Straightening and cropping images - Classroom in a Book

I'm working my way through Adobe Photshop 7, ClassRoom in a book. I'm now on lesson three and I'm completely stuck. I have my image open (its not straight and needs cropping)and I have selected the cropping tool and entered the width and height dimensions.
The book then tells you to use the marquee tool to select the area that you want to keep, which I have done. But then things go sour for me. It says after you release the mouse button a cropping shield covers the cropping selection, and the tool bar option now displays choices about the cropping shield. This doesn't happen for me. I just get a broken outline around the area I want to crop.
Also, it says in the tools option bar make sure that the Perspective Check box is not selected. I can't find this on the toolbar.
And, finally,it says, In the image window move the pointer outside the crop marquee, so it appears as a curved double arrow. Then clockwise to rotate the marquee until it is parallel with the edges of the pictured window frame. Again, this doesn't happen for me, all that happens is the pointer changed to a cross.
Please can someone help as I can't progree with the book unless I sort this out.
Many thanks,
A. D.

Below is an image of photoshop CS3 or version 10. But the icons should look the same.

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  • Straighten and crop in Camera RAW

    If I am having difficulty in Camera RAW if I straighten a photo and then try to crop it.
    I place the line to straighten the photo and then I hit enter to complete the straightening.  If I then click on crop, the image returns to the state before I hit enter after straightening it. 
    How does one both straighten and crop in in Camera RAW?

    When the crop tool is active it will show you the original image with the crop tool outline within.  If you open the image or click on the magnifying glass it will apply the crop so you won't see the part around the crop border.
    Try this technique on an image that needs straightening (Note: Photoshop CS5):
    1.  Choose the Straighten tool, and drag a horizontal or vertical line.   When you release the mouse button you'll immediately see the crop tool activate
    2.  Click outside the crop tool border and move the mouse.  The crop border will rotate for fine tuning, and you can drag the corners to change the crop.
    3.  Turn it so that what's inside the crop will be straight.
    4.  Click on another tool besides Crop (e.g., the Magnifying Glass) to check the result.
    5.  If there's something wrong, go back to the Crop tool and adjust the outline.

  • Aperture's Straighten and Crop vs. iPhoto's

    Hello, I know that when using iPhoto to straighten a pic that it ZOOMS then crops the pic to eliminate the black triangles that would be left behind from the rotation. This zooming is unacceptable for me, as it degrades the pictures (12MP digi cam) just enough for me to see it. I imagine that this is a function of trying to rotate, and crop out the black while keeping the pic the same size (which would require the zoom). I have seen that Aperture straightens and 'crops' but when it auto crops, does it ALSO try to keep the image the same size (which would lead to another zoom situation)? I would just like to find a tool that can straighten, and if need be, cut my image size from 4000x3000 to 3500x2500, versus keeping the 4000x3000 and being slightly blurred. If the camera were garbage and the images were slightly blurred to begin with, then maybe it wouldn't be so noticeable, but my Canon takes really sharp pics and any blur really sticks out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Yeah, iPhoto does the same thing, as far as the pixel count being reduced. I suppose that's just from cropping out the black triangles. However, I just realized that I am an idiot... I exported an original file, then exported a straightened file, and the two resulting files aren't very different... The altered file isn't noticeably any more blurry than the original, it must have been just how it looked in iPhoto's preview window. That's odd... I was getting a little concerned that all of my straightened photos were going to look like garbage when I export them. All seems well... Thanks!

  • Cs3 straighten and crop , is there a way like cs5?

    on my laptop i run xp adn photoshop cs3 normal (not extended)
    what i miss is a good straighten and crop like cs5
    in cs3 i use the ruler tool ->rotate canvas -> arbitrary
    and i my photo is straight but with big borders around the photo
    now cs5 does a great job
    but photoshop cs3 no
    there is the scipt straighten and crop photos but in this case doesn't do a great job
    because delete the borders and my photo returns to be awry
    ok i can crop manually , but it's exhausting if i have to work on some photos , one by one
    is there a script/action/tips or plugin  that can do the same great cs5 job?

