Apex pre-validation of database relational constraints

I have created an apex form to maintain a code table with insert, update, and delete. The code table is pointed to by a number of foreign keys. As the application grows, other teams may reference this code table with even more foreign keys long after the page has been written.
Whenever I delete a record that is referenced by a foreign key, I get an error from the database as you would expect.
The error displays to the good old trusty single error page and mentions table names, oracle error codes, constraint names and all the stuff that us programmers like to see.
I do not want the user to see any of this.
How can I test for a constraint violation, gracefully format the error, and display it back to the user?
I would like to create a page level validation that tests for a database level constraint violation without sending the user to the single error page. Is this possible without checking every single dependent table manually?
Thank you,

I would like to create a page level validation that tests for a database level constraint violation
Well, you could create a page level validation of type "PL/SQL function body returning error text" where you would duplicate the DML action (update or delete) that is going to take place on the record, trap the error as usual in a WHEN OTHERS exception block and return a user-friendly error message. Since the validation fails, the real DML process will not execute and so users won't see the "ugly" error message.

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    We are on EP 6.0 SP 17 (Netweaver 2004).
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    Help  SAP Netweaver 2004  People Integration  Collaboration  Administration Guide
    We are able to create rooms based on pre-defined templates and we are also able to add members to rooms, send/receive the invitation emails. I am able to work with Instant Messaging also.
    But the problem is that some of the iViews related to Collaboration Rooms are giving errors.
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    Exception ID = 90c3315f-c29d-2910-87ac-806aa372da7f com.sapportals.wdf.WdfError     at com.sapportals.wdf.WdfCompositeController.buildComposition(WdfCompositeController.java:678)at com.sapportals.htmlb.AbstractCompositeComponent.preRender(AbstractCompositeComponent.java:33)
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    com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException: The SQL statement "INSERT INTO "KMC_URIMAPPER" ("HASH_KEY","EXTERNAL_KEY","CONST_INTERNAL","VAR_INTERNAL","EK_PREFIX","EKHK00","EKHK01","EKHK02","EKHK03","EKHK04","EKHK05","EKHK06","EKHK07","EKHK08","EKHK09","EKHK10","EKHK11","EKHK12","EKHK13","EKHK14") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" contains the semantics error[s]: column "EK_PREFIX" not in any scope
    I tried to change the permissions of the “Discussion” iView, but it did not work either.
    2. <b>Some iViews like “Room Information” throw a Runtime Error as follows:</b>
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : pcd:portal_content/com.sap.ip.collaboration/RoomPartContent/Generic/Pages/com.sap.netweaver.coll.RoomDiscussionPage/com.sap.netweaver.coll.RoomInformationExtended
    Component Name : com.sap.netweaver.coll.appl.ui.room.RoomInformation
    The exception was logged. Inform your system administrator..
    Exception id: 02:17_02/02/07_0006_213711350
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    <b>I have figured out that the following error message is common in most or the error messages:
    The SQL statement "INSERT INTO "KMC_URIMAPPER" ("HASH_KEY","EXTERNAL_KEY","CONST_INTERNAL","VAR_INTERNAL","EK_PREFIX","EKHK00","EKHK01","EKHK02","EKHK03","EKHK04","EKHK05","EKHK06","EKHK07","EKHK08","EKHK09","EKHK10","EKHK11","EKHK12","EKHK13","EKHK14") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" contains the semantics error[s]: column "EK_PREFIX" not in any scope</b>
    Are there any database related configurations required for making the Collaboration Room Discussion functionality work properly?
    Are there any KM related configurations necessary other than those mentioned in the document I am referring to?
    Are there any database related configurations that are required?
    I would really appreciate any help in this matter. Please advise me about any ideas you may have?
    Raj Seelam

    Hello Lars,
    First of all thank you for your reply.
    <b>do u use Collaboration first time?</b>
    Yes, we just started using Collaboration and this is our first requirement.
    <b>Which roles do u have?</b>
    I have all the required roles (Super Admin, Content Management, Collaboration, Collaboration Room Creation).
    I know that these features are available in NW04 SP 17 without any limitations. I have reviewed SAP Notes 707730, 711093, 709354 and 946470 also.
    This problem is with only a few Collaboration iViews.
    I am able to create Rooms, Enter Rooms, Receive Invitation e-mails without any problem.
    Any suggestions about any possible missing configurations ?
    Thanks Again,

