Applescript: If A 1 and 10 ?

Applescript: If A>1 and <10 ?
Is this possible with any syntax?
set theSize to 1500
set sizeTag to ""
tell application "Finder"
                                        if theSize > 1024 and < 2048 then
                                                  set the sizeTag to " MB"
                                        end if
                              end tell

set theSize to 1500
set sizeTag to ""
tell application "Finder"
if theSize > 1024 and theSize < 2048 then
set the sizeTag to " MB"
end if
end tell

Similar Messages

  • Applescript to Reset Safari and clear LocalStorage

    I have half the script I want to Reset Safari and delete the contents of ~/Library/Safari/LocalStorage/.
    Can you help fill in deleting the files in LocalStorage?
    +on run {input, parameters}+
    +tell application "Safari" to activate+
    +tell application "System Events"+
    +tell application process "Safari"+
    +click menu item "Reset Safari…" of menu "Safari" of menu bar 1+
    +click button "Reset" of window 1+
    +end try+
    +end tell+
    +end tell+
    +quit application "Safari"+
    +return input+
    +end run+

    Thanks again to *Roger the Genius*. I removed +empty trash+ and added +close window+.
    Here is an AppleScript that resets Safari and empties LocalStorage. (Change USER to your short name.)
    +on run {input, parameters}+
    +tell application "Safari" to activate+
    +tell application "System Events"+
    +tell application process "Safari"+
    +click menu item "Reset Safari…" of menu "Safari" of menu bar 1+
    +click button "Reset" of window 1+
    +end try+
    +end tell+
    +end tell+
    +quit application "Safari"+
    +tell application "Finder"+
    +select every item of folder "LocalStorage" of folder "Safari" of folder "Library" of folder "USER" of folder "Users" of startup disk+
    +move selection to the trash+
    +close Finder window "LocalStorage"+
    +end tell+
    +return input+
    +end run+

  • My applescript has an error, and I can't fix it.

    Hello, I am new to applescript and need to know how to fix somethings. I cannot seem to fix this:
    display dialog "What feature of Bemin's Epic Script would you like to use?" buttons {"Quitter, "Bemin Quiz"}
    if the button returned of the result is "Quitter" then
    end if
    display dialog "Is Chrome on?" buttons {"Yeah!", "No"}
    if the button returned of the result is "Yeah!" then
              tell application "Google Chrome" to quit
              say "Trololololololol!" using "Alex"
    end if
    if the button returned of the result is "Bemin Quiz" then
    end if
    display dialog "Beta"
    Whenever I compile or run, applescript gives me this error: Expected “,” or “}” but found identifier. then highlights this: (in bold letters)
    display dialog "What feature of Bemin's Epic Script would you like to use?" buttons {"Quitter, "Bemin Quiz"}
    if the button returned of the result is "Quitter" then
    end if
    display dialog "Is Chrome on?" buttons {"Yeah!", "No"}
    if the button returned of the result is "Yeah!" then
              tell application "Google Chrome" to quit
              say "Trololololololol!" using "Alex"
    end if
    if the button returned of the result is "Bemin Quiz" then
    end if
    display dialog "Beta"
    If your wondering about "Bemin", he is just a name I invented.

    You forgot a quotation mark after the word Quitter on line one. Should be:
    display dialog "What feature of Bemin's Epic Script would you like to use?" buttons {"Quitter", "Bemin Quiz"}

