App Server suddenly crashes

I have my app server working perfectly and suddenly crashes, this is the event log:
[01/Oct/2004:11:53:36] INFO (23800): HTTP3072: HTTP listener http-listener-1 [] ready to accept requests
[01/Oct/2004:11:53:36] INFO (23800): CORE3274: successful server startup
[01/Oct/2004:11:53:36] INFO (23800): CORE5053: Application onReady complete.
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:16] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:21] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:22] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:26] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:27] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:31] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:32] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:36] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:37] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
[01/Oct/2004:16:08:41] SEVERE (23800): Connection queue full, closing socket
The weirdest thing is that no one is using this server, so how can the connection queue be full ?? (i have identity server & portal installed on it)
any ideas of what could be happening ??

I'm running App Server 7 SE over Solaris 9 (i use it as a base for Portal Server)
this is the only strange thing i found on the system (var/adm/messages) , i don't know if it could be related:
Oct 1 18:11:13 tlp21418 inetd[225]: [ID 250139 daemon.error] 100229/rpc/tcp version 1: rpcb_set: not started
Oct 1 18:11:13 tlp21418 inetd[225]: [ID 250139 daemon.error] 100229/rpc/tcp version 2: rpcb_set: not started
Oct 1 18:11:13 tlp21418 inetd[225]: [ID 250139 daemon.error] 100422/rpc/tcp version 1: rpcb_set: not started
Oct 1 18:11:14 tlp21418 genunix: [ID 454863] dump on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 size 16386 MB
Oct 1 18:11:16 tlp21418 sendmail[315]: [ID 702911] starting daemon (8.12.10+Sun): queueing@00:15:00
Oct 1 18:11:17 tlp21418 bvcontrol: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] ./bvcontrold Version V7.30 build 336
Oct 1 18:11:18 tlp21418 pseudo: [ID 129642] pseudo-device: fcode0
Oct 1 18:11:18 tlp21418 genunix: [ID 936769] fcode0 is /pseudo/fcode@0
Oct 1 18:11:19 tlp21418 cdagent: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] Reset udp_max_buf to 524288
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 pseudo: [ID 129642] pseudo-device: rxp0
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 genunix: [ID 936769] rxp0 is /pseudo/rxp@0
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 bootparam_prot[392]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 100026 vers 1 on udp
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 bootparam_prot[392]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 100026 vers 1 on tcp
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 bootparam_prot[392]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 100026 vers 1 on ticlts
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 bootparam_prot[392]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 100026 vers 1 on ticotsord
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 bootparam_prot[392]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 100026 vers 1 on ticots
Oct 1 18:11:20 tlp21418 bootparam_prot[392]: [ID 702598 daemon.error] unable to create (BOOTPARAMPROG, BOOTPARAMVERS) for netpath.
Oct 1 18:11:40 tlp21418 sendmail[273]: [ID 702911 mail.warning] gethostbyaddr( failed: 1
Oct 1 18:11:40 tlp21418 sendmail[273]: [ID 702911 mail.warning] gethostbyaddr( failed: 1
Oct 1 18:11:40 tlp21418 sendmail[552]: [ID 702911] starting daemon (8.12.10+Sun): SMTP+queueing@00:15:00
Oct 1 18:12:15 tlp21418 sshd[641]: [ID 800047] Server listening on :: port 22.
Oct 1 18:13:21 tlp21418 server[721]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 300598 vers 1 on udp
Oct 1 18:13:21 tlp21418 server[721]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 300598 vers 1 on tcp
Oct 1 18:13:21 tlp21418 server[721]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 300598 vers 1 on ticlts
Oct 1 18:13:21 tlp21418 server[721]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 300598 vers 1 on ticotsord
Oct 1 18:13:21 tlp21418 server[721]: [ID 514559 daemon.error] svc_tp_create: Could not register prog 300598 vers 1 on ticots
Oct 1 18:13:21 tlp21418 server[721]: [ID 163226 daemon.error] unable to create           (DMI2_SERVER, DMI2_SERVER_VERSION) for netpath.

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  • Application using VI Server suddenly crashes. Why is it ?

    Hi everyone !
    I´m developing an application which makes extensive use ov VI Server. I´m going to give a short explanation of it before going ahead.
    This application is supposed to run, simultaneously, on three different PCs, namely, ESTACAO_A, ESTACAO_B and ESTACAO_C, which share an Ethernet network. One feature of it is that it has a master / client architecture which means that, when one of the named PCs is the master, the others are the slaves. Anytime the user operating a slave PC can require command from that operating the master PC and, if this user acquiesces it, it becomes the new master.
    This application communicates with an PLC using LabVIEW DSC and the master / client architecture was necessary because the application must run on three diferent computers, as said before, and each one of the slaves must monitor the state of the process under surveillance. That´s when VI Server gets in ! I found it was easier to implement this architecture using it than if I decided to use the TCP/IP VIs. The problem is that when I run the application on the PCs ESTACAO_A and ESTACAO_B only, ESTACAO_A and ESTACAO_C only and on the PCs ESTACAO_B and ESTACAO_C it works quite well but, when it is executed on the three PCs, and the user of ESTACAO_B requires to become the master, sometimes the application will crash on ESTACAO_B, and that will make the application crash on the other two PCs, since they won´t be able to communicate with the PC which was supposed to become the new master, in this case, ESTACAO_B. For the sake of information I tell you that when I ping the other machines on ESTACAO_B it takes a longer time to respond than that taken when I ping the other machines on ESTACAO_A and ESTACAO_C. I´m beginning to think it has something to do with it.
    Any help will be deeply appreciated.

