Applescript for shuffling playlists

Hi Folks,
I keep the same 5 playlists (numbered 1 to 5) synced to my iPhone and want a simple script to shuffle them. I've looked around the net and managed to write the following code:
set sourceplaylist to playlist "1"
set shuffledplaylist to playlist "1-R"
-- Delete tracks in the *-R playlists
set deltracks to every track of shuffledplaylist
repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in deltracks)
delete (item i of deltracks)
end repeat
-- Copy the source playlist tracks to the target playlist
duplicate file tracks of sourceplaylist to shuffledplaylist
-- shuffle vigorously
repeat 3 times
set shuffle of shuffledplaylist to false
set shuffle of shuffledplaylist to true
end repeat
This does a great job of shuffling the playlist and I tried to encapsulate the whole thing in a repeat statement so I've got the shuffled lists in 1-R, 2-R etc, but I couldn't make the repeat work.
I've inelegantly duplicated the code and hard changed the playlist names. Can someone help me with a repeat statement that runs from 1 to 5 as the source playlist and 1-R through 5-R as the shuffled playlist?

-- Delete tracks in the *-R playlists
set deltracks to every track of shuffledplaylist
repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in deltracks)
delete (item i of deltracks)
end repeat
Try this instead...
delete every track of shuffledplaylist
Then you don't have to loop thru every song. It'll simply delete them all.
This seems to work
tell application "iTunes 8.01"
-- These are the playlist names
set playlistnum to {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}
set shuffleplaylistnum to {"1-R", "2-R", "3-R", "4-R", "5-R"}
set a to 1
repeat 5 times
-- *get item a of playlistnum* gets the item in the playlist variables above
set sourceplaylist to playlist (get item a of playlistnum)
set shuffledplaylist to playlist (get item a of shuffleplaylistnum)
-- Delete tracks in the *-R playlists
delete every track of shuffledplaylist
-- Copy the source playlist tracks to the target playlist
duplicate file tracks of sourceplaylist to shuffledplaylist
-- shuffle vigorously
repeat 3 times
set shuffle of shuffledplaylist to false
set shuffle of shuffledplaylist to true
end repeat
-- Increment the playlists
set a to a + 1
end repeat
end tell

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    This document explains setting up and using VoiceOver.
    The overall settings for VoiceOver is on the shuffle's Summary screen in iTunes.
    Artist name and song name - Press and release the VoiceOver button. 
    The playlist menu - Press and hold the VoiceOver button.

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    It appears from many other posts that the " Keep This iPod in the Source List" function isn't included in iTunes 7 unfortunately. You can leave your feedback on it's absence at this link: Apple Product Feedback
    You can check out a workaround at this link which may help out for now: Create ready-to-sync playlists for Shuffles in iTunes 7

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    Shuffle Songs from the main menu will shuffle everything.
    If you select Settings -> Shuffle - songs, whatever you select will be shuffled.
    If you do not want to shuffle a selection, you must set Settings -> Shuffle to Off.
    There is no shuffle setting for playlist by playlist basis.

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    Make sure that all the songs have a checkmark.  iTunes will not automatically advance to an unchecked song.
    If you do not see the checkboxes, go to Preferences > General and enable Show List Checkboxes.

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    <edited by host>

    I have found a temporary work around the iPod playlists not recognizing videos. I too think this a really big problem. I just did not realize just how bit it was!
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    Thank you.

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    It appears from many other posts that the " Keep This iPod in the Source List" function isn't included in iTunes 7 unfortunately. You can leave your feedback on it's absence at this link: Apple Product Feedback
    You can check out a workaround at this link which may help out for now: Create ready-to-sync playlists for Shuffles in iTunes 7

