Apple TV Volume Issues

I'm having issues with my Apple TV.  I have it plugged in all correctly to my TV and I'm using home sharing from my computer, but on the tv, the volume seems to keep adjusting lower and then way too loud on its own.  Any fixes for this?

ATV has no ablity to adjust the volumen on your TV.  Something else is going on.  Somoene else around you using a remote else where that might also effect your TV?

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    How are any of us (Apple users just like you) supposed to have any idea?
    We weren't there.  We don't know the specifics of what happened to your iPhone.
    Ask the store that repaired it.

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    You can try a PRAM reset:
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    Hi Kurt,
    Thank you for your response. I am fully aware of what you have just said, and I do follow this basic protocol. The 'gripe' is that it seems that when we setup our message font in preferences one is under the impression this is the font that will be sent out. I later discovered this is only my screen font, and when we compose an email this font (for instance Arial 12pt) is not tagged in the outgoing message. In-fact it is left blank, and the receivers mail will change it to a default such as times new roman. However this seems to create strange changes on the receivers end and sometimes the font can come out huge or varying, there is no consistency and the email looks ugly, As a business owner, my email is my letter head, and is a communicational face of my business.
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    I know that this ‘gripe’ is not only myself, and that there is a large number of people out there also annoyed by this, and many Apple uses choose not to use Apple mail simply because of this reason. Which is a shame, because Apple mail in my opinion is the best mail app out there.
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  • Thank you Zyriab.  My volume issue is solved!

    Thank you Zyriab.  My volume issue is solved!

    This is a physical problem with the buttons? 
    Did you try doing a Reset (restart) of the iPod
    and if that does not help, a Restore on the iPod using iTunes.  The Restore button is on the iPod's Summary screen in iTunes.  This will erase the iPod, reinstall its software, and set it to default settings. 
    If that does not help, because there is something physically wrong with the iPod's hardware, you may be able to control volume if you get a set of headphones that has compatible remote control buttons on the cord.  For example, Apple's Earpods headphones should work with a 6th gen iPod.  However, it may not help if the button on the iPod is actually "stuck" and always giving the Volume Up command.

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    Quote from: darkhawk on 02-April-14, 20:44:14
    What are you using to gauge the '50%'? MP3's? Windows sounds? or what?
    Pretty much everything. Music, games, online videos... According to the volume mixer, the audio levels never seem to pass 50%. The grey bar bounces to the peak, but the green bar never seems to pass the 50% level. It's as if there's some sort of limiter in place I'm not aware of. And since I reformatted the notebook as soon as I got it, I was never able to see if the volume control worked correctly before the reformat.

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    Just out of warranty. This is a software issue. everything was ok until the software update. Apple just need to sort it out.

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    Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    I wasted about 1.5 hours with Apple on this issue. It all started happening after I updated to the latest version of iTunes. I haven't been able to sync my iPhone 4 in 1 month and am freaking out about possibly losing my pictures, video, text messages and music.
    Windows XP user.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

    If might be helpful if you actually told us what the problem is.

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    and plays properly.
    Is there an upcoming software update going to solve the problem or is it hardware related and therefore not fixable.
    Please don't reply with a network related answer, by 2012 we know how to set up our networks and everything else runs flawlessly.
    I'll apreciate a fast answer, we love Apple, but if it can't play an iphone movie (or a high quality movie from iTunes) it's just not up to my standards.
    Thanks again.

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    Yes, the volume on my iPhone 4s will max out without me touching any button or setting.  When opening mail, for instance, the ringer icon will appear and the volume level goes to max volume - and I'm not touching the volume buttons.  It seems to happen randomly, at least I can't identify a pattern, but thankfully it doesn't happen all the time, but at least once a day.  
    Anyone else seen this?

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    none of the tracks clip at all throughout the songs. ive messed around with all EQ settings and compression but it still sounds distorted when i export it. all im trying to do is export the song and the same quality it was at in garageband... if i out the song through logic or protools, will it help my problem?

