Aperture's Straighten and Crop vs. iPhoto's

Hello, I know that when using iPhoto to straighten a pic that it ZOOMS then crops the pic to eliminate the black triangles that would be left behind from the rotation. This zooming is unacceptable for me, as it degrades the pictures (12MP digi cam) just enough for me to see it. I imagine that this is a function of trying to rotate, and crop out the black while keeping the pic the same size (which would require the zoom). I have seen that Aperture straightens and 'crops' but when it auto crops, does it ALSO try to keep the image the same size (which would lead to another zoom situation)? I would just like to find a tool that can straighten, and if need be, cut my image size from 4000x3000 to 3500x2500, versus keeping the 4000x3000 and being slightly blurred. If the camera were garbage and the images were slightly blurred to begin with, then maybe it wouldn't be so noticeable, but my Canon takes really sharp pics and any blur really sticks out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Yeah, iPhoto does the same thing, as far as the pixel count being reduced. I suppose that's just from cropping out the black triangles. However, I just realized that I am an idiot... I exported an original file, then exported a straightened file, and the two resulting files aren't very different... The altered file isn't noticeably any more blurry than the original, it must have been just how it looked in iPhoto's preview window. That's odd... I was getting a little concerned that all of my straightened photos were going to look like garbage when I export them. All seems well... Thanks!

Similar Messages

  • Straighten and crop in Camera RAW

    If I am having difficulty in Camera RAW if I straighten a photo and then try to crop it.
    I place the line to straighten the photo and then I hit enter to complete the straightening.  If I then click on crop, the image returns to the state before I hit enter after straightening it. 
    How does one both straighten and crop in in Camera RAW?

    When the crop tool is active it will show you the original image with the crop tool outline within.  If you open the image or click on the magnifying glass it will apply the crop so you won't see the part around the crop border.
    Try this technique on an image that needs straightening (Note: Photoshop CS5):
    1.  Choose the Straighten tool, and drag a horizontal or vertical line.   When you release the mouse button you'll immediately see the crop tool activate
    2.  Click outside the crop tool border and move the mouse.  The crop border will rotate for fine tuning, and you can drag the corners to change the crop.
    3.  Turn it so that what's inside the crop will be straight.
    4.  Click on another tool besides Crop (e.g., the Magnifying Glass) to check the result.
    5.  If there's something wrong, go back to the Crop tool and adjust the outline.

  • Cs3 straighten and crop , is there a way like cs5?

    on my laptop i run xp adn photoshop cs3 normal (not extended)
    what i miss is a good straighten and crop like cs5
    in cs3 i use the ruler tool ->rotate canvas -> arbitrary
    and i my photo is straight but with big borders around the photo
    now cs5 does a great job
    but photoshop cs3 no
    there is the scipt straighten and crop photos but in this case doesn't do a great job
    because delete the borders and my photo returns to be awry
    ok i can crop manually , but it's exhausting if i have to work on some photos , one by one
    is there a script/action/tips or plugin  that can do the same great cs5 job?

