Apple Events and sound of the video

Hi !
I've got a iMac G5, QuickTime Pro 7 and I don't have any sound when I'm playing the Apple Events videos, that worked before but not anymore ... Have u the same problem with the last Special Events video (about iPod Nano) ??
I need you help ...

No one can help me ?

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    Not controlling things from AppleTV 2
    AppleTV 1 used to be able to output its audio to an Express AppleTV cannot.
    Maybe using Airplay from itunes/idevice.

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    Most YouTube content requires the Flash plugin. Sometimes it's necessary to uninstall then reinstall that plugin.
    Uninstall the Flash plugin then reinstall new >  Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Very important to uninstall the currently installed plugin first.
    Now launch Safari and try a video.
    If you have the ClickToFlash extension installed, that can prevent Flash based video from streaming. It can also be installed as a plugin in /Library/Internet-Plug-Ins.
    And check to see if Safari is running in 32 bit mode. Right or control click the Safari icon in your Applications folder then click Get Info. If the box next to:  Open in 32 bit mode  is selected, deselect, quit then relaunch Safari.
    You may also need to delete the cache associated with Safari .
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy/paste:   ~/Library/Caches/
    Click Go the move the Cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch Safari. Try a video.

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    You may have already checked the settings, but it still sounds like you have system sounds muted.
    If you lose sounds for keyboard clicks, games or other apps, email notifications and other notifications, system sounds may have been muted.
    System sounds can be muted and controlled two different ways. The screen lock rotation can be controlled in the same manner as well.
    Settings>General>Use Side Switch to: Mute System sounds. If this option is selected, the switch on the side of the iPad above the volume rocker will mute system sounds.
    If you choose Lock Screen Rotation, then the switch locks the screen. If the screen is locked, you will see a lock icon in the upper right corner next to the battery indicator gauge.
    If you have the side switch set to lock screen rotation then the system sound control is in the task bar. Double tap the home button and in the task bar at the bottom, swipe all the way to the right. The speaker icon is all the way to the left. Tap on it and system sounds will return.
    If you have the side switch set to mute system sounds, then the screen lock rotation can be accessed via the task bar in the same manner as described above.
    This support article from Apple explains how the side switch works.

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    So you can ping and nslookup from your ms to these agents and vice versa right?  I wouldn't do a manual install, I would push the agent from the management server.  You can uninstall the agent manually, or use cleanmom to get rid of them.  Then
    do an install from the console.  When you initiate the install from the console (management server), should it run into any issues it will dump out an error which will give you an idea of where the problem may be.
    From Holmans post on this:
    e MOM Server could not execute WMI Query "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem" on 
    computer “” 
    Operation: Agent Install 
    Install account: DOMAIN\account 
    Error Code: 800706BA 
    Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
    The MOM Server could not execute WMI Query "(null)” on 
    computer “” 
    Operation: Agent Install 
    Install account: DOMAIN\account 
    Error Code: 800706BA 
    Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
    1.  Ensure agent push account has local admin rights 
    2.  Firewall is blocking NetBIOS access.  If Windows 2008 firewall is enabled, ensure “Remote Administration (RPC)” rule is enabled/allowed.  We need port 135 (RPC) and the DCOM port range opened for console push through a firewall.  
    3.  Inspect WMI service, health, and rebuild repository if necessary 
    4.  Firewall is blocking ICMP  (Live OneCare) 
    5.  DNS incorrect
    Regards, Blake Email: mengotto<at> Blog: If my response was helpful, please mark it as so, if it answered your question, then please also mark it accordingly. Thank you.

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    Thanks for that. Much more constructive than the last comment. It's only the restriction code I can't recall, not the access passcode. So I can currently access the device, just not age restricted content. Does that's make a difference? I also wondered if anyone knew how many attempts you get to try to get it right. Now tried 21 times and so far nothing bad has happened but I am concerned I'll eventually be completely locked out of the device. That doesn't seem in the spirit of things though. Surely it's foreseeable that a child could repeatedly try to guess the code so I can't see that it would be right to lock the device down completely in that circumstance, particularly if the access code is being typed in correctly every time.

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    stevejobsfan is correct; iwork for ios is free only for new purchases of new ios devices. A good work around (if you have wifi connectivity) is going to the icloud website on your ipad, and working on your document.
    A word of caution (the real reason I am responding to your post). If you do a lot of 'formatting' of a document on iwork for mac, and then save it in icloud; you will probably loose most of the formatting you have done (this will be true if you oppen the document in iwork for ios; also) It happened to me, and I did not duplicate the document before saving it to icloud; I lost at least an hours worth of work.

