Applescript or other Macro-type support?

Anyone know if there is applescript support in Logic at all, or if there are plans to add it? I'd like to automate adding tracks and events if possible.

Think Logic is not apple scriptable. But in Automator you can try recording an automation and creating tracks, then run that automation workflow.

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    Hi robertrackl,
    Thanks for your post.
    The Setup Project template is located in: Installed Templates >> Other Project Types >> Setup and Deployment >> Visual Studio Installer. Would you please check if the templates exists in this path?
    If not, you can follow the steps below to reset your Visual Studio templates:
    Please open Windows Explorer, and navigate to <Visual Studio Installation Path>\Common7\IDE
    (by default is C:\Program Files \Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE);
    Delete the ItemTemplatesCache, ProjectTemplatesCache
    Open Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) under Start menu -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 -> Visual Studio Tools (run it with Administrator privilege: right-click the program -> Run as administrator);
    Run the devenv /InstallVSTemplates switch;
    Run the devenv /Setup switch.
    If you have any concerns, please feel free to let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Andrew Wu [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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  • Which device type support Unicode printing ?

    Hi all,
    Do you know which cascading font device types support Customer-defined true type fonts ?
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    Do you know how to resolve this problem ?
    Best regards,

    see this OSS notes may be useful
    In some device types (e.g HPLJ4, HPLJ5) you experience non-uniform character spacing in the PDF document after the PDF conversion of SAPscript or Smart Forms documents, using HELVE or TIMES fonts. You want to know the reason.
    Other terms
    CONVERT_OTF, SAPscript, Smart Forms
    Reason and Prerequisites
    The problem is not due to an error in the PDF converter but due to the fact, that the printer font, underlying the device type (e.g. Univers or CG Times in PCL-5 device types), is not available for the PDF converter and is either not available in Adobe Reader. The PDF converter has to try to simulate the layout of the printer font by means of a font which is predefined in Adobe Reader. This is done by assigning the letter widths of the printer font to the font used in Adobe Reader.
    The PDF file contains a table with letter widths, used by Adobe Reader in the output of text, for each used printer font (except PostScript fonts).
    %Charwidth values from HP4300 HELVE 060 normal
    [ 278 333 500 633 633 1000 758 333 333 333 633...
    Adobe reader converts this width table, by modifying the space between each character, so that the specified letter width (= space between the current and the next letter) is kept.
    This 'Simulation' of printer fonts results in the sometimes visible irregular spaces in PDF.
    The PDF converter always uses the Helvetica Adobe PostScript font for the display of HELVE and the Times Roman Adobe PostScript font for the display of TIMES. However, for these Adobe PostScript fonts, Adobe Reader often uses a Windows TrueType font, which differs slightly from the original PostScript font.
    Workaround: Use the POST2 PostScript device type or the PDF1 PDF device type for the PDF conversion of documents in the Latin-1 character set. They both use the Adobe PostScript fonts Helvetica or Times Roman for the HELVE/TIMES printer fonts.
    Header Data
    Release Status: Released for Customer
    Released on: 30.06.2006  12:44:06
    Priority: Recommendations/additional info
    Category: Consulting
    Primary Component: BC-CCM-PRN Print and Output Management
    Secondary Components: BC-SRV-SCR SAPscript
    OSS Note: 776507
    Documents printed via SAPscript or SmartForms do not print with correct special characters, e.g. ### prints instead of Japanese or Russian characters. What to do?
    Other terms
    SAPscript, SmartForms, printing, device types, OTF
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Help required to choose proper fonts in a SAPscript or SmartForm
