Aperture for sale on Bay Area Craigslist...

I was wondering if anyone has purchased aperture from <post edited by host> or <post edited by host>? They both are selling Aperture 2 on craigslist in the Bay Area, CA. I sent him an e-mail today and he requested my phone #. So I gave it to him. About 10 minutes later I received a phone call from an Asian Male stating he had a license to sell Aperture in two forms, 1) as it comes in the retail box for $150.00 and 2) as a burned CD with a license for $80.00. The whole thing sounds kinda hoaky to me so I wanted to see if anyone has done this yet and what kind of results they have had. Or if anyone knows if this is legitimate, can someone do this legally?
Please let me know!

clayton M wrote:
2) as a burned CD with a license for $80.00.
Given the whole value is in the license (which isn't sold on its own) this guy has nothing to offer but a pirated product.
I'd report him.

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    If you're wanting to remove the add to cart button from the template for products in a particular catalogues you're going to have to put something into place, BC won't do it for you in this case unfortunately.
    You can use the backup list view or a custom template to remove the add to cart from them.
    As for the detail view you just need to remove the '.moreoption' div - or if you don't want to show the price either then the 'prod_options' div.
    You could utilise a custom field (from inside the product options) and fill it with something like 'noSale'.  Then in the CSS have '.noSale .moreoption { display: none }'
    Add the custom tag field into your large product template somewhere at the top inside a class.
    If you fill it in, it'll hide, if you don't, it won't.
    There are other options, but this seems pretty easy. This also allows items in any catalogue to be not for sale, not anything specifically - so you could have multiple that are not for sale, multiple that are.
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    San Mateo County Human Services Agency
    Building B - Notre Dame Room
    400 Harbor Blvd.
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    San Mateo County Human Services Agency
    Building B - Notre Dame Room
    400 Harbor Blvd.
    Belmont, CA
    12:30 - 1:00 Registration and lunch
    1:00 - 1:45 Welcome by San Mateo County and National SIG
    1:45 - 2:15 San Mateo County: Asset Management
    2:15 - 2:45 San Francisco: Infrastructure Management
    2:45 - 3:00 Break and refreshments
    3:00 - 3:30 Santa Clara Valley Water Dist: Watershed Administration
    3:30 - 4:00 PG&E: Electric Utility Enterprise
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    ** PLEASE RSVP to [email protected] **
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    Create Delivery in background (VL04, VL10a, VL10C, etc)
    Change Delivery for picking / packing & PGI (VL02n)
    Create Billing Document (VF01)
    Assumption: Stock Transfer configuration is in place. Assistance can be taken from SAP Best Practices in help.sap.com
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    Create Sales Order (VA01)
    Create Delivery (VL01N, etc)
    Change Delivery (VL02N)
    Create Billing Document (VF01)
    Assumption: Configuration is in place. Assistance can be taken from SAP Best Practices in help.sap.com
    Rajesh Banka

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    I have an I pad 2 . I have put things for sale on Craigslist but I cannot put pictures on the ad. Is there an app or something I need to be able to load the pictures to the ad. I also have an I phone4s same thing with it. Appreciate any info. Thanks iPad

    Yes there is; http://itunes.apple.com/app/+craigslist+/id373576667?alreadyRedirected=1&mt=8

  • What are the User Exits for Sales Order creation process?

    what are the User Exits for Sales Order creation process? how can I find them?
    thanks in advance,
    will reward,