    Thanks for the interest in helping me solve my problem, Philip !
    Sorry for the delay but here is the library file containing the VIs used to implement the MASTER / SLAVE architecture I've talked about. Also, I decided that it would be a great help if I provided you with the additional information :
    Below follows a short explanation of the most important VIs found on the attached .llb file. : it´s the main VI and implements a state machine architecture to handle the required features of the application.
    The state machine is composed of the following states :
    "Tenta ser MESTRE" : the PC in question tries to become the MASTER station.
    "Envia comandos para o PLC" : in this state the application sends and receives data from the PLC and, when necessary, exhibits a window when another station has required to become the new MASTER, asking for the acquiescence of the user currently operating the actual MASTER station.
    "Leitura de dados do MESTRE" : here the station first tries to identify which one of the stations - that is, ESTACAO_A, ESTACAO_B, ESTACAO_C and ESTACAO_D - is the actual MASTER. In case that there´s a MASTER, it´ll read data from the MASTER station through some VI Server subVIs I´ve created. Also, it´ll send a cluster consisting of a string specifying the current station address and a boolean value indicating that it has required command of the system.
    "Fim da supervisão" : This is the last state before the aplication ends. : Sends a command to a switch connected to a serial port of the current station to swith to the port connected to it. : Initializes the Tag Engine, so that the Lookout driver can be loade to allow data exchange with the PLC. : Disables or enables the controls of the front panel, depending of the state of execution of the station in question, that is, SLAVE or MASTER. : This subVI sends a command to run another VI or to change the value of a boolean control named FIM to true, both commands are sent through VI Server. and : The first one creates a message telling which one of the currently SLAVE stations want to be the new MASTER and the last one shows it on the screen. : Identifies which station is the actual MASTER; if there´s a MASTER, it´s output will be a string composed of its address, if not it´s output will be a NIL string. : Through the VI Server, this VI reads the values of controls and indicators of the MASTER station and assigns them to their correspondents on the SLAVE station by means of controls and indicators references. : Sends a data cluster consisting of a string specifying which station required command of the system and a boolean value of true to the specified station.

  • Report Server sudden crash

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    REP-51002: Bind to Reports Server rep_webkiss_frhome1 failed
    I try to use the rwdiag -findall function and it could not find anyserver.

