AppleScript: Safari - Save As Web Archive

The title says it all: Can someone tell me please how - most likely via UI scripting, since I can't see anything in the dictionary - I can get Safari to save the front most document as a Web Archive using AppleScript?

This is one I have recently written that saves all tabs in a window, it remembers the parent folder until next time, and also uses the webarchive  ending when Safari is in doubt. You can set properties for whether you like it to overwrite or not. Please look at Macscripter for any updates.
property tlvl : me
# Release 1.0.1
# © 2012 McUsr and  put in Public Domain under GPL 1.0
# Please refer to this post:
property shallClose : false # set this to false if you don't want to close the windows, just saving them
property dontOverWriteSavedTabs : false # set this to true if you don't want to overwrite already saved tabs in the folder
script saveTabsInSafariWindowsToFolder
          property parent : AppleScript
          property scripttitle : "SafariSaveTabs"
          on run
                    if downloadWindowInFront() then return 0 # activates Safari
                    local script_cache
                    set script_cache to my storage's scriptCache()
                    set saveFolder to POSIX path of (getHFSFolder({theMessage:"Choose or create folder to save Safari-tabs in.", hfsPath:DefaultLocation of script_cache as alias}))
                    if saveFolder = false then return 0 -- we were obviously mistaken, about what we wanted to do.
                    my storage's saveParenFolderInScriptCache(saveFolder, script_cache)
                    tell application "Safari"
                              tell its window 1
                                        local tabc, oldidx
                                        set tabc to count tabs of it
                                        if not tlvl's shallClose then
                                                  set oldidx to index of current tab
                                                  tell tab tabc to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
                                        end if
                                        local saveCounter
                                        set saveCounter to 1 -- regulates setting of save folder to only first time in Safari.
                                        repeat while tabc > 0
                                                  local theUrl, theIdx, theProtocol, alreadyClosed
                                                  set {theUrl, theIdx, alreadyClosed} to {URL of its current tab, index of its current tab, false}
                                                  if my isntAduplicateTab(theIdx, it) then
                                                            set theProtocol to my urlprotocol(theUrl)
                                                            if theProtocol is in {"http", "https"} then
                                                                      # save it
                                                                      set saveCounter to my saveCurrentTab(saveFolder, saveCounter)
                                                            else if theProtocol is "file" then
                                                                      # make an alias of it
                                                                      my makeAliasForAFurl(saveFolder, theUrl)
                                                            end if
                                                            if tlvl's shallClose then
                                                                      close current tab
                                                                      set alreadyClosed to true
                                                            end if
                                                  end if
                                                  if not alreadyClosed and tlvl's shallClose then
                                                            close current tab of it
                                                            set tabc to tabc - 1
                                                  else if not tlvl's shallClose then
                                                            set tabc to tabc - 1
                                                            if tabc > 0 then tell tab tabc to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
                                                  end if
                                        end repeat
                                        # move forwards
                                        if not tlvl's shallClose then
                                                  tell tab oldidx to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
                                        end if
                              end tell
                    end tell
          end run
          to makeAliasForAFurl(destinationFolder, furl)
                    local ti, tids, thefilePath
                    set ti to "file://"
                    set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ti}
                    set thefilePath to text item 2 of furl
                    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
                    set theFile to POSIX file thefilePath as alias
                    set theFolder to POSIX file destinationFolder
                    tell application "Finder"
                              make alias at theFolder to theFile
                              # I don't care if there was one there from before, as it could equally
                              # be a file with the same name.
                    end tell
          end makeAliasForAFurl
          to saveCurrentTab(destinationFolder, timeNumber)
                    tell application id "sfri" to activate
                    tell application "System Events"
                              set UI elements enabled to true
                              tell process "Safari"
                                        keystroke "s" using {command down}
                                        tell window 1
                                                  repeat until exists sheet 1
                                                            delay 0.2
                                                  end repeat
                                                  tell sheet 1
                                                            if timeNumber = 1 then -- We'll set the savepath upon first call
                                                                      keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
                                                                      repeat until exists sheet 1
                                                                                delay 0.2
                                                                      end repeat
                                                                      tell sheet 1
                                                                                set value of text field 1 to destinationFolder
                                                                                click button 1
                                                                                delay 0.1
                                                                      end tell
                                                            end if
                                                            keystroke return
                                                            delay 0.2
                                                            if exists sheet 1 then -- We are being asked if we want to overwrite already saved tab
                                                                      if dontOverWriteSavedTabs then
                                                                                keystroke return # if it was already saved. We don't overwrite it
                                                                                click button 3
                                                                                keystroke tab
                                                                                keystroke space # we are  to overwrite
                                                                      end if