    This sets the rulerunits to Pixels then when finished resets them back to what they were....
    // ================================================================================================
    // Script Name: autocrop.js
    // ================================================================================================
    // Version 2.0 9 December 2003
    // Description: crops the active document after image rotation
    // This version is compatible with Photoshop CS and will not run on Photoshop 7
    // This script is product of Paul Jaruszewski and Roger Cavanagh
    // Contact Paul at www.melor.com
    // Contact Roger at www.rogercavanagh.com
    // This script is provided free for personal use.
    // No liability will be accepted for any consequences arising from the use of this script.
    // This script may be copied IN ITS ENTIRETY to others provided and no charge is made other
    // than for media. Credit to Paul and Roger must be made if this script is posted for download
    // or distribution.
    // Installation: copy the file autocrop.js to the ..\Presets\Scripts folder
    // Globals
    var chosenMethod = 0;
    var ui_NoOpenDocuement = "No open document";
    var hlpMsg = new Array();
    var msg = "";
    var hid_BinChop = 1;
    msg = "Binary Search will usually be the fastest method to find edges, but may be slower than the ";
    msg = msg + "Slice method with smaller amounts (1-2 degrees) of rotation. May produce an over";
    msg = msg + "-crop, if the search inadvertently matches the background colour inside the picture.";
    hlpMsg[hid_BinChop] = msg;
    var hid_Slice = 2;
    msg = "Almost as fast as binary search method, but will sometimes produce slight over-crop. This ";
    msg = msg + "can be avoided by ensuring the background colour is different from the edges (10 px) ";
    msg = msg + "colour in the picture";
    hlpMsg[hid_Slice] = msg;
    var hid_UniPixel = 3;
    msg = "This is much the slowest search method, but will only produce an error, ";
    msg = msg + "if edges pixels are the same colour as the background.";
    hlpMsg[hid_UniPixel] = msg;
    var hid_BestResults = 4;
    msg = "For best results, you should make sure the background colour does not occur near the top ";
    msg = msg + "left corner of your picture. If the picture contains predominantly dark colours, ";
    msg = msg + "set a white background before image rotation, and vice versa.";
    hlpMsg[hid_BestResults] = msg;
    // ================================================================================================
    function settingDialog() { // Creates dialog window and gets user input         ===settingDialog===
    // ================================================================================================
    // These are functions in scope for settingDialog ()
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------aboutBtnOnClick---
    function aboutBtnOnClick() {
    var msg = "Autocrop V2\n\n\Copyright \u00A9 2003 Paul Jaruszewski and Roger Cavanagh\n";
    msg = msg + "www.melor.com - www.rogercavanagh.com\n";
    msg = msg + "Information: http://www.rogercavanagh.com/actions/15_autocrop.htm";
    dlg.msgPnl.helpMsgSt.text = msg;
    } // end about BtnOnClick
    function cancelBtnOnClick() { // -----------------------------------------------cancelBtnOnClick---
    } // end cancelBtnOnClick
    function evalMethod() { //------------------------------------------------------------evalMethod---
    var result = 0;
    if (dlg.methodPnl.binChop.value) { result = 1; };
    if (dlg.methodPnl.slice.value) { result = 2; };
    if (dlg.methodPnl.uniPixel.value) { result = 3; };
    return result;
    } // end function evalMethod
    function runBtnOnClick() { // -----------------------------------------------------runBtnOnClick---
    chosenMethod = evalMethod();
    } // end runBtnOnClick
    function displayHelp(hlpMsgId) { // -------------------------------------------------displayHelp---
    dlg.msgPnl.helpMsgSt.text = hlpMsg[hlpMsgId];
    } // end function
    // Standard Values
    var mgn = 10;
    var mgnTop = 20;
    var rowH = 20;
    var rBtnW = 120;
    var btnW = 100;
    // Method Panel Parameters                                           ---Method Panel Parameters---
    var ul_MethodPnlTitle= "Method:";
    var methodPnlRows = 3;
    var methodPnlCols = 1;
    var methodPnlH = methodPnlRows*(mgn + rowH) + mgnTop;
    var methodPnlW = 350; // (methodPnlRows + 1)*mgn + rBtnW; // max number of items
    var methodPnlX = mgn;
    var methodPnlY = mgn;
    // Control Panel Parameters                                          ---Control Panel Parameters---
    var ul_ControlPnlTitle = "Control Panel:";
    var ul_Run = "Run";
    var ul_Cancel = "Cancel";
    var ul_About = "About";
    var controlPnlRows = 3;
    var controlPnlCols = 1;