  • AppleScript to resize images and save with new name

    I want to make an apple script, which resizes all images of a folder regardless what kind of filetype.
    The source folder will change every day.
    With the script i want to choose a source Folder, resize all images and save the files with my jpeg options in the same folder, but with adding  „_ipad“ in the filename.
    I tried to edit an existing script from this forum, but in Photoshop 5.1 i get the error-message "This function is possibly not available in this Version" in line 18 "save in file newFileName as JPEG with options myOptions"
    How can i save the documents with new name in the existing folder?
    This is the script i’m working with:
    set inputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Wähle einen Ordner:"
    --set destinationFolder to choose folder with prompt "Wähle einen Zielordner" as string
    tell application "Finder"
              set filesList to (files of entire contents of inputFolder) as alias list
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
              set UserPrefs to properties of settings
              set ruler units of settings to pixel units
              repeat with aFile in filesList
      open aFile showing dialogs never
                        set docRef to the current document
                        tell docRef
                                  set newFileName to my getBaseName(name)
      --resize image height 240 resolution 72 resample method bicubic sharper
      change mode to RGB
      resize image resolution 72
                                  set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options, embed color profile:true, quality:12, format options:progressive, scans:3}
      save in file newFileName as JPEG with options myOptions
                        end tell
      close the current document saving no
              end repeat
              set ruler units of settings to ruler units of UserPrefs
    end tell
    on getBaseName(fName)
              set baseName to fName
              repeat with idx from 1 to (length of fName)
                        if (item idx of fName = ".") then
                                  set baseName to (items 1 thru (idx - 1) of fName) as string
                                  exit repeat
                        end if
              end repeat
              return baseName
    end getBaseName

    This seems like a Photoshop error not an AppleScript one. Have you looked in the Photoshop dictionary to see if the command you are getting the error on exists and if it has those options?
    If all you want to do is resize image files and save the resized image file you might want to look at Automator. Specifically the Scale Image action under Photos.

  • Automator or Applescript to Rename Subfolders and Files

    I have 200 Gigs of files that need to be moved from a Mac's internal drive onto an external non-mac formatted drive for storage (Buffalo TeraStation). Obviously there is an issue with illegal characters in some of my filenames and folder names. I was able to create a workflow in Automator to replace illegal characters in the Filenamnes and nested filenames with the characters of my choice however it did not work for the Sub Folder names. Does anyone know if this is possible in Automator? If not, is there someone out there who can write a script for such a process?
    Thank you in advance.

    Here is an AppleScript which can be placed in an Automator "Run AppleScript" action to do what you are want.
    Click on the link to move the script into Script Editor. Then select all, copy and paste into a "Run AppleScript" action in Automator. Make sure to completely replace all of the text in the action i.e., don't just replace the (* Your script goes here *).
    The find and replace characters are found in the properties at the top of the script so they can be adjusted to what you need. I also have a routine that will replace multiple illegal characters with a single legal character if you need that type of flexibility.
    This action should be proceeded by an action that will supply an alias such as "Get Specified Finder Items".
    click here to open this script in your editor<pre style="font-family: 'Monaco', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; overflow:auto; color: #222; background: #DDD; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 10px; width:400px">property theIllegalCharacter : "/"
    property theReplacementCharacter : "_"
    on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
    set theFinderWindow to make new Finder window
    set current view of theFinderWindow to column view
    set target of theFinderWindow to item 1 of input
    set theIllegallyNamedSubFolders to folders of entire contents of target of theFinderWindow whose name contains theIllegalCharacter
    set theIllegallyNamedFiles to files of entire contents of target of theFinderWindow whose name contains theIllegalCharacter
    repeat with thisFile in theIllegallyNamedFiles
    set (name of thisFile) to my RemoveIllegalNamingCharacters(name of thisFile, theIllegalCharacter, theReplacementCharacter)
    end repeat
    repeat with thisFolder in theIllegallyNamedSubFolders
    set (name of thisFolder) to my RemoveIllegalNamingCharacters(name of thisFolder, theIllegalCharacter, theReplacementCharacter)
    end repeat
    end tell
    return input
    end run
    to RemoveIllegalNamingCharacters(theName, IllegalCharacter, ReplacementCharacter)
    set theNewName to ""
    set theCharacterCount to (length of theName)
    repeat with i from 1 to (length of theName)
    if (character i of theName) is equal to IllegalCharacter then
    set theNewName to theNewName & ReplacementCharacter
    set theNewName to theNewName & character i of theName
    end if
    end repeat
    return theNewName
    end RemoveIllegalNamingCharacters
    PowerBook 12"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • Applescript in Automator - Loops and Variables