    When using SAPscript or SmartForms to print (or email or fax) a form from a business application, many factors influence the outcome of the actual text within the form. All these factors must be checked in order to ensure a correct printout:
    1) The language version of the form used to produce the printout.
    Example: If you want to print a French invoice, you need to have a FR version of your SAPscript or SmartForms invoice form RVINVOICE01. And the application program must specify the corresponding language key (FR) when calling the SAPscript or SmartForms API.
    2) The font selections specified in the form (possibly also in a SAPscript style or SmartStyle used in a form).
    Example: In a SAPscript form or a SmartStyle you need to specify HELVE if you want to print German text in Helvetica (or similar) font. If you want to print Japanese text, HELVE is not a valid choice but you need to specify a Japanese font like JPMINCHO in your Japanese form.
    3) The output character set of the device type
    Every printer in transaction SPAD has a "device type" assigned. Device types used by the spooler for printing support only one single specific output character set. All text from the form has to be converted (using SAP's built-in character conversion mechanism) to this output character set.
    A character set can typically support either a single language (e.g. Shift-JIS which supports only Japanese) or a set of languages (e.g. ISO 8859-1, which supports Western-European languages). It is possible that a given language (such as German) can be supported by several output character sets, e.g. you may use either ISO 8895-1 (Latin-1) or ISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) to represent German text. This is so because both character sets contain the special characters used in German.
    Example: HPLJ4000 is a HP LaserJet device type supporting the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set. ISO 8859-1 can be used to represent e.g. Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish but NOT Russian or Japanese.
    As a consequence, it is ok to use HPLJ4000 to print English, German French etc. but not for Japanese or Russian.
    4) The set of available printer fonts for a given device type
    When formatting a document, SAPscript and SmartForms perform an automatic mapping of the font definitions in the form (e.g. "HELVE 14 point bold") and the available printer fonts of the device type. A replacement printer font is chosen, should the specified font selection not be available in the device type. Now this replacement can be problematic if a language-specific font, such as Chinese CNSONG, is specified in a form and it gets replaced by a font which does not support this language, e.g. COURIER.
    To solve this problem, font families in SE73 have language attribute assigned, e.g. some fonts are characterized as being suitable only for certain languages. And when a replacement has to be chosen because the original font from the form is not available in the device type, a replacement font is chosen which has the same language attributes.
    If no fonts for the language in question exist in the device type, the resulting font will not be able to print the special characters and you will see "wrong" output characters in the printout.
    Note on SAPscript/SmartForms Print Preview:
    The OTF Print Preview available in Windows GUI (e.g. from transaction SP01) will sometimes not show the "wrong" characters which appear on the final printout. Here is the reason: since the Print Preview runs in Windows environment, it will use Windows fonts to represent the actual printer fonts. A Windows font typically has more available characters (i.e. covers more character sets) than are actually available in a printer's resident font.
    A typical example where the Print Preview will differ from the printout is here: if you have a Chinese PCL5 printer such as CNHPLJ4 and use the Western Latin font COURIER in your document, the print preview will show you Chinese characters if you (by accident) tried to format Chinese characters in COURIER font. This is because Windows will automatically choose a font that can output Chinese characters (which is actually not Courier). But when you print the job on an actual PCL5 printer with resident Western and Chinese fonts, the Courier font will not print any Chinese characters but Western special characters instead, because the printer's resident Courier font does not include Chinese characters.