    i got the following from the rwserver.log file which is keep under the reports\logs\ folder
    may be you can help.....
    *** 2009/5/27 7:14:4:734 -- Reading server config file C:\oracle\FRHome_1\reports\conf\rep_webkiss_frhome1.conf
    *** 2009/5/27 7:14:4:734 -- <server version="">
    <!--Please do not change the id for reports engine.-->
    <!--The class specifies below is subclass of _EngineClassImplBase and implements EngineInterface.-->
    <cache class="oracle.reports.cache.RWCache">
    <property name="cacheSize" value="50"/>
    <!--property name="cacheDir" value="your cache directory"-->
    <!--property name="maxCacheFileNumber" value="max number of cache files"-->
    <!--property name="ignoreParameters" value="parameter names to be ignored in constructing cache key, separated by comma ','"-->
    <engine id="rwEng" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="90000">
    <!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/-->
    <!--property name="tempDir" value="your reports temp directory"/-->
    <!--property name="keepConnection" value="yes"/-->
    <engine id="rwURLEng" class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="90000"/>
    <!--security id="rwSec" class="oracle.reports.server.RWSecurity">
    <property name="securityUserid" value="%PORTAL_DB_USERNAME%/%PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD%@%PORTAL_DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
    <property name="oidEntity" value="%REPORTS_OID_ENTITY%"/>
    <!--destination destype="oraclePortal" class="oracle.reports.server.DesOraclePortal">
    <property name="portalUserid" value="%PORTAL_DB_USERNAME%/%PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD%@%PORTAL_DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
    <destination destype="ftp" class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.ftp.DesFTP">
    <!--property name="proxy" value="proxyinfo.xml"/-->
    <destination destype="WebDav" class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.webdav.DesWebDAV">
    <!--property name="proxy" value="proxyinfo.xml"/-->
    <!-- By default server will use rwnetwork.conf as network config file
    Use this element to override the same -->
    <!--networkConfig file="rwnetwork.conf"></networkConfig-->
    <job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng"/>
    <job jobType="rwurl" engineId="rwURLEng"/>
    <notification id="mailNotify" class="oracle.reports.server.MailNotify">
    <property name="succnotefile" value="succnote.txt"/>
    <property name="failnotefile" value="failnote.txt"/>
    <!--notification id="wfNotify" class="oracle.reports.server.WorkflowNotify">
    <property name="connStr" value="%WF_DB_USERNAME%/%WF_DB_PASSWORD%@%WF_DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
    <log option="noJob"/>
    <!--jobStatusRepository class="oracle.reports.server.JobRepositoryDB">
    <property name="repositoryConn" value="repo_db_username/repo_db_password@repo_db_tnsname" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
    <!--trace traceOpts="trace_all"/-->
    <connection maxConnect="200" idleTimeOut="15">
    <orbClient id="RWClient" publicKeyFile="clientpub.key"/>
    <queue maxQueueSize="1000"/>
    <!--jobRecovery auxDatFiles="yes"/-->
    The value of the 'identifier' element is encrypted and is of the form SERVERACCESSKEY_USER/SERVERACCESSKEY_PASSWORD
    SERVERACCESSKEY_USER and SERVERACCESSKEY_PASSWORD in <server>.conf and targets.xml
    file should match for Reports EM pages to display data correctly.
    Corresponding entries of username and password in targets.xml:
    <pluginParam name="mailServer"></pluginParam>
    <!--pluginParam name="proxy" type="file">proxyinfo.xml</pluginParam-->
    <pluginParam name="xmlpds" type="file">xmlpds.conf</pluginParam>
    <pluginParam name="jdbcpds" type="file">jdbcpds.conf</pluginParam>
    <pluginParam name="textpds" type="file">textpds.conf</pluginParam>
    *** 2009/5/27 7:14:4:734 -- Reports Server is starting up
    *** 2009/5/27 7:14:8:609 -- Reports Server started up engine rwURLEng-0
    *** 2009/5/27 7:14:12:359 -- Reports Server started up engine rwEng-0
    *** 2009/5/27 7:44:9:375 -- Shutting down engine rwURLEng-0
    *** 2009/5/27 7:44:9:375 -- Reports Server shut down engine rwURLEng-0
    *** 2009/5/27 7:44:12:375 -- Shutting down engine rwEng-0
    *** 2009/5/27 7:44:12:375 -- Reports Server shut down engine rwEng-0

  • Add a App Server after it crashed back to farm

    Just want to check on the following:
    Farm: SQL Cluster, 2 x WFE and 1 x App server that crashed.
    To get a App server up again i can just install a new server and when i run the wizard point to existing DB.
    How do i start Central admin on the server or will that automatically be running on the new server?

    When you run the Config Wizard, after you point it to the existing Config Db, you can select whether the server is going to host CA. Then after that, you can just start the selected services to run on the new App server.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Using KAL to monitor app server behind CSS

    We have had issues in the past where the app server has crashed and the CSS would keep sending connections to the front end webserver.
    I am trying to find a way to monitor/keepalive based on the availability of an app server. The webserver is acting as a database app server front end.
    I would like to be able to use the CSS to send a fixed set of (form style or XML) input to the ASP webserver so that it will return an expected output (from the app server) that can be hashed. The GET hash comparison will tell the CSS that the app server is correctly responding to the input.
    Any one have any experience with things like this?

    Thanks Steve,
    I created a script that I think will do what I want, but I am not really clear on a couple of points.
    I could not find anything to expand on the syntax for the socket send command. I noticed that some scripts that were posted used what seems like a directive to use the GET method but did not include any input.
    socket send ${SOCKET} "GET ${webpage} http1.0\n\n"
    It seems there may be some undocumented arguments to the socket commands. How do I find them?
    I need to send an XML query as if it came from a form so the webserver will return the webpage I expect it to. The script I have so far is;
    ! Filename: ap-kal-dbstat
    ! Parameters: None - must be coded in script
    ! Description:
    ! This script will attempt to connect to a web server
    ! front end to a database host and
    ! "GET" an html page with dynamic content. The "sendstring"
    ! is some XML query which should return an expected output.
    ! The script checks the contents of the page for the returnstring.
    ! If found, the script passes.
    ! Failure Upon:
    ! 1. The correct arguments are not supplied.
    ! 2. The CSS is unable to connect to the host.
    ! 3. The string is not found in the return page.
    no echo
    if ${ARGS}[#] "LT" "5"
    echo "Usage: ap-kal-dbstat \'Hostname Port Page Sendstring Returnstring\'"
    echo "Example: ap-kal-dbstat \' 80 webpage.asp XML=string form-element\'"
    exit script 1
    set host "${ARGS}[1]"
    set port "${ARGS}[2]"
    set page "${ARGS}[3]"
    set sendstring "${ARGS}[4]"
    set returnstring "${ARGS}[5]"
    set EXIT_MSG "Host ${host} not responding on TCP port ${port}."
    socket connect host ${host} port ${port} tcp session
    set EXIT_MSG "Socket string: String sent."
    socket send ${SOCKET} "GET ${webpage} ${sendstring}"
    set EXIT_MSG "Socket->Waitfor returnstring not found or timed out waiting."
    socket waitfor ${SOCKET} "${returnstring}" 500
    set EXIT_MSG "Socket: disconnected"
    socket disconnect ${SOCKET}
    echo "String ${returnstring} was found."
    no set EXIT_MSG
    exit script 0
    Does this look like it will achieve my objective?