    This sets the rulerunits to Pixels then when finished resets them back to what they were....
    // ================================================================================================
    // Script Name: autocrop.js
    // ================================================================================================
    // Version 2.0 9 December 2003
    // Description: crops the active document after image rotation
    // This version is compatible with Photoshop CS and will not run on Photoshop 7
    // This script is product of Paul Jaruszewski and Roger Cavanagh
    // Contact Paul at
    // Contact Roger at
    // This script is provided free for personal use.
    // No liability will be accepted for any consequences arising from the use of this script.
    // This script may be copied IN ITS ENTIRETY to others provided and no charge is made other
    // than for media. Credit to Paul and Roger must be made if this script is posted for download
    // or distribution.
    // Installation: copy the file autocrop.js to the ..\Presets\Scripts folder
    // Globals
    var chosenMethod = 0;
    var ui_NoOpenDocuement = "No open document";
    var hlpMsg = new Array();
    var msg = "";
    var hid_BinChop = 1;
    msg = "Binary Search will usually be the fastest method to find edges, but may be slower than the ";
    msg = msg + "Slice method with smaller amounts (1-2 degrees) of rotation. May produce an over";
    msg = msg + "-crop, if the search inadvertently matches the background colour inside the picture.";
    hlpMsg[hid_BinChop] = msg;
    var hid_Slice = 2;
    msg = "Almost as fast as binary search method, but will sometimes produce slight over-crop. This ";
    msg = msg + "can be avoided by ensuring the background colour is different from the edges (10 px) ";
    msg = msg + "colour in the picture";
    hlpMsg[hid_Slice] = msg;
    var hid_UniPixel = 3;
    msg = "This is much the slowest search method, but will only produce an error, ";
    msg = msg + "if edges pixels are the same colour as the background.";
    hlpMsg[hid_UniPixel] = msg;
    var hid_BestResults = 4;
    msg = "For best results, you should make sure the background colour does not occur near the top ";
    msg = msg + "left corner of your picture. If the picture contains predominantly dark colours, ";
    msg = msg + "set a white background before image rotation, and vice versa.";
    hlpMsg[hid_BestResults] = msg;
    // ================================================================================================
    function settingDialog() { // Creates dialog window and gets user input         ===settingDialog===
    // ================================================================================================
    // These are functions in scope for settingDialog ()
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------aboutBtnOnClick---
    function aboutBtnOnClick() {
    var msg = "Autocrop V2\n\n\Copyright \u00A9 2003 Paul Jaruszewski and Roger Cavanagh\n";
    msg = msg + " -\n";
    msg = msg + "Information:";
    dlg.msgPnl.helpMsgSt.text = msg;
    } // end about BtnOnClick
    function cancelBtnOnClick() { // -----------------------------------------------cancelBtnOnClick---
    } // end cancelBtnOnClick
    function evalMethod() { //------------------------------------------------------------evalMethod---
    var result = 0;
    if (dlg.methodPnl.binChop.value) { result = 1; };
    if (dlg.methodPnl.slice.value) { result = 2; };
    if (dlg.methodPnl.uniPixel.value) { result = 3; };
    return result;
    } // end function evalMethod
    function runBtnOnClick() { // -----------------------------------------------------runBtnOnClick---
    chosenMethod = evalMethod();
    } // end runBtnOnClick
    function displayHelp(hlpMsgId) { // -------------------------------------------------displayHelp---
    dlg.msgPnl.helpMsgSt.text = hlpMsg[hlpMsgId];
    } // end function
    // Standard Values
    var mgn = 10;
    var mgnTop = 20;
    var rowH = 20;
    var rBtnW = 120;
    var btnW = 100;
    // Method Panel Parameters                                           ---Method Panel Parameters---
    var ul_MethodPnlTitle= "Method:";
    var methodPnlRows = 3;
    var methodPnlCols = 1;
    var methodPnlH = methodPnlRows*(mgn + rowH) + mgnTop;
    var methodPnlW = 350; // (methodPnlRows + 1)*mgn + rBtnW; // max number of items
    var methodPnlX = mgn;
    var methodPnlY = mgn;
    // Control Panel Parameters                                          ---Control Panel Parameters---
    var ul_ControlPnlTitle = "Control Panel:";
    var ul_Run = "Run";
    var ul_Cancel = "Cancel";
    var ul_About = "About";
    var controlPnlRows = 3;
    var controlPnlCols = 1;
    var controlPnlH = methodPnlH;
    var controlPnlW = btnW + (controlPnlCols + 1)*mgn
