Appending namespaces attributes

Hi there,
We have a proxy service (pswsdl) and business service (bswsdl)
I am currently working on transforming xml payload from proxy service (pswsdl) to the xml as compliant with business service (bswsdl).
I grab the payload from the proxy service via Xquery using $body/subject/person and store it in a variable.
I need to pass Person object to the business service (bswsdl) which points to a live web service deployed.
The Person object is the input to Bswsdl web service.
Now Person element contains a deep level of child nodes. Here is how the fetched object looks like
<Person xsi:type="imy:com_sample_app_model_PersonInput" xmlns:imy="" xmlns:xsi="">
<address> 11 Park St</address>
Now when I run the composite I run into an error No Deserializer found to deserialize using encoding style 'null'. [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException] for the Details object. As in the sample payload above the namespace attribute info for the Details object is missing.
Is there a way in OSB11g Xquery functions to provide an instruction to set the namespace to xml elements automatically. Like in the above case the Person object automatically gets the namespace attributes without any configuration from my side. How can I set this for all the containing xml elements
Let me know your thoughts.

THe xsd for Person does have the type defined for Details object. Since we have developed the web services using the bottom-up approach.
I tried manually adding the type in the xml elements like this (Details xsi:type="imy:com_sample_app_model_DetailsInput") but still the same error.
Here is what I tried to do. I have a business service(testBS) based out of live webservice (wsdl). I have a proxy service(testPS) defined using the same wsdl but in the body of the proxy service we delegate the call to testBS. This scenario works perfectly fine.
Now I have combined two wsdl's (one of them being the same as used for TestBS) and created a proxy service based out of this comined wsdl.
In the body of the proxy service we make a call to the testBS passing it the only the xml node expected by its operation but this fails though the xml node contains the right xsd type. The top root element gets passed correctly as mentioned in my initial post (the Person node) but its the inner node that fails.
<con:fault xmlns:con="">
OSB Service Callout action received SOAP Fault response
<con1:ReceivedFaultDetail xmlns:con1="">
No Deserializer found to deserialize a ':Details' using encoding style 'null'. [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]
Let me know your thoughts.

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    Use <xsl:element> to create a node in the output and specify the namespace.
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    You can use SPServices to get the version values of the note field:
    Qiao Wei
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    --------------- BEGIN ---------------------------
    var XMLType;
    buf clob;
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    l_root: pk:PERSON
    <PERSON xmlns:pk="">
    ------------------- END -----------------------

    Seems to me you're hitting bug 2904964. I have the same problem using these functions.

  • D namespace attributes questions

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    Hi Kirk,
    Any attribute that has a prefix (d:, th:, ai:, etc) is completely ignored by the compiler and is not accessible at runtime. They are called "private attributes".
    They are not directly useful in Builder. Feel free to strip them out.

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    I found the problem. In case anyone is interested, the problem was with the TransformerFactory. I was using a saxon 8 TransformerFactory, which unexpectedly removed the attribute. Using instead works, so I've switched to it.

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    var fileSize = 70;
    tmpFile = File(saveFile+".jpg");
    for(var z =100;z>5;z -=4){
    var chkFile = File(saveFile+".jpg");
    //$.writeln(tmpFile + " qual = " + z + " Size = " +(chkFile.length/1024).toFixed(2) + "k" );
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    if(!tmpFile.exists)  SaveForWeb(tmpFile,5);
    }catch(e){$.writeln(e + " - " + e.line);}
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    var sfwOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
       sfwOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG;
       sfwOptions.includeProfile = false;
       sfwOptions.interlaced = 0;
       sfwOptions.optimized = true;
       sfwOptions.quality = Number(jpegQuality);
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      <element xmlns:mynamespace="" >mynamespace:Stuff2</element>
    </data>I want to come up with an xpath (using Jdom) that selects the and
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    To select a node with a namespace, add a namespace to an XPath:
    org.jdom.Document jdomDocument ;
    XPath xpath =
       XPath.newInstance( "/data/element/xmlns:mynamespace");
      xpath.addNamespace("mynamespace", "");Select a node with a namespace prefix:
    org.jdom.Attribute attr
    = (org.jdom.Attribute)

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    If JDOM is used to parse a node with XPath, node namespace should be added to the XPath.
    XPath xpath=XPath.newInstance("/@myns:val1='true');                
      xpath.addNamespace("myns", "");