  • Installing Office Web Apps Server 2013 fails with app-crash during install.

    Hi Folks,
    I am trying to install Office Web Apps Server 2013 with SP1 on Server 2012 R2.  The installation gets half way through then crashes (it just says a problem has occurred).
    The Event log only contains the message:-
     MsiExec.exe version .5.09....
    Faulting module name: Kernelbase.dll
    Exception Code 0x306d7363, Faulting process id: 0x774.
    Does anyone know how to install this product on Server 2012 R2?

    I’m afraid that this case is off-topic in this forum, About installation of Office Web Apps Server 2013, I suggest you posting your case to
    SharePoint 2013 - Setup, Upgrade, Administration and Operations .
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • JDK1.5.0_12 crash when I try to startup a tomcat app server with it.

    I am support a Blackboard application running on a PrimePower box.
    Recently I installed JDK1.5.0_12 on the box. When I re-configured Blackboard to use the new JDK and tried to restart the server, the tomcat portion will keep getting the JVM Hotspot crash error as illustrated below.
    The startup is invoked from a shell script that starts the web server as well as the tomcat (app) server. As long as the root partition has enough diskspace, the script will try to "start" the tomcat server.
    The JVM will keep throwing core dumps and issuing messages like the following, with each core dump taking about 100 to 150MB in space from the root partition.
    Only when there isn't enough space in the root partition for another core dump, did I notice that it stopped.
    My sys admin has since cleaned up the dump files and I have reverted back to the earlier minor release of JDK1.5.0.
    I have used ldd -r and the command could return me the list of libraries that the depends on (not a problem with the loading of the dynamic libraries and such).
    I have submitted the JVM crash report. But no one has gotten back to me.
    Has anyone encountered the same problems / have any suggestions on what could be cause and how to resolved this?
    Hon Peng.
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xfea84b00, pid=13715, tid=1
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.5.0_12-b04 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V []
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x00036e20): JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm, id=1]
    siginfo:si_signo=11, si_errno=0, si_code=1, si_addr=0x57726974
    O0=0x00000000 O1=0x00000000 O2=0x0000015c O3=0x00000000
    O4=0x0000015c O5=0x0000015c O6=0xffbfe6f8 O7=0x0000015c
    G1=0x00000000 G2=0x0000015c G3=0x0000015c G4=0x00000000
    G5=0x00000000 G6=0x00000000 G7=0xff350000 Y=0x00000000
    PC=0xfea84b00 nPC=0xfea84b04
    Top of Stack: (sp=0xffbfe6f8)
    0xffbfe6f8: 000373fc 57726974 000adfb0 ff028d48
    0xffbfe708: 00032778 fefdc000 001b3990 b4805210
    0xffbfe718: ffbfe84c 00000000 00000000 ff010c40
    0xffbfe728: 00009c00 80000000 ffbfe7e8 fea84674
    0xffbfe738: 00000000 e3908660 ffbfe7c0 f900587c
    0xffbfe748: b4a64018 007f9a80 ffbfe7b4 b4a5e2c5
    0xffbfe758: ffbfe7b8 ffbfe8e0 f9015b04 00000000
    0xffbfe768: 00000000 f900576c b4a64018 007f9a80
    Instructions: (pc=0xfea84b00)
    0xfea84af0: 80 a5 a0 00 04 40 00 15 b4 10 20 00 e2 04 a0 08
    0xfea84b00: d4 04 60 00 d2 04 60 04 8b 2a b0 20 88 12 40 05
    Stack: [0xffb80000,0xffc00000), sp=0xffbfe6f8, free space=505k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V []
    V []
    j java.lang.Object.notify()V+0
    j blackboard.util.Queue.put(Ljava/lang/Object;)V+19
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.QueuedLogger.doLogMessage(Ljava/lang/String;)V+77
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.BaseLogger.log(Ljava/lang/String;Lblackboard/platform/log/LogService$Verbosity;)V+10
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.BaseLogger.logInfo(Ljava/lang/String;)V+5
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.BbLogServiceImpl.logInfo(Ljava/lang/String;)V+5
    j blackboard.platform.BbServiceManager.init(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/util/Properties;Z)V+249
    j blackboard.platform.BbServiceManager.init(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Properties;Z)V+44
    j blackboard.platform.ApplicationLauncher.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+479
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    V []
    V []
    C [java+0x222c] main+0x1164
    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    j java.lang.Object.notify()V+0
    j blackboard.util.Queue.put(Ljava/lang/Object;)V+19
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.QueuedLogger.doLogMessage(Ljava/lang/String;)V+77
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.BaseLogger.log(Ljava/lang/String;Lblackboard/platform/log/LogService$Verbosity;)V+10
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.BaseLogger.logInfo(Ljava/lang/String;)V+5
