[APEX4.0] - Websheet apps strips off national characters

In Apex 4.0, when creating page in websheet app, the national charactes in the content are stripped off (in my case polish: ąćźżśń) ...although some characters remain unchanged (eg. ó)
Any ideas how to fix this?

propably the same (or similar) problem as described here:
4.0, web sheet data load, special characters (de, ÄÖÜ etc.) mess
Would be nice just to get an info wheter this is an known issue to be fixed or if we are dealing with a feature that should not use by users with "uncommon" languages. -:)

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    if you have to do this only once/a few times, a quick way to get it done is
    mv large_file large_file_bck
    sed s/^.............// < large_file_bck > large_file
    (mark the 13 dots...)
    if this is an operation you need to do regularly, you could create a better script
    a naive script will do the job:
    with 2 parameters:
    1st the number of chars to strip, 2nd the file name:
    # strip_lead nb file
    # strip leading chars from text file
    mv "${2}" "${2}".bck
    for ((i=0; i<"${1}"; i++ )) do a="${a}."
    sed s/`echo "${a}"`// < "${2}".bck > "${2}"
    strip_lead 13 somefile
    will remove the first 13 chars from the text file

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    Automatic CSV Encoding: no
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    N'<national symbols>', being part of an SQL statement, will be converted to the database character set (WE8ISO8859P1) before being parsed. Only if the client and the database are both 10.2 or higher, the client can encode the literal appropriately so that it survives this conversion.
    In earlier versions, you can do the encoding yourself. Instead of the N'<national symbols>' literal use the UNISTR function: UNISTR('\xxxx\yyyy\zzzz'), where U+xxxx, U+yyyy, U+zzzz are Unicode code points of your national characters.
    -- Sergiusz

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    My App Server: 10g 9.0.4
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    Thanks for your help everybody. Yes, there was a conflict between the database and client character sets. I used the NLS_LANG environment variable in Windows to instruct the client to use the same character set with the database, and this seems to solve the problem.
    I just wonder how the 9i client was able to do what we wanted, while there were problems with 10g. There are exactly the same NLS_LANG values in the registry for 9i and 10g, each containing a character set part that is inconsistent with that of the database. Also, after setting NLS_LANG in Windows, 9i still gave the correct result, as if NLS_LANG had no effect on it.

  • Xterm font problem (national characters)

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    I have the following problem...
    I'm Slovene and the national characters (š, č, ž) work in the xterm by default, but when I change the fault, even to a line like "XTerm*font: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-iso8859-2", which is identical to the default font, they stop working. They show up as a space. If I set the font to something like "XTerm*faceName: terminus:pixelsize=14", they show up as 'box' characters, but when I try to use something like Monospace, they work again.
    How is it possible that the manual declaration of the -fixed- font does not work, when it's exactly like the default font if no special font is specified?
    Thanks for the answers,
    — Nanthiel

    When I use Terminus, it shows the Š and š, Č and č, Ž and ž.
    Try adding this line to your xterm settings to make sure xterm is UTF-8 compatible:
    xterm*utf8:    2
    I have no trouble using Terminus to show the Slovenian characters with locale set to 'en_US.utf8'.
    Terminus is installed to ./usr/share/fonts/local/'.  For Xorg to be fully aware of Terminus, your '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' must contain a section like this,
    Section "Files"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/local"
    If you aren't using an 'xorg.conf' file, I think you can create one containing just those three lines.  (I could be wrong).  X has to be restarted for any changes in 'xorg.conf' to work.
    After restarting, Terminus will show up when you run 'xfontsel'.  Xfontsel is a small app that lets you display fonts and their names in the old Xorg format:   "-*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2".  The program won't show all the valid options, just some of them.
    Now you should be able to load Terminus in xterm with
    xterm*font:    -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2
    Change the "12" to change the size of the font.
    xterm*faceName:    xft:Terminus:size=12:hinting=true
    Again, change the "12" to change the size of the font.
    I hope this helps you.  I've learned much about xterm, and I now know that I prefer the font Inconsolata over Terminus.
    Last edited by thisoldman (2009-12-01 22:59:47)

