AppleScript drag-and-drop interface to shell script

This is actually a cross-over question with AppleScript, but I'll try here first since I don't visit the AppleScript forum very often...
I have a shell script which takes as a parameter a file name and does something interesting with the file, but generates no terminal output except for a possible error message. What I'm looking for is an AppleScript script that would, at the Finder level, allow me to drag and drop a file onto it causing it to run my shell script passing to it the name of the file.
Having very limited experience with AppleScript, I'm hoping someone has something similar that they'd be willing to offer up.

Hi Ken,
   The following is a script I wrote as a test a while back. It's pretty simple so I imagine you can edit it to suit you needs.
on open filelist
   repeat with i in filelist
      do shell script "echo " & POSIX path of i & " >>~/out.txt"
   end repeat
end open
   Give me your students, your secretaries,
   Your huddled writers yearning to breathe free,
   The wretched refuse of your Selectric III's.
   Give these, the homeless, typist-tossed to me.
   I lift my disk beside the processor.
         -- Inscription on a Word Processor

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    Thanks kumars ,
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    Bust these settings not work for me in Firefox 17.
    Yes the drag and drop functionality is java script based and i am not using any script blocker addons.

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    So you are suggesting I use JComponent (which makes
    sense) and add a listener to it? That listener could
    probably be the canvas, which would then handle the
    dragging and dropping. I could also override paint()
    (including calling super.paint(), as I've found I have
    to do from past experience) in order to give my
    components the look I want.Yeh, Something like that. Everything you want to draw on your Canvas should be derived from JComponent
    (perhaps even JButton (depends on what you want to do)). The listener can be the JCanvas or perhaps
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    Thanks for your suggestions, I guess the only
    difficulty now would be implementing the moving. Any
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    its coordinates (using setLocation or reshape)

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    >I would buy this product if the ajax features somehow
    supported the
    > implementaion of drag and drop in a way that was simple
    to use.
    Drag and Drop interfaces in javascript are nothing simple.
    Don't expect any
    magic wizards to help you with this.
    There are a lot of AJAX/JS libraries. Many have DnD featuers,
    but they'll
    differ from library to library. you're going ot have to do a
    lot of legwork
    and takea look at them all.
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    limiting. I'm going
    to be looking at Jquery UI next.
    > Does DW CS3 Ajax tools provide a somewhat easy way to
    impliment drag and
    > drop
    > without me having to write to much Java by hand?
    Java is not involved. JAVASCRIPT is.
    DW does not do .net, so you you're going to do .net, you
    should look at
    Visual Studio as your main development IDE.

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    There are drag and drop functions in DHTML that you can use in Javascript :
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    What about the product documentation ?
    Also, the following book:
    has a chapter (chapter 14) on drag and drop

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    Robert Stull

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, they may not work as described.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It won’t solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The following procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed. Don’t be alarmed by the complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac. 
    These steps are to be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. 
    Below are instructions to enter some UNIX shell commands. The commands are harmless, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you have doubts about the safety of the procedure suggested here, search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. 
    Some of the commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it. The headings “Step 1” and so on are not part of the commands. 
    Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. The other steps should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply. 
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    kextstat -kl | awk '!/com\.apple/{printf "%s %s\n", $6, $7}' | open -ef 
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). A TextEdit window will open with the output of the command. If the command produced no output, the window will be empty. Post the contents of the TextEdit window (not the Terminal window), if any — the text, please, not a screenshot. You can then close the TextEdit window. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Repeat with this line:
    { sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|cups|isc|ntp|postf|x)/{print $3}'; echo; sudo defaults read LoginHook; echo; sudo crontab -l; } 2> /dev/null | open -ef 
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. 
    Note: If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before taking this step. If that’s not possible, skip to the next step. 
    Step 3
    { launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)/{print $3}'; echo; crontab -l 2> /dev/null; } | open -ef 
    Step 4
    ls -A /e*/{cr,la,mach}* {,/}Lib*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,Keyb,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo,Sta}* L*/Fonts .la* 2> /dev/null | open -ef  
    Important: If you formerly synchronized with a MobileMe account, your email address may appear in the output of the above command. If so, anonymize it before posting. 
    Step 5
    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get name of login items' | open -ef 
    Remember, steps 1-5 are all copy-and-paste — no typing, except your password. Also remember to post the output. 
    You can then quit Terminal.