    var controlPnlH = methodPnlH;
    var controlPnlW = btnW + (controlPnlCols + 1)*mgn
    var controlPnlX = methodPnlX + methodPnlW + mgn;
    var controlPnlY = mgn;
    // Message Panel Parameters                                          ---Message Panel Parameters---
    var ul_MsgPnlTitle = "";
    var msgPnlH = 140;
    var msgPnlW = methodPnlW + controlPnlW + mgn;
    var msgPnlX = mgn;
    var msgPnlY = methodPnlY + methodPnlH + mgn;
    var ul_BinarySearch = "Binary Search";
    var ul_PixelSlice = "Pixel Slice";
    var ul_SinglePixel = "Single Pixel";
    // Dialog Window Parameters                                          ---Dialog Window Parameters---
    var uiTitle = "Autocrop";
    var numPnlsAcross = 2;
    var numPnlsDown = 2;
    var dlgX = 100;
    var dlgY = 100;
    var dlgH = methodPnlH + msgPnlH + (numPnlsDown + 1)*mgn;
    var dlgW = methodPnlW + controlPnlW + (numPnlsAcross + 1)*mgn;
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0;
    // Create window and panels                                          ---Create window and panels---
    bounds = {x:dlgX, y:dlgY, width:dlgW, height:dlgH};
    var dlg = new Window("dialog", uiTitle, bounds);
    bounds = {x:methodPnlX, y:methodPnlY, width:methodPnlW, height:methodPnlH};
    dlg.methodPnl = dlg.add("panel", bounds, ul_MethodPnlTitle);
    bounds = {x:controlPnlX, y:controlPnlY, width:controlPnlW, height:controlPnlH};
    dlg.controlPnl = dlg.add("panel", bounds, "Control Panel:");
    // Method Panel Elements                                                ---Method Panel Elements---
    x1 = mgn;
    y1 = mgnTop;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:rBtnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.methodPnl.binChop = dlg.methodPnl.add("radiobutton", bounds, ul_BinarySearch);
    dlg.methodPnl.binChop.value =  true;
    dlg.methodPnl.binChop.onClick = function() { displayHelp(hid_BinChop); };
    y1 = y1 + rowH +mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:rBtnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.methodPnl.slice = dlg.methodPnl.add("radiobutton", bounds, ul_PixelSlice);
    dlg.methodPnl.slice.onClick = function() { displayHelp(hid_Slice); };
    y1 = y1 + rowH +mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:rBtnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.methodPnl.uniPixel = dlg.methodPnl.add("radiobutton", bounds, ul_SinglePixel);
    dlg.methodPnl.uniPixel.onClick = function() { displayHelp(hid_UniPixel); };
    // Control Panel Elements                                              ---Control Panel Elements---
    x1 = mgn;
    y1 = mgnTop;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:btnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.controlPnl.runBtn = dlg.controlPnl.add("button", bounds, ul_Run);
    dlg.controlPnl.runBtn.onClick = function() {runBtnOnClick();};
    y1 = y1 + rowH + mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:btnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.controlPnl.cancelBtn = dlg.controlPnl.add("button", bounds, ul_Cancel);
    dlg.controlPnl.cancelBtn.onClick = function() {cancelBtnOnClick();};
    y1 = y1 + rowH + mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:btnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.controlPnl.aboutBtn = dlg.controlPnl.add("button", bounds, ul_About);
    dlg.controlPnl.aboutBtn.onClick = function() {aboutBtnOnClick();};
    // Message Panel Elements                                              ---Message Panel Elements---
    bounds = {x:msgPnlX, y:msgPnlY, width:msgPnlW, height:msgPnlH};
    dlg.msgPnl = dlg.add("panel", bounds, "");
    x1 = mgn;
    y1 = mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:msgPnlW - 2*mgn, height:msgPnlH - 2*mgn};
    dlg.msgPnl.helpMsgSt = dlg.msgPnl.add("statictext", bounds, "", {multiline: true});
    return dlg;
    } // end settingDialog ========================================================end settingDialog===
    // ================================================================================================
    function main() { //                                                                     ===main===
    // ================================================================================================
    // These are functions in scope for main()
    function doCropUniPixel() {   // Single Pixel Search Routine ---------------------doCropUniPixel---
    // Declare and Initialise
    var picrgb = new Array(3);
    var backrgb = new Array(3);
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var j = 0;
    backrgb=eyeDropper(0,0); //Find color of upper left pixel
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    maxi = Math.floor(maxi/2);
    for (j=1;j < maxi; j++) {
      if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) { // edge!
       bounds = new Array(j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j);