                                                                                set dummy to focused of sheet 1
                                                                      on error
                                                                                # click button 1 of panel of application "Safari"
                                                                                keystroke return
                                                                                delay 0.2
                                                                                if exists sheet 1 then -- We are being asked if we want to overwrite already saved tab
                                                                                          if dontOverWriteSavedTabs then
                                                                                                    keystroke return # if it was already saved. We don't overwrite it
                                                                                                    click button 3
                                                                                                    keystroke tab
                                                                                                    keystroke space # we are  to overwrite
                                                                                          end if
                                                                                end if
                                                                      end try
                                                            end if
                                                  end tell
                                        end tell
                              end tell
                    end tell
                    set timeNumber to timeNumber + 1
                    return timeNumber
          end saveCurrentTab
          on downloadWindowInFront()
                    tell application "Safari"
                              set tabCount to count tabs of its window 1
                              if tabCount < 1 then
                                        tell application "SystemUIServer" to activate
                                        return true # Downloads window or somethingelse
                              end if
                    end tell
                    return false
          end downloadWindowInFront
          on isntAduplicateTab(idxOfCurrentTab, theWin)
                    using terms from application "Safari"
                              tell theWin
                                        set curTabname to name of tab idxOfCurrentTab
                                        set curTabUrl to URL of tab idxOfCurrentTab
                                        repeat with i from (idxOfCurrentTab - 1) to 1 by -1
                                                  if name of tab i = curTabname and URL of tab i = curTabUrl then return false
                                        end repeat
                                        return true
                              end tell
                    end using terms from
          end isntAduplicateTab
          on getHFSFolder(R) -- Returns hfsPathAsText
                    -- R : {Amessage:theMessage,hfsPath:aStartPath}
                    local new_path, failed
                    set failed to false
                    tell application "SystemUIServer"
                              repeat while true
                                                  set new_path to (choose folder with prompt (theMessage of R) default location (hfsPath of R) without invisibles) as text
                                        on error e number n
                                                  if n is -128 then
                                                            set failed to true
                                                            exit repeat
                                                  end if
                                        end try
                                        exit repeat
                              end repeat
                    end tell
                    if failed is true then
                              return false
                              return new_path
                    end if
          end getHFSFolder
          on urlprotocol(anUrl)
                    # returns the protocol of an Url, i.e. http, https, file, localhost etc.
                    local tids, theProtocol
                    set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "://"}
                    set theProtocol to text item 1 of anUrl
                    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
                    return theProtocol
          end urlprotocol
          to parentfolder for aPath
                    local colons, slashes, origDelims
                    set {colons, slashes} to {false, false}
                    if (offset of ":" in aPath) > 0 then set colons to true
                    if (offset of "/" in aPath) > 0 then set slashes to true
                    if colons and slashes then
                              return null
                    else if colons then
                              set origDelims to ":"
                    else if slashes then
                              set origDelims to "/"
                              return null
                    end if
                    local tids
                    set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, origDelims}
                    if aPath = "/" then
                              -- we return root when we get root
                              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
                              return "/"
                    end if
                    local theParentFolder
                    if text -1 of aPath is in {":", "/"} then
                              set theParentFolder to text items 1 thru -2 of text 1 thru -2 of aPath
                              set theParentFolder to text items 1 thru -2 of aPath
                    end if
                    set theParentFolder to theParentFolder as text
                    if slashes and theParentFolder = "" then set theParentFolder to "/"
                    -- sets the root path if we got a folder one level below it
                    if colons and (":" is not in theParentFolder) then set theParentFolder to theParentFolder & ":"
                    -- we return volumename, if we are given volumename
                    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
                    return theParentFolder
          end parentfolder
          script storage
                    property cachespath : ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & "caches:" & "net.mcusr." & scripttitle)
                    on scriptCache()
                              local script_cache
                                        set script_cache to load script alias (my cachespath)
                              on error
                                        script newScriptCache
                                                  property DefaultLocation : (path to desktop folder as text)
                                                  # edit any of those with default values
                                        end script
                                        set script_cache to newScriptCache
                              end try
                              return script_cache
                    end scriptCache
                    to saveScriptCache(theCache)
                              store script theCache in my cachespath replacing yes
                    end saveScriptCache
                    to saveParenFolderInScriptCache(theFolderToSaveIn, script_cache)
                              local containingFolder
                              set containingFolder to (parentfolder of saveTabsInSafariWindowsToFolder for theFolderToSaveIn) & "/"
                              local theLoc
                              set theLoc to POSIX file containingFolder as alias
                              set DefaultLocation of script_cache to theLoc
                              my saveScriptCache(script_cache)
                    end saveParenFolderInScriptCache
          end script
end script
tell saveTabsInSafariWindowsToFolder to run