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    HTMLDB Connection Pooling with Oracle usernames
    sspadafo mentions that it is possible (at least for apex when processing a database account authentication) to check if a given username/password is valid in the current database. Look for " the login API will call a new function in the database to check a username/pw combination." in the above thread.
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi James,
    Please check your article properties and verify you have Copy foreign key constraints set to
    Brandon Williams (blog |

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    You can install APEX in a regular database - documentation is at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23903_01/welcome.html

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    The installation then fails and does not create the third database. 
    I found some threads with similar problems but it involved upgrading an existing db.  In this case we want to create a new one.  Here is the relevant ULS log info:
    Starting schema provisioning of SynchronizationDatabase 'SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB'
    Provisioning the SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB database with the script at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\Template\SQL\SPS\drop_procs.sql.
    Provisioning the SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB database with a script stream.
    Ensuring that the SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB database exists . . .
    The SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB database does not exist. 
    It will now be created.
    Setting the AutoClose option to False on the database SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB.
    Setting the ArithAbort option to True on the database SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB.
    Setting the TruncLogOnChkpt option to True on the database SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB.
    Starting schema evaluation of existing SynchronizationDatabase 'SP15_TEST_ENT_SyncDB'
    Validate Database: validating sync database
    Validate Database: validation failed: Error code -2
    Application error when access /_admin/NewProfileServiceApplicationSettings.aspx, Error=The specified database is not a valid synchronization database 
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.SynchronizationDatabase.Provision()   
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.UserProfileApplication.Provision()   
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfiles.AdminUI.NewProfileServiceSettingsPage.DoCreateApplication()   
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfiles.AdminUI.NewProfileServiceSettingsPage.OnOkButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)   
     at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)   
     at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPDatabaseException: The specified database is not a valid synchronization database  
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.SynchronizationDatabase.Provision()   
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.UserProfileApplication.Provision()   
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfiles.AdminUI.NewProfileServiceSettingsPage.DoCreateApplication()   
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfiles.AdminUI.NewProfileServiceSettingsPage.OnOkButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)   
     at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)   
     at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    Getting Error Message for Exception System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPDatabaseException:
    The specified database is not a valid synchronization database   
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.SynchronizationDatabase.Provision()   
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.UserProfileApplication.Provision()   
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfiles.AdminUI.NewProfileServiceSettingsPage.DoCreateApplication()   
     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfiles.AdminUI.NewProfileServiceSettingsPage.OnOkButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)   
     at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)   
     at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError(Exception e)   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()   
     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)   
     at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()   
     at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
    I Tried to create another one under a different name (databases also) and I get the same error. 
    The SharePoint instance has the march mandatory update installed.  The sql instance we are using is an existing SQL cluster for other SharePoint poc's. 
    Has anybody seen this issue before? 

    I had the same problem and could not figure out what was wrong for the longest time.  I then had the idea to check in the model system database to see if there were any extra custom tables in that database.  Any tables that are in the model database
    are put into any new database when it is created.  I had some custom tables in the model database so I deleted the custom tables in the model database and deleted the failed user profile service application and its databases and then tried to recreate
    the user profile service application again and it worked with no errors

  • Pre-validation using JavaScript cannot work in JSF?