    var controlPnlX = methodPnlX + methodPnlW + mgn;
    var controlPnlY = mgn;
    // Message Panel Parameters                                          ---Message Panel Parameters---
    var ul_MsgPnlTitle = "";
    var msgPnlH = 140;
    var msgPnlW = methodPnlW + controlPnlW + mgn;
    var msgPnlX = mgn;
    var msgPnlY = methodPnlY + methodPnlH + mgn;
    var ul_BinarySearch = "Binary Search";
    var ul_PixelSlice = "Pixel Slice";
    var ul_SinglePixel = "Single Pixel";
    // Dialog Window Parameters                                          ---Dialog Window Parameters---
    var uiTitle = "Autocrop";
    var numPnlsAcross = 2;
    var numPnlsDown = 2;
    var dlgX = 100;
    var dlgY = 100;
    var dlgH = methodPnlH + msgPnlH + (numPnlsDown + 1)*mgn;
    var dlgW = methodPnlW + controlPnlW + (numPnlsAcross + 1)*mgn;
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0;
    // Create window and panels                                          ---Create window and panels---
    bounds = {x:dlgX, y:dlgY, width:dlgW, height:dlgH};
    var dlg = new Window("dialog", uiTitle, bounds);
    bounds = {x:methodPnlX, y:methodPnlY, width:methodPnlW, height:methodPnlH};
    dlg.methodPnl = dlg.add("panel", bounds, ul_MethodPnlTitle);
    bounds = {x:controlPnlX, y:controlPnlY, width:controlPnlW, height:controlPnlH};
    dlg.controlPnl = dlg.add("panel", bounds, "Control Panel:");
    // Method Panel Elements                                                ---Method Panel Elements---
    x1 = mgn;
    y1 = mgnTop;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:rBtnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.methodPnl.binChop = dlg.methodPnl.add("radiobutton", bounds, ul_BinarySearch);
    dlg.methodPnl.binChop.value =  true;
    dlg.methodPnl.binChop.onClick = function() { displayHelp(hid_BinChop); };
    y1 = y1 + rowH +mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:rBtnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.methodPnl.slice = dlg.methodPnl.add("radiobutton", bounds, ul_PixelSlice);
    dlg.methodPnl.slice.onClick = function() { displayHelp(hid_Slice); };
    y1 = y1 + rowH +mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:rBtnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.methodPnl.uniPixel = dlg.methodPnl.add("radiobutton", bounds, ul_SinglePixel);
    dlg.methodPnl.uniPixel.onClick = function() { displayHelp(hid_UniPixel); };
    // Control Panel Elements                                              ---Control Panel Elements---
    x1 = mgn;
    y1 = mgnTop;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:btnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.controlPnl.runBtn = dlg.controlPnl.add("button", bounds, ul_Run);
    dlg.controlPnl.runBtn.onClick = function() {runBtnOnClick();};
    y1 = y1 + rowH + mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:btnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.controlPnl.cancelBtn = dlg.controlPnl.add("button", bounds, ul_Cancel);
    dlg.controlPnl.cancelBtn.onClick = function() {cancelBtnOnClick();};
    y1 = y1 + rowH + mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:btnW, height:rowH};
    dlg.controlPnl.aboutBtn = dlg.controlPnl.add("button", bounds, ul_About);
    dlg.controlPnl.aboutBtn.onClick = function() {aboutBtnOnClick();};
    // Message Panel Elements                                              ---Message Panel Elements---
    bounds = {x:msgPnlX, y:msgPnlY, width:msgPnlW, height:msgPnlH};
    dlg.msgPnl = dlg.add("panel", bounds, "");
    x1 = mgn;
    y1 = mgn;
    bounds = {x:x1, y:y1, width:msgPnlW - 2*mgn, height:msgPnlH - 2*mgn};
    dlg.msgPnl.helpMsgSt = dlg.msgPnl.add("statictext", bounds, "", {multiline: true});
    return dlg;
    } // end settingDialog ========================================================end settingDialog===
    // ================================================================================================
    function main() { //                                                                     ===main===
    // ================================================================================================
    // These are functions in scope for main()
    function doCropUniPixel() {   // Single Pixel Search Routine ---------------------doCropUniPixel---
    // Declare and Initialise
    var picrgb = new Array(3);
    var backrgb = new Array(3);
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var j = 0;
    backrgb=eyeDropper(0,0); //Find color of upper left pixel
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    maxi = Math.floor(maxi/2);
    for (j=1;j < maxi; j++) {
      if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) { // edge!
       bounds = new Array(j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j);
       bounds = null;
       break;  // Exit for loop
