
I heard about this Apexlib framework recently and looked into what it can do with Cascading LOV's. Looks great! However, I'm not really following the steps to install the framework onto apex.oracle.com.
I downloaded the framework following this url -> http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com/installing-apexlib-on-apexoraclecom/
I ran the ApexLib_Install_for_apex_oracle_com query file on apex and the application + supporting objects installed successfully..
Does this mean that the framework is already installed? If it is, how do I integrate this framework onto my own application?

Hi Ting,
please read http://apexlib.oracleapex.info/#integrate for instructions on integrating ApexLib into your Application.
Blog: http://www.oracle-and-apex.com
ApexLib: http://apexlib.oracleapex.info
BuilderPlugin: http://builderplugin.oracleapex.info
Work: http://www.click-click.at

Similar Messages

  • Apexlib page item validation not shown correctly

    Good morning guys! I have a question concerning the Apexlib page item validations.
    Basically I just want to validate page item values and have errors displayed in a notification region on the very same page on submit.
    I set up the Apexlib, which works perfectly for reports. However, when it comes to the page item validations, I am always rerouted to the Oracle Error page.
    Do you know why or have you experienced similar problems?
    Here is a part of the debug code when the error page is initialized.
    0.04: Branch point: BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.04: Computation point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.04: Tabs: Perform Branching for Tab Requests
    0.04: Branch point: BEFORE_VALIDATION
    0.04: Perform validations:
    0.04: Branch point: BEFORE_PROCESSING
    0.04: Processing point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.04: ...Process "ApexLib-Before Computation/Validation": PLSQL (AFTER_SUBMIT) BEGIN ApexLib_Lov.clearLovNullValues; ApexLib_Item.validateItems; ApexLib_TabForm.validateColumns; -- ApexLib_Error.showErrorStack; END;
    0.06: Show ERROR page...
    If you have an idea please be so kind as to let me know!
    Many thanks,

    Hi Peter!
    Thanks for having a look!
    I am using Apex 3.2 and Apexlib 1.6!
    Like I said, the report validations are functioning properly! It's just the error message is not displayed on the same page in a notification field. Instead the user is redirected to the original Apex Error Page when the error is caught.
    What validation do I want to carry out?
    I tried to verify the input of a text box with $APEXLIB_MAX_VALUE=10$.
    I thought it might be a minor problem, which I couldn't find. Already checked the installation of Apexlib twice. Seems to be alright.
    Best regards,
    PS: Have a splendid WE

  • Apexlib error :Message section  t7Messages not found

    Hi everybody. After installing Apexlib, I forced my application to produce an error in order to verify if error handling works properly.
    Well, when I produce the error, it appears the alert window of the browser with the following message: "Message section t7Messages not found".
    I have followed the instructions on "How to integrate", checking if the page templates of shared components refer to t7Messages instead of t1Messages (my theme number), but it all seems correct. What have I missed? What could I control more?
    Thanks for any help.
    Greetings from Rome

    Hi Stefano,
    based on the code snipped you posted I would assume that you haven't changed the call of the apexlib.error.init Javascript function in the Page 0 region "ApexLib - Handle Error Page"
    From the HowTo Integrate document chapter 3.4:
    Note: t7 has to be replaced by your theme number! #6699cc is the background color and #000000 is the foreground color for cell highlighting.
    So your code should look like
    <script type="text/javascript">
      ( "t1Messages"
      , "t1Notification"
      , "#6699cc"
      , "#000000"
    </script>Hope that helps
    My APEX Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://apexplugin.sourceforge.net/ New!

  • ApexLib Site Down! Help Patrick!

    Hi Patrick,
    I was not sure how else to contact you so I'm posting in this forum in hopes you see my post!
    I got my new apex.oracle.com Workspace and was all ready to integrate my app with apexlib so I went to try and find the directions here:
    and was redirected to http://start.inside-oracle-apex.com/
    which gives my browser a name error: the domain does not exist.
    Oh no!
    Please Help . . .

    there is something wrong with the Blogger servers. I have created a ticket and I hope they will fix it soon.
    About the apexlib-framework-how-to-integreate.html posting. You can also find it in the distribution (zip file). It's HowToInstall.html and HowToIntegrate.html
    Hope that helps
    My APEX Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://apexplugin.sourceforge.net/ New!

  • APEXLIB error in updateable tabular form

    We are using APEXLIB to validate / make updates using a tabular form and we are getting the following error.
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 27: PLS-00302: component 'APEXLIB_TABFORM' must be declared ORA-06550: line 2, column 4: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 93, column 16: PLS-00302: component 'APEXLIB_ERROR' must be declared ORA-06550: line 93, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ERR-1024 Unable to run "function body returning text" validation.
    Can anyone help with this error?

    I think you need to post this question to the owner of APEXLIB at http://apexlib.oracleapex.info/. APEXLIB is not written by Oracle.