    Sometimes we need to do pre-validation using JavaScript in some senarios that data need be entered and validated at client site before it reaches to Web Application Server. Remind that JSF is a server validation. Creator seems not to allow Developers to do pre-validation using JavaScript for any editable input fields in form. I will illustrate an example and hope anyone can help me to solve it out.
    Assume that if we write the a new web page that allows User enters Name and Phone. The pre-validation function called test() is written in JavaScript for validating field Phone. For simplicity, the below HTML/JavaScript without nested in table is a simple one for HTML form.
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function test(){
         if (form1.phone.value == "")
              alert("Please enter phone number in digits.");
              return false;
    <form name=form1>
    <input id="phone" type="text" size=20><Br>
    <input id="name" type="text" size=20><Br>
    <input type="submit" id="submit" onclick="test()" value="Submit">
    Now, we consider using Java Studio Creator to generate the same form as describing above. The script is shown below:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page">
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <title>testForm Title</title>
    <body rave-layout="grid">
    <h:form binding="#{testForm.form1}" id="form1">
    <h:inputText binding="#{testForm.textField1}" id="phone" style="position: absolute; left: 192px; top: 96px; width: 168px; height: 23px"/>
    <h:inputText binding="#{testForm.textField2}" id="name" style="position: absolute; left: 192px; top: 144px; width: 168px; height: 23px"/>
    <h:commandButton binding="#{testForm.button1}" id="submit" style="position: absolute; left: 192px; top: 216px" value="Submit"/>
    After running Script that Creator created, the HTML is generated and reduced (for simplicity) as follows:
    <body rave-layout="grid">
    <form action="/rave/rave" id="form1" method="post">
    <input id="form1:Phone" type="text"></input>
    <input id="form1:name" type="text"></input>
    <input id="form1:button1" value="Submit" onClick="test()"></input>
    Take a look carefully at <input> elements. We see the syntax for naming for each "input" element that there is a semi colon added between form1 and phone or form1 and name. This syntax is generated from built-in JSF components. Hence, I rewrite the test() JavaScript function to match with the naming that Creator generated as follows:
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function test(){
         if (form1.form1:Phone.value == "")
              alert("Please enter phone number in digits.");
              return false;
    Clearly, this JavaScript cannot be worked because of a semi column that Creator has named it.
    I have tried to work arround for this but cannot find a solution except changing the name such as: from <input id="form1:phone" ...> to <input id="form1_phone" ..>. But I could not change or modify the scripts because it is generated from JSF components when running it under browser.
    I guess to solve this problem, the naming for elements in form should be reconsidered in the next release of Java Studio Creator.

    Hi Marie,
    I currently sucess in client pre-validation using JSF. I found a way to do it.
    Please take a look of how javascript has been added in the following scripts:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page">
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
    <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Cache-Control"/>
    <meta content="no-cache" http-equiv="Pragma"/>
    <title>login Title</title>
    <body style="-rave-layout: grid">
    <h:form binding="#{login.form1}" id="form1">
    <h:outputLabel binding="#{login.componentLabel1}" for="componentLabel1" id="componentLabel1" style="position: absolute; left: 216px; top: 72px">
    <h:outputText binding="#{login.componentLabel1Text}" id="componentLabel1Text" value="Application System Name"/>
    <h:panelGrid binding="#{login.gridPanel1}" columns="3" id="gridPanel1" style="position: absolute; left: 72px; top: 168px; width: 504px; height: 100px">
    <h:outputLabel binding="#{login.componentLabel2}" for="componentLabel2" id="componentLabel2">
    <h:outputText binding="#{login.componentLabel2Text}" id="componentLabel2Text" value="User Name: "/>
    <h:inputText binding="#{login.textField1}" id="textField1" onclick="" style="width: 149px; height: 22px"/>
    <h:outputText binding="#{login.outputText1}" id="outputText1"/>
    <h:outputLabel binding="#{login.componentLabel3}" for="componentLabel3" id="componentLabel3">
    <h:outputText binding="#{login.componentLabel3Text}" id="componentLabel3Text" value="Password: "/>
    <h:inputSecret binding="#{login.textField2}" id="textField2" style="width: 147px; height: 22px"/>
    <h:outputText binding="#{login.outputText2}" id="outputText2"/>
    <h:outputLabel binding="#{login.componentLabel4}" for="componentLabel4" id="componentLabel4">
    <h:outputText binding="#{login.componentLabel4Text}" id="componentLabel4Text"/>
    <h:commandButton action="#{login.ok_action}" binding="#{login.button1}" id="button1" onclick="return checkUserIdentity(this.form)"
    style="width: 90px; height: 25px" value="OK"/>
    <h:outputLabel binding="#{login.componentLabel5}" for="componentLabel5" id="componentLabel5">
    <h:outputText binding="#{login.componentLabel5Text}" id="componentLabel5Text"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function checkUserIdentity(form){
    var userName = form["form1:textField1"].value;
    var userPassword = form["form1:textField2"].value;
    if (userName == "") {
    alert("Please enter User Name.");
    return false;
    if (userPassword == "" ){
    alert("Please enter password.");
    return false;
    return true;
    The key for getting data value from Form based on Javascripts is var userName = form["form1:textField1"].value;