    Please check this info:
    User Exits In Sales Document Processing
    This IMG step describes additional installation-specific processing in sales document processing. In particular, the required INCLUDES and user exits are described.
    Involved program components
    System modifications for sales document processing affect different areas. Depending on the modification, you make the changes in the program components provided:
    For entering metadata for sales document processing. User-specific metadata must start with "ZZ".
    For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing which are called up by the screen and run under PBO (Process Before Output) prior to output of the screen. The modules must start with "ZZ".
    For entering additional installation-specific modules for sales document processing. These are called up by the screen and run under PAI (Process After Input) after data input (for example, data validation). The modules must start with "ZZ".
    MV45AFZZ and MV45EFZ1
    For entering installation-specific FORM routines and for using user exits, which may be required and can be used if necessary. These program components are called up by the modules in MV45AOZZ or MV45AIZZ.
    User exits in the program MV45AFZZ
    The user exits which you can use for modifications in sales document processing are listed below.
    This user exit can be used for deleting data which was stored in a separate table during sales document creation, for example, if the sales document is deleted.
    For example, if an additional table is filled with the name of the person in charge (ERNAM) during order entry, this data can also be deleted after the sales order has been deleted.
    The user exit is called up at the end of the FORM routine BELEG_LOESCHEN shortly before the routine BELEG_SICHERN.
    This user exit can be used to modify the attributes of the screen fields.
    To do this, the screen fields are allocated to so-called modification groups 1 - 4 and can be edited together during a modification in ABAP. If a field has no field name, it cannot be allocated to a group.
    The usage of the field groups (modification group 1-4) is as follows:
    Modification group 1: Automatic modification with transaction MFAW
    Modification group 2: It contains 'LOO' for step loop fields
    Modification group 3: For modifications which depend on check tables or on other fixed information
    Modification group 4: is not used
    The FORM routine is called up for every field of a screen. If you require changes to be made, you must make them in this user exit.
    This FORM routine is called up by the module FELDAUSWAHL.
    See the Screen Painter manual for further information on structuring the interface.
    Use this user exit to assign values to new fields at sales document header level. It is described in the section "Transfer of the customer master fields into the sales document".
    The user exit is called up at the end of the FORM routine VBAK_FUELLEN.
    Use this user exit to assign values to new fields at sales document item level. It is described in the section "Copy customer master fields into the sales document".
    The user exit is called up at the end of the FORM routine VBAP_FUELLEN.
    Use this user exit to assign values to new fields at the level of the sales document schedule lines.
    The user exit is called up at the end of the FORM routine VBEP_FUELLEN.
    Use this user exit to assign values to new fields for business data of the sales document. It is described in the section "Copy customer master fields into sales document".
    The user exit is called up at the end of the FORM routine VBKD_FUELLEN.
    Use this user exit to define the number ranges for internal document number assignment depending on the required fields. For example, if you want to define the number range depending on the sales organization (VKORG) or on the selling company (VKBUR), use this user exit.
    The user exit is called up in the FORM routine BELEG_SICHERN.
    Use this user exit if you want to include and assign a value to an additional header field in the communication structure KOMK taken as a basis for pricing.
    Use this user exit if you want to include or assign a value to an additional item field in the communication structure KOMP taken as a basis for pricing.
    You use this user exit if further additional tables are to be read when importing TA01 or TA02.
    The user exit is called up at the end of the FORM routine BELEG_LESEN.
    Use this user exit to fill user-specific statistics update tables.
    The user exit is called up by the FORM routine BELEG-SICHERN before the COMMIT command.
    If a standard field is changed, the field r185d-dataloss is set to X. The system queries this indicator at the beginning of the safety routine. This is why this indicator must also be set during the maintenance of user-specific tables that are also to be saved.
    Use this user exit to make certain changes or checks immediately before saving a document. It is the last possibility for changing or checking a document before posting.
    The user exit is carried out at the beginning of the FORM routine BELEG_SICHERN.
    User exits in the program MV45AFZA
    Use this user exit to include or assign values to additional header fields in the communication structure KOMKD taken as a basis for the material determination. This is described in detail in the section "New fields for material determination".