  • Volume Issues - Too Loud & Too Soft

    This is a problem I've had for awhile now. It's getting unbearably frustrating. Volume issues, where the default value for sound ranges outside what the iPhone should be capable of doing. So for example if the volume goes from 0% to 100%, my phone will be completely random and range from -50% to 150%.
    How can it be less then 0% you might ask, when moving the slider mid way the volume is completely off and any lower doesn't make a difference, then I'll receive an email notification and BAM the volume goes up 300% and it's so loud it feels like the speaker is going to explode. This problem happens at any time but mostly after or while using headphones or car bluetooth.
    Example of my issue in action, I'll plug AUX in the car into the phone, play music, driving along, randomly goes to half volume. I'll turn up the stereo to compensate, one minute later I'll get an email and the volume resumes to normal operating volume and I almost sh** my pants in fright.
    Another example is I'll be watching a video late at night before bed on youtube or something with the volume all the way down, then the next morning my phone alarm will not sound or it will but insanely softly. The work around for this is to play music right before locking my phone with the volume up all the way. Just move the volume up all the way, play > pause and there you have it, volume working agian.
    And one last example, randomly it goes really really loud. Like how is this possible loud. I'll dial a number and when pressing the buttons instead of a beep beep beep. I get fog horn BEEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP. But as soon as the call starts the volume sets itself back to normal. Kind of like how when playing music without head phones with volume on max sets it back to normal.
    Things you should note:
    Ringer volume has been locked to maximum, but quite often won't abide by this rule.
    I've reset the phone and setup as new iPhone, problem still occurs.
    Please don't give a solution like, "Have you checked your sound volume in settings". I'm not stupid.
    Also, please don't give a solution unless you understand the difference between "Notification and Tone Volume" and "Media Volume".
    Other then that. Please help, this is driving me mental.

    I recently did the last firmware upgrade for my ipod nano 5th gen and can't set the maximim limit.
    It can be set, but wont stick and I can still go above the limit.
    Did something break with the firmware upgrade.

  • Ipod & Itunes Volume Issue

    I am having a problem with my iPod volume. It was not loud enough when the volume was turned up even halfway (barely audible). Only when I crank the volume to the max is it loud, but when I turn it down, to even three quarters it is not loud enough.
    So, I ended up updating to the latest version with the ipod updater, and added some more tracks to my ipod from iTunes. Now, iTunes is doing the same thing when I listen to the tracks on my computer! Even when I play a cd through iTunes, it is not very loud, but when I play the same cd through Windows Media Player, the volume is correct, and the sound is great.
    So, I think the volume issue on the iPod is now transferred to iTunes.
    How do I fix this?
    I have a brand new computer, and havent had any problems with this before. I have the 60GB iPod Photo.
    dell inspiron 9300 Windows XP
    Windows XP Windows XP
    Windows XP   Windows XP  

    No, I checked that. Its weird, in that the volume was too low on the iPod and it was fine on my computer, but when I updated my iPod it transferred to iTunes and now it is acting the same way.
    I dont know what else to try! help!

  • MacBook Pro Volume Issue

    Hi, All.
    I have a MacBook Pro with a 15" monitor, 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor. Currently working with OS 10.6.8.
    I'm not sure since when, but I'm having this issue:
    Even though I turned the volume off, every time I shut down and boot up, or restart, the machine, the volume automatically goes up to about the middle of the indicator. I know it may not be a critical issue, but sometimes I forget about the volume problem, the loud sound makes me jump and it's quite annoying. (Especially in public.)
    I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problem and if there is a way to solve the problem.
    Any information will be appreciated.

    Hello, tjk.  Thanks for your reply.
    After you told me, I did PRAM resets several times, but unfortunately I'm still having the same volume issue.
    I've been doing online researches for while to find the solution for this problem, but I don't see any other people having the same problem. Probably this is a new issue?

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