    Rule of thumb: all Asian device types (e.g. CNHPLJ4, JPHPLJ4, JPPOST, KPHPLJ4) support not only Asian fonts but also COURIER, HELVE and TIMES fonts. But these Latin fonts can only be used to print English text, not Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters.
    Which fonts are suitable for a given language?
    Language(s):            Font family to use in a form:
    Latin-1 (Western Europe/Americas) *******
                            (LETGOTH, LNPRINT)
    Latin-2 (Central Europe) ****************
    PL, CZ                  COURIER, HELVE, TIMES
    ISO 8859-4 (Baltic) *********************
    ET, LT, LV              COURIER, HELVE, TIMES
    ISO 8859-5 (Cyrillic) *******************
    ISO 8859-7 (Greek) **********************
    EL                      COUR_I7, HELV_I7, TIME_I7
    ISO 8859-8 (Hebrew) *********************
    HE                      COURIER, HELVE, TIMES
    ISO 8859-9 (Turkish) ********************
    TR                      COURIER, HELVE, TIMES
    Simplified Chinese **********************
    ZH                      CNHEI, CNKAI, CNSONG
    Japanese ********************************
    JA                      JPMINCHO, DBMINCHO, DBGOTHIC
    Korean **********************************
    KP                      KPBATANG, KPDODUM, KPGULIM
                            KPGUNGSE, KPSAMMUL
    Traditional Chinese *********************
    ZF                      TWDPHEI, TWMING, TWSONG
    Thai ************************************
    TH                      THANGSAN, THDRAFT, THVIJIT
    Arabic (Unicode systems only) ***********
    AR                      ANDALE_J
    Verify your output by examining the OTF data
    When analysing printing problems of this type, be sure to check the OTF data which gets produced by SAPscript or SmartForms. OTF or "Output Text Format" is the intermediate page-description format generated from SAPscript or SmartForms. OTF will contain the final printer font names and character set/language identifiers which help to solve the problem. OTF will even name the form and the language of the form used to create the output.
    The easiest way to do this is to create a spool request from your application, run transaction SP01, use menu
    Goto->Display Requests->Settings
    and choose
    Display Mode: Raw
    Now display your spool request. If this is a SAPscript or SmartForms spool request, you will see OTF data. Each line represents one OTF command, every command starts with a 2-character cmd identifier and possibly some cmd parameters follow.
    Here is an excerpt from a sample OTF file where we highlight the most interesting commands:
    //XHPLJ8000    0700 00000000001
    OPDINA4  P 144  240 1683811906000010000100001
    FCHELVE  120  00109XSF100SF101110000067E X
    UL +0000000000000
    ST0453037Dieses SF hat Stil ALEXTEST_ZEBRA mit
    The 1st line with the // (Control) command reveals the device type usedto print: HPLJ8000
    //XHPLJ8000    0700 00000000001
    The 2nd line (IN = Info command) shows the name and (internal 1-char)language key of the form:
    In this case it is the English (E = EN) SmartForm ALEXTEST_ZEBRA
    The OP-line (OP = Open Page) gives the page format used in the form, it is DINA4 Portrait orientation:
    OPDINA4  P 144  240 1683811906000010000100001
    The CP (CodePage) cmd shows the SAP system codepage used to code the text and the active language. In our case it is codepage 1100 and language E = EN = English.
    Finally, the FC-cmd (Font Call) lists a printer font selected within SmartForms. Please note that every SmartForm has a designated default SmartStyle under "Form Attributes->Output Options". In addition, every text node can have a SmartStyle attached (which will override the definitions from the default style for the text). In our case the resulting printer font that was selected is HELVE 12.0 pt bold-off, italic-off.
    FCHELVE   120  00109XSF100SF101110000067E X
    Header Data
    Release Status: Released for Customer
    Released on: 22.08.2005  09:57:20
    Priority: Recommendations/additional info
    Category: Customizing
    Primary Component: BC-CCM-PRN Print and Output Management
    Secondary Components: BC-SRV-SCR SAPscript
    BC-SRV-SSF Smart Forms
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