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    SQL> drop table configs;
    Table dropped.
    Elapsed: 00:00:03.06
    SQL> create table configs (xml_data sys.xmltype);
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
    SQL> create index configs on configs (xml_data) indextype is ctxsys.context;
    Index created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:02.01
    SQL> insert into configs values(sys.xmltype.createxml('<config
    2 xmlns="">
    3 <dataformat
    4 name="F1" description="format spec" id="14082" version="2"
    5      status="started" deployed="true" lastModifiedBy="bloggsj" lastModifiedDate="2002-05-10T09:44:45">
    6 <F11Format>
    7 <SpecificationFilename>c:/formats/F1.txt</SpecificationFilename>
    8 </F11Format>
    9 </dataformat></config>'
    10 ))
    11 /
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.02
    SQL> insert into configs values(sys.xmltype.createxml('<config>
    2 <dataformat
    3 name="F1" description="format spec" id="14082" version="2"
    4      status="started" deployed="true" lastModifiedBy="bloggsj" lastModifiedDate="2002-05-10T09:44:45">
    5 <F11Format>
    6 <SpecificationFilename>c:/formats/F1.txt</SpecificationFilename>
    7 </F11Format>
    8 </dataformat>
    9 </config>'
    10 ))
    11 /
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    2 ctx_ddl.sync_index('configs');
    3 END;
    4 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
    SQL> SELECT c.xml_data.extract('//dataformat/@id').getstringval(), c.xml_data.getstringval()
    2 FROM configs c
    3 WHERE CONTAINS(c.xml_data, '14082 INPATH (//dataformat/@id)') > 0
    4 /
    name="F1" description="format spec" id="14082" version="2"
    status="started" deployed="true" lastModifiedBy="bloggsj" lastModifiedDa
    name="F1" description="format spec" id="14082" version="2"
    status="started" deployed="true" lastModifiedBy="bloggsj" lastModifiedDa
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03

    Hi Amarnath,
    Thanks for looking into my issue.
    When I started writing the dynamic custom approver group, I did not use FND_NUMBER and it didnt work. After that I checked it in the AME Implementation Guide which says
    "Queries for number and currency attributes must select the number or currency
    amount converted to a varchar2 by:
    So that should not be a problem.
    Please correct me if I am wrong but Now I see two different possibilities :
    1. The seeded variable :transactionId which is being passed to the query is not able to get the value. In other words, the transactionId is not being passed.
    2. I am using wrong Attributes to identify the transaction which is being used in the Condition and that condition is used in a Rule. In this case, I am trying to identify that the Basic Person details are changed and I am using seeded attribute HR_IS_PERSON_BASIC_DETAILS_CHANGE_SS in condition.
    Any feedback?
    Appreciate all replies.

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    select appendxml(metadata, '/document/@newid', 2) from mytable where id = 1; <=== NO SUCH FUNCTION.
    If the attribute already exists, you can call
    select updatexml(metadata, '/document/@oldid', 1) from mytable where id = 1;
    I don't want to have to do string manipulation to "splice in" the new attribute, then typecast it back to an xmltype. That's a lot of work, is error prone and has performance implications.
    Thanks in advance.

    The documentation provides all you need :
    SQL> with sample_data as (
      2    select xmltype('<document/>') metadata
      3    from dual
      4  )
      5  select insertchildxml(metadata, '/document', '@newid', '2')
      6  from sample_data
      7  ;
    <document newid="2"/>

  • "LPX-00601: Invalid token in:" when retrieving namespaced attribute

    I'm trying to retrieve an attribute value from an XML document as follows:
       l_url varchar2(500);
       l_xml xmltype;
       l_xml := xmltype('<WMT_MS_Capabilities version="1.1.1">
                                    <LegendURL width="233" height="141">
                                       <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=""
       select extractvalue(l_xml
         into l_url
         from dual;
    end;This code executes fine in a database but on Oracle I get:
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00601: Invalid token in: '//WMT_MS_Capabilities/Capability/Layer/Layer/Style/LegendURL/OnlineResource@xlink:href'
    ORA-06512: at line 26What am I doing wrong?

    Found the bug. there is a / missing before the @ in the xpath expression. 9R2 does not seem to care about this.
    Correct path=

  • Java Transform XSL not appending namespaces

    Hello !
    I have a string
    and style sheet
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" indent="yes" />
    <xsl:template match="dataroot">
         <STANDARDMESSAGE xmlns="">
         <xsl:apply-templates select="xiMsgHeader"/>     
    <xsl:template match="xiMsgHeader">
              <SEQUENCENUMBER><xsl:value-of select="SequenceNo"/></SEQUENCENUMBER>
              <CORRELATIONID><xsl:value-of select="SequenceName"/></CORRELATIONID>
              <SYSTEM><xsl:value-of select="SystemName"/></SYSTEM>
              <RETRANSMIT><xsl:value-of select="ReTrans"/></RETRANSMIT>
         <STANDARDMESSAGEBODY xmlns="">
              <DT_ACCOUNT_PAYABLE xmlns="">
                   <xsl:apply-templates select="xiMsgDocHeader[1]"/>
    and then I run java tranform provided with jdk1.4.2.10
    now you can see that stylesheet says that for
    <dataroot> create a tag <STANDARDMESSAGE xmlns="!/lst/ap">
    and for
    <xiMsgHeader> create a tag <STANDARDMESSAGEHEADER xmlns="">
    but the result that I get is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <STANDARDMESSAGE xmlns="">
    so my question is that why tranform is writing xmlns vales of child tag of main tag.
    Can anybody suggest me what is going wrong.

