures adjustment options. Still others have tried, to no avail, to use Aperture as iPhoto's external editor.
    Personally, I have a large iPhoto library with most photos tagged with keywords. I have just started using Aperture and am yet to decide if its extra features are useful for a novice photographer like myself. Other than the price, I see no reason not to use Aperture instead of iPhoto but I would want to import my entire iPhoto library into Aperture.
    My question, however, is why we need to 'import' from one app to the other. Without understanding how the aperture / iphoto databases work, I would assume there is no fundamental reason why Aperture could not simply open an existing iPhoto library and visa versa. They both support RAW, keywords, books etc. And while I am sure there are some deviations in the databases, surely each app could simply ignore the features it does not understand.
    Is this something that anyone else has considered or think would be good. I would imagine that the easier it is for customers to upgrade from iPhoto to Aperture the better. Does Apple plan on supporting this in the future or is the import option 'good enough'.

    Can I and if so how do I best set up Aperture as main app. (master) with iPhoto as sub app that accesses the same library to sort through, look at, order books, etc.
    Simply set the Preferences to 'Share Previews with iLife Applications' in Aperture. Then go to iPhoto -> File -> Show Aperture Library. A media browser will open and you can drag the pics from the Browser to the iPhoto Window. Note: You're getting the Aperture Previews not Masters. Note too that if you set iPhoto to Referenced mode (iPhoto -> Preferences -> Advanced) then you won't use double the disk space.
    +Remember though, you are not accessing the Aperture Library. If you make changes in the Aperture Library (Re-edit the shots) after bringing pics to iPhoto, those changes are not reflected in iPhoto.+
    This is what William means when he says the iPhoto does not access the Aperture Library.

  • Is it possible for one user to use Aperture and another iPhoto?

    I have a new imac 21.5", 3.33ghz, 4gb and I was wondering if it is possible for me as admin user to handle camera downloads automatically with Aperture, and my wife as second user to use iPhoto as automatic camera destination? Any comments would be appreciated.

    If you want to use the same account there are a number of possibilities:
    1. Set both Aperture and iPhoto to Do Nothing when a camera is connected. Then each one can launch their preferred app themselves. It's just one extra click.
    2. Use [Cameras|http://www.flexibits.com> to configure what happens when different cameras are connected.

  • I'm using a Mac.  I "upgraded" to LR5 from LR4.  I do not want to be a member of the "Creative Cloud".  I just want to use the software I purchased, specifically to upload to my SmugMug account.  Is there a way to use an add-on to do this?  Aperture and L

    I'm using a Mac.  I "upgraded" to LR5 from LR4.  I do not want to be a member of the "Creative Cloud".  I just want to use the software I purchased, specifically to upload to my SmugMug account.  Is there a way to use an add-on to do this?  Aperture and LR4 were easy but I'm finding it impossible without subscribing to CC.

    Sorry, maybe I don't understand, but why do you feel compelled to subscribe to CC if you already have a permanent Lightroom 5 licence?
    For the SmugMug plugin, a simple Google search ("smugmug lightroom plugin") gives this link to download the plugin:  http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/121321
    Another way is to click the button "Find more services online..." in the the Publish Service section of Lightroom, and to search for SmugMug in the Adobe Add-ons portal; you will find a link to the latest plugin: https://creative.adobe.com/addons/products/1755

  • Aperture and Snow Leopard problems

    I have multiple issues with Aperture after upgrading to SL (currently on 10.6.2). The major issues are:
    (1) Whenever I import new images or make modification to existing images Aperture does not quit anymore. Command quit doesn't do anything and I have to force quit in order to exit program.
    (2) After importing new files, often not all images are shown in the project or album (although all images have been imported and the tooltip shows the correct number of images in the project/album). Furthermore, keywords searches do not work. A force quit and reopening solves this problem.
    (2) When saving or opening images the dialog box does not work properly and some folders are overlayed with black/grey boxes and things look corrupted.
    Obviously, I have installed 2.1.4 and I do not have Aperture in any subfolder (it is directly in the app folder). Furthermore, I have deleted the preferences file (com.apple.Aperture.plist) but this did not help.
    What to do next? Re-install Aperture? If I have to do this what docs do I have to delete and how can I avoid loosing any important information? I have a very large image library with many adjustments, keywords, rankings etc and I definitely do not want to loose any of that information. Thanks much for your help and advise.

    I decided to backup up everything. I then erased the HD and reinstalled Leopard Disk 1 and 2. Did all the system updates and added all the optional software on the disks. Then installed Snow Leopard. Then installed Aperture and all updates including 2.1.4 and my printer drivers. Then followed with all my other apps like MS Office and Quicken.
    Took about 2 hours.
    Everything works perfectly and is quite snappy including Aperture. No problems with any of the Aperture functions.
    It's a lot of work but its easy to do if you have other things to do while the software is installing.
    If you are up to all that and dont mind the time, you'll be happy plus you now have a clean, fresh disk.

  • I have IMAC and use Aperture and I am looking for a good App to turn a photograph into a painting look

    I have an IMAC and use Aperture and I am looking for a App that will allow me to have one of my photos look like a painting - any suggestions?  It is a gift for my brother

    I like photoshop elements.
    You can also do something like this:

  • Run Aperture and iPhoto on an external drive and edit from laptop?

    Can I run iphoto and Aperture on an external hard drive, like a file server?  Can I store pics on the external hard drive and edit using iphoto or aperture on the external hard drive from a laptop ?  How do I make this work?
    HELP!  I'm maxed out!