    } // end for
    // prep for looptwo
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    maxi = Math.floor(maxi/2);
    for (j=1;j < maxi; j++) {
      picrgb=eyeDropper(docRef.width - j,j);
      if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) { // edge
       bounds = new Array(j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j);
       bounds = null;
       break;  // Exit for loop
    } // end for
    } // end function doCropUniPixel
    function doCropBinChop() {   // Binary Search Routine -----------------------------doCropBinChop---
    // Declare and Initialise
    var picrgb = new Array(3);
    var backrgb = new Array(3);
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var j = 0;
    var ub= 0;
    var lb = 0;
    backrgb=eyeDropper(0,0); //Find colour of upper left pixel
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    ub = Math.floor(maxi/2);
    while (ub - lb > 1) {
      j = Math.floor((ub - lb)/2) + lb;
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
       ub = j;
      } else {
       lb = j;
      } // end if
    } // end while
    bounds = [ub , ub , docRef.width - ub , docRef.height - ub ];
      bounds = null;
    // prep for looptwo
    maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
        maxi = docRef.height;
    lb = 0;
    ub = Math.floor(maxi/2)
    while (ub - lb > 1) {
      j = Math.floor((ub - lb)/2) + lb;
        picrgb=eyeDropper(docRef.width - j,j);
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
       ub = j;
      } else {
        lb = j;
      } // end if
    } // end while
    bounds = [ub , ub , docRef.width - ub , docRef.height - ub];
      bounds = null;
    } // end function doCropBinChop
    function doCropSlice() { // +10 Pixel Routine ---------------------------------------doCropSlice---
    // Declare and Initialise
    var picrgb = new Array(3);
    var backrgb = new Array(3);
    var bounds = new Array(4);
    var j = 0;
    var jInc = 10;
    var maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
       maxi = docRef.height;
    backrgb=eyeDropper(0,0); //Find colour of upper left pixel
    j = 1;
    while (j < maxi) {
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
        if (jInc == 1) {
           bounds = [j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j];
           bounds = null;
           break loopOne;
          } else {
           j = j - jInc;
           if (j < 0) {
            j = 0;
           jInc = 1 ;
      j = j + jInc;
    } // end while
    maxi = docRef.width;
    if (maxi > docRef.height) {
       maxi = docRef.height;
    jInc = 5;
    j = 1;
    while (j < maxi) {
        picrgb=eyeDropper(docRef.width - j,j);
       if (backrgb[0] != picrgb[0] || backrgb[1] != picrgb[1] || backrgb[2] != picrgb[2]) {
        if (jInc == 1) {
        bounds = [j, j, docRef.width - j, docRef.height - j];
          bounds = null;
           break loopTwo;
          } else {
           j = j - jInc;
           if (j < 0) {
            j = 0;
           jInc = 1;
      j = j + jInc;
    } // end while
    } // end function doCropSlice
    function eyeDropper(x,y) { // --------------------------------------------------------eyeDropper---
    // This function returns the three values for the RGB colours of any given pixel
    var x2 = x + 1;
    var y2 = y + 1;
    var out = new Array(3);[[x,y], [x2,y], [x2,y2], [x, y2]], SelectionType.REPLACE, 0, false);
    for(ch in list = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]) {
    histogram = docRef.channels[list[ch]].histogram;
      for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
       if (histogram[i]) {
        out[ch] = i;
      } // end for
    } // end for
      return out;
    } // end function eyeDropper
    // Start of main() processing                                      ---Start of main() processing---
    if ( documents.length <= 0 ) {
       alert(ui_NoOpenDocument); // so we crash out
    try {
      var docRef = activeDocument;
            var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
            app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
      var settings = settingDialog(chosenMethod);;
      switch(chosenMethod) {
       case 1:
       case 2:
       case 3:
      } // End switch
        app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
    } catch (e) {
            app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
       alert("Something's bollixed. Error name: " + + ". Error message: " + e.message + " Line number = " +e.line);
      } // end try
    } // end function main
    // ================================================================================================
    // Dispatch
    // ================================================================================================