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    I suspect there was a bug in Apple's last OS software update.
    I think you're right.
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    Maybe you might want to try the following workaround (which doesn't require that you enable access for assistive devices in the Universal Access System Preference pane):
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    01. In 'Safari' - manually, select the 'File, Save As...' menu item. A drop down sheet will appear.
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    end tell
    -- Code ends here --

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    An Automator workflow can save the page in a web archive format:
    First download the Save Safari Web Archive workflow.
    I would add two additional actions at the beginning of the workflow, each from Automator's Safari library, so that your final workflow would look like this:
    1) *Get Specified URLs* -- Deselect or use the minus sign to remove the default address. Open your puzzle page in Safari, make it frontmost, and click on the Current Safari Page button.
    2) *Display Webpages*
    3) *Run AppleScript* -- No need to modify the existing script.
    4) *Get Selected Finder Items*
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    Save the Workflow as File Format: application, and add it to your Login Items.
    It all may be for naught however. I suspect that upon your return from vacation, you'll be disappointed to find that opening any one of the saved files will only result in opening the current day's puzzle. For example, on Tuesday April 29th, the puzzle linked from the URL you posted opened the puzzle for +that day,+ Puzzle Number 760. A quick look at the 30 Day Killer archive (scroll down the page) reveals that each day's puzzle has its own URL. The actual URL for Puzzle Number 760 is:
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    Regards, Andrew99

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    didn't notice any tabs that says file > save as

    ride1992 wrote:
    You might try reading the user guide. You would be surprised at the information it offers.
    I don't believe that there is anything in the iPad User Guide about saving Web pages as Web archives which is what the original poster asked.
    With the current iPad Safari there is no way of saving web pages. Images on web pages can be saved and, of course, web pages can be bookmarked.
    To save web pages you can use another app like Goodreader. A URL in Safari can be transferred to Goodreader for downloading (add "g" before http).

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    After that, it goes into the code. I have looked other places on the internet, but never found anything like what I am experiencing. Any help from anyone? Thanks.

    Definitely Microsoft "The MHT file type is primarily associated with 'MHTML Document' by Microsoft Corporation. Archived Web Page. When you save a Web page as a Web archive in Internet Explorer, the Web page saves this information in Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension HTML (MHTML) format with a .MHT file extension. All relative links in the Web page are remapped and the embedded content is included in the .MHT file. The absolute references or hyperlinks on the Web page remain unchanged and the .MHT file is viewed using Internet Explorer. Note: This file type can become infected and should be carefully scanned if someone sends you a file with this extension."
    with a program that will not be supported by Safari/Mac?
    That's it.

  • Safari (7.0.6) on my iMac running Mavericks (10.9.4) is not saving web pages (web archives)

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    Safari (7.0.6) on my iMac running Mavericks (10.9.4) is not saving web pages (web archives).
    I've used the following path:
    File > Save As >then Format > Web Archive 
    It saves a file but when I click on its icon it opens up to the 'Top Sites' page (as when you click on the + for a new tab) not a saved web archive of the web page I was on.
    I have no such problem with Safari on my MacBook Pro running Lion. 
    The iMac hardware details are: 2.7 Gz Intel Core i5 with 8 gb of RAM .  The software update tells me I'm up to date.
    Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance. 

