Applescript in Xcode Saving Preferences

Ok I am writing a simple applescript based xcode application but I can't figure out how to save these properties:
property fade_speed : true
property fade_on : false
property the_choice : false
property first_run : true
... between launches of the application which controls itunes. I want the user to be able to set preferences of if they want itunes to fade between songs every time they click the next or previous buttons or not to fade and to have a dialog pop up the first time they open the app and "the_choice" is their favorite playlist which they can play by clicking a button. How can I have these settings saved so that the user does not have to set them up each time?
Im using the latest version of Mac OS 10.5.7 and the latest version of Xcode.

Properties do not persist between runs in AppleScript Studio like they do in a regular AppleScript. To save your preferences, etc., use the user defaults.

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    AppleScript in XCode is generally known as AppleScriptObjC (AppleScript/Objective C). More details as Apple's Developer Site.
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    Make sure the systemprefs plist file is not locked. If it is, unlock it. If it isn't, delete it then restart.
    To find the file
    1. Make Finder active. Choose 'Go' from the menu bar, hold down the option key.
    2. Choose Library (you must have the 'option' key held down).
    3. Go to Preferences >
    4. Right-click (or hit 'cmd-i' on the keyboard) and choose 'Get Info'. If the 'Locked' option is ticked, untick it. Then Restart. If the 'Locked' option is not ticked, close the dialogue, remove the file to trash. Restart.
    5. What happens now is that system will restart at default system prefs. However, it should now save your new settings. To test it, just set one of the setting that you know didn't 'stick before', then restart and see if all is good. 

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    Error Saving Preferences
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    Amount of free space on my computer:
    Capacity: 499.76GB
    Available 432.54GB
    You are doing great on free space.
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    _Go to Your User > Library > Preferences.
    _Click on the Preferences folder once to highlight it.
    _Go to File > Get Info
    _Make sure that your user name is listed in the Sharing & Permissions window with Read & Write access
    _Go to the bottom of the info window and click on the pad lock to unlock it
    _Click on the cog / gear and then click on apply to enclosed items
    _Now try adding an account in Mail again.
    If the issue persists at this point it may be necessary to reset Mail which may require you to re-enter your account settings.
    Remove Your User > Preferences > to the desktop and then open Mail and try adding an account.

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    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    "password" with administrator
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    Many thanks for reading!

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    Yes, I am using ADF BC viewcriteria for creating query component. Please try the sample from the below link
    Run the main.jspx file -> enter some criteria -> search -> then save -> give a name -> select the criteria from the dropdown.

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    AppleScript Studio is the old framework, and is deprecated in Snow Leopard (you can still use it if you really want to, though).  AppleScriptObjC is the new framework, and although you don't need to know Objective-C, it helps a bit to be able to read it, since most of the Cocoa documentation uses it (since ASOC calls Cocoa methods directly, Apple expects you to just use the existing documentation).
    There is an AppleScriptObjC in Xcode tutorial at MacScripter, and Shane Stanley has an excellent e-book available at Mac OS X Automation that will get you up to speed fairly quickly - definitely worth the investment.
    I also have a few example projects and references on my AppleScriptObjC web page that have been gathered from my various wanderings (there are also a couple of conversion examples from AS Studio and Obj-C).

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    kpott wrote:
    Anyway, the piece of software Roger's gave with their Internet USB key can't connect by itself, you must click on the connect button when their software boots or else it just finds the signal and waits for your command. I guess this was done intentionally by their part to save on bandwidth use.
    You need to click a button. AppleScript can do this & is done all the time.
    See the script below.
    Get the scripting setup right then
    Might be simple as:
    keystroke return
    The problem I'm getting is that I usually get the "Finder canceled "Shutdown"...." error message when the mac mini boots. "Shutdown" is the name of my script. This only happens sometimes, which is my biggest frustration. The method I'm using isn't stable.
    Rename your script. The name is confusing. Something like myShutdown.
    This is why I'm trying to look into a better way to work this out. I'm using Energy Saver to schedule the power on process and login items to start the script. The reason why I'm using iCal is to shutdown the computer using a script. I couldn't get the mac to start a script while Shutdown was initialized using the Energy Saver feature. PLUS, only to make things worst, on sundays, the mac must shutdown earlier in the day.
       Remember you need to enable assistive devices.
       This lets applications software access screen elements.
       blue apple > system perferences > universal access > enable assistive devices
    -- Write a message into the event log.
       Run this program from the Script Editor.  Click on the Event Log tab at the
       bottom of the screen.
    log "  --- Starting on " & ((current date) as string) & " --- "
    set the_item_ref to choose file with prompt "Select an html, text, or some other file Safari will display."
    -- Activate
    activate application "Safari"
    -- Open the URL 
    tell application "Safari"
       open the_item_ref
       -- print
       -- System Events interacts with the current active applications.
       tell application "System Events"
          tell process "Safari"
             -- Your simulating typing on the keyboard.  You need to allow time
             -- for the application to run. It's always a guess about delay in seconds.
             delay 3
             -- Be sure your printer is up & running before printing.
             keystroke "p" using command down
             delay 3
             keystroke return
             delay 10
             keystroke "w" using command down
          end tell
       end tell
    end tell -- of Safari

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    i am writing a program  in xcode with applescript.
    the language itself causes no trouble to me, but
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    program itself.

