App Store Download issue

I've bought an app from app store and it already charged me but it want Download or install on my mac, and the same problem happened to me when i tried to update some third party apps too and the message keeps to appear "failed to download" use the purchases page to try again , and a message syes An error has accurred !!!

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    What happens when you try?
    BTW, this is the iPod touch forum.

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    Brand new iMac, running Mavericks. In the App Store, clicked "Purchases." Started to download (via Wifi) what's needed. One or two of the smaller apps downloaded fine, but the larger ones (e.g. GarageBand, Keynote, and Final Cut Pro) kept "recyling," by which I mean, they would get a quarter or a third of the way done, then go right back to zero. AppleCare seemed to help by saying "It's really just downloading the larger applications in packets, so it's probably just going back to get the next packet and, when it does, it goes back to zero."). After doing a few things they suggested, it seemed to work a bit better, but that was not, in fact, the case.
    This  morning, our Administrator (it's a corporate machine) went around our security by connecting my hard-wired to ethernet. The next larger app or two downloaded fine, but when I got to Final Cut, the same problem, again. Thinking the download may be recycling (going back to zero) on (or just before) lock screen, I disabled the lock screen password protection. Final Cut Pro is now about to finally finish downloading, all at once. There were no "recycling to get packets" or any other interruption of the process.
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    Also, FYI, bluetooth is off.

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    Hold the home button and lock button for 10 seconds to reboot the iPhone.

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    It's not an ID problem, it's an ownership problem.
    When someone uses their personal Apple ID to buy and download content, the content is licensed to them and has their Apple ID engrained in it's DNA. It is an anti-piracy program. And when that personal Apple ID is used to setup a new Mac, it involves the Mac itself, the shipping OS and any pre-installed apps as well.
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    Contact Support

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    Try this.
    IOS Restore Steps
    Before restoring:
    Verify that you are using the latest version of iTunes.
    Back up your device.
    Transfer and sync content to your computer.
    Restoring your iOS device
    Connect your device to your computer.
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    Click Restore.
    After a restore, the iOS device restarts. You should then see "Slide to set up". Follow the steps in the iOS Setup Assistant.
    If needed, restore your device from a previous backup.

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    -Ashok Athukuri

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    Any idea how to save this file to a flash drive?
    I'm running Mavericks

    There is no digital rights management scheme used in the Mac App Store aside from the fact that all apps/games are coded with the user's Apple ID and the Mac on which one wishes to use an app/game must be authorized to use that Apple ID's content.
    The only difference in this case is that my thumb drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled) because it is my bootable USB installer for Mavericks. But as you can see it works fine.

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    Is that correct?
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    Can a similar technique be used with App Store downloads . . . . . . . . or is that something I shouldn't be asking?

    If you need to re download an app follow the instructions here.
    You can download the same app to multiple Macs without extra charge.
    Updates for apps you download from the MAS will be available in the top of the MAS window, not from Software Update. Reason being, they are from third party developers, not Apple.
    Always a good idea to backup any apps you install from the MAS to an external source for easy reinstall in case you need to reformat the drive they are stored on.

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    You just resync your iPhone with iTunes on your laptop.
    If you are logged with the same Apple ID on both devices it should be available to download from your phone:
    Open App Store app > Updates > Purchased

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