App Icons Move After 3.0 Install

FYI... Just in case you get scared that all of your icons are removed, they are placed on the next page on your iPhone after the 3.0 software installs.

As a follow-up...
For me this ended up being a problem with iTunes, and not the phone or upgrade process.
I upgraded to the newest version of iTunes a few days before the iPhone OS upgrade was released, but hadn't sync'ed between the iTunes upgrade and the phone firmware upgrade. Apparently, iTunes lost track of where my apps were stored, so when I performed the phone OS upgrade it couldn't reload most/all of my purchased apps.
I was able to tell which apps were 'lost' by going to iTunes > Library > Applications, right-clicking on each one, and selected "Get Info". If the location of the app was not known to iTunes, it would pop up with a "Locate or Cancel" dialog box. Selecting "Locate" and then manually finding the application worked.

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    You might try Onyx or Yasu (utilities that are donation ware/freeware) and delete the files which are supposed to keep track of this. You could also delete your user finder plist( If the files are corrupted then they can mess things up.
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    Basic troubleshooting steps  
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101
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    I have some new info on the issueI thought I'd share with you.
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    Speny wrote:
    If that's the case, what can I do so that she can keep ALL my apps and movies?
    She will be installing itunes when she gets the ipod, worried it will sync right as she connects erasing everything...
    Basically, there is nothing you can do. When she installs iTunes and connects the iPod Touch, the content will be erased. This is how copyright protection is enforced.
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    Jimmy RG
    In the Elements Organizer 13
    The key to all this is to click on/select/highlight the Album that you have created in Local Albums.
    Then make sure that the Sort By: (in the row below the highlighted "Media" header is set for Album Order.
    You should see a number at the top left of each of thumbnails.
    Then, click on the thumbnail that you want to move, hold down the click, and drag the thumbnail to the wanted new location
    in the line up of thumbnails.
    Often I had to press down hard on the drag.
    Please let us know if that worked for you.
    Also, in Edit Menu/Preferences/Keyword Tags and Albums/Enable Manual Sorting Options, I set all for manual.

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