    Hi to everyone!
    I'm trying to create an Automation with a Loop action in which workflow there is an Applescript Action too. What I need to do and I couldn't find anywhere on the net is how to make a variable increase in 1 each times it makes a loop. I will try to explain it again, in case it's not clear.
    First Action
    Second Action
    So each time it loops, the N variable increases 1 number. First loop, N=1, second loop N=2, third loop N=3 and so on.
    Any ideas.
    Thank you!

    well, it's easy enough to wrap a one-shot applescript in a repeat loop, but...
    the Get Text From Webpage action is not a script - it's a small cocoa plugin for automator.  There's no direct way to get webpages from applescript.  normally you use applescript to fetch them in Safari and then read the source from there.  however, if you want to do it directly you can use the following:
    set webpageText to do shell script "curl"
    All together it would look something like:
    set webList to {"", "", ""}
    repeat with thisURL in webList
              set webpageText to do shell script "curl " & thisURL
      --process webpageText
    end repeat

  • AppleScript that Finds Photos and Copys Created within Week

    I have three folders where I download photos. Each folder has different types of photos. I'd like to create a new folder that contains the copied most recent photos from my three folders. I was able to do this in workflow, but I'm not sure how to start the AppleScript.
    Plus with workflow, it only works when I manually run it. Ideally, I'd like to see the results when I open the recent folder. Someone mentioned a Folder Action, but I can't figure out how to get it to work when the folder is opened.
    I feel like i'm missing something fairly simple and i'm too tired to figure it out.
    Please help!

    I remember a script I wrote back in 2005. I had run a KDX-Server and I wanted a folder that contains aliases of my latest uploads. The way the skripts works is a bit ehm... strange since I was only able to create symbolic links using a shell script together with find, and later on theses symbolic links had to be converted to aliases so that kdx could recognize them...
    (Find is pretty fast on searching for the latest files)
    well, in addition a short manual 07.02.2005
    --#################################--Preferences--############################## ###--
    property daycount : 4
    property depthscanswitch : "off" --(on/off)
    property dirnameinaliasname : "off" --(on/off)
    global maxfolderdeep, folderkind, destination_folder, currentfoldername, tempfolder
    --## Set all working directories
    tell application "Finder"
    set folderkind to kind of folder 1 of startup disk
    set aliasfolder to (folder "recentuploadsaliases" of startup disk) as alias
    on error
    make new folder at startup disk with properties {name:"recentuploadsaliases"}
    set aliasfolder to (folder "recentuploadsaliases" of startup disk) as alias
    --error "A folder called \"recentuploadsaliases\" has been created at your startup disk."
    end try
    set temp_folder to folder "_temp" of aliasfolder as alias
    set tempfolder to POSIX path of temp_folder
    on error
    make new folder at (aliasfolder as alias) with properties {name:"_temp"}
    set temp_folder to folder "_temp" of aliasfolder as alias
    set tempfolder to POSIX path of temp_folder
    end try
    set scangroupfolders to every folder of (aliasfolder as alias)
    end tell
    --## Now scan every folder
    repeat with currentscan_groupfolder in scangroupfolders
    tell application "Finder" to set itemname to name of currentscan_groupfolder
    if itemname as text ≠ "_temp" then
    --## clean the tempdir and the destination folder from aliases and links
    tell application "Finder" to set destination_folder to original item of alias file "destination_folder" of currentscan_groupfolder
    do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (destination_folder as alias)) & "*"
    do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of tempfolder & "*"
    tell application "Finder" to set the_folders to every alias file of currentscan_groupfolder
    repeat with the_folder in the_folders
    if name of the_folder ≠ "destination_folder" then
    tell application "Finder" to set thepath to original item of the_folder
    if depthscanswitch = "on" then
    set maxfolderdeep to (character 1 of ((name of the_folder) as text)) as integer
    set maxfolderdeep to 1
    end if
    tell application "Finder" to set thefolder to original item of (the_folder as alias)
    set currentfoldername to (name of thefolder) as text
    end if
    end repeat
    -- ## create aliases of symbolic links at the destination directory
    tell application "Finder"
    set these_ to every item of temp_folder
    repeat with this_ in these_
    if dirnameinaliasname = "on" then
    set name_01 to name of container of (original item of this_)
    set name_00 to name of (original item of this_)
    set aliasname to name_00 & " @ " & name_01 as string
    make new alias file to ((original item of this_) as alias) with properties {name:aliasname} at destination_folder
    make new alias file to ((original item of this_) as alias) at destination_folder
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    end if
    end repeat
    on makesymlinks(the_folder)
    set thepath to POSIX path of (the_folder as alias)
    do shell script "find " & quoted form of thepath & " -ctime -" & daycount & " -maxdepth " & maxfolderdeep & " -mindepth " & maxfolderdeep & " -exec ln -s {} " & quoted form of tempfolder & " \\;"
    end makesymlinks
    Maybe this helps in a way.