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    Kevin is suggesting that you store the projects you create while working through his book in a folder called RoboHelpProjects. It is not where you have to store every project you ever create.That is for the purposes of his book.
    RoboHelp initially defaults to My RoboHelp Projects but it's up to you whether you do. Generally on the forums we advise against that as  it is part of your profile and can result in excessively long path names in a few cases. Generally where authors create file names that are so long they almost serve as the content.
    Projects always have a root folder, call them Project 1 and Project 2 for this purpose. You can have those folders directly off your C drive (or other local partition) or within in a parent folder as above.
    Now to what you can and cannot do. You can delete a whole project by selecting Project 1 or Project 2 in Windows Explorer. Obviously if you delete the parent folder you will delete all your projects within.
    What you must not do is delete individual files within a project using Windows Explorer, for that you use RoboHelp's Project Manager. The exception is if you go to Tools > Reports there is a report Unused Files. Files listed there will have to be deleted using Windows Explorer for the very good reason they do not appear in Project Manager and, therefore, cannot be deleted that way.
    If you think about it, it is similar to Word. There is no option to delete a document there other than using File > Open and right clicking. Not very intuitive.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • HT4740 i already did the Hidding part and later moved the events and projects to the FCP events and projects folder . I still cannot share - keep getting this message "THE SHARE OPERATION 1080P FOR APPLE DEVICES (10 MBPS) HAS FAILED. Quicktime Error -50

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    I dont know what else to do to be able to share my project - I know i updated FCPX before i shared this project  but i dont know what im doing wrong

    masterpieces wrote:
    later moved the events and projects to the FCP events and projects folder .
    Can you explain in detail what you did?
    Do any other shsre destinations complete? If not, do you get the same error message?

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    I'm using the default camera app with the phone.  Happens every time with videos that I take with the camera.  does not occur when watching other videos, only videos taken with the phone.  and when the video is uploaded to a computer or online, the hiss stays with the video.
    I just bought the phone a few months ago, so this is the first time I’ve tried taking video with it.  I’ve tested repeatedly to see if its intermittent but it’s constant. 
    Sent from Windows Mail

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    We have bought an Apple TV, and have downloaded the sky sports app. We are trying to watch this via airplay, but we are only managing to get the sound, not the picture. Any ideas??

    Sky do not allow the app to work with Airplay.You will only get sound.

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    Previews and trailers do not contain 5.1 audio.
    If you have recently moved your setup, you may have inadvertently changed some of the settings on your receiver. It certainly sounds as though it is unable to play the 5.1 audio from the Apple TV.



    I have found with AppleTV that it is the IPV6 on the computer you want to access is the problem.  The issue is that Homegroup on Win 7 or Win 8 requires IPV6 to work, but AppleTV won't work with IPV6.  (So maybe double check you have IPV6 turned off)
    So you have to make a choice - Homegroup or AppleTV.... but you can't have both, until Apple brings ATV up to date. (crazy that it does not recognise IPV6 - c'mon Apple!)
    You can set up sharing individually in Win 7 or 8 and have the ATV access files that way.
    Having said that, there is always the exception.. I have an old HP home server running Win8 and it services ATV - but is part of the Homegroup... have no idea why it works on both, but no other machine on the home network will talk to both ATV and Homegroup at the same time!

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    I'm sorry, but your sister, unless she had already turned on the "Find my iPhone" feature and the person who took the phone has not disabled it, is out of luck. She should report the theft to local police authorities, including the serial number of her iPhone. While her experience is unfortunate, there are good reasons why Apple cannot do anything else about it.
    I hope she gets her phone back.
    Best of luck.

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    Fron the Pages Help menu:
    Using Sound and Movies
    You can add audio—a music file, a playlist from your iTunes library, or any other sound file—to a Pages document. You can add video that plays within a page.
    Pages accepts any QuickTime or iTunes file type, including the following:
    Also note that some media files are protected under copyright law. Some downloaded music may be played only on the computer where the download occurred. Make sure the computer you are using has permission to play all the media files included in your document.
    When you add media files to your document, make sure that they will be available if you transfer your document to another computer. When saving your document, make sure the option “Copy audio and movies into document” is selected in the Save window. (If you don’t see the option, click the button next to the Save field to display the entire Save window, and then click the Advanced Options disclosure triangle.)

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