    Use this user exit to include or assign values to additional item fields in the communication structure KOMPD taken as a basis for the material determination. This is described in detail in the section "New fields for material determination".
    Use this user exit to include or assign values to additional fields in the communication structure KOMKG taken as a basis for material determination and material listing. This is described in detail in the section "New fields for listing/exclusion".
    Use this user exit to include or assign values to additional fields in the communication structure KOMPG taken as a basis for material determination and material listung. This is described in detail in the section "New fields for listing/exclusion".
    With this user exit, you can reset certain customer-specific fields as soon as processing of a sales document is finished and before the following document is edited.
    For example, if the credit limit of the sold-to party is read during document processing, in each case it must be reset again before processing the next document so that the credit limit is not used for the sold-to party of the following document.
    The user exit is executed when a document is saved if you leave the processing of a document with F3 or F15.
    The user exit is called up at the end of the FORM routine BELEG_INITIALISIEREN.
    User-Exits in program MV45AFZB
    In this user exit, you can enter additional data for deletion of an item. If the criteria are met, the item is not deleted (unlike in the standard system).
    In this user exit, you can enter additional data for deletion of a schedule line. If the criteria are met, the schedule line is not deleted (unlike in the standard system).
    This user exit can be used to carry out additional checks (e.g. for completion) in the document header. The system could, for example, check whether certain shipping conditions are allowed for a particular customer group.
    This user exit can be used to carry out additional checks (e.g. for completion) at item level.
    The user exit can be used to carry out additional checks (e.g. for completion) on the business data in the order.
    This user exit can be use to carry out additional checks (e.g. for completion) on the schedule line. During BOM explosion, for example, you may want certain fields to be copied from the main item to the sub-items (as for billing block in the standard system).
    You can use this user exit to carry out additional checks (e.g. for completion) on the serial number.
    USEREXIT_CHECK_XVBSN_FOR_DELET In this user exit, you can enter additional criteria for deletion of the serial number. If the criteria are met, the serial number is not deleted (unlike in the standard system).
    You can use this user exit to fill additional fields in the sub-item with data from the main item.
    You can use this user exit to influence text determination for header texts. For example, you can include new fields for text determination or fill fields that already exist with a new value.
    You can use this user exit to influence text determination for item texts. For example, you can include new fields for text determination or fill fields that already exist with a new value.
    User-Exits for product allocation:
    The following user exits all apply to structure COBL, in which the data for account determination is copied to item level.
    Option to include new fields in structure COBL.
    Option to assign values from the document header to the new fields.
    Option to supply values from the item to the new fields.
    A changed field can be copied from the structure into the item. You could use the user exit to display a certain field in the account assignment block (see also MV45AFZB).
    A changed field can be copied from the structure to the header (see source text MV45AFZB)
    You can use this user exit to determine which plant will be used for the delivery. In the standard system, the delivering plant is copied from the customer master or the customer-material info record. If you want to use a different rule, then you must enter it in this user exit.
    With this user exit you can include additional fields for the following fields:
    EBAN (purchase requisition)
    EBKN (purchase requisition-account assignment)
    Option to include new fields for the variant configuration. Fields that are included in structure SDCOM can be processed and then returned to the order.
    You can use this user exit to format additional work areas for the variant configuration. You will find notes on the user exit in MV45AFZB.
    User-Exits for first data transfer:
    The following user exits can only be used for the first data transfer.
    Only use the user exits if the names/fields do NOT have the same name.
    Option to include additional fields in structure VBAKKOM (communiction fields for maintaining the sales document header)
    Option to include additional fields in structure VBAPKOM (communication fields for maintaining a sales item)
    Option to include additional fields in structure VBEPKOM (communication fields for maintaining a sales document schedule line)
    You can use this user exit to include fields in structure VBSN (scheduling agreement-related change status).
    You can use this user exit to include new fields for batch determination (document header).