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    So fundamental to my use of iTunes and my iPod is the ability to transfer shuffled playlists over to my iPod, I have now managed to revert back to version 10.7.
    It is by no means a straightforward thing to do, because Apple have made it difficult by apparently 'integrating iTunes within recent versions of OS X'. This in itself worries me, because it reeks of Microsoft policy...
    Anyway, here's a guide to how to do it how I did. (Many thanks to other posters in other threads for the method; what I've tried to do here is provide a complete 'idiot's guide', which was what I really needed...)
    First off, you will need a .dmg file of iTunes 10.7, which should still be available here:-
    Download it and put it on your desktop, but DO NOT launch it yet.
    Now, delete iTunes 11. This cannot be done, in Mountain Lion at least, in the usual way. You have to do it with the Terminal app.
    Launch the Terminal app, (in Applications>Utilities), and type in the following at the command prompt:-
    sudo rm -rf /applications/
    ... and press Return. (Note the spaces, which are important... it's a bit like using the old Windows DOS thing.)
    I ran into a snag here straight away, because it prompted me for my password, which at the time was blank, and it wouldn’t accept no password. So I assigned myself a new user password, (System Prefs>Users & Groups>Change Password), and it worked after that.
    Note: After typing the command, exactly as above, nothing appears to happen. But if you look in Applications you will see that iTunes is no longer there.
    Next double-click on the iTunes 10.7.dmg file that was previously downloaded, and install it as you would any other software by double-clicking the resulting disc image on the desktop and following the prompts.
    It was at this stage that I found that, although I could now launch iTunes, and it was definitely 10.7 I was launching, the error message 'Error -42408' appeared every time I did so. I could live with that if it just meant getting the message, but I wasn’t sure whether everything 'under the bonnet' would work correctly as long as this error message was being generated. So I continued...
    Close iTunes, if it is still running.
    Next re-launch Terminal and type the following:-
    open /system/library/privateframeworks
    ...and press Return.
    Typing the above command in Terminal opens a new Finder window called 'Privateframeworks'. (Apparently one can only open this folder via Terminal; it is not visible using just Finder itself.)
    Having done that, follow the following steps, one at a time. (I tried restoring all five files at once, but I was denied permission for some reason, so I did them separately.) Apologies if this is too basic...
    The steps:-
    First locate, in the 'Privateframeworks' Finder window, the file called 'AirTrafficHost.framework' and highlight it.
    Next launch Time Machine, and wait for it to sort itself out. The 'Privateframeworks' Finder window remains visible, of course, in Time Machine, and the highlighted file also remains highlighted.
    Now look back in Time Machine for a restore point in which the 'date modified' field for the highlighted file was a date well before you, ahem...'updated' iTunes to version 11. (In my case I chose a date in September.)
    Click on the 'Restore' button on the right-hand side of the Time Machine bottom bar.
    When prompted, select the option to 'Replace' the existing version of the file with the one you are restoring. Also, enter your password when prompted, of course.
    With the 'Privateframeworks' finder window still open on your desktop, locate the file within it called 'CoreFP.framework' and highlight it, launch Time Machine as before and restore that file the same way as the first.
    Next, locate the file called 'DeviceLink.framework', highlight it and follow the same procedure with Time Machine to restore that.
    Do the same thing with two more files in the 'Privateframeworks' finder window, called 'iTunesAccess.framework' and 'MobileDevice.framework'.
    Close the 'Privateframeworks' finder window and quit Terminal. (I think I could have quit Terminal as soon as I'd opened the finder window though, to be honest.)
    And after doing all that iTunes 10.7 should launch happily without the error message. Bliss...!

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    I have a folder with 308 Quicktime video clips in it.
    I wondered if there was an easy way to burn to DVDs a shuffled playlist of video clips.
    I have Toast but that only caters for shuffling photos or music.
    I don't have the space to load them all into itunes.
    Is there a way of shuffling the files names with the finder to then add to Toast or something like that?

    I have a folder with 308 Quicktime video clips in it.
    I wondered if there was an easy way to burn to DVDs a shuffled playlist of video clips.
    I have Toast but that only caters for shuffling photos or music.
    I don't have the space to load them all into itunes.
    Is there a way of shuffling the files names with the finder to then add to Toast or something like that?

  • Create Auto Shuffled Playlist?

    I've just bought an iPod Shuffle (3G) and love it, and I like how when I tell it to sync my entire music library (60GB) it automatically picks 4GB of music at random and adds it to a shuffled playlist which it then syncs. Unfortunately, I deleted the 'auto shuffled' playlist when adding some other playlists I'd created. Now I want to fill up the remaining space with songs picked at random - is there any way to have iTunes re-create one of these auto shuffled playlists? Or do I just have to grab a selection from my library and drag it across?

    Select tracks, use CTRL-I to Get. Info., on Options tab set Media Kind to Audiobook, create a blank playlist, drag the tracks in.
    See Audiobooks on iPods for more suggestions on managing audiobooks.

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