  • Applescript "with administrator privileges" and without Password prompt

    I have to configure some phone settings in the central VOIP/VPN/Gateway Router via a ssh (with certificate) command.
    There is only a option to allow or disallow the ssh access in the router. Therefor I wrote a applescript to allow only the specific ssh command "set /Setup/Voice-Call-Manager/Call-Router/Call-Routing/". To avoid the configuration access for anyone and to hard code passwords I have to execute this script with root permissions (do shell script "/usr/bin/su - " & user & " -c " & "'" & cmd & "'" with administrator privileges"). In any other unix implementation I can use "chmod 4755; chown 0:0". Even I compiled the Applescript and stored it as Carbon App, I get a user/password prompt.
    How can I avoid this prompt or authorize the script/app in any way?
    Thanks Henri

    I agree, but to use the private key of the applescript caller opens any user the ability to change any WLAN key, VPN settings or delete the admin account, not a good idea....
    Therefor I would like to run the applescript with root, "su - <adminuser> ssh router set ....".
    This restricts the access to the router config to this applescript and I would like avoid the hard coding of the root password in the applescript.
    I tried also the add the command to /etc/sudoers, this work fine from the command line but how to call "sudo applescript" from the desktop without entering the admin password?

  • Applescript with Mail attachments and shell scripts (pdftk)