    You can use this user exit to include new fields for batch determination (document item).
    You can use this user exit to set another customer number in the customer material info record (e.g. with a customer hierarchy)
    Option for entry of preconditions for carrying out pricing again (e.g. changes made to a certain item field could be used as the precondition for pricing to be carried out again). Further information in MV45AFZB.
    Option for entry of preconditions for carrying out pricing again (e.g. changes to the customer group or price group could be set as the preconditions for the system to carry out pricing again). Further information in MV45AFZB.
    User-Exits in Program MV45AFZD
    The BOM is exploded in the order with the entry date. You can use this user exit to determine which data should be used to explode the BOM (explosion with required delivery date, for example).
    User exits in the program FV45EFZ1
    In the standard SAP R/3 System, the quantity and confirmed date of the sales document schedule line is changed automatically if a purchase requisition is allocated, and it or the sales document is changed (for example, quantity, date).
    If you want to change this configuration in the standard system, you can define certain requirements in order to protect your sales orders from being changed automatically. Use this user exit for this purpose. Decide at this point whether the schedule lines are to be changed.
    User-Exits in Program RV45PFZA
    In this user exit you can you can store a specification for the reserve fields in VBUK (header status). Reserve field UVK01 could, for example, be used for an additional order status (as for rejections status, etc.).
    The following workareas are available for this user exit:
    VBUK (header status)
    FXVBUP (item status)
    FXVBUV (Incompletion)
    In this user exit you can you can store a specification for the reserve fields for VBUP (item status).
    The following workareas are available for this user exit:
    FXVBAP (Item data)
    FXVBAPF (Dynamic part of order item flow)
    FXVBUV (Incompletion)
    You can use this user exit to influence billing status at header level.
    User exits in the screens
    Additional header data is on screen SAPMV45A 0309, additional item data on screen SAPMV45A 0459. These screens contain the Include screens SAPMV45A 8309 or SAPMV45A 8459 as user exits.
    Fields which are also to be included in the sales document for a specific installation should be included on the Include screens for maintaining. If an application-specific check module is needed for the fields, this can be included in the Include MV45AIZZ. The module is called up in the processing logic of the Include screens.
    For field transports, you do not have to make changes or adjustments.
    A new field, VBAK-ZZKUN, should be included in table VBAK.
    If the check is defined via the Dictionary (fixed values or check table) the field must be included with the fullscreen editor in the Include screen SAPMV45A 8309. In this case, no change has to be made to the processing logic.
    User Exits in Program MV45AFZ4
    You can use this user exit to add or edit additional header fields in the communication structure - KOMK- for free goods determination. For more information, see the New Fields for Free Goods Determination IMG activity.
    You can use this user exit to add or edit additional item fields in the communication structure KOMP for free goods determination. For more information see the New Fields for Free Goods Determination IMG activity.
    User Exits in the SAPFV45PF0E and SAPFV45PF0C Programs
    You can use this user exit to decide whether intercompany billing data is used in the profitability segment for cross-company code sales, or whether the data comes from external billing (external customer, sales data from the selling company code.

  • Looking for SAP(FICO) trainer in the Bay Area

    A company in the bay area is looking for SAP(FICO) trainer who has command on configuration of the modules and min work ex of about 5 years.
    Please post your resumes to [email protected] or call at 408-512-8033 for more information.

    A company in the bay area is looking for SAP(FICO) trainer who has command on configuration of the modules and min work ex of about 5 years.
    Please post your resumes to [email protected] or call at 408-512-8033 for more information.

  • I play Hotties for Sale but the function buttons Home, Refresh, Go back, have disappeared. How do I get them back? are missing

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    * If the menu bar is hidden then press F10 or hold down the Alt key, that should make the "Menu Bar" appear
    * Make sure that the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible: "View > Toolbars"
    * If items are missing then open the Customize window via "View > Toolbars > Customize" or via "Firefox > Options > Toolbar Layout"
    * If a missing item is in the toolbar palette then drag it back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    * If you do not see that item then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar set up
    See also:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Toolbar_customization
    * [[Back and forward or other toolbar buttons are missing]]
    * [[Navigation Toolbar items]]

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