  • Problem crawling filenames with national characters

    I have a big problem with filenames containing national (danish) characters.
    The documents gets an entry in in wk$url but have error code 404 (Not found).
    I'm running Oracle RDBMS on Redhat Advanced Server 2.1. The
    filesystem is mounted on the oracle server using NFS.
    I configure the Ultrasearch to crawl the specific directory containing
    several files, two of which contains national characters in their
    filenames. (ls -l)
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 13 Oct 4 13:36 crawlertest_linux_2_fxeFXE.txt
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 19968 Oct 4 13:36 crawlertest_windows_fxeFXE.doc
    (Since the preview function is not working in my Mozilla browser, I'm
    unable to tell whether or not the national characters will display
    properly in this post. But they represent lower and upper cases of the
    three special danish characters.)
    In the crawler log the following entries are added:
    Processing file://localhost/<DIR_PATH>/crawlertest_linux_2_%e6%f8%e5%c6%d8%c5.txt
    WKG-30008: file://localhost/<DIR_PATH>/crawlertest_linux_2_%e6%f8%e5%c6%d8%c5.txt: Not found
    Processing file://localhost/<DIR_PATH>/crawlertest_windows_%e6%f8%e5%c6%d8%c5.doc
    Not found
    The 'file://' entries looks somewhat UTF encoded to me (some chars are
    missing because they are not printable) and the others looks URL
    All other files in the directory seems to process just fine!.
    In the wk$url table the following entries are added:
    (select status url from wk$url where url like '%crawlertest%'; )
    404 file://localhost/<DIR_PATH>/crawlertest_linux_2_%e6%f8%e5%c6%d8%c5.txt
    404 file://localhost/<DIR_PATH>/crawlertest_windows_%e6%f8%e5%c6%d8%c5.doc
    Just for testing purpose a
    SELECT utl_url.unescape('%e6%f8%e5%c6%d8%c5') from dual;
    Actually produce the expected resulat : fxeFXE
    To me this indicates that the actual filesystem scanning part of the
    crawler can sees the files, but the processing part of the crawler can
    not open the file for reading and it therefor fails with error 404.
    Since the crawler (to my knowledge is written in Java i did some
    experiments, with the following Java program.
    import java.io.*;
    class filetest {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    try {
    String dirname = "<DIR_PATH>";
    File dir = new File(dirname);
    File[] fs = dir.listFiles();
    for(int idx = 0; idx < fs.length; idx++) {
    if(fs[idx].canRead()) {
    System.out.print("Can Read: ");
    } else {
    System.out.print("Can NOT Read: ");
    } catch(Exception e) {
    The performance of this program is very depending on the language
    settings of the current shell (under Linux). If LC_ALL is set to "C"
    (which is a common default) the program can only read files with
    filenames NOT containing national characters (Just as the Ultrasearch
    crawler). If LC_ALL is set to e.g. "en_US", then it is capable of
    reading all the files.
    I therefor tried to set the LC_ALL environment for the oracle user on
    my oracle server (using locale_config, and .bash_profile) but that did
    not seem to fix the problem at hand.
    So (finally) my question is; is this a bug in the Ultrasearch crawler
    or simply a mis configuration of my execution environment. If the
    latter how do i configure my system correctly?
    Yours sincerely
    Martin Dahl Pedersen, Visanti ( mdp at visanti dot com )

    I've posted my problems as a TAR on METALINK a little week ago.
    And it turns out to be a new bug in UltraSearch.
    It is now filed under BUG:2673282
    -- mdp

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    Hello. I have an iPad2, and iMovie software. My main problem, for the moment, is the length of the videos: I can´t create a video with more than 56 seconds. When I try, the app shuts off... Can anyone help me?

    Sorry. We can't help you. It's no longer an iPhone. Apple won't touch it.
    Take it to whoever replaced the screen and see if they can help you.
    iPhones are not user servicable and Apple does not sell iPhone parts at all. I'd be surprised if you were actually able to back it up at this point. It sounds like it's completely borked.

  • JAXP seems to be stripping off DOCTYPE tag

    When I parse a document, the DOCTYPE tag is getting stripped off.
    To parse, I read the document from file and it looks like :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
    <log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j">
    After parsing, I dump it to the console and it looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <log4j:configuration debug="null" threshold="null" xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j">
    The mystery the output has two attributes set to defaults, the only the parser knows this is by reading the dtd. But why does not include the DOCTYPE tag?
    The parsing code snippet is:
    Document doc = null;
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = null;
    dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder db = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    db.setEntityResolver(new LogDTDResolver());
    doc = db.parse(is);  // is is an InputStreamAnyone have a clue? Is there a property I am missing. I have searched for the complete set of jaxp properties, but I can't find one.
    Thanks for any help.

    So it looks like log4j is doing its own parsing and it requires the DTD. Don't know how (or why) it does that.
    You call the setOutputProperty() method of the Transformer. This is designed to configure the Transformer with properties that are normally set in the <xsl:output> element of an XSL transformation. The properties you need are "doctype-system" and maybe "doctype-public".
    You're quite right, it isn't obvious. That's what happens when systems are designed by architects who believe in abstraction too much.

  • How to make Reports 9i display Danish national characters?

