Apple Mobile Service will not install

it says verify that i have sufficient privileges then it gives the options to retry ignore or abort.
I really need help i am going on vacation tomorrow and need some songs and junk so please some one can resolve this issue Thank you

I am having the same problem. I can not find apple mobile device anywhere on my computer. I've uninstalled, reinstalled and tried everything including antivirus software, and my itouch it basically useless on my computer. Funny thing is that on my daughter's vista perfectly and even works perfectly on my way old work computer. I have no clue what to do can anyone think of anything else that might work. I have no apple mobile device and it won't work without it!

Similar Messages

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    Apple mobile device will not install on my computer (hp pavilion g7-1237 dx Notebook PC). Can someone please help me?

    When you see a beachball cursor or the slowness is especially bad, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • I've been trying to install itunes on windows 7 but apple mobile device will not install

    I've finally managed to narrow the problem down to the following file:
    C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DIa0.119\AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi: The archive is corrupt
    this is the file delivered with itunes and it's definitely causing the problem because when I try to install one I downloaded from
    it installed ok, however when I try to run itunes the amd driver is installed the ipod connects but itunes has a version issue with the AMD driver and asks for a reinstallation of itunes.
    My question to apple is where can I download an incorrupted AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi file for the latest release of itunes, and can you pleas everify that the version you are deploying with the current version is not corrupted.(The first file I see when I extract the MSI file has a random character file name with no modified date and a size of 16640. WInrar refuses to extract any files from the msi file.
    I believe many people are having this problem and if they can get this file it may their problem as well.

    OK I've fixed the problem and my thanks go to (link below plus copy of solution)
    To summarise what I did I
    0. the pnputil -e uninstallation didn't work for me so 
    1. modified the permissions on the C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\netaapl64.inf_amd64_neutral_hexidecidforyourcomputer folder so that I could access it
    2. I deleted the files in this folder
    3. Retried the install from command line with log file enabled but it still rolled back, but in the log file I noted it wasn't finding the netaapI64 files and when I checked the above folder these files were missing.
    4. I tried copying the files from the msi file using winrar but this failed passing a file corrupted error message and files copied had a zero byte size (i.e. empty)
    5. I copied the files from a friends folder who didn't have this problem files are (, netaapI64.inf, netaapI64.PNF, netaapI64.sys and wdfcoinstaller01009.dll)
    6. retried the install from the command line and it worked. Started itunes connected itouch, it installed the drivers and the itouch appeared in itunes.
    I can now access my ipod from itunes.
    The only problem now you face now is how to get the uncorrupted files detailed above. Does anyone have a solution to this? Winrar states files are corrupted. but they obviously aren't otherwis ethe installation wouldn't work.
    text for solution here follows :
    I recently came across a problem on a Windows 7 64bit laptop where Apple's iTunes was failing to recognise a connected iPhone. It was giving a error that the wrong version of iTunes was installed and I should install the 64bit version of iTunes. As I had no idea how what had been performed up until this point I performed a full uninstall of iTunes. I then downloaded the latest version of iTunes 10.5.1 and ran through the installer. At one point during the install I noticed the install gave the message 'Rolling back action' and thought to myself this cannot be good.
    At the end iTunes indicated it had a problem installing and I should try again. The weird thing is if you didn't pay attention to the message you could quite easily click on ok and iTunes will work except it'll fail to recognise any iPod, iPhone or iPad device. To help identify what actually failed to install I checked the windows services management console and found the Apple Mobile Device Service was missing. This makes sense because it's that service which communicates with the iPhone. The question is why was the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) failing to install?
    To find out I needed to capture a log file of the install process. A bit of research helped me identify that the iTunes64Setup.exe contained 5 separate windows installer files:
    I needed to extract AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi from iTunes64Setup.exe so I could generate a install log. The solution is to install WinRAR which you can download here After extracting AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi to c:\temp (you can use any folder you like here) I opened a command prompt and issued these commands:
    cd c:\temp
    msiexec -i AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi -log AMDS.log
    This will attempt to install the AMDS and generate an installation log c:\temp\AMDS.log. Looking through the log I found the install failed because the format of C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\netaapl64.inf_amd64_neutral_dc2c bd989eec1514\netaapl64.inf was invalid. I opened the file in question and found it to be completely blank. I coulnd't just delete the files in question because they are protected by the Windows operating system, and anyway the correct method to remove a driver package from the driver store is to use the pnputil.exe tool. However if the driver package didn't complete installation in the first place then it may not work, but it was always worth a try.
    To use pnputil I needed to run a command prompt as an administrator. I Clicked Start, All Programs, and Accessories, then right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator. From the command prompt type I typed in pnputil.exe -e. This produced a list of installed driver packages. Looking through the list I was looking for something like this:
    Published name :            oem30.inf  Driver package provider :   Apple  Class :                     Network adapters  Driver date and version :   07/12/2011  Signer name :               Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher
    This is the Apple network adapter driver. The important information here is the Published name oem30.inf. To uninstall the driver use the command pnputil -d oem30.inf (replace oem30.inf with the correct published name for your PC). After this try and the install again: msiexec -i AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi -log AMDS.log. If this fails or as in my case the driver package doesn't show in the list of installed drivers you'll need to take more drastic (and potentially dangerous to your PC's health!) measures.
    By default the files in the driver repository are read only and can only be modified by the Windows Operating System, and this is for a good reason. I needed to change the permissions on the driver package so I could delete the corrupt files. Caution proceed at your own risk, make a mistake here and your computer may stop working and a system restore or rebuild may be required.
    The first thing I needed to do was to take ownership of the folder so I could change the permissions. From windows explorer I clicked on Folder and search options under the organize button. Next I clicked the view tab and clicked on Show hidden files, folders, and drives. By unticking hide extensions for known file types and unticking Hide protected operating system files I was able to view the files I needed to remove. From the windows explorer window I browsed to browse to C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\, which was now visible and right clicked the netaapl64.inf_amd64_neutral_dc2cbd989eec1514 folder and selected properties. I clicked the security tab and then the Advanced button. Under Advanced I clicked the Owner tab and then clicked the Edit button. From the change owner to: box I selected my username, and then ticked Replace owner on subcontainers and objects and clicked OK to set the changes.
    Next I gave myself Full Control to the folder and files. Back on the Security tab I clicked the Edit button, and with Everyone highlighted in the Groups or user names I ticked full control in the Allow column. I clicked OK and accepted the warning message Windows presents about security and access problems. At this point I could delete the contents of the netaapl64.inf_amd64_neutral_dc2cbd989eec1514 folder.
    I tried re-installing the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) using msiexec -i AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi -log AMDS.log command and I no longer got the Rolling back action error. All that I had left to do now was install iTunes again and the iPhone was now recognized when I connected it to the PC.