  • I am new to PS PS6 and purchased PS Classroom in a Book as a primer.  In Lesson 1 (using the 01B_Sta

    I am new to PS PS6 and purchased PS Classroom in a Book as a primer.
    In Lesson 1 (using the 01B_Start.psd example) I am able to type and move horizontal text but when I follow the instructions (exactly as writ!)
    to change the text colour, via a swatch selection, the foreground colour and the Optios Bar text colour swatch change, but the text that I typed and then selected to change (per instruction!) does not change from default black.
    Can some one help me fix what I am sure is a trivial problem?  No tech support over the week-end.  The only time I have to do this!
    Thank you.

    Hi !  Kendall,
    Thank you for your response.  Your reply was very clear and helpful.
    The screen shot you requested is attached.
    Using your advice I can change the color of the text I inserted in the
    Classrooom in a Book Adobe Photoshop CS6 Lesson 1 lesson (Page 24)
    Following the instructions in the Book however, the text I inserted does
    not change color.
    The Book instructions are:
    1.  In ther tools panel, select the Horizontal Type tool (T).
    2.  Drag the Horizontal Type Tool across the text to select all the words.
    (When I do this I select the text in a "box" as shown in the Screen Shot
    below. It does not "highlight" the text in colour as your methods do.)
    3.  Click the Swatches tab .... and select a swatch.
    The selected colour does appear as the foreground colour and the text
    colour swatch in the options bar BUT THE TEXT DOES NOT CHANGE.
    Is the book wrong or (more likely) am I making a mistake?
    Really grateful for your help.
    Screen shot attached below.

  • Ease of rotating and cropping images in CS6

    There is much I like about the new crop: Rotating the image instead of the box is SO much easier and the straighten option is a great time saver.
    But in one instance, I'm finding cropping in CS6 to be harder: Cropping images that are not correctly oriented in the first place.  Rotating an image 90-degrees was a snap in CS2: Alt-I/E/0.  The shortcut keys are gone in CS6, so using the rotation command is no longer quick.
    But I can do it in the crop box, right?  True -- but not easily.  The image is landscape, the crop box is portrait.  With the crop tool selected, holding the shift key down to get fixed-increment rotations doesn't work: Pressing the SHIFT key changes the cursor from rotation to the crop cursor.  To get the rotation, I have to start rotating the image and then press SHIFT to get 15-degree increments.  A few moments later, I have rotated the image into portrait orientation -- and the crop box is now centered on the image, but it is set to crop the middle.  I have to drag the handles out to get approximately what I want: The full image in the crop box.  (What I want is what I would get if I rotate the image with the Rotate command, then control-zero to fill the screen, and then select the crop tool.)
    We rotate a lot of images.  It's easy to do in CS2 and the two approaches I've found for CS6 are both awkward.  The new crop tool has replaced the dual arrows in older versions (to swap the horizontal and vertical sizes) with a rotation arrow.  I think you should restore the arrows (and their function) -- then use the rotate button to rotate the image, not the crop box.  (Isn't that the design center for the new crop box?  We're moving the image, not the crop box.)

    Howard, thanks for the tip about the X key; didn't realize it worked that way when the crop tool is active.  But in this case I had set the crop box dimenions, so the crop box starts out with the correct orientation.  Having played with this for a day, I conclude that the best approach for this task is to restore the old keyboard conventions for image rotation and rotate the image before launching the crop tool.
    I stand by my observation that the rotate key should affect the image, not the crop box because that is consistent with the new cropping paradigm: We rotate the image, not the crop box.  I realize making a change this late in the development cycle is awkward -- but if CS6 ships with this behavior, it will become even harder to change later -- and the user interface should be as consistent as possible.
    Noel, you are correct: The images are coming from scanned film.  All frames get scanned with the same orientation.  I want to avoid the "Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.  Doctor: Then don't do that!" scenario.  Granted: If images are "correctly" oriented, this issue doesn't arise.  But not all images are oriented correctly and CS6 should be at least as graceful in handling the task as previous versions.

  • How do I fix problem with linked and cropped image frames not printing properly when spanning pages?