       bounds = null;
       break;  // Exit for loop
    } // end for
    // prep for looptwo
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    maxi = Math.floor(maxi/2);
    for (j=1;j < maxi; j++) {
      picrgb=eyeDropper(docRef.width - j,j);
      if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) { // edge
       bounds = new Array(j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j);
       bounds = null;
       break;  // Exit for loop
    } // end for
    } // end function doCropUniPixel
    function doCropBinChop() {   // Binary Search Routine -----------------------------doCropBinChop---
    // Declare and Initialise
    var picrgb = new Array(3);
    var backrgb = new Array(3);
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var j = 0;
    var ub= 0;
    var lb = 0;
    backrgb=eyeDropper(0,0); //Find colour of upper left pixel
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    ub = Math.floor(maxi/2);
    while (ub - lb > 1) {
      j = Math.floor((ub - lb)/2) + lb;
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
       ub = j;
      } else {
       lb = j;
      } // end if
    } // end while
    bounds = [ub , ub , docRef.width - ub , docRef.height - ub ];
      bounds = null;
    // prep for looptwo
    maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    lb = 0;
    ub = Math.floor(maxi/2)
    while (ub - lb > 1) {
      j = Math.floor((ub - lb)/2) + lb;
        picrgb=eyeDropper(docRef.width - j,j);
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
       ub = j;
      } else {
        lb = j;
      } // end if
    } // end while
    bounds = [ub , ub , docRef.width - ub , docRef.height - ub];
      bounds = null;
    } // end function doCropBinChop
    function doCropSlice() { // +10 Pixel Routine ---------------------------------------doCropSlice---
    // Declare and Initialise
    var picrgb = new Array(3);
    var backrgb = new Array(3);
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var j = 0;
    var jInc = 10;
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
       maxi = docRef.height;
    backrgb=eyeDropper(0,0); //Find colour of upper left pixel
    j = 1;
    while (j < maxi) {
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
        if (jInc == 1) {
           bounds = [j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j];
           bounds = null;
           break loopOne;
          } else {
           j = j - jInc;
           if (j < 0) {
            j = 0;
           jInc = 1 ;
      j = j + jInc;
    } // end while
    maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
       maxi = docRef.height;
    jInc = 5;
    j = 1;
    while (j < maxi) {
        picrgb=eyeDropper(docRef.width - j,j);
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
        if (jInc == 1) {
        bounds = [j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j];
          bounds = null;
           break loopTwo;
          } else {
           j = j - jInc;
           if (j < 0) {
            j = 0;
           jInc = 1;
      j = j + jInc;
    } // end while
    } // end function doCropSlice
    function eyeDropper(x,y) { // --------------------------------------------------------eyeDropper---
    // This function returns the three values for the RGB colours of any given pixel
    var x2 = x + 1;
    var y2 = y + 1;
    var out = new Array(3);
    docRef.selection.select([[x,y], [x2,y], [x2,y2], [x, y2]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
    for(ch in list = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]) {
    histogram = docRef.channels[list[ch]].histogram;
      for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
       if (histogram[i]) {
        out[ch] = i;
      } // end for
    } // end for
      return out;
    } // end function eyeDropper
    // Start of main() processing                                      ---Start of main() processing---
    if ( documents.length <= 0 ) {
       alert(ui_NoOpenDocument); // so we crash out
    try {
      var docRef = activeDocument;
            var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
            app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
      var settings = settingDialog(chosenMethod);
      switch(chosenMethod) {
       case 1:
       case 2:
       case 3:
      } // End switch
        app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
    } catch (e) {
            app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
       alert("Something's bollixed. Error name: " + e.name + ". Error message: " + e.message + " Line number = " +e.line);
      } // end try
    } // end function main
    // ================================================================================================
    // Dispatch
    // ================================================================================================