    j blackboard.platform.log.impl.BbLogServiceImpl.logInfo(Ljava/lang/String;)V+5
    j blackboard.platform.BbServiceManager.init(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/util/Properties;Z)V+249
    j blackboard.platform.BbServiceManager.init(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Properties;Z)V+44
    j blackboard.platform.ApplicationLauncher.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+479
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    0x0037fbe8 JavaThread "FileLogSinkImpl Daemon" [_thread_blocked, id=15]
    0x0015ddc0 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=13]
    0x0015c4e8 JavaThread "CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12]
    0x0015b670 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=11]
    0x0015a7f8 JavaThread "AdapterThread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=10]
    0x001599e8 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=9]
    0x0014d768 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=8]
    0x0014d228 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=7]
    =>0x00036e20 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm, id=1]
    Other Threads:
    0x0014ab40 VMThread [id=6]
    0x000aff90 WatcherThread [id=14]
    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: ([mutex/lock_event])
    [0x00032778/0x00035dd0] SignatureHandlerLibrary_lock - owner thread: 0x00036e20
    PSYoungGen total 39424K, used 5458K [0xe3400000, 0xe6000000, 0xf8c00000)
    eden space 33792K, 16% used [0xe3400000,0xe3954b40,0xe5500000)
    from space 5632K, 0% used [0xe5a80000,0xe5a80000,0xe6000000)
    to space 5632K, 0% used [0xe5500000,0xe5500000,0xe5a80000)
    PSOldGen total 90112K, used 0K [0xb8800000, 0xbe000000, 0xe3400000)
    object space 90112K, 0% used [0xb8800000,0xb8800000,0xbe000000)
    PSPermGen total 16384K, used 4896K [0xb4800000, 0xb5800000, 0xb8800000)
    object space 16384K, 29% used [0xb4800000,0xb4cc83e8,0xb5800000)
    Dynamic libraries:
    0x00010000      /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_12/bin/java
    0xff370000      /usr/lib/
    0xff3fa000      /usr/lib/
    0xff280000      /usr/lib/
    0xff3a0000      /usr/platform/FJSV,GPUS/lib/
    0xfe800000      /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_12/jre/lib/sparc/server/
    0xff240000      /usr/lib/
    0xff220000      /usr/lib/
    0xff1f0000      /usr/lib/
    0xff1a0000      /usr/lib/
    0xff080000      /usr/lib/
    0xff170000      /usr/lib/
    0xfe7e0000      /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_12/jre/lib/sparc/native_threads/
    0xfe7b0000      /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_12/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xfe770000      /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_12/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xfe740000      /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_12/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xf8cd0000      /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_12/jre/lib/sparc/
    0xb3580000      /usr/lib/
    0xf8c50000      /usr/lib/
    0xb3400000      /usr/lib/
    0xb47a0000      /opt/FJSVsmee/lib/
    0xf8f90000      /opt/FJSVsmee/lib/
    0xf8c30000      /opt/FJSVsmee/lib/
    VM Arguments:
    java_command: blackboard.platform.ApplicationLauncher -S ../config/update-tool-vm/ -A blackboard.apis.updatetools.CommandLineToolInvokerApp blackboard.apis.updatetools.tooldefs.install.ServiceControllerTool services.stop
    Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
    Environment Variables:
    Signal Handlers:
    SIGSEGV: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x00000004
    SIGBUS: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x00000004
    SIGFPE: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x0000000c
    SIGPIPE: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x0000000c
    SIGILL: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x0000000c
    SIGUSR1: [], sa_mask[0]=0x00000000, sa_flags=0x00000008
    SIGUSR2: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x0000000c
    SIGHUP: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x00000004
    SIGINT: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x00000004
    SIGQUIT: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x00000004
    SIGTERM: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7fbffeff, sa_flags=0x00000004
    --------------- S Y S T E M ---------------
    OS: Solaris 9 4/04 s9s_u6wos_08a SPARC
    Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Assembled 22 March 2004
    uname:SunOS 5.9 Generic_118558-33 sun4us (T2 libthread)
    rlimit: STACK 8192k, CORE infinity, NOFILE 5120, AS infinity
    load average:0.05 0.12 0.16
    CPU:total 4 has_v8, has_v9, has_vis1, has_vis2, is_ultra3
    Memory: 8k page, physical 8388608k(6679936k free)
    vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.5.0_12-b04) for solaris-sparc, built on May 2 2007 02:33:21 by unknown with unknown Workshop:0x550