    We are using InDesign (ID) to develop and print church bulletins which contain a combination of text frames and graphics. One of the graphic types we use are TIF files which are high-resolution scans of hymns.
    A hymn usually has a combination of the musical score, plus the lyrics - with many verses., so the modular structure is 'staff' composed of a treble clef, followed by verses, followed by a base clef.
    If the example above had 6 verses instead of one, we would crop the image by adjusting the frame, so that the treble clef and the desired verses showed through the frame.
    We would then copy and link the frame - piggy back - adjusting the next content window we build a custom version of the music as a series of linked frames - each with the same base image, but a different frame position.
    So this works fine, when we do this on a single page, but when we then add a 'last staff' at the top of the following page, we encounter print problems with some output devices.
    Imagine a two-page spread, with a full page of music on the left, and the last staff (treble clef, verses, base clef) unit as a separately linked frame at the top of the right page of the spread.
    It displays correctly, and will print individually as pages correctly, but when we print it as a booklet, the last frame drops out and we have blank space.
    I can print the document to PDF and it works fine, but if I print it to a copier or laser printer I get drop out.
    It is inconsistent.
    Previews are always okay. Individual page prints are okay, but when you print the entire document, the last frame in this kind of linked series gets blanked.
    If we create and name the image differently, and call it in as a new image - (not linked to the previous), but it is still a large image that is cropped to a small piece, then it doesn't print.
    If we save the last frame as a different image type (take the TIFF file into photoshop, crop it and save it as a jpg - so it is only the 'snippet') and then import it, it works fine.
    So my question to you there some setting or tip or trick I need to know to be able to link a series of frames with the same base image, but different crops and make it span across two pages properly.
    Or do we need to play this game of crop and trim the image so that it doesn't drop out?
    Any thoughts, advice, direction would be gratefully received!

    I did a lot of such hymn things in the past, but I was alway working on the scans in Photoshop, like adjusting, retouching spots and cropping. And I was always seperating those images to be more flexible so I never run into such a problem.
    I am always scanning in a higher quality level than I would need, I scan it in color, this allows me to eliminate paper color easily, even if I need 1-bit images at the end, I do it in color, so I can also turn the image.
    I did once run into a similar problem with a scan I have got from a copier-scanner machine (it was not a song). But saving as PSD resolved my problem.
    So I would suggest: Open your files in Photoshop, resave them as PSD files and use those instead. If you use 1-bit images (which is fine for this type of images) you should use a resolution equal to the printer's resolution.

  • Replacing and retaining scaled and cropped images

    For some reason I can't find how to replace exisisting images that had been tweeked or even images that have not been tweeked in Author. I have several similar images that needs to be scaled and postion in the same area from page to page. I import an image, scale it and cropped it, but once placed I don't know how to replace it with a different image. I tried creating a a template (another problem), but still no go.
    *also, is there a way to create a job without using template? It doesn't seem to allow you it.
    Thanks in advance...AG_779

    You can have a master image on the right hand page in the layout pane,
    and set it to be a media placeholder.(in inspector)
    The image will be same size same spot on each page,
    You can drag an drop to replace the image on each page.
    The problem is, if the new image is a different size (pixels), it will change the size of the place holder frame to match the new image. it will not keep the size of the master image and crop with in that size.
    It is best if you scale and crop each image outside of IBA in Photoshop etc. first,
    then drag and drop on the place hlder for each page.

  • Spot Removal Tool and cropped images

    When I crop an image and then decide I want to use the Spot Removal Tool I end up having to undo the crop before I use the Tool. Why? Because if I crop first and then use the Tool the selected replacement area often comes from outside the crop. If LR5 gets the choice wrong (it's not perfect, I accept that) then I have to undo the Spot Removal, undo the crop, guess what I need to Spot Remove, use the Tool and then Crop again.
    Can you fix this to ensure that the Spot Healing Tool only uses replacement areas from WITHIN the crop? Many thanks.

    What I do is to zoom out (usually 4:1).  Then move the mouse cursor outward along the direction of the line connecting the source area (not visible) and destination (visible) area until the mouse cursor turns into the hand.  Then I'll drag the source area back into the cropped image where it becomes visible.  Finally, zoom back in and move the source area to the location of my choosing.
    Hope that helps.

  • Part 04 - Creating and Importing Images | Classroom: Basic Site Layout and Navigation in Dreamweaver | Adobe TV

    Learn how to create and prepare images to incorporate into your website design.  Save them in web friendly JPG or PNG formats while maintaining a good balance between quality and small file size. Import them into Dreamweaver and make some initial adjustments to layout and alignment.

    This third lesson needs to be updated. The "ALIGN" buttons in Properties are now missing in CS6 because it's obsolete in HTML now...

  • Straightening and cropping scanned there a trick for this?