  • Straightening and Crop tool not working.  What to do?

    I've been working with photos all morning, and now neither my Straightening Tool or Crop Tool are working.  What to do?

    Close and re-launch Aperture.  Let us know if that doesn't take care of it.
    I try to close Aperture once an hour.  It pushes my hardware (and, likely, OS) to several of its limits.  Re-launching the program rinses out any crud that has accumulated (that's not _exactly_ technically correct, but ... ).

  • Straightening and cropping scanned photos...is there a trick for this?

    I am scanning a bunch of photos of various sizes/shapes.  If I place the photos right up against the edge of the scanner, it crops it.  So what I have been doing is eyeballing it a couple of centimeters away from the edge.  Naturally it is slightly off as far as being aligned straightly.  I have been using transform to adjust the photo so it is straight.  Is there any trick within Photoshop to align it according to the images edges?
    Also, is there any way to use the wand (to basically select all of a photo) and then crop the selected?
    PS. Since the photos are of various sizes I cannot use a holder.

    If the scanner is cropping the very edge of the glass off, try putting a piece of white tape down on the glass - maybe a 1/2 inch wide strip exactly parallel to the scanner edge. You can then slide your prints up to that and they will be aligned and within the scannable area.
    There are a couple of ways to easily deal with your current crop (pun intended) of scans. The easiest way is to just use the Crop Tool to both crop and rotate at the same time, but make sure that you leave the resolution blank in the crop tool options at the top. The second is to use the Ruler Tool to measure along any of the sides of your scan. That angle will be recorded automatically in the Image>Rotate>Arbitrary dialog, where you can rotate the image back square again. You'll then have to crop it, so you might as well just do it in one fell swoop with the crop tool.

  • Straightening and cropping images - Classroom in a Book

    I'm working my way through Adobe Photshop 7, ClassRoom in a book. I'm now on lesson three and I'm completely stuck. I have my image open (its not straight and needs cropping)and I have selected the cropping tool and entered the width and height dimensions.
    The book then tells you to use the marquee tool to select the area that you want to keep, which I have done. But then things go sour for me. It says after you release the mouse button a cropping shield covers the cropping selection, and the tool bar option now displays choices about the cropping shield. This doesn't happen for me. I just get a broken outline around the area I want to crop.
    Also, it says in the tools option bar make sure that the Perspective Check box is not selected. I can't find this on the toolbar.
    And, finally,it says, In the image window move the pointer outside the crop marquee, so it appears as a curved double arrow. Then clockwise to rotate the marquee until it is parallel with the edges of the pictured window frame. Again, this doesn't happen for me, all that happens is the pointer changed to a cross.
    Please can someone help as I can't progree with the book unless I sort this out.
    Many thanks,
    A. D.

    Below is an image of photoshop CS3 or version 10. But the icons should look the same.

  • Images in Aperture are fuzzy but crisp in iPhoto.

    I have a new MacBookPro with Retina display and Aperture v. 3.4.1 and iPhoto v. 9.4.1.  Identical images in an Aperture Library and iPhoto Library appear fuzzy in Aperture but crisp and sharp in iPhoto.  Interestingly, if I use the loupe to observe the Aperture  image at the same mag as the original, the loupe image appears sharp.  If I open an iPhoto Library in Aperature, the image is sharp.  What gives?  How can I display images in Aperture so that they have the same, sharp resolution as they have in iPhoto, an iPhoto Library opened in Aperture, or within the Aperture loupe?

    Select all the Images in a Project and while holding down the "Option" key run "Photos➞Generate Preview".  ("Option" changes "Photos➞Update Preview" to  "Photos➞Generate Preview").
    Any change?

  • Straighten and then Crop, off centre?