    It could be malware that's causing the archive /  Top Sites problem.
    Download and run the adware removal tool here >   The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide
    Easy, safe, and only takes a minute or two.
    If no malware is found ...
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Privacy tab.
    Click:   Remove All Website Data
    Then delete the cache.
    Open a Finder window. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy paste the following
    Click Go then move the Cache.db file to the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that didn't help, troubleshoot Safari extensions.
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Extensions tab. Turn that OFF, quit and relaunch Safari to test.
    If that helped, turn one extension on then quit and relaunch Safari to test until you find the incompatible extension then click uninstall.

  • Creating Web Archive in Safari ver. 5.1.5 (66534.55.3)

    Does anyone know if safari change Version 5.1.5 (6534.55.3)?
    I used to be able to right click on my macbook's trackpad and easily create a web archive file while viewing Internet pages.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    I'm on OS X 10.6.8 and Safari 5.1.5 (6534.55.3)
    When you right-click, do you see this screen?
    Choose Save Page As, and then you have the opportunity to (re)name the file and select the Web Archive format as shown below.

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    export current document in file filename as save for web with options {quality:60, web format:JPEG}
    What happens is that a filename like this:
    gets cut down to this:
    I believe that there there is a PShop bug here that has a hard-coded limit on the filename, but which does not happen if you enter  the file name manually: if I go into the save for web dialog and enter the full filename, it works fine.  Any ideas?

    I recall having this problem too, my solution was to truncate the file name in the script prior to the save, then rename the saved file.
    if length of theNewFileName > 31 then
    set theTempFileName to theNewFileName
    set theNewFileName to (text 1 through (31 - (length of theFileExtension) - 1) of theNewFileName & "." & theFileExtension) as string
    end if
    set theNewFile to (saveToFolder & theNewFileName) as string
    -- Save the file here
    if theTempFileName = "" then
    -- File name wasn't truncated
    -- Rename truncated file
    tell application "Finder"
    set name of (theNewFile as alias) to theTempFileName
    on error errMsg number ERRNUM
    display dialog "Error renaming file - " & errMsg
    end try
    end tell
    end if

  • How do I save a document that says it is a web archive

    I signed up to convert pdfs into word format but now I don't know how to save the converted document into my files. It says it is a web archive and I cannot work with the document. I can't cut and paste. What do I need to do?

    When you say you want to convert PDFs to Word, there is no obvious link with Adobe's RoboHelp product. Are you in fact working with RoboHelp or have you perhaps asked in the wrong forum?
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Cant I save a web page with its pictures in safari?

    hi there,
    when i used save as... to save a web page, it can only save the page as text only, is there any way to save text and the pictures as well.
    im using safari 1.3.1 in os 10.3.9

    You can only save a page with images in Safari 2.x which comes with OS X 10.3.x. For earlier versions you can go to Print > Save as PDF to capture and image of the page. You can use Firefox or Camino to save a page in standard html format along with a folder of images. This method allows you to view the page with any browser whereas Safari's webarchives can only be viewed in Safari.

  • Safari errors printing to PDF save / saving web file

    Suddenly starting getting errors today when trying to save a web page by either method. Printing-> save as PDF gives "Print" "Error while printing" after selecting a destination folder. Trying to save it was web file gives "The document “ - Find Singles with's Online Dating Personals Service” could not be exported as “JL”. You don’t have permission." The only workaround seems to be to save to desktop without giving a title, change title, then move to folder and authenticate the move after being told I don't have permission.
    Any ideas? This has never happened before and I haven't changed any significant setting (that I know of!).

    HI and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    Try maintenance...
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Empty Cache. When you are done with that...
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.
    Since you are running Snow Leopard, *make sure Safari is opening in 32-bit mode, not 64.* Right or control click the Safari icon in the Applications folder, then click: Get Info In the Get Info window click the black disclosure triangle next to General so it faces down. Select 32 bit mode. Also, (in that same window) *make sure Safari is NOT running in Rosetta*.

Web pages now include a small icon or 'favicon' which is visible in the address bar and next to bookmarks. These icons take up disk space and slow Safari down. It is possible to erase the icons from your computer and start fresh. *To delete Safari's icon cache using the Finder, open your user folder, navigate to ~/Library/Safari/ and move this file "webpageIcons.db to the Trash.*
    Relaunch Safari.

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