  • Latest iTunes update Apple Mobile device will not install

    Having a lot issues with trying to get AMDS to install after installing the iItune update, as such unless this can be installed itunes will not recognise my iphone.
    This problem all started when I installed the latest update, everthing installed except apple mobile device, error message was " service apple mobile device failed to start verify that you have sufficent privileges to start system services. Have tried nurmerous uninstalls and reinstalls still no luck.  Tried the advice on restarting according to apple support but the problem is that AMDS is no where to be seen in the "services" to try and restart it.  Tried individual install using itunessetup.exe through Winrar (applemobiledevice.msi) still no luck, the installer goes throught intially but then it "rolls back" and states an error has occured and it can't install it.
    Running out of idea's and from looking at  the threads there seems to be alot of people with the same problem, but no fixes as yet, is there anyone out there that can sort this issue, as it would be much appreciated.

    I am Having Exactly the problems running win 7 I have installed / uninstalled rebooted clead reg the lot  5 times   as ****. I have wasted many hours on this.

  • Apple Mobile Device will not install after latest itunes update!!

    Having a lot issues with trying to get AMDS to install after installing the iItune update, as such unless this can be installed itunes will not recognise my iphone.
    This problem all started when I installed the latest update, everthing installed except apple mobile device, error message was " service apple mobile device failed to start verify that you have sufficent privileges to start system services. Have tried nurmerous uninstalls and reinstalls still no luck.  Tried the advice on restarting according to apple support but the problem is that AMDS is no where to be seen in the "services" to try and restart it (you can't start it if it is not installed). Tried individual install using itunessetup.exe through Winrar (applemobiledevice.msi) still no luck, the installer goes through intially but then it "rolls back" and states an error has occured and it can't install it.
    Running out of idea's and from looking at  the threads there seems to be alot of people with the same problem, but no fixes as yet, is there anyone out there that can sort this issue, as it would be much appreciated.
    Running Windows 7

    I am Having Exactly the problems running win 7 I have installed / uninstalled rebooted clead reg the lot  5 times   as ****. I have wasted many hours on this.