    I am scanning a bunch of photos of various sizes/shapes.  If I place the photos right up against the edge of the scanner, it crops it.  So what I have been doing is eyeballing it a couple of centimeters away from the edge.  Naturally it is slightly off as far as being aligned straightly.  I have been using transform to adjust the photo so it is straight.  Is there any trick within Photoshop to align it according to the images edges?
    Also, is there any way to use the wand (to basically select all of a photo) and then crop the selected?
    PS. Since the photos are of various sizes I cannot use a holder.

    If the scanner is cropping the very edge of the glass off, try putting a piece of white tape down on the glass - maybe a 1/2 inch wide strip exactly parallel to the scanner edge. You can then slide your prints up to that and they will be aligned and within the scannable area.
    There are a couple of ways to easily deal with your current crop (pun intended) of scans. The easiest way is to just use the Crop Tool to both crop and rotate at the same time, but make sure that you leave the resolution blank in the crop tool options at the top. The second is to use the Ruler Tool to measure along any of the sides of your scan. That angle will be recorded automatically in the Image>Rotate>Arbitrary dialog, where you can rotate the image back square again. You'll then have to crop it, so you might as well just do it in one fell swoop with the crop tool.

  • Resize and crop images to a specific width and height

    I want to convert images to thumbnails with a 'standard' format - I need all images to have the same width and height.
    So I need to resize and then crop the images. Is this possibe with JAI? Are there other libraries which can do this better?
    I've read about ImageMagick - are the Java interfaces to ImageMagick good?
    /best regards, Håkan Jacobsson - System developer in Sweden

    Duplicate posting, answers are here
    Pleas don't duplicate unless you note that you have done so and provide pointers to the duplicates - as I'm sure you're aware. . .

  • Straightening and Crop tool not working.  What to do?

    I've been working with photos all morning, and now neither my Straightening Tool or Crop Tool are working.  What to do?

    Close and re-launch Aperture.  Let us know if that doesn't take care of it.
    I try to close Aperture once an hour.  It pushes my hardware (and, likely, OS) to several of its limits.  Re-launching the program rinses out any crud that has accumulated (that's not _exactly_ technically correct, but ... ).

  • A question based on classroom in a book cs5????

    So i am new to flash and wanted to learn so i went and bought the classroom in a book for flash cs5 to self teach my self and well in chapter 6 it has you create a navagation menu. This menu has four boxes you can hover over and click ( i completed the whole lesson so its ready to go) and well when you go to test (command + enter) the flash movie plays but it plays on a custom loop over and over. I went to the top and went under control and deselected loop and it still does it and or it stops but then nothing is clickable.. what gives?? the lesson had me design the menu so you are able to hover over and have a box appear and then when you click it makes a sound and then after you click a new window pops up with info about that particular button and well when you test it it loops through at the blink of an eye and none of the buttons work and it just plays like a movie. I can email the file to get some answers but i just need some help so please if you have read this book or have the book you may know what i am talking about.

    Hi, I am also experiencing the same issue. The code that's inserted in frame 1 (actions) appears as follows:
    gabelloffel_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restaurant1);
    function restaurant1(event:MousEvent):void
    garygari_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restaurant2);
    function restaurant2(event:MousEvent):void
    ilpiatto_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restaurant3);
    function restaurant3(event:MousEvent):void
    pierreplatters_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, restaurant4);
    function restaurant4(event:MousEvent):void
    /* Click to Go to Frame and Stop
    Clicking on the specified symbol instance moves the playhead to the specified frame in the timeline and stops the movie.
    Can be used on the main timeline or on movie clip timelines.
    1. Replace the number 5 in the code below with the frame number you would like the playhead to move to when the symbol instance is clicked.
    movieClip_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame);
    function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame(event:MouseEvent):void
    When you test the movie, the following errors appear:
    Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 4 1046: Type was not found or was not  a compile-time constant: MouseEvent.

  • 8800 general error whilst trying to use the straighten tool following "Classroom in a Book" lesson

    So in lesson 2 of Classroom in a Book we learn to straighten a scanned image, except having followed the instructions precisely I got the following message. Hope someone can help please?
    PS, Brand new, out of the box CS5
    - <no additional information available>
    Line: 27
    ->  var g_StackScriptFolderPath = app.path + "/"+ localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledScripts=Presets/Scripts") + "/"

    IIRC, the CiaB files are MOV. Is that correct?
    Do you have Apple's QT Player installed on your PC, and if so, what version?
    Good luck,

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