    I'm trying to create a script that I can call using mail rules that will:
    1. save an attached PDF file to a folder (folder name is 'PDFs_from_Mail:')
    2. save each page of the PDF as a separate file
    3. delete the old file
    so far, i used the script below called from mail to save the attachments to the
    -- script called from mail
    using terms from application"Mail"
      onperform mail action with messages theMessages
        tell application"Finder" to set ptd to (path to desktopfolder) as string
        tell application"Finder" to set pathToAttachments to(path to desktop folder as string) &"PDFs_from_Mail:"
        tell application"Mail"
           repeatwith theMessage in theMessages
                if theMessage's mailattachments is not {} then
                      repeatwith theAttachment in theMessage's mailattachments
                            settheFileName to pathToAttachments & theAttachment's name
                                     save theAttachment in theFileName
                              onerror errnum
                end if
          end tell
      endperform mail action with messages
    end usingterms from
    tell application"Mail"
        setmyMessages to selection
        tellme to perform mail action with messages myMessages
    end tell
    -- end of script called from mail
    after the file is in the folder, i'd like to automatically call a script that splits it in to pages and saves each file.  I found pdftk can do what I need.  I got the following working, which uses a folder action script to process the file:
    -- burst script
    on addingfolder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
       tellapplication "Finder"
           set fold_name tothe name of this_folder
                   repeatwith i from 1 to number ofitems in added_items
                          set theFile toitem i of added_items
                          set oldDelimiters toAppleScript's text item delimiters
                          set AppleScript's textitem delimiters to {":"}
                          set theFolder to(((text items 1 thru ((count everytext item of (theFile asstring)) -1)) of (theFile asstring))) as string
                          set AppleScript's textitem delimiters to oldDelimiters
                                --get the file name
                                   set theFileName to the name of theFile
                                                     do shell script"/usr/local/bin/pdftk " & (POSIX path oftheFile) & " burst output " & (POSIXpath of theFolder) & "/" & theFileName &"_%03d.pdf"
                                                      delete theFile
                                        end try
    end adding folder items to
    -- end burst script
    the shell script that is called is in the format:
    pdftk myfile.pdf burst
    the output parameter basically adds the page number to the end of the original filename for each file that is created
    my idea was to attach the folder action script to the 'PDFs_from_Mail' folder, and when the first script is called, the file would be saved to that folder and trigger the folder action script burst the file.  it works for individual messages, but when I try using it with the hundreds of messages that I have, all kinds of crazy things happen... the filenames are all wrong and it seems like it goes on infinitely.
    My familiarity with applescript is somewhat limited (as you may have guessed) and I'm wondering if there is a better approach.  perhaps if I incorporate the shell script into the script called from mail it may streamline everything.
    my problem is that I am not sure what code I need to keep in each script.
    can anyone take a quick look at this and give me some advice?
    my goal is to have these individual pages in a folder so that I can use quick view to page through them.  if the pdf is more than one page, then I have to get involved in scrolling up/down and it becomes difficult to find things efficiently.

    just a quick update and a general questions about applescripting with shell scripts...
    i attached the above folder action burst script to a folder, and have been dragging pdf files into it, one at a time.
    sometimes the script runs fine and the new files are created and the old pdf is deleted.  other times, there is a long delay between when I drop a pdf file into the folder and when the new files are created.  and sometimes nothing even happens at all (uaually if i dont wait for at least 30 seconds or so between dropping the files in the folder).  I also noticed that the window title text (area showing the folder name at the top of the finder window) becomes grayed out when the script is running and sometimes it remains grayed out for a few minutes after the script has run.
    could it be that the shell script just takes a really long time to work?  i am afraid to drop more than one file at a time as the last time I tried that the output was all wrong and I had to force quit processes and shut down. 

  • Applescript Help:  Backup iCal and save to New Folder on Desktop

    I have a script one third done. I'm a noobe to Applescript and coding. Hopefully, someone here can help me.
    I'm wanting to first backup my iCal data and have it saved to a newly created folder named "xxx" to the Desktop.
    1. Create folder on desktop named "xxx"
    2. Open iCal and backup iCal data
    3. iCal saves to the "xxx" folder
    So far I have:
    tell application "iCal" to activate
    delay 2
    tell application "System Events"
    tell menu item "Back up iCal…" of menu "File" of menu bar 1 of application process "iCal" to click
    delay 1
    keystroke "iCal Backup"
    keystroke "d" using command down
    delay 1
    keystroke return
    tell application "iCal" to quit
    end tell
    The above just opens iCal, saves the file to desktop and quits. I want it to save to a folder then quit. Is this possible? Ultimately, I also want to save a backup file of Firefox bookmarks and have that file save to the same "xxx" folder. Any help will be appreciated.

    Instead of using the command-d keystroke, use tabs and arrow keys to navigate the save dialog.

  • Applescript to delete caches and folders in Saved Application State

    I don't know if this can be done, but I'd like to write and Applescript to perform these functions:
    1) to delete caches from all 3 cache folders and the ~/Library/Saved Application State folder
    2) to run at  logout, shutdown or startup (any of those is fine)
    3) to run  with admin credentials already provided
    Can this be done?