    When you rotate an image (with the straighten tool) it is by default cropped back to the same aspect ratio as before. If you then crop it, you can only crop within this initial crop. Does anyone know how to get around this?
    At the moment I'm exporting to Photoshop just to do this, sometimes, which seems crazy. In lightroom, crop and rotate are one tool, and after straightening you can easily drag the crop box around.
    (In case my first paragraph isn't clear: imagine you want to rotate by 45 degrees and crop out just a small square of the picture. With paper and scissors you could cut this square out near one corenr of the original, with its corners touching the edges of the paper. But with Aperture's tools I can't do this, I can only move the square around within the biggest 2x3 rectangle at 45 degrees within the original.)

    I'm going to need to read a bit about this.
    I've read that post, and it seems as if theres a guy with exactly the same issue.
    I've never actually written a script before, so I'll need to read the manuals/books this weekend and give it and the image processor a try, to see if either suggestion will work in practice.
    I've created some test files, and I'll give it a try.
    I'll report progress in a few days.
    Thanks so far.

  • I have a 3 year old MacBook Pro with MAC OSX 10.6.8, iPhoto '09 version 8.1.2 and have downloaded two software programs: one is Aperture 3.2 and the other is Photoshop Elements 9 (which I got from a friend who didn't need it). I am totally happy with the

    I have a 3 year old MacBook Pro with MAC OSX 10.6.8, iPhoto ’09 version 8.1.2 and have downloaded two software programs: one is Aperture 3.2 and the other is Photoshop Elements 9 (which I got from a friend who didn’t need it).
    I am totally happy with the way iPhoto organizes my photos and how I can work with iMovie to create slide shows with music from iTunes, etc.
    I have been shooting mostly high resolution jpegs and I continue to learn more and more about photography, post processing etc. I realize that the small adjustments I can make in iPhoto are good, and are adequate most of the time. However, a have started to experiment with shooting RAW images and would like to go the next step, ie. post processing.I am totally technically challenged and need SIMPLE, INTUITIVE programs and am certainly NOT anywhere ready for Photoshop CS whatever!
    After having these programs sit on my computer, I decided to try to see if I could figure them out. When I opened Aperture, this is what first comes up.
    “Welcome to Aperture 3.2
    Your library needs to be upgraded to work with this version of Aperture. Once upgraded, you will not be able to use this library with previous versions of Aperture.
    Upgrading a library from previous versions of Aperture 3 generally takes a few minutes or less, though larger libraries will take longer. After that, Aperture 3.2 will upgrade your library's thumbnails, but you can use the application during that time.
    Tip: To open a different library, quit Aperture and hold the Option key down while starting Aperture
    Current Library Location:
    Jadzia (home)   -----Pictures------Aperture Library
                                                      QUIT             UPGRADE”
    I have heard horror stories  about moving your entire library to Aperture, ending up with 2 libraries, etc. etc. hence my previous reluctance in attempting Aperture. In addition, many of my photography friends are saying: Go with Lightroom 3.....you’ll love it!
    So here is my dilemma.  I don’t want to mess around with my iPhoto library. All I want to be able to do, is to isolate a few photos, export them to Aperture, Elements, and work on them there, then bring them back into iPhoto.
    Can I do this? Should I forget about Aperture and Elements and look at purchasing yet another program like Lightroom?

    Export those few photos via the File ➙ Export ➙ File Export menu option with Kind = Original to the Desktop.  Then import them into the Aperture library. That would keep one copy in your iPhoto library and another in your Aperture library to edit, etc.
    You can use Photoshop Elements 9 from within iPhoto as your editor of choice. However, if you edit a raw file in iPhoto with PSE9 the resulting edited version must be saved outside the iPhoto Library and imported back in as a new file.  For editing jpegs just do a Save (not a Save As) and it all will be kept within iPhoto. 
    Using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop or Photoshop Elememts as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop.  When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done. 
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    that indicates that  PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file.  You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements  the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.  In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Note:  to switch between iPhoto and PS or PSE as the editor of choice Control (right)-click on the thumbnail and select either Edit in iPhoto or Edit in External Editor from the contextual menu. If you use iPhoto to edit more than PSE re-select iPhoto in the iPhoto General preference pane. Then iPhoto will be the default editor and you can use the contextual menu to select PSE for your editor when desired.