  • Apple mobile devices will not install on Windows 7 computer.  What to do?

    After uninstalling an old version of iTunes and attempting to install a current one, the install stalls and gives a message that mobile device controller has failed to install, check that you have sufficient privilege to install it.  Running the browser as administrator does not fix it.  Is there a workaround?

    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

  • Apple Mobile Device will not install?

    The biggest problem I have with Itunes, and unbelievably longstanding, is that I can't get my itouch on itunes, although it is shown on computer. Anybody know why? I have tried everything written on support with nothing to show for it but endless frustration. thanks.
    Also, Itunes refuses to recognize that I'm on 64 bit (Windows 7)

    Thanks, but I have done that with no luck. Having tried what looks like everything, that is,. everything written, I'm inclined to think the anwser is the nuclear option of your suggestion: reinstall Win 7. But I really don't want to do that. and I'm not sure I want to upgrade to Win 8.  I do keep in touch with Itunes with an old computer I use for just in case events. Larry

  • Driver for Mobile device will not install with installer

    Uninstalled EVERYTHING to do with iTunes/Apple/updater. Reinstalled several times and the mobile device will not install.

    Hi jngs & amyjo - have u sorted problem? I'm having exactly the same problem with my nano.During first installation of software, would not recognise new hardware when connecting ipod to the pc for formatting. I've uninstalled and reinstalled using both CD that come with nano and also latest software update available on itunes...but still will not recognise hardware when nano connected to pc. Have tried with several 2.0 ports - these r all ok cause i've connected other devices to them and they work fine. I've tried connecting nano to a friend's pc - he all ready uses a ipod (not nano) - same problem "does not recognise new hardware". The usb lead is fine as the nano charges when connected to port. Am planning to take nano back to Apple store in Blue Water (outside London) nxt wk. Why is it that things don't work even when you follow instructions to the letter!!!

  • HT201413 i always get error 1053, apple mobile devise will not start?.!

    my apple mobile device will not work.
    always get the error sign: 1053
    Already removed it and reinstalled but will not work.

    Hello joy3152,
    The following article provides steps that can help get the Apple Mobile Device service started.
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows

  • Apple Mobile Device Suppurt not installing with iTunes 10.6.3

    Hey guys, any help with this would be much appreciated., I had an issue a couple of days ago where I couldn't reinstall the latest itunes (10.6.3) I have now managed to install this current version but with one major problem, Apple Mobile Device Support didn't install with it. I tried everything, I've tried uninstalling itunes and reinstalling it again with and without the anti virus turned on, I've tried a system restore, I've tried using an old version of Apple Mobile Device Support, and still nothing.
    My itunes keeps saying this whenever I plug in my iPad, "This iPad cannot be used because the required software is not installed. Run the itunes installer to remove itunes, then install the 64bit version of itunes" I've done that, it didn't work, however, itunes has managed to install successfully on my desktop pc, which is Windows XP, with apple mobile device support, but the machine I'm having trouble installing itunes with Apple Mobile Device Support on is my Laptop which is running Windows 7. I doubt this is a problem with my laptop, the system restore I did confirmed that, and the issue only returned when I tried reinstalling the latest itunes. 
    Is this problem with Apple Mobile Device Support not installing with the latest itunes a bug? i hope so, because I've  read up ways to solve this problem but alot of it gets too technical and I'm not the most technical person when it comes to computers and all that.
    Is anyone else having similar problems, if so, how did you solve it?
    Thanks, hoping to hear back soon

    I've also read somewhere about using Win Rar to extract files to do with apple mobile device support from the itunes installer file, would you recommend that to? I don't really fancy the idea of doing anything that involves my registry because knowing me I'll end up screwing my laptop up for good lol
    It's a little more involved than just doing a standalone AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi install, I'm afraid. The relevant drivers in AMDS are not digitally signed for 64-bit XP, so you have to force XP to accept a driver install that it would try its damnedest to not do. There's no driver issues for other 64-bit componentry in the installer package (I think the GEAR drivers install on XP 64-bit systems), but I believe there's still a bit of fancy footwork involved in getting them installed too ... although it's been a long time since I've looked at an instruction set, and I might not be recalling those things correctly. (So if you're not comfortable with system modifications, it might be best to steer clear of the Orca-based techniques ...)