    You're not going to find anything useful in that folder. To clear an application's saved state, launch it while holding down the shift key. I very strongly advise you not to use the shell unless you're sure you know what you're doing.

  • AppleScript Studio: status bar and panel window

    My problem is that the panel won't open, and so I don't see the progress bar.
    All I am looking for is the panel to come down, show the progress bar turning, then for the panel to go away when iCal is done adding the event. This is the entire script, but I'm not sure I have everything right in Interface builder. The Documentation for display mentioned clicking panel ended, but then further down it looked like you didn't need it.
    I'm confused.
    -- +Event.applescript
    -- +Event
    -- Created by Michael Ewald on 6/26/06.
    -- Copyright 2006 Michael Ewald. All rights reserved.
    load panel "statusPanel" from nib "statusPanel"
    on clicked theObject
    -- Get & Format form items
    set eventTitle to contents of text field "eventTitle" of window "main" as string
    set eventLocation to contents of text field "eventLocation" of window "main" as string
    set EventNotes to contents of text view "eventNotesText" of scroll view "eventNotesScroll" of window "main"
    set allDay to state of button "allDay" of window "main"
    set startDate to current date
    set startDate to content of control "startDate" of window "main"
    set endDate to content of control "endDate" of window "main"
    -- Make Event
    start progress indicator "statusBar" of window "statusPanel"
    start progress indicator "statusBar" of window "statusPanel"
    display "statusPanel" attached to window "main"
    tell application "iCal"
    set theCalName to "AppleScript Test"
    set theCal to calendar theCalName
    if allDay is equal to 1 then
    make new event at end of calendar theCalName with properties {summary:eventTitle, location:eventLocation, allday event:true, description:EventNotes}
    else if allDay is equal to 0 then
    make new event at end of calendar theCalName with properties {summary:eventTitle, location:eventLocation, start date:startDate, end date:endDate, description:EventNotes}
    end if
    end tell
    -- reset form
    set the contents of text field "eventTitle" of window "main" to ""
    set the contents of text field "eventLocation" of window "main" to ""
    set contents of text view "eventNotesText" of scroll view "eventNotesScroll" of window "main" to ""
    set state of button "allDay" of window "main" to 0
    set currentDate to current date
    set currentDatePlus to (current date) + 1 * hours
    -- Update Times
    set content of control "startDate" of window "main" to currentDate
    set content of control "endDate" of window "main" to currentDatePlus
    on error
    display alert "There was a problem!"
    end try
    close panel "statusPanel"
    end clicked

    Thanks for the response,
    right now the window is in a seperate nib file. I was
    trying to follow the applescript studio example
    "Display Panel"
    Then you need to load it, look at the example, you see panelWIndow is declared as property:
    property panelWIndow : missing value
    then inside on click handler:
    if panelWIndow is equal to missing value then
    load nib "statusPanel" -- if your nib is statusPanel.nib
    set panelWIndow to window "statusPanel" --> that's AppleScript window name
    end if
    then you can use:
    display panel panelWIndow attached to window "main"
    What is the advantage / disadvantage of having more
    than one nib file?
    Not a whole lot in simple app, because you have to load it to use it.
    But in more complex apps, the advantage is that you don't commit run time memory, if the users don't use it.

  • Applescript: Find a phrase and add text below it

    Hello, I am somewhat new to Applescript. I am trying to create a script that will contain dialogs to gather a few pieces of info then use that info to add 1) an item to a text file list and 2) add the input to a script file. Here's what I have:
    This is the part of the script that creates a list of choices in a dialog (I'm using an Applescript application):
    set Parts to paragraphs of (read POSIX file (theFolder & "Contents/Resources/list.txt"))
    repeat with nextLine in Parts
              if length of nextLine is greater than 0 then
                        copy nextLine to the end of listOfParts
              end if
    end repeat
    set chosen to (choose from list listOfParts with title "Add A Part" with prompt "Select part" without multiple selections allowed) as text
    Once it's chosen, I set variables based on the choice:
    if chosen is "Limit Thermostat" then
              set theItemNumber to "29329.1000"
              set itemDescription to "Limit thermostat "
              set theWarehouse to "parts"
              set theLocation to "a8d1a"
    end if
    Then there's a short script below this section which adds the selected part to my accounting application.
    This works perfectly. Now, let's say I have a new part to add to my list and need to create the section above in my script. How can I add the text to the script file below the last section of "if chosen..." but before the rest of the script using an Applescript?