  • Problems with ListViews Drag and Drop

    I'm surprised that there isn't an Active X control that can do this more
    easily? Would
    be curious to find out if there is - although we aren't really embracing the
    use of
    them within Forte because it locks you into the Microsoft arena.
    ---------------------- Forwarded by Peggy Lynn Adrian/AM/LLY on 02/03/98 01:33
    PM ---------------------------
    "Stokesbary, Michael" <[email protected]> on 02/03/98 12:19:52 PM
    Please respond to "Stokesbary, Michael" <[email protected]>
    To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
    Subject: Problems with ListViews Drag and Drop
    I am just curious as to other people's experiences with the ListView
    widget when elements in it are set to be draggable. In particular, I am
    currently trying to design an interface that looks a lot like Windows
    Explorer where a TreeView resides on the left side of the window and a
    ListView resides on the right side. Upon double clicking on the
    ListView, if the current node that was clicked on was a folder, then the
    TreeView expands this folder and the contents are then displayed in the
    ListView, otherwise, it was a file and it is brought up in Microsoft
    Word. All this works great if I don't have the elements in the ListView
    widget set to be draggable. If they are set to be draggable, then I am
    finding that the DoubleClick event seems to get registered twice along
    with the ObjectDrop event. This is not good because if I double click
    and the current node is a folder, then it will expand this folder in the
    TreeView, display the contents in the ListView, grab the node that is
    now displayed where that node used to be displayed and run the events
    for that as well. What this means, is that if this is a file, then Word
    is just launched and no big deal. Unfortunately, if this happens to be
    another directory, then the previous directory is dropped into this
    current directory and a recursive copy gets performed, giving me one
    heck of a deep directory tree for that folder.
    Has anybody else seen this, or am I the only lucky one to experience.
    If need be, I do have this exported in a .pex file if anybody needs to
    look at it more closely.
    Thanks in advance.
    Michael Stokesbary
    Software Engineer
    GTE Government Systems Corporation
    tel: (650) 966-2975
    e-mail: [email protected]

    here is the required code....
    private static class TreeDragGestureListener implements DragGestureListener {
         public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent dragGestureEvent) {
         // Can only drag leafs
         JTree tree = (JTree) dragGestureEvent.getComponent();
         TreePath path = tree.getSelectionPath();
         if (path == null) {
              // Nothing selected, nothing to drag
              System.out.println("Nothing selected - beep");
         } else {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode selection = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path
              if (selection.isLeaf()) {
              TransferableTreeNode node = new TransferableTreeNode(
                   node, new MyDragSourceListener());
              } else {
              System.out.println("Not a leaf - beep");

  • Flash drag and drop not working on Firefox for android browser

    Drag and drop functionality is not working using Firefox Browser for Android on tablet. We tested with flash action script 2.0 & 3.0 content, both have same issue. Specs of the tab and OS are as follows.
    Android - Kitkat 4.4.2
    Tab models - Lenovo A7600H and Samsung Tab4 T531
    Please refer to a previous case raised on the same issue here at this link (Case 1029615) -
    Additionally, we observed that the object on which Drag and Drop event was triggered, is moving little bit when we double tap.
    Does Firefox provide any libraries to support Drag and Drop functionality on Flash? We are using Geekoview api to execute flash content in our app. Will the same support be provided in Geekoview as well?
    Are there other folks facing the same issue? Is there a solution or workaround to get this feature running?

    Flash on Android is no longer supported by Adobe. While Firefox does support basic functionality we mainly focus on legacy video applications. You may run into issues with Flash and Geckoview. I doubt we have any resources to support that configuration.

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    WTF? What are you talking about?
    Drag and drop of what from where to where does not work how?
    - What are you dragging?
    - From Where?
    - To Where?
    - What do you expect to happen?
    - What happens?
    - Why do you expect that to happen?
    - What technologies are you using?
    Basically, read [_How To Ask Questions The Smart Way_|].

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