    Are you talking about preferences, such as the User Defaults System?  Most of the existing Cocoa documentation can be used for ASObjC, you just need to know how to convert the examples.

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    * Once the user changes the data in the fields tell the applescript
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    I'm not sure why you are closing it, but the NSApplication class is what keeps track of the windows.  If you don't want to connect the window to an outlet from the interface editor, you can use something like
    set theWindow to current application's NSApplication's sharedApplication's mainWindow()
    ...and from there you can use whatever NSWindow methods, for example
    theWindow's performClose_(me)

  • AppleScript Studio/Xcode problem - Problem with text entries! Please help!

    Hey, I've been up for hours each night looking for solutions to this but still have had no luck.
    I am creating an app in Xcode/Applescript studio that will ask you to enter how many times you would like system events to repeat a certain keystroke. First of all, the code would look something like this:
    on click theObject
    If the name of theObject is equal to "myApplication" then
    (Right here would be where the variables representing text in an input in the app's window would be, which I have absolutely no clue what to type.)
    tell application "text edit"
    tell application "system events"
    keystroke x (x representing a variable)
    end tell
    end tell
    end clicked
    and that's about as far as I can get. I want a variable representing the text in the main text entry box, but I have no clue how to access that text, or even know if it's submitted or detected when I hit a button. Hopefully you're following, as I am way to confused to fully explain it, but please try and help me out if you can.

    Hi Kamprath445,
    Though this mentions iTunes, I think it has good examples you can use...
    More in depth... uide/conceptual/ASLR_variables.html

  • Yosemite Mail mail not saving preferences

    OS X 10.10, Mail 8.0
    I have several mail accounts set up, a mix of POP and IMAP
    One IMAP account does not use secure authentication.
    If I set the preferences for the account under the Advanced tab, and tick 'Allow insecure authentication', then save preferences, I can send mail to the account.
    However if I return to Mail after 5 minutes or so the preference has changed back to disallow insecure authentication, and that mail account no loner works. I get a message:
    "Mail cannot send your password securely to the server. You can remove this restriction in the Accounts preferences by setting “Allow insecure authentication”, which could put your password at risk."
    I have a POP account for a different email address with the same provider, and the preference to allow insecure authentication is saved.
    I have tried deleting the account and setting it ip again, but the IMAP presence to use insecure authentication is still not saved.

    I have this issue as well.  This includes the inability of font preferences to stick, and the toolbar changes to be retained.

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    I bought a Macbook. Everytime I try to save receipts and invoices as PDF files in my Web Receipts folder (By pressing the Apple Key - P, and selecting PDF - Save PDF in Web Receipt), I get an error saying that the receipt has already been saved: AppleScript error (-41). When I go to the Web Receipts folder, there is nothing there...
    What should I do?

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    How do you change the text of a label (in a window) in Xcode, with AppleScript?
    I use Xcode, but inside my app I use Xcode. Applescript studio actually, only it's isn't called like that anymore.
    It's also called applescriptobjc...
    I have a label, containing the text "Hello" in my main window.
    Next to it, is a button. I want that button connected to an applescript action, like:
    on thebuttonclicked_(aNotification)
    set thelabel1 to "Bye!"
    end thebuttonclicked_
    Please help,
    Isaiah v. Hunen
    P.S. Is there a way to also use the text of the label, like;
    on thebuttonclicked_(aNotification)
    display dialog thelabel1
    end thebuttonclicked_

    AppleScript Studio was deprecated in Snow Leopard - the new framework (AppleScriptObjC) is quite a bit different.  One of the main differences is the way that user interface objects are referred to.
    Typically, in your project you would create an outlet property for the label and connect that to the UI item.  This outlet would then be used with the desired NSTextField methods (a label is just a text field that looks a little different).
    property theLabel1 : missing value -- connect to the label text field
    on thebuttonclicked_(aNotification)
      theLabel1's setStringValue_("Bye!")
      display dialog theLabel1's stringValue() as text
    end thebuttonclicked_
    Bindings can also be used to bind the value of the text field to a property.

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