  • Why database related code not wriiten in jsp's

    hi all
    what all resons are there for which database related code
    is not written in jsp's
    one thing that i know is
    it's not a j2ee architecture to do so
    so is it the thing that doing so hits the performance issue

    Me, I'm still trying to get my head around Java 1.5, J2EE, Tomcat, JBoss, and Oracle RAC (both programming and DBAing)... My head hurts... Badly...
    Back to the topic, though... I also agree with the previous posters...
    I agree there are exceptions to the "no JDBC in JSP rule of thumb"- I have a JSP-based generic table browser as a tool for emergency maintenance from a (presumably) hostile network, it provides read-only access and automatic password rotation. The flexibility of having it in the JSP has saved my bacon in a crisis; when travelling, I had to talk a non-programmer through applying a code fix (damn developers, using reserved words as column name...)( I had the source on my laptop...). To get a class file fixed, I would have had to get a programmer on the phone, and get the server to reload the class which in our environment at the time required an application restart... The project I work on is about 70 man-years of work, mostly Java, and we have maybe 6 or 8 JSPs that access the DB directly...
    Most of the time though, good design says that you access a particular "type" of data (table or group of tables) in the same "chunk" of code, jsp or class file. It's a lot harder to share a jsp among different invokers than it is a class file. It's also better to isolate presentation from data access.
    Imagine that you have a "USER" table, with first name, last name, username, and password. You program a "login" jsp, a user "edit" jsp and an administrator "edit" jsp. Then a security audit declares that saving an unexcrypted password in the database is insecure; you now have to change evey place that can access the password. If the user object was accessed through a single Java class file, then there would be only one place to fix. Of course, it's possible to use jsp includes to simulate class files, but that's just about as much work as creating the class file to begin with, with more problems.
    Another big advantage of keeping your data access out of JSPs is that you can write unit tests much more easily for the Java classes, using something like JUnit. You can have a set of tests for all your persisted data, which can be run anytime your data model changes. This makes it a lot harder for "side effect" bugs to creep into your code.

  • Database Integrity Constraints

    Hi All
    Is there any DI API component or any other solution to handle the Database Integrity Constraints (Relationships): between parent table and child table.  when I delete a record from parent table referenced by some records on a child table, I want to denied this action
    can I get a solution ?
    best regards

    Hi Juha
    I develop an Add On, for this case, I must create my ouwn user tables:
    I have a User MasterData Table_1 (MD_Table1),
    and a User MasterData Table_2 (MD_Table_2)which referenced to the first one,
    (MD_Table_2.LinkedTable = "MD_Table_1")
    On these Tables, I have create UDOs
    UDO.CanDelete = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES
    UDO.ObjectType = SAPbobsCOM.BoUDOObjType.boud_MasterData
    UDO.CanDelete = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES
    UDO.ObjectType = SAPbobsCOM.BoUDOObjType.boud_MasterData
    The problem is:
    When I delete a record (rec_1) from the first Table (MD_Table_1)which is referenced to a record (rec_2) of the second (MD_Table_2), the action is accomplished successfully. in spite of rec_1 is referenced to rec_2 .

  • How do I restart apex without restarting the database?

    As the title says... How do I restart apex without restarting the database?
    For the second time in as many weeks apex 3.0.1(?) has stopped working while the database (10gR2) hasn't missed a beat.
    How do I restart apex?
    How do I get it to restart automatically on failure.
    How do I receive failure notification messages.
    How do I diagnose the cause of the failure.
    We were looking at using apex in a production environment but the prospect of unplanned restarts of production databases every week is a little daunting.

    >> We're not using oracle http server as it's a 64 bit version so yes the whole thing is running within the database.
    1) So your Web server is the XDB HTTP protocol server and embedded PL/SQL gateway (basically, the database's embedded Web server)? Is this 11g? If so, what platform?
    2) Are there any reported issues in the database alert log?
    3) When you check the status of the database listener, does it show services running for this specific port (default 8080, I guess)?
    4) If you normally go to http://server:port/apex, when this situation occurs, what happens when you try and go to http://server:port?

  • VAMT 3.1 - The specified database is not a valid VAMT database

    Hi everyone,
    We have a KMS server  with VAMT 3.1 installed. I've successfuly created a VAMT database on a separate SQL Server and can connect to it. I've granted db_datareader and db_datawriter permission to AD security group for  this database; however, no
    one can connect to this database using VAMT - the message "The specified database is not a valid VAMT database" is shown. What is incorrect?