  • Apexlib validation not functional

    Hello pros and Apex devs!
    I have an application where I integrated the Apexlib! I followed the official tutorial and check back and fourth.
    However, the item or column validation is not working!
    In debug mode I stumbled upon the following code, which suggests that the validation is not ignored but aborted.
    Generate item data(ApexLib_Item.generateBrowserData)
    Read report column mapping(ApexLib_TabForm.init)
    ...processing MYREPORT
    ...ignore validation = NO
    ...*** Condition found! Abort and continue with next regionThe resizable text areas, a feature of Apexlib, are working. An indicator that Apexlib is partly functional in this app.
    Do you have an idea what needs to be done to get the column/item validation to work?
    $APEXLIB_REQUIRED$ is present in the link attribrutes for the columns to be checked. I have no more ideas!
    Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks a lot for reading this post,

    Hello Peter!
    Just wanted to coma back to you and tell you that the Apexlib is finally working to a certain extent.
    The only thing that bugs me is the fact that the validation is obviously not carried out before submitting the page. If a field that has an option attribute $APEXLIB_REQUIRED$ is left empty and I hit the submit button, the respective db constraint catches the error and display an ORA-20001 error.
    Actually I wanted to use Apexlib error validation to avoid the constraint violation directly at frontend level!

  • Installing ApexLib into its own schema!

    Patrick, when i run @apexlib_create_apexlib_schema.sql in order to install the apexlib into its schema it asked me to enter value for apexlib_schema_name to which i gave apexlib_chariot, it then asked me for password; i gave that too and finally it asked me for apexlib_tablespace name to which i gave chariot. when i pressed the enter key it brought out the following error message;
    ERROR at line 2
    Now i suspect i am missing the tablespace name, what do you think i should enter for it? OR is it other problems i know nothing of?

    As Jornica already said, check if the tablespace really exists.
    But I think that's not the problem, because if the tablespace doesn't exist you will get a "Tablespace doesn't exist" error message.
    To debug that issue, open the file and replace
    SET VERIFY ONThat should show you the statement where this "ORA-00911: INVALID CHARACTER" error occurs.
    BTW, you can also paste the CREATE USER and GRANT statements into your favorite SQL Editor and replace the placeholders there. Afterwards run it there, maybe it shows you a better error information what's wrong.
    My APEX Blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexplugin/

  • ApexLib: Get a Page Flow Diagram of your application!

    Yesterday I came across Graphviz and remembered that a college had already used it to generate some ERDs/Class diagrams. After taking a closer look, I thought to give it a try and use it to generate a page flow diagram for an APEX application as you can also see it for JSF in JDeveloper.
    It's part of the ApexLib Framework and it's FREE! ;-)
    Get the details at http://inside-apex.blogspot.com/2007/01/apexlib-get-page-flow-diagram-of-your.html
    A diagram sometimes says more than 1000 words... - Simple translation from german :-)
    Have fun
    Check out my APEX-blog: http://inside-apex.blogspto.com

    Hi Carl,
    in the ApexLib_Generate_PageFlowDiagram.sql script you have the possibility to change the call to the Graphviz tool. According to there documentation the dot tool has several supported output format.
    eg. '$dot -Tpng -o%filename.png -Tsvg -o%filename.svg %filename.dot'would produce a PNG and a SVG file. There is no option for PDF, but in there FAQs (http://www.graphviz.org/doc/FAQ.html) they have the following workaround. They first create a Postscript output and then use a Postscript2PDF converter to get the PDF output. On LINUX it would probably look like
    '$dot -Tps -o%filename.ps | epsf2pdf -o %filename.pdf'On Windows you have to get a PDF converter and the hole call in the script would look like
          ( pGraphvizCommand      => '$dot -Tps -o%filename.ps %filename.dot'||CHR(10)||
                                     '$pdfconverter %filename.ps %filename.pdf'
          , pSkipSelfReference    => TRUE
          , pSkipDynamicReference => TRUE
          , pSkipSharedComponents => TRUE
    END;Hope this helps
    Check out my APEX-blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com

  • Regarding ApexLib

    For the installation of Apexlib Framework i follow these links http://www.oracle-and-apex.com/keyboard-shortcuts-for-buttons/, http://apexlib.oracleapex.info/#install, http://apexlib.oracleapex.info/#integrate after finishing this step
    Integration into your Application
    You have two possibilities to integrate ApexLib into your Application:
    1. Integrate automatically using script ApexLib_integrate_into_application.sql
    2. Do the integration manually with a 14-step Instruction
    Reasons you have to integrate manually:
    1. you don't have access to the Application Server
    2. you already modified the page error template
    3. you use subscription algorithm for your templates
    Ok, now that you decided to integrate using the script:
    * connect to the database using your Application Schema
    * and execute @ApexLib_integrate_into_application.sql
    * Enter the id of the application you want to integrate ApexLib at.
    * That's all. Now you can use all the features of the ApexLib Framework!
    Page0 created in my application now what to do next to install apexlib completely.