  • When connecting my iphone 4 to itunes for the first time i get the following message "cannot connect to this device because Apple Mobile Service is not started" what does this mean and how do I solve it?

    when connecting my iphone 4 to itunes for the first time i get the following message "cannot connect to this device because Apple Mobile Service is not started" what does this mean and how do I solve it?

    I'd start with the following document with that one:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows

  • What can be done when Cold Fusion 9 ODBC Services will not install?

    What can be done when 64-bit Cold Fusion 9 ODBC Service will not install on a Windows Server 2008-R2 64-bit machine? Yes, most of the things in other discussions have been tried.

    Hi GDMVU,
    Save the below code as CF9_RemoveOdbc.cfm
      //login using admin 
      //createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.administrator").login("administrator_password" );
      //instantiate datasource object
      myObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.datasource");
         writeOutput("Removing ODBC Services...<br>"); 
         returnValue = myObj.removeODBCservice(); 
         writeOutput("ODBC Services removed"); 
    Save the below code as CF9_InstallOdbc.cfm
      //login using admin 
      //createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.administrator").login("administrator_password" );
      //instantiate datasource object
      myObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.datasource");
             writeOutput("Installing ODBC Services...<br>"); 
             returnValue = myObj.installODBCservice(); 
             writeOutput("ODBC Services installed"); 
    Now try the following steps:-
    Change admin password in above .cfm pages for your CF 9 server.
    Use RemoveObdc cfm page first to remove any existing faulty/corrupted Odbc services.
    Use InstallOdbc Odbc services to install Odbc services there.
    Hope this helps.
    Anit Kumar

  • I get a message stating that this iphone cannot be used because Apple Mobile Service is not started

    I get a message stating that this iphone cannot be used because Apple Mobile Service is not started

    Windows XP
    Close iTunes and disconnect the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
    Choose Start > Control Panel.
    Inside the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools.
    Open Services.
    Select Apple Mobile Device and click Stop the service as shown below:
    After the service has stopped, click Start the service.
    After the Apple Mobile Device service has started again, open iTunes and connect the device.
    Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Close iTunes and disconnect the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
    Click the Windows Start button .
    In the Start Search field type Services.
    In the Programs section of the search results, Click "Services".
    Select Apple Mobile Device and click Stop the service as shown below:
    After the service has stopped, click Start the service.
    After the Apple Mobile Device service has started again, open iTunes and connect the device.

  • Itunes said this iphone cannot be used because the apple mobile service is not started. what should i do??

    i tunes said this iphoe cannot be used because the apple mobile service is not started. what should i do?

    Type "apple mobile device service" into the search bar at the top of this page by Support and read the resulting articles.

  • Itunes "apple mobile device" will not work or install

    Recently my computer has being doing some strange things. I have used iTunes on my Windows 7 computer for many months and several years on other computers without incident but recently my iTunes fails to detect my iphone 4gs. I have read some of the posts about manually restarting the Apple Mobile Device but all attempts had failed so I uninstalled all of iTunes. But now when i try to install iTunes again the message:
    "Apple Mobile Device failed to start. Verify that you have specific privileges to start system services"
    appears everytime with only the options : "abort" , "retry" and "ignore"
    If I click abort the installer does not finish, if i click retry the same message appears and if i click ignore the installer does not install everything. i am the administrator of my computer so i am confused as to why it asks me about my priveleges and iTunes has never had any problems such as this on my computer.
    Please help me resolve this issue as i am desperate to find an answer
    PS. Also before this problem occured i noticed that my itunes kept failing to update when it asked me to. i do not remember the specific message but it was something to with the update not installing/downloading properly

    I am Having Exactly the problems running win 7 I have installed / uninstalled rebooted clead reg the lot  5 times   as ****. I have wasted many hours on this.

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