    Looks okay to me. I suppose you don't know that the namespace declared on an element also applies to all that element's children.

  • What is the best way to change a namespace in an xml document

    I need to change an xml namespaces. The xml has about 200 elements and every element may have a namespace attribute (namespaces are all the same).
    Is there any better solution then the following function?
    SQL> create or replace function change_namespace(p_xml xmltype, p_namespace varchar2) return xmltype is
      2    l_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
      3    l_nodes dbms_xmldom.DOMNodelist;
      4    l_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
      5  begin
      6    l_doc:=dbms_xmldom.NewDOMDocument(p_xml);
      7    l_nodes:=dbms_xmldom.getElementsByTagName(l_doc,'*');
      8    for i in 0..dbms_xmldom.getlength(l_nodes)-1 loop
      9      l_node:=dbms_xmldom.item(l_nodes,i);
    10      if i=0 then
    11        --set namespace only for the root node
    12        dbms_xmldom.setattribute(dbms_xmldom.makeElement(l_node),'xmlns',p_namespace);
    13      else
    14        --remove all the other namespaces
    15        dbms_xmldom.removeattribute(dbms_xmldom.makeElement(l_node),'xmlns');
    16      end if;
    17    end loop;
    19    return dbms_xmldom.getxmltype(l_doc);
    20  end;
    21  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select change_namespace(xmltype('<a xmlns="aaa"><b xmlns="aaa">4</b><c>44</c></a>'),'newnamespace')
      2  from dual;
    <a xmlns="newnamespace">                                                       
    </a> Ants

    I found a better and almost 10x faster way to remove the namespaces, using xsl.
    here's the original xsl with a little modifications
    SQL> with t as (select xmltype('<a xmlns="aaa"><b xmlns="aaa">4</b><c>44</c></a>') xcol from dual)
      2  select xmltransform(xcol
      3    ,xmltype('<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" >
      4               <xsl:template match="*">
      5                <xsl:element name="{local-name()}" namespace="">
      6                 <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()" />
      7                </xsl:element>
      8               </xsl:template>
      9              </xsl:stylesheet>'))
    10  from t;
    <a><b>4</b><c>44</c></a>+but check Laurents Schneider's blog website+
    I didn't find any posts about namespace on Schneider's blog.

  • Dreamweaver Namespace issue on my web server

    I am hosting my site on I have created a site
    using Dreamweaver CS3 and SQL2005. Everything works great on my
    local machine, but when I upload it to the remote web server, the
    aspx pages do not work. GoDaddy support says it is due to the
    second line in every one of my aspx pages, specifically the
    namespace attribute. From what I've read, this is automatically put
    into every page created by Dreamweaver that contains an asp/
    control. GoDaddy's response is to remove this line from my page and
    everything will work great, which obviously it will not. I really
    would not like to have to rebuild 32 + aspx pages after already
    developing them in Dreamweaver. The actual line they say is causing
    the problem is below:
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="MM" Namespace="DreamweaverCtrls"
    Assembly="DreamweaverCtrls,version=,publicKeyToken=836f606ede05d46a,culture=neutra l"
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get around this

    "carrb69" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Joris,
    > I did have the dll located in a subfolder of the root
    directory. I also
    > put it
    > in the root directory as well after receiving your
    previous response and
    > got
    > the same results. Unfortunately, I would need to go to
    GoDaddy to get the
    > exact
    > error because all I see when I try to access my aspx
    pages is a very
    > generic
    > error. I had to go to GoDaddy previously to figure out
    that it was the
    > Namespace attribute that was causing the issue. I'll try
    this evening to
    > get
    > them to send me the actual error message and post it
    then. Thanks for the
    > quick
    > responses.
    > Brian
    Hi Brian,
    maybe it's your browser that's hiding the error message, if
    using MSIE then
    please disable the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" option
    in Internet
    If that doesn't reveal the error message, try editing the
    web.config that
    dreamweaver generated for you with the following settings,
    (add any missing
    settings, and leave the connectionstrings that dreamweaver
    has setup intact)
    <compilation debug="true"/>
    <customErrors mode="Off"/>
    Debug Compilation should give more insight inrto compilation
    errors, which
    can allso be done at the page level via<% @ Page
    debug=true" %>
    Custom Errors Off will disable any error pages that may be
    shown in case of
    an error, seting it to "emoteOnly" will only thow these page
    to external
    visitors, but since you are not working on the server that
    actually makes
    little sense.
    The trace setting should enable a HTTP Handler that allows
    you to view trace
    information from /trace.axd in the root of your website,
    enabling pageOutput
    will inject the tracing information into every page, which
    can allso be done
    at the page level via <% @ Page trace=true" %>
    There settings do have a performance impact because they are
    enabled for
    every request in the application, once you've got the errors
    out disable
    them at the application level and enable them per-page.
    Hope this helps

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