    Hi Neha,
    As i described in your other thread Regarding ApexLib you can install the ApexLib BuilderPlugin to easily active certain features (as shortcut for buttons).
    But from your description in this thread i assume you didn't finish the installation.
    Please read this documentation http://apexlib.oracleapex.info/#integrate_manual and follow it step-by-step, after you completed this you can use the ApexLib Framework.
    Blog: http://www.oracle-and-apex.com
    ApexLib: http://apexlib.oracleapex.info
    BuilderPlugin: http://builderplugin.oracleapex.info
    Work: http://www.click-click.at

  • T2 messages not found with apexlib

    Hello , I almost successfully installed apexlib. But if an error occurs now I get a windows popup errorwindow stating that t2messages can not be found and after that the error message.
    Like was said in the how to integrate I changed t7 to t2 with is the number of my theme.
    I added everything to the page 0.
    What can be wrong or forgotten?

    Hi Erwin,
    make sure that div class= is used in your template (see chapter 3.11), because sometimes div id= is used.
    My APEX Blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexplugin/

  • Very Urgent: Apexlib error ora-00900 invalid sql statement

    If i'm opening a page where there are LOV I get the strange error in the debug mode. Has it perhaps anything to do with grants?
    pls help asap if you can
    Read report column mapping(ApexLib_TabForm.init)
    ...processing Interface execution selection
    ...ignore validation = NO
    Get column list(ApexLib_Sql.getColumnList)
    ...parse query = 獥汥捴 䥎呅剆䅃䕟䑁呅Ⰺ䥎呅剆䅃䕟䑁呅⁉乔䕒䙁䍅彄䅔䕟䑉卐䱁夬ੈ佒䥚低彂䰬੆䕐彂䰊晲潭⁆䕐彉乔䕒䙁䍅彃䅌䕎䑁刊睨敲攠楮瑥牦慣敟摡瑥整睥敮慳瑟摡礨慤摟浯湴桳⡴潟摡瑥⠺倱㥟捡汥湤慲彤慴攬❙奙奍䵄䐧⤬ⴱ⤩⬱⁁乄⁌慳瑟摡礨瑯彤慴攨㩐ㄹ彣慬敮摡牟摡瑥Ⱗ奙奙䵍䑄✩⤊潲摥爠批‱਀
    ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement

    Hi Irvine74,
    for ApexLib problems it's better to use the related SourceForge support forum at http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=184339 , because I'm not always monitoring the OTN forum.
    Are you only getting the error in debug mode?
    Is your report query on that page a valid SQL statement?
    If you comment out the PL/SQL code with /* */ (don't forget to add a NULL; statement at the end to have a valid region) on page 0 "ApexLib - Before footer", are you now getting an error from APEX that the statement isn't valid?
    My APEX Blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexplugin/

  • ApexLib Question: SQL Reports

    Just wondering but is there a way to achieve the same type of functionality that ApexLib has for cascading select lists where a sql report is slaved to the cascading select lists? Example, when the cascading select lists are updated by ApexLib have it refresh a report as well.

    I think this is the wrong forum for such a question. The Database - General (General Database Discussions might be better suited. Or maybe the RMAN forum (Recovery Manager (RMAN)

  • ApexLib and Implementing in-field validation the simple way.

    Hello again,
    I have installed and configures ApexLib and attempted to do what was just answered, but I put it on the back burner until I could get a few other problems solved. What put me on hold utilizing ApexLib was a message about t20Messages not being found. Once I get these other issues resolved, I will revisit ApexLib, but since I did mention it, any help with the following error would be great... Not so important, but good to know how to get fixed and implemented.
    bq. --- Error Message \\ Message section t20Messages not found. Error:<span class="ApexLibError">Height (inches) has to be between 0 and 100. \\ --- end of Error Message
    This is a different field test being conducted, but the error is the same... a pop-up being displayed instead of a in line message.
    Anyone who has time, a pointer would be appreciated, although, until I am on track with some other issues, it is not on my priority list as being terribley important to me right now.

    in the page 0, you will be having one region called ApexLib - Handle error page
    region definition and in the region source it should be like this
    <script type="text/javascript">
      ( "t12Messages"
       , "t12Notification"
       , "#6699cc"
       , "#000000"
       , apexlib.error.DISPLAY_LOCATION.FIELD
    </script>Note the line apexlib.error.DISPLAY_LOCATION.FIELD
    hope u got it

  • APEXLib: Message section not null

    I get the following dialog box popping up when I try to create a record in my application. Not sure what it means, anyone got an idea? It only occurs if I include the APEXLib libraries in my application.
    Message section null not found. Error: Name is required.
    Message was edited by:
    A Tael

    Hi Andy,
    it's better to ask ApexLib related questions in the dedicated support forum on Sourceforge (http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=643201), because I'm not always checking all the new threads here on the APEX forum.
    If you create a new thread there, please also provide the code of your page 0 region "ApexLib - Handle Error Page".
    My APEX Blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexplugin/

  • How to generate page flow diagram without ApexLib?

    I would like to generate a page flow diagram. ApexLib does this wonderfully, but on my Oracle server environment I would prefer to stick to standard APEX and would like to avoid any none-standard Oracle packages or tools.
    Is there any other way to do this?
    Regards, Tamas

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    OracleJSP error: oracle.jsp.parse.JavaCodeException: Line # 13, oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagExpression@102e37e
    Error: Java code in jsp source files is not allowed in ojsp.next mode.
    Please explain why?
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