    Thanks for the reply. I have tried this on another machine running the same version of Blackboard. It works fine.
    Only difference is that the machine that has the JVM crash is running on Fujitsu PrimePower and the OS is Solaris 9 (but twigged for PrimePower).
    The one where it runs and starts up successfully is running on SunFire (OS is Solaris 10).
    I am wondering if there is a problem with the JVM loading required libraries because of the OS being different versions.
    Any leads on this is welcomed. Thank you.
    Hon Peng
    On Fujitsu Primepower
    SunOS 5.9 Generic_118558-33 sun4us sparc FJSV,GPUS
    the Dependencies for are as follows:
    bash-2.05$ ldd -r => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/
    On SunFire, Sun machine
    SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-36 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R
    the dependencies are different for the
    bash-2.05$ ldd -r => /lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /lib/ => /usr/lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/ => /lib/
    /platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R/lib/ => /lib/

  • App Server crashes - need help

    We have the problem that our App Server crashes under different conditions. Our application is a Web App with many Session and Entity EJBs. We using Oracle 8.1.6 as DB.
    The following code Fragment causes the Error:
    // Parameter colProjects is an Collection of Strings with primary keys
    public java.util.Collection getResult(java.util.Collection colProjects) {
    java.util.Vector result = new Vector();
    LocalProjectHome home; // Home Interface of an Entity Bean
    ServiceLocator sl = new ServiceLocator(); // Service Locator Pattern; not implemented as Singleton, no Caching!
    home = (LocalProjectHome)sl.getLocalHome(JNDIName.Bean.Project);
    // and iterate through the result project-id's
    LocalProject p;
    java.util.Iterator itProjects = colProjects.iterator();
    while( itProjects.hasNext()){
    p = home.findByPrimaryKey( (String) );
              // Read Information from p and write it to vektor result
    catch(Exception e){
              // Error Logging Functions here
    return result;
    This funktion works fine until the number of entity beans exceeds a size over 400. if we reach a higher number of beans the Server crashes without any exception most of the time. Sometimes we got an Exeption like "OraclePrepareStmt - class not found Exception".
    This Crash occurs only when we start the App Server Instance in Release Mode. When we start int in debug mode it works fine. We can reproduce this behavior on Solaris and Windows Versions of the App Server.
    Any ideas where we can look to solve this problem? Or if you need more information about our configuration, plz post here.

    Hi again,
    If you're using the function GUI_DOWNLOAD because its on the presentation layer, then use the function as follows to create it tab delimited. Notice the bold parameter
                  filename                = file
                  has_field_separator     = 'X'  "file is TAB delimited
                  data_tab                = itab_result
                  file_open_error         = 1
                  file_read_error         = 2
                  no_batch                = 3
                  gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
                  invalid_type            = 5
                  no_authority            = 6
                  unknown_error           = 7
                  bad_data_format         = 8
                  header_not_allowed      = 9
                  separator_not_allowed   = 10
                  header_too_long         = 11
                  unknown_dp_error        = 12
                  access_denied           = 13
                  dp_out_of_memory        = 14
                  disk_full               = 15
                  dp_timeout              = 16
                  OTHERS                  = 17.
    Hope it helps.
    Gilberto Li

  • Can a include file exception crash an app server?

              Can somebody please help me with the answer to this question?
              Question is: I have an include file in a jsp page. But this include
              file is not present on the server and hence it is giving an
              exception.This exception is being caught and a message is thrown on
              the console.Now, will this exception 'crash' my app server anytime?
              Also will the exception be thrown everytime a user tries to access the
              jsp page? Please help.

              "Shirin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]..
              > Hi,
              > Can somebody please help me with the answer to this question?
              > Question is: I have an include file in a jsp page. But this include
              > file is not present on the server and hence it is giving an
              > exception.This exception is being caught and a message is thrown on
              > the console.Now, will this exception 'crash' my app server anytime?
              No. It shouldn't crash the app server.
              > Also will the exception be thrown everytime a user tries to access the
              > jsp page? Please help.
              Yes, until the file that is included exists or until the page handles the

  • ORA-12514 on R12 EBS Apps server when 1 DB RAC node crashed/down

    Just now Production RAC DB on windows 2008 server Node1 crashed. While on Node 2 all services are up and running including database. But from EBS R12.1.2 application server when connecting as username/password from sql*plus is throwing ORA-12514 error.
    While It is connecting if I give username/password@TNSNAME but not without @TNSNAME. Due to this none of the application services are starting.
    Please help/advise. Thank you.
    Following is the tnsnames.ora,
    # This file is automatically generated by AutoConfig.  It will be read and
    # overwritten.  If you were instructed to edit this file, or if you are not
    # able to use the settings created by AutoConfig, refer to Metalink Note
    # 387859.1 for assistance.
    #$Header: 120.19.12010000.6 2010/03/09 08:11:36 jmajumde ship $

    A database/OS crash shouldn't have such impact on your configuration. Please review the following docs and verify your setup.
    Using Oracle 11g Release 2 Real Application Clusters with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 823587.1)
    Configuring and Managing E-Business Application Tier for RAC (Doc ID 1311528.1)

  • Once ias app server is restarted, i can't able to view pages suddenly.....