    Hello Laura,
    what is it, that you want to achieve?
    Move the Aperture Library to an external drive to free space on your laptop?
    or do you want to share your Aperture Libray between your machines and access it in parallel on a network volume?
    The option "1" is easy to achieve, the option "2" is not supported by Aperture; Aperture (and iPhoto) are single User programs, see this:
         Aperture: Use locally mounted Mac OS X Extended volumes for your Aperture library:http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3252
    To move your library (or parts of your library) to an external drive you have two options:
    move the complete libary using the finder to a local, external, MacOSX formatted drive,
    or turn your library into a "referenced" library: relocate the master image files to the external drive, but keep  the Library itself (much smaller now) on your laptop. This way you can browse your images and rate them, use them as screensaver, even if the external drive is not connected.
    P.S. the same (*** grano salis) holds for iPhoto; you can move the library, or your libraries, to an external drive using the Finder; you can make the iPhoto Library referenced, but referenced libraries are much better supported in Aperture, for Aperture has been designed in espacially to support huge, distributed libraries - in iPhoto I found it it safer to have several smaller libraries than to have one huge, referenced library - that was one of  the reasons I moved from iPhoto to Aperture.

  • I lost all my pictures in Aperture and I used Time Machine to restore the lost pictures.

    After losing all my pictures on Aperture and not being able to restore the the pictures using Time Machine as instructed by Apple Care.  I searched the web on how to restore the pictures using Time Machine and did not find a good solution.  So with trial and error this is the solution that worked and it is easy. Using Time Machine restore the entire Pictures directory. Then restore the Aperture in Application. Then go to the Pictures directory and click on the White Box label Aperture.  Do not open the Aperture Application it self Clicking on the White Box label Aperture will do the trick.  It worked for me and I hope it works for you.  Initially I lost 9500 pictures and I was sick till it was fixed.  Everything went back to exactly the way is was before, including thumnails.

    Thanks for posting.  I have my library on an external drive and it spins processing before it crashes.  I have tried everything.  I think it believes some images are corrupted but who knows. 
    Do you keep your photos on your internal or external hard drive?  Did you just open aperture and choose new library or did you delete your old one?  I am not sure what to do, I have a big aperture library on a hard drive and time machine back up somewhere.  I have a mirrored hard drive so I may only have 2 copies of the same screwed up library, don't know if they back up on time machine also? 
    Time machine has always confused me to be honest and fortunately I have never had to use it.  So you can just replace your pictures?  I think I have a bunch of photos in iphoto library on my internal hard drive, I hope I don't end up with duplicates and triplicates.  Although I would settle for just about anything right now.  I have 15k pictures that I see briefly before it crashes.

  • Re: Aperture and storing files on external

    After reading this thread I guess I done something stupid...
    I have a MBP mid 2009 with 500GB drive. I use Aperture for my photos but some time ago I run out of space on the internal disk. So after reading a bit about Aperture being capable to handle multiple library I marked a bunch of projects/events in Aperture library and exported as a new external library on an external disk. So far so god, I thought....
    But now I'm getting close to running out of space again on the internal drive, so my plan was to mark more projects/events and export them in to the same external library that I created earlier, like fill it up a bit more to free more space on my MBP.
    But, I haven't really found out how it can be done, or if it can be done. And now after reading this tread and the posts talking about +reference masters+ and not, I start wondering if I did something really stupid when I exported to a external drive as a new library.
    How should I do now to get back on track, the right track again? So that I end up with my projects/events pictures on an external drive freeing space on my MBP and get everything right regardig the reference masters, so that I easily can manage my library in the future when it grow?
    I'm not so experienced with Aperture so explain to me as for a three year old, as Tom Hanks said...

    Well, now I have fiddle around a bit with all the explanations and recommendations I've got from you guys, and so far so good I guess.
    I started with opening Aperture and the external library and Photos and selected them all , then used Relocate Masters to a newly created folder named Aperture Masters.
    Then when it was completed I have to switch to the internal library and again used Relocate Masters, after selected all those photos to the same folder as the last one.
    Now I had enough space on my internal disk to bring the external library with pointers (as some one called them) back in to my internal disk. But when I tried to Merge the to "pointer libraries" together something went wrong, because Aperture freezed halfway through the progress and I had to force it to close after some hours waiting without any sign of life from Aperture. I tried it again but the same result, it frooze. So I had to try with Add Library instead, and that worked. But suddenly many of the project was doublettes. But after checking them it was clear that of to of the same project folders, just one was a complete and correct one. The other one lacked some of the EXIF-info and some of the photos. And when I checked it up in the folder Aperture Masters there was not two copies of those folders. So I'll guess that fenomena was caused of Aperture freezing during my tries to merge the to libraries toghether.
    Now I have some therapy work with going through all the projects to find those which there are to of the same, and then check which one of them to delete, then I'll have everything sorted out I'll guess. And finally end up with all the masters on my external disk and still one complete "pointer library" on my internal disk, and plenty of free space on my internal disk again.
    Thank's for the help guys

  • Aperture and iWeb

    Here's a question about working with iweb and Aperture that I asked in the iweb group with no luck.
    Here's the deal: iweb is not updating available Aperture photos. What is wanted, of course, is to work in both apps, and for newly added photos to Aperture to appear in iWeb soon after adding to Aperture.This doesn't happen.
    I've tried deleting prefs and caches but so far no luck and while I think this is an iWeb problem, there's this: a search from iWeb to Aperture will bring up some relevant images, but not all images.
    This leads me to wonder if it is an Aperture metadata issue and wondering if anyone has some insight.

    Hi Ernie,
    I've tried it both ways and the behavior is the same. I keep thinking that there would be some option-click or similar activity to make it update, but I am seeing now that it is more than updating. iWeb simply isn't seeing some of the Aperture records no matter when they were added to Aperture, and, as far as I can tell, at least for now, the issue is related to custom fields.
    Thanks for helping.

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