  • On images that are long and narrow horizontally, iPhoto truncates them and automaticall crops off part of each end of the image.  How can I make it stop?

    On images that are long and narrow horizontally, iPhoto truncates them and automatically crops off part of each end of the image.  the thumbnail has a jagged, serrated edge at both ends.  How can I make it stop?

    Then I do not get your problem - you can import the photo - you can find the photo and you can edit and save the photo - what more do you want?
    By defination thumbnails are small images to help you find the large image - the large image is fine and you can find it fine - and you know it is only showing part of the image because of the "jagged ends"
    If you think think that iPhoto should display long thumbnails suggest to Apple - iPhoto menu ==> provide iPhoto Feedback
    as to your digital photoframe - contact them - in general gital photos frames display one and only one aspect ratio and any photo that is not in that aspect ratio will be modified to display - either cropped to the proper size for the frame or have 'White" space added to fill the frame - that function is totally controled by the Digital Photo frame and any otptions you have will be in the manual or on the support web site for the frame - to put it in old film terms - you can not put an 8x10 print in a 5x7 frame unless you cut the photo down (or a 8x15 photo in an 8x10 frame either)

  • I have an iPhoto library with only Jpeg's in it. I just installed Aperture 3.5 and imported several RAW photos. Shouldn't I now have an Aperture library?

    I have an iPhoto library with only Jpeg's in it. I just installed Aperture 3.5 and imported several RAW photos in Aperture. Shouldn't I now have an Aperture library?

    Should I create an Aperture library and import all of my photos from iPhoto to the new Aperture library? Then delete my iPhoto library entirely?  Just trying to get my library structure correct from the get-go as I plan to shoot only in RAW.
    That is not an easy question. There are still a few glitches with the unified library approach. For example, the new iWork applications will not yet show the Aperture library in the Media Browser, only the current iPhoto library. If you are using iWork with your photolibrary, keep it an iPhoto library.
    And it is unclear, what will happen, when Aperture or iPhoto will be upgraded to newer versions. Right now you need the latest iPhoto version to be able to upgrade older iPhoto libraries, if you want to open them in Aperture. So probably you will need to upgrade iPhoto as well, if you keep your library an iPhoto library, when both Aperture and iPhoto will be upgraded to Aperture 4 and iPhoto 12.0 or similar. In the long run it will be safer to convert the library to an Aperture library, if you do not want to keep updating iPhoto, but that can wait.
    If you want to convert the iPhoto library to an Aperture library, back up your iPhoto library.
    Then create a new Aperture library (with File > Switch to Library > Other/New ) and then import your iPhoto library into Aperture using the command "File > Import > Library" and select your iPhoto library.
    You will need plenty of space on the drive with the new library. Merging a library into another one will  temporarily a lot of working space and may take a long time - several hours for a large library, without visible progress.