  • IDoc types supported by ECC 6

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    Could you please let me know what are all IDoc types are supported by ECC 6.0?
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    Hi Krish,
    Go to Tcode: WE30 and do a F4 on the Obj. Name field this will list all the IDOC Types supported by SAP, to get more information go to WE60(you could do a F4 here too - against Basic Type) and use the IDOC Type to read the documentation for the same.
    Edited by: Chen K V on Jun 15, 2011 10:51 AM

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    Good morning,
    I am working on a MacBook Air (purchased Oct 2009) running Lion. While working in Excel 2011, I encounter the error "Some chart types cannot be combined with other chart types. Please select a different chart type." I am highlighting 46 cells to create a marked line graph. There are no other charts in the file. I called Microsoft support who told me they had not heard of this problem in Excel (only in PowerPoint). I also took it to an Apple Store Genius, who was unable to solve the problem, which is understandable, given that he does not work for Microsoft.
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    Any suggestions that you have would be much appreciated,
    One stressed out PhD student who desperately needs Excel to work

    Hi, folks.
    Apparently, when using Excel 2011 and running Lion, if the tab names in excel contain a period (.), this error occurs. I removed the periods and now I can graph again. I hope this helps anyone else who may experience this problem.

  • Does IVI Step Type support NI PXIe-4112?

    Hello, Guys
    I have a PXIe-4112 and four of PXI-4130. When I try to configure my PXIe-4112 with the PowerSupply IVI Step Type, an error occurred.
    An error occurred calling 'RunStep' in 'ISubstep' of 'zNI TestStand Ivi Step Types'
    An error occurred while executing the step.
    Component Works IVI Control Error: The IVI Configure operation failed for logical name '4112'.
    Details: Attribute or property not supported. Attribute: NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OVP_ENABLED, Channel: 0 [IVI Error Code:  BFFA0012]
    Source: TSIviStepTypes
    Surely I disabled the 'OVP Enabled' check box at the Edit IVI Power Supply Step Dialog. My system configuration is,
    IVI Compliance Package 4.6
    NI-DCPower 1.8.6
    NI TestStand 2012 SP1
    My PXI-4130s are working well with the IVI Step type. Does IVI Step Type support NI PXIe-4112? Or am I doing something wrong about it?
    CTA, CLA
    Go to Solution.
    4112.png ‏17 KB

    Hi Joonam,
    The PowerSupply IVI step will not currently work with the 4112.  
    The 4112 does not support OVP.  If the NIDCPOWER_ATTR_OVP_ENABLED attribute is set to True, the error that you described is expected.  If it is set to False, no error should be generated.  However, an error is generated when it is set to false.  This is incorrect behavior in the driver and has already been documented under Corrective Action Report (CAR) #437105.  This issue will likely be rectified in a future version of NI-DCPower.
    The PowerSupply IVI step is hard-coded to set the attribute to true or false, based on the value of the check box in the Limit tab.  The workaround to this problem is to replace your PowerSupply IVI step with a step based on a code module that doesn't try to set the OVP_ENABLED attribute at all.
    I apologize for any trouble that this has caused you.  Let me know if you would like any further clarification.
    Jared R.
    Precision DC Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • File Type Support in the Future?

    Hi all,
    I'm really tempted to buy either the 16GB or 32GB iPod Touch. I currently have a creative Zen Touch 20GB, so the touch will be my first iPod.
    Basically, the one thing I'm not too impressed with atm is the low level of file type support. Is it likely that in the future, the iPod Touch will accept AVIs, WMVs and WMAs etc through a firmware update?

    PlaneHazza wrote:
    Thanks. I ask mainly because file types such as WMV, WMA, AVI etc are common and easy to manipulate files.
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    Yes, Edge Code supports extensions.  Here's an extension that will provide generic code hints just listing all the tokens in the current file:  It should work for basically any file type.  This is similar to the simple hinting you get in editors like Sublime or TextMate.  If you're looking for more language-aware code hints, your best bet is to use an ASP-specific IDE like Visual Studio instead.
    - Peter

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    2. When putting iPhone in Landscape mode, Albums of Audio books don't Appear.
    3. The Artists and Album list of Audio books are empty.
    Why are full features supported only for "music" and not for audio books and podcasts, etc. ?

    1) On my 3G, podcasts and audiobooks are controllable with the heasdset control just as music is.
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    PlaneHazza wrote:
    Thanks. I ask mainly because file types such as WMV, WMA, AVI etc are common and easy to manipulate files.
    So are the file types supported by QuickTime, iTunes and iPods.

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    Get an iTunes gift card & redeem that in iTunes. You can setup an App store account without a credit card, but to purchase paid content you need a payment method.

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    Please refer me the list of card type supported by the nokia. e.g(MicroSD, MMC)
    Go to Solution.

    You missed out miniSD.
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

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