    Does it match this symptom and events?
    Did you create the db manually or did you use VAMT to create the db?
    Can you access the db successfully, from a remote computer, using SSMS, with one of the example domain accounts?
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • Can Oracle APEX work with other databases?

    Can Oracle APEX work with other databases like Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase... etc.?

    Though, the Generic Connectivity does not cost extra.
    It doesn't have all the features of Transparent Gateway, but if you can access the foreign database with an ODBC driver,
    it's an easy way to integrate multiple databases.
    In one application, I pull data into materialized views from MS Access and Lotus Notes.
    Since Apex lives in an Oracle database, it inherits all of the functionality of Oracle.
    There's not much it can't do.

  • Database Relation issue

    I have got one more problem.
    My database relation detail
    Table.field   Link Table.field
    Project.JobID ==> Project_cost.JobID
    Project.JobID ==> ItempurchasesLines.JobID
    Project_cost.AccountNumber ==> Accounts.AccountNumber
    Project_cost.AccountID ==> Item.ExpensesAccountID
    Item.ItemID ==> ItempurchasesLines.ItemID
    What I want now is, I want a full list of accountID in my report from Project_cost table regardless of any record available in ItempurchaseLines. ItempurchaseLines table  is linked through itemID field with Item table and Item table is linked with project_cost through field Project_cost.AccountID ==> Item.ExpensesAccountID.

    now no error but still not retrieving data from tabel ItemPurchaseLines.
    below is an updated sql query
    MS Access DB
    EXTERNAL JOIN PROJECT.JobID={?FACADE: ItemPurchaseLines.JobID} AND PROJECT.JobID={?MS Access DB: Project_cost.JobID}
    SELECT "ItemPurchaseLines"."TaxExclusiveTotal", "ItemPurchaseLines"."JobID"
    FROM   "SCHEMA"."MYOB"."ItemPurchaseLines" "ItemPurchaseLines"
    WHERE  "ItemPurchaseLines"."JobID"={?MS Access DB: PROJECT.JobID}
    MS Access DB
    SELECT `Project_cost`.`Type`, `Project_cost`.`EXPENSES_CODE_NUM`, `Project_cost`.`EXPENSES_Code`, `Project_cost`.`Description`, `Project_cost`.`Rate`, `Project_cost`.`AccountNumber`, `Project_cost`.`JobID`
    FROM   `Project_cost` `Project_cost`
    WHERE  `Project_cost`.`JobID`={?MS Access DB: PROJECT.JobID}
    ORDER BY `Project_cost`.`Type`, `Project_cost`.`EXPENSES_CODE_NUM`
    EXTERNAL JOIN Project_cost.AccountNumber={?FACADE: Accounts.AccountNumber}
    SELECT "Accounts"."AccountNumber"
    FROM   "SCHEMA"."MYOB"."Accounts" "Accounts"
    WHERE  "Accounts"."AccountNumber"={?MS Access DB: Project_cost.AccountNumber}
    ItempurchaseLines table contains all purchase transaction.
    My report would look something like that:
    Group header 1 "JobID" from Project table
    Group header 2 "Type"  from Project_cost table
    Group header 3 "Project_cost.Expenses_code--Project_cost.description--
    ItemPurchaseLines.TaxExclusiveTotal etc"
    now I can see all expenses code, description but still not getting any purchases from ItemPurchaseLines.
    Edited by: mithani2747 on Sep 4, 2009 6:00 AM
    Edited by: mithani2747 on Sep 4, 2009 6:01 AM

  • EM 12C: Fails to detect database related targets

    I have been trying to add database target on a remote host but fails to detect it as its looking into a wrong ORACLE_HOME directory how can I make it to look into the right ORACLE_HOME,
    the ORACLE_HOME is already defined in .bash_profile however its reading GRID_HOME as ORACLE_HOME and fails to detect database and related targets, I have already added the cluster target and want to add database related targets for the RAC.
    Thanks for your help.

    Have a look at support bulletin "Understanding Database Discovery in Enterprise Manager 12cCloud Control [ID 1400463.1]". The oracle home location is pulled from oratab which the agent needs access to ( see section "Has the database been discovered" ) for details.
    Let us know if the resolves your issue.