    I am running Oracle9i Reports and cannot make Reports print the Danish national characters f, F, x, X, e and E. I have a development machine with Developer Suite 9.0.2, where I can run the report in Paper Design, where the characters displays correctly, but as soon as they are uploaded to the Application Server (9.0.2), all of the national characters are replaced with some very mysterious characters. The dev. machine and the Oracle9iAS machine both connect to the same database, and when I make a boilerplate object just containing "FXE", the problem is still there, so it does not seem to be a database issue.
    I read some articles on MetaLink about adding some lines in uifont.ali, but they do not seem to apply, since the article only mention East-European languages (Polish and Czech). The font used is Times New Roman. The dev. machine has NLS_LANG set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252, and the Oracle9iAS machine is running DANISH_DENMARK.WE8MSWIN1252 - ie. the same character set. I tried to generate the report both to HTML and PDF, but that did not make any difference regarding this issue.
    How do I make Oracle9i Reports Services display the Danish national characters correctly?
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for your suggestions.
    However, here's what I've done, and it did not make any difference.
    1. Changed the NLS_LANG parameter to match on both server and dev. machine and recompiled and saved the RDF - no difference.
    2. Installed the same model printer on the server, as the one on the development machine, and rebooted the server - no difference.
    3. Checked uifont.ali on both systems - they're exactly the same...
    What else might be causing this?

  • Editable drop down do not show national characters

    I'm using DW CS3 with Developer toolbox, PHP MySql.
    Problem is that Editable drop down show national characters wrongly.
    actually its inserts data in to database with wrong encoding.
    I use encoding "charset=utf-8", all other forms working fine.
    Only Editable drop down show [squares] instead Ä Ö Ü ...
    How i can do that Editable drop down will inserts data in utf-8 encoding?
    (like other forms and fields in my page)

    Does it help if you disable hardware acceleration ?
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

  • Table Import Data - "Insert script" - National characters

    Hi all,
    it looks like that there is a problem with support of national characters in imported data file when method "Insert script" is chosen.
    Table -> Import Data -> Open datafile "csv".
    As far as in the preview window I'm seeing properly displayed national characters from csv data file and when I'm choosing "Insert" or "SQL Loader" method - data is properly imported to the table.
    But when I'm using "Insert script" method, in generated script national characters are changed into "bushes":
    SQL Developer: Version
    OS: Windows XP SP3
    Client code page: WIN-1250
    Tested databases: 10g, 11g

    <p>This has been fixed in the latest build. The patch is now available for <a href = "http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/sql/index.html">download</a>.

  • 10g client mangles national characters, 9i client is ok

    We are having a strange problem with some clients on Windows XP. They make an incorrect conversion of national characters while querying from a database. For example, the "ä" letter in the result set is converted to "a", which must not happen. When connecting to the same 10g database with a 9i client and issuing exactly the same SELECT statement, the result is correct. How can we make the 10g client treat national characters correctly?

    Thanks for your help everybody. Yes, there was a conflict between the database and client character sets. I used the NLS_LANG environment variable in Windows to instruct the client to use the same character set with the database, and this seems to solve the problem.
    I just wonder how the 9i client was able to do what we wanted, while there were problems with 10g. There are exactly the same NLS_LANG values in the registry for 9i and 10g, each containing a character set part that is inconsistent with that of the database. Also, after setting NLS_LANG in Windows, 9i still gave the correct result, as if NLS_LANG had no effect on it.

  • OVD - special/national characters in LDAP context

    Hi all,
    I created integration between Active Directory and Oracle 10g via Oracle Virtual Directory 10g. All works correctly but some users have national characters in his/her AD context. For example Thomas Bjørne (cn=Thomas Bjørne,cn=Users,dc=media,dc=local). In this case this user cannot login into database. I know that problem is with special national characters in AD context but I don't know how solve it. It is not possible change AD context :-(
    Can somebody help me with it?

    Lets first verify that you can bind to OID using the command line
    commands with an existing user in OID.
    Lets assume for a moment that your users password is welcome and
    their DN in OID is cn=jdoe,c=US
    Try the following command and tell me what the results are.
    ldapsearch -p port_num -h host_name -b "c=US" -s sub -v "cn=*"
    It should return all users under c=US. If not let me know the
    error message you get.

  • Losing NATIONAL CHARACTERS(blob- clob- table). unistr?

    I have a problem with national characters. My example is as follows:
    1. A csv file is uploaded from disk to htmldb_application_files
    2. This BLOB is then converted to CLOB with dbms_lob.converttoclob()
    3. Data from this CLOB is copied to PL/SQL array.
    4. From PL/SQL array to table in database.
    The problem: Either data copied to table in database loses national characters (display strange characters instead of national), or if I set my national character set id as an argument of dbms_lob.converttoclob() function I have an error - says that file is inconvertible.
    What is wrong? How can I solve my problem? Can unistr() help somewhere? Any ideas?

    Duplicate posting, being addressed at:
    losing NATIONAL CHARACTERS(blob->clob->table). unistr?

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    Please help!

    Check this out: <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/502991a2-45d9-2910-d99f-8aba5d79fb42">How To… Work with Character Encodings in Process Integration</a>

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