    Once my ias app server is restarted, i can't able to view pages suddenly (it shows ias is not started)... and it is getting launch after 30 secs...
    I doesn't know why this is happening...
    Please let me know the probs very soon.
    System Configurations :
    OS : Solaris 5.8
    iWs : iPlanet web server 6.0
    ias : iPlanet Apps Server 6.5 SP1
    Backend : Oracle 8
    This is my kjs log file data.....
    Starting Java Engine
    Engine running on Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.3.1_02-b02 JVM supplied by Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Connected to LDAP server on port 389
    Initializing LDAP cache from server port 389
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:41:4] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CM_OutStandingNewMemProUpdate,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:41:6] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQEconomicStatus_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:41:7] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SC_HQ_ParentCommMaster_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:41:7] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SC_HQ_SSC_Dfn_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:42:1] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CA_HQAct_ComTitle_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:42:2] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQGST_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:42:4] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQGLAccount_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:42:6] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQHirEducation_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:42:7] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQLang_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:42:8] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQOccupationalCat_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:42:9] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQPaymentMode_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:43:0] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQRace_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:43:3] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CA_Registration_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:45:4] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CM_ActivityGrpSubCommMemMaint,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:45:8] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CM_MassRegistration,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:45:9] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CM_MemParticulars,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:46:2] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CM_OutStandingNewMemProUpdate,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:53:8] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=KM_MembershipService,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:54:3] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SG_HQNationality_esb,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:54:4] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SM_MassRegistration,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:54:5] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SM_OutStandingMemUpdate,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:36:54:5] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=SM_SSCMemCardReprint,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:01:3] warning: GDS-020: value block is larger than 512
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:3] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CM_CCMemCardReprint,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:5] error: GDS-025: could not find key ''cn=CM_CCMemCardReprint,cn=EJB-Components,cn=6.5,cn=Application Server,cn=iPlanet,cn=SOFTWARE,cn=global,cn=iasconfig,cn=iAScluster,o=NetscapeRoot'' in hashtable
    LDAP cache initialization completed successfully.
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: LCYCMGR-003: transitioning to system state STARTED, timeout is 0
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: LCYCMGR-002: registered component of type ReqMgr
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: LCYCMGR-002: registered component of type ReqMgr
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: LCYCMGR-002: registered component of type ReqMgr
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:7] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: LCYCMGR-002: registered component of type NSAPICli
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:8] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:9] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:9] info: PROT-006: new connection established
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:9] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:9] info: LCYCMGR-002: registered component of type Dsync2
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:9] info: PROT-007: new acceptor spawned
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:02:9] info: PROT-006: new connection established
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:03:3] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:03:3] info: PROT-004: protocol data added
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:03:3] info: PROT-006: new connection established
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:04:9] info: PROT-006: new connection established
    priority not set in the registry for driver 16
    priority not set in the registry for driver 32
    priority not set in the registry for driver 128
    priority not set in the registry for driver 256
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:06:0] info: EXTMGR-006: GXExtensionManager: Extension service ExtensionData successfully loaded
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:06:2] info: EXTMGR-006: GXExtensionManager: Extension service JavaExtData successfully loaded
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:06:2] info: EXTMGR-006: GXExtensionManager: Extension service LockManager successfully loaded
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:06:5] info: EXTMGR-006: GXExtensionManager: Extension service RLOPManager successfully loaded
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: HTTPLOG-006: HTTP logging disabled...
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:0] info: REQ-012: thread add
    [06/Oct/2004 06:37:07:2] info: ENGINE-ready: ready: 10820
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ganesh Kumar T.M.P.

    Can you please check the following :
    - Is you EJB and EJB-Jar file name the same. If so, please change it and you would not see the exceptions of GDS025 which may resolve your issue.

  • SJES 2005Q1 WinXP: App Server crash

    After about 13 downloads trying to find a package with an installer that actually works, I've managed to install the app server on my Windows XP system. After about 15 minutes of walking around the admin interface, JVM crashed with this error:
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x77c46155, pid=796, tid=3924
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_04-b05 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C [MSVCRT.dll+0x36155]
    # An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid796.log
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP3 B10/01/2004 02:05
    I've looked everywhere, including, and haven't been able to find release notes for the Windows release, so I don't know which version of the JVM this product has been tested against.
    Any ideas?