  • Load balancing failed to find a valid mailbox database.

    While trying to create new mailbox, the following message is displayed:
    "Load balancing failed to find a valid mailbox database."
    If database is manually selected, there are no problems.
    I've checked this:
    Get-mailboxdatabase | ft name,isexcludedfromprovisioning
    Get-MailboxDatabase –Status | FT Name, Mounted

    Willard Martin:
    Get-mailboxdatabase | ft name,issuspendedfromprovisioning
    PK M:
    This is Output for: Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -RoleAssignee <UserCreatingMailboxes>
    Name                           Role              RoleAssigneeName 
    RoleAssigneeType  AssignmentMethod  EffectiveUserNam
    View-Only Configuration-Org... View-Only Conf... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    UnScoped Role Management-Or... UnScoped Role ... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    MyDiagnostics-Organization ... MyDiagnostics     Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Cmdlet Extension Agents-Org... Cmdlet Extensi... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Exchange Server Certificate... Exchange Serve... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Mail Recipients-Organizatio... Mail Recipients   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Mail Recipient Creation-Org... Mail Recipient... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    MyTextMessaging-Organizatio... MyTextMessaging   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Exchange Connectors-Organiz... Exchange Conne... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Organization Client Access-... Organization C... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Mail Recipient Creation-Org... Mail Recipient... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    MyProfileInformation-Organi... MyProfileInfor... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Exchange Servers-Organizati... Exchange Servers  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Edge Subscriptions-Organiza... Edge Subscript... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    User Options-Organization M... User Options      Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Audit Logs-Organization Man... Audit Logs        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Database Copies-Organizatio... Database Copies   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    View-Only Configuration-Org... View-Only Conf... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Message Tracking-Organizati... Message Tracking  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Migration-Organization Mana... Migration         Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Move Mailboxes-Organization... Move Mailboxes    Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Move Mailboxes-Organization... Move Mailboxes    Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Exchange Server Certificate... Exchange Serve... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Migration-Organization Mana... Migration         Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    View-Only Recipients-Organi... View-Only Reci... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Database Availability Group... Database Avail... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Database Copies-Organizatio... Database Copies   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Monitoring-Organization Man... Monitoring        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    View-Only Audit Logs-Organi... View-Only Audi... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Transport Agents-Organizati... Transport Agents  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Support Diagnostics-Organiz... Support Diagno... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Transport Hygiene-Organizat... Transport Hygiene Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Transport Rules-Organizatio... Transport Rules   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Remote and Accepted Domains... Remote and Acc... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Address Lists-Organization ... Address Lists     Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Message Tracking-Organizati... Message Tracking  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Role Management-Organizatio... Role Management   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Information Rights Manageme... Information Ri... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Legal Hold-Organization Man... Legal Hold        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    POP3 And IMAP4 Protocols-Or... POP3 And IMAP4... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Retention Management-Organi... Retention Mana... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Send Connectors-Organizatio... Send Connectors   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    MyDistributionGroups-Organi... MyDistribution... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem...
    Remote and Accepted Domains... Remote and Acc... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Exchange Virtual Directorie... Exchange Virtu... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Database Availability Group... Database Avail... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Tips-Organization Mana... Mail Tips         Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Security Group Creation and... Security Group... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Enabled Public Folders... Mail Enabled P... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    E-Mail Address Policies-Org... E-Mail Address... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Public Folder Replication-O... Public Folder ... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Monitoring-Organization Man... Monitoring        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Unified Messaging-Organizat... Unified Messaging Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Public Folders-Organization... Public Folders    Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Recipient Policies-Organiza... Recipient Poli... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Federated Sharing-Organizat... Federated Sharing Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    User Options-Organization M... User Options      Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Exchange Connectors-Organiz... Exchange Conne... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Retention Management-Organi... Retention Mana... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Journaling-Organization Man... Journaling        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Transport Rules-Organizatio... Transport Rules   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Organization Transport Sett... Organization T... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Public Folders-Organization... Public Folders    Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Unified Messaging-Organizat... Unified Messaging Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    View-Only Recipients-Organi... View-Only Reci... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Journaling-Organization Man... Journaling        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Tips-Organization Mana... Mail Tips         Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Recipients-Organizatio... Mail Recipients   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Audit Logs-Organization Man... Audit Logs        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Transport Queues-Organizati... Transport Queues  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Recipient Policies-Organiza... Recipient Poli... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Disaster Recovery-Organizat... Disaster Recovery Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    POP3 And IMAP4 Protocols-Or... POP3 And IMAP4... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Organization Configuration-... Organization C... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    MyBaseOptions-Organization ... MyBaseOptions     Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Transport Agents-Organizati... Transport Agents  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    View-Only Audit Logs-Organi... View-Only Audi... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Legal Hold-Organization Man... Legal Hold        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Send Connectors-Organizatio... Send Connectors   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Transport Queues-Organizati... Transport Queues  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    E-Mail Address Policies-Org... E-Mail Address... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Active Directory Permission... Active Directo... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    ApplicationImpersonation-Or... ApplicationImp... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Address Lists-Organization ... Address Lists     Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Federated Sharing-Organizat... Federated Sharing Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Databases-Organization Mana... Databases         Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Exchange Servers-Organizati... Exchange Servers  Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    UM Mailboxes-Organization M... UM Mailboxes      Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Active Directory Permission... Active Directo... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    UM Mailboxes-Organization M... UM Mailboxes      Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Distribution Groups-Organiz... Distribution G... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Organization Configuration-... Organization C... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    MyContactInformation-Organi... MyContactInfor... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mailbox Search-Organization... Mailbox Search    Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Edge Subscriptions-Organiza... Edge Subscript... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    MyDistributionGroupMembersh... MyDistribution... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Information Rights Manageme... Information Ri... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mailbox Import Export-Organ... Mailbox Import... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Security Group Creation and... Security Group... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Enabled Public Folders... Mail Enabled P... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Distribution Groups-Organiz... Distribution G... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Organization Client Access-... Organization C... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Role Management-Organizatio... Role Management   Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    UM Prompts-Organization Man... UM Prompts        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Cmdlet Extension Agents-Org... Cmdlet Extensi... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Public Folder Replication-O... Public Folder ... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Receive Connectors-Organiza... Receive Connec... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    UM Prompts-Organization Man... UM Prompts        Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    MyRetentionPolicies-Organiz... MyRetentionPol... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Databases-Organization Mana... Databases         Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Organization Transport Sett... Organization T... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Disaster Recovery-Organizat... Disaster Recovery Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Receive Connectors-Organiza... Receive Connec... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    MyVoiceMail-Organization Ma... MyVoiceMail       Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Transport Hygiene-Organizat... Transport Hygiene Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Exchange Virtual Directorie... Exchange Virtu... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    MyMailboxDelegation-Organiz... MyMailboxDeleg... Organization M... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Enabled Public Folders... Mail Enabled P... Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Recipient Policies-Recipien... Recipient Poli... Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Distribution Groups-Recipie... Distribution G... Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Message Tracking-Recipient ... Message Tracking  Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Recipient Creation-Rec... Mail Recipient... Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Migration-Recipient Management Migration         Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Move Mailboxes-Recipient Ma... Move Mailboxes    Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Recipients-Recipient M... Mail Recipients   Recipient Mana... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Monitoring-View-Only Organi... Monitoring        View-Only Orga... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    View-Only Configuration-Vie... View-Only Conf... View-Only Orga... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    View-Only Recipients-View-O... View-Only Reci... View-Only Orga... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Public Folders-Public Folde... Public Folders    Public Folder ... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    Mail Enabled Public Folders... Mail Enabled P... Public Folder ... RoleGroup         RoleGroup         All Group Mem..
    MyDistributionGroupMembersh... MyDistribution... Default Role A... RoleAssignment... RoleAssignment... All Policy As..
    MyTextMessaging-Default Rol... MyTextMessaging   Default Role A... RoleAssignment... RoleAssignment... All Policy As..
    MyContactInformation-Defaul... MyContactInfor... Default Role A... RoleAssignment... RoleAssignment... All Policy As..
    MyVoiceMail-Default Role As... MyVoiceMail       Default Role A... RoleAssignment... RoleAssignment... All Policy As..
    MyBaseOptions-Default Role ... MyBaseOptions     Default Role A... RoleAssignment... RoleAssignment... All Policy As..
    I've tested functionality with other admin-accounts and they have the same roles and same behavior. There have been no changes in roles or other Exchange settings as far as I know.

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