  • Using Places and Faces with iPhoto and Aperture 3

    I have been a long time user of iPhoto, but have recently moved to +Aperture 3+ to use its better editing functionality. Initially I just imported photos for editing in +Aperture 3+.
    I recently decided to "share" the previews with iPhoto and leaving the iPhoto Library in its current location.
    Q. I had assumed that any editing in Aperture would modify the image in the +iPhoto library+. Is this the case or are they duplicates in each separate libraries?
    Q. Aperture also seems to offer easier assigning of Places and/or Faces but this is not being reflected in the +iPhoto library+. Again are these metadata changes not being carries across to the +iPhoto Library+?
    Q. Is there any way to sync and changes from one library to the other?
    I would be grateful for any advice as to how the setup should be altered before I get in a complete muddle.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    Aperture and iPhoto are entirely different applications that work in very different ways.
    The only communication between the two is as follows:
    Aperture is able to parse the iPhoto Library to allow it to import the contents while stacking the Originals and Modifeid versions, preserving metadata and so forth.
    Aperture can share its Previews with the iLife apps, including iPhoto.
    That's it.
    So, specifically, what interaction there is between the two is designed to facilitate migration from iPhoto to the more powerful app. After that, iPhoto has exactly the same relationship to the Aperture Library as, say, Pages or iMovie.
    iPhoto has no knowledge of, and knows nothing of how the Aperture Library works. It cannot read the Aperture library.
    Q. I had assumed that any editing in Aperture would modify the image in the iPhoto library. Is this the case or are they duplicates in each separate libraries?
    This is not the case.
    a: Aperture is designed for a non-destructive workflow and won't change any file anywhere, anytime.
    b: You seem to have confused Aperture with an Editor like Photoshop.
    It's not an adjunct to iPhoto, it's a complete replacement for it - and then some.
    Q. Aperture also seems to offer easier assigning of Places and/or Faces but this is not being reflected in the iPhoto library. Again are these metadata changes not being carries across to the +iPhoto Library+?
    No. See above.
    Q. Is there any way to sync and changes from one library to the other?
    I would be grateful for any advice as to how the setup should be altered before I get in a complete muddle.
    Pick one or the other to use. They both do the same job, just Aperture is a whole lot more powerful.

  • How can I restore iPhoto titles and captions to iPhoto JPEGs sent to, and opened in, Aperture 3?

    How can I restore iPhoto titles and captions to iPhoto JPEGs sent to, and opened in, Aperture 3?

    Thank you very much, Kirby.  Your suggestion was exactly what I needed.  It proved to be a big help even to my One-to-One Aperture trainer at the Naperville IL Apple store.  My slideshow text, caption, and music attributes also were carried over intact to the new Aperture 3 environment.  - A.Z.

  • After migrating from iPhoto: Aperture library 81GB and iPhoto Library 17GB

    I Have ~10K images almost all .jpgs. I just completed the "rebuild from masters" command after experimenting with Aperture for a while. I was surprised to find that my Aperture Library was 81GB and my remaining iPhoto library was 17GB. First of all I selected "move" from the "rebuild from masters" command so I thought my iPhoto Library would just disappear. When I open iPhoto all my pictures are still there. So why the large library size difference?

    How long since, you installed Aperture 3? You may need to leave the machine running for quite a while before things start to settle down. Sounds like you may be short of RAM and or a library with a lot of faces. Allan

  • IPhoto to Aperture and back to iPhoto???

    I currently use iPhoto '09 for all my storing and editing of photos. I may want to use more advanced post-processing features on some of my photos (curves, brushes, presets, etc).
    Is it possible to export a handful of photos to Aperture, make my edits, then import them back into my iPhoto events?
    What are the steps I would need to do?

    Best advice: Pick one horse and Ride it.
    Aperture is not an editor. Like iPhoto, it's a Digital Asset manager, but a whole ot more powerful. It shares all of iPhotos strengths, and then some. However, like iPhoto, it cannot see or work on images that have not been imported to the database. Because of this it cannot be set as an external editor in iPhoto.
    So, to do what you want:
    Export the pic from iPhoto.
    Import to Aperture.
    Do what you will with it there.
    Export from Aperture - taking care to use the correct Export presets.*
    Import the processed pic to iPhoto.
    (* Note: you could use the iPhoto -> Show Aperture Library command and drag the image from Aperture to iPhoto, but this will only get your Aperture preview, not the actual file.)
    Note that this new Processed pic will have no relation to the original, it will be an entirely new photo as far as iPhoto is concerned.
    If you find that your images need more work, perhaps you've outgrown iPhoto and it's time to move entirely to Aperture - a painless process that preserves all of your work.
    If you're determined to stay with iPhoto then best get an actual image editor and use it as an external editor.
    In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    _[The Gimp|http://www.gimp.org/macintosh>_ also free
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    [Pixelmator|http://www.pixelmator.com> ($60 approx.)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

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