    Hello, I am somewhat new to Applescript. I am trying to create a script that will contain dialogs to gather a few pieces of info then use that info to add 1) an item to a text file list and 2) add the input to a script file. Here's what I have:
    This is the part of the script that creates a list of choices in a dialog (I'm using an Applescript application):
    set Parts to paragraphs of (read POSIX file (theFolder & "Contents/Resources/list.txt"))
    repeat with nextLine in Parts
              if length of nextLine is greater than 0 then
                        copy nextLine to the end of listOfParts
              end if
    end repeat
    set chosen to (choose from list listOfParts with title "Add A Part" with prompt "Select part" without multiple selections allowed) as text
    Once it's chosen, I set variables based on the choice:
    if chosen is "Limit Thermostat" then
              set theItemNumber to "29329.1000"
              set itemDescription to "Limit thermostat "
              set theWarehouse to "parts"
              set theLocation to "a8d1a"
    end if
    Then there's a short script below this section which adds the selected part to my accounting application.
    This works perfectly. Now, let's say I have a new part to add to my list and need to create the section above in my script. How can I add the text to the script file below the last section of "if chosen..." but before the rest of the script using an Applescript?

  • Using applescript/automator to import and categorise multiple .txt files

    Hello all,
    I wonder is anyone can offer me some advice on the best approach to importing multiple text files into excel. I've searched excel specific forums, but it seems that the macro's that work on windows wont work on my mac.
    Basically, I am trying to find a way of importing multiple comma delimanted text files into an excel workbook. If it is possible, it would also be great to automatically compute the data into summarised variables (e.g., the data is multiple reaction time trials [220 to be precise] and I would like to create cells within excel with the mean scores from groups of the trials [A1 to A20, A21 to A40, A41 to A80 etc.]) within a seperate sheet (at present I am importing the text files one by one, performing the calculations, before copying and paste special into a summary sheet).
    I have put an example of the file in dropbox ( to give anyone who is willing to help a better idea of what I mean.
    Thanks in advance.

    Did you ever figure out the problem with your mail that was going out from the wrong server (2 yrs. ago)?  I have the same problem from my MacBook Pro, using Mac Mail.  I try to send email from my work account and then find to my surprise and dismay that I get an autoreply in my personal gmail account from the person I wrote to.  I look in the Sent mail for my work account and it looks like the message went from there but I can see in the reply that it instead went from my gmail account!  I tried checking the box in my work account that says "send only from this SMTP server" but that didn't fix the problem.  The only way seems to be turning off the gmail in order to send with certainty from my work account.  If you have any suggestions I would love to try them.  Thanks!
    PS Sorry to write off topic here.  I wanted to reply to the original posting but I guess since it is so old I couldn't do so.

  • Applescript to start, stop and repeat background screensaver

    I am very neww to applescript.
    Please help me fix this applescript?
    I get the error:
    "Can’t make current application into type string."
    This is my applescript
      do shell script
                        "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSav -background &> /dev/null &"
                        delay 300
                        tell application "ScreenSaverEngine" to quit
      delay 1
    end repeat
    Much appreciated!

    Got it! Obivously a rookie mistake
              do shell script "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.a pp/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background &> /dev/null &"
              delay 300
              tell application "ScreenSaverEngine" to quit
      delay 1
    end repeat

Maybe you are looking for

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