    After spending more time looking through the forum, I came across the below thread which has worked in my case (though it was suggested for Sol10x86).
    This is the workaround that worked in my case.
    > $ cd <Creator_Home>/SunAppServer8/lib
    $ mv processLauncher.xml processLauncher.xml.trayIcon
    $ cp processLauncher.xml.bak processLauncher.xml
    # If you have a domains/creator/config/domain.xml
    $ cd ../bin
    $ ./asadmin start-domain creator
    This started the app server. After that I was able to start and stop app server within the JSC as well.
    Only difference between these two xml files seem to be,
    <main_class classname="com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain"/>
    <main_class classname="com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain"/>
    Possibly pointing to a bug in the "com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain" class.
    Thanks for your suggestions guys... and especially to Marco and Greg.
    Message was edited by:

  • IPhoto suddenly crashing after it's open for 3 seconds.Its saying Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[ __NSCFDictionary 0x18d70d10 valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key

    Iphoto is suddenly crashing after about 3 seconds on my MacBook Pro. - Here is problem report
    Crashed Thread: 46  Import thread 0
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<__NSCFDictionary 0x18d70d10> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key .'
    Why? all of a sudden??

    Wow, that' s awesome, I encountered the same problem with ya today when trying implement Pickers in Tabbar, and can't figure out why, the debugger just throw back such vague message and guess what ? I spent like 3 hours banging my head against the wall wonder why it's not working, I using XCode 2.2.1, my debugger wont work ( program won't stop at break points for what ever I tried ), and not very friendly with those newbie like me - really don't know where are all the Apple's software developer 1337 ? As I remembered, all the good ones goes for the hardware, "the rest" goes for the software =)), but thanks again, thanks, and again, click the tab bar, set both the class and nib file would get rid of the errors, if it would help some one, the credit goes to the two above, say thanks to them, like me. Have a nice day guys, I 'ma happy .

  • HT1688 Random Apps Suddenly Crashing - iPhone 5s 32GB - ios7

    I recently got the iPhone 5s - 32GB.  I got it last Friday (9/27) and it has been working great until this morning. Random apps are now crashing upon opening. I have tried forcing them to close (after double clicking the home button) and reinstalling them. Nothing seems to work.   Examples of apps include FB, caringbridge, Groupon, Poshmark, local news apps, etc. 

    Try This...
    Close All Open Apps... Sign Out of your Account... Perform a Reset... Try again...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... ( But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons..

  • App Server Fails to Start after Installation

    I've spent a whole day struggling with this, looking through forum discussions and trying out every single suggestion I've come across in the forums. I'm running out of ideas now and really appreciate any help I can get with this problem.
    I'm trying to install SJSC2 (also tried with SJSC2u1 with the same outcome) on a new HP notebook (nw9440) running WinXP_sp2. I'm using the default installation done by HP.
    My installation path is C:\Java\SunCreator2 (C:\Java\SunCreator2_1 for update 1).
    After the installation the App server fails to start up and gives the below error in the server.log.
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d779c9d, pid=5368, tid=5760
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V [jvm.dll+0x99c9d]
    # An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid5368.log
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    Upon looking at the install.log in the rave_home directory, I noticed the below sequence of errors.
    Timeout waiting for domain creator to go to starting state.
    Compiler warnings:
    line 44: Attribute 'debug-options' outside of element.
    line 62: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 73: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 84: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 105: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 116: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 127: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 145: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 156: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    CLI156 Could not start the domain creator.
    The following script has unexpected output: "C:\Creator2\bin\deploy-ws.bat"
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:33 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:35 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:37 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    The following script has unexpected output: "C:\Creator2\bin\deploy-ejbs.bat"
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-connection-pool failed.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-resource failed.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-connection-pool failed.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-resource failed.
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:52 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:53 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:55 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:57 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    I've tried every workaround I've seen in the forums such as installing under different paths (both with spaces and without spaces), cleaning all the temporary files in the Temp directory, renaming the productregistry in the windows system directory. Each time I get the exact same error in the install.log.
    I also tried installing the stand alone SUN App Server 8.1_02_2005Q2 as well as 8.2. I don't seem to have any issue with this installation or running of the stand alone server at all on the same machine.
    Really appreciate any help I can get. TIA....

    After spending more time looking through the forum, I came across the below thread which has worked in my case (though it was suggested for Sol10x86).
    This is the workaround that worked in my case.
    > $ cd <Creator_Home>/SunAppServer8/lib
    $ mv processLauncher.xml processLauncher.xml.trayIcon
    $ cp processLauncher.xml.bak processLauncher.xml
    # If you have a domains/creator/config/domain.xml
    $ cd ../bin
    $ ./asadmin start-domain creator
    This started the app server. After that I was able to start and stop app server within the JSC as well.
    Only difference between these two xml files seem to be,
    <main_class classname="com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain"/>
    <main_class classname="com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain"/>
    Possibly pointing to a bug in the "com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain" class.
    Thanks for your suggestions guys... and especially to Marco and Greg.
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