AppleScript syntax do shell scripts

Hi guys,
i am having endless issues with the syntax of the following applescript. Please help me and i'll make you my new god, cheers. The
applescript syntax is:
tell application "Finder"
  display dialog ¬
                    "Select Output Source" buttons {"Computer", "TV"} default button "TV"
          set InternalSpeakers to (do shell script "cd ~/Downloads/SwitchAudioSource-v1; ./SwitchAudioSource -s 'Built-in Output'")
  --InternalSpeakers is now a variable which changes the sound output to Computer
          set HDMI to (do shell script "cd ~/Downloads/SwitchAudioSource-v1; ./SwitchAudioSource -s 'Soundflower (16ch)'")
  --InternalSpeakers is now a variable which changes the sound output to TV
          if button returned of result = "Computer" then InternalSpeakers
          if button returned of result = "Computer" then HDMI
end tell
at the moment i am getting the following error:
I have tried arranging and re-arranging the applescript to no avail, please help me

You're over complicating the situation. This
set InternalSpeakers to (do shell script "cd ~/Downloads/SwitchAudioSource-v1; ./SwitchAudioSource -s 'Built-in Output'")
  --InternalSpeakers is now a variable which changes the sound output to Computer
sets InternalSpeakers to what the do shell script returns. It does not set InternalSpeakers to hold the do shell script command to run when you access the variable. There are ways to do this but its not needed here. Just do thsi as a simple if then else
display dialog ¬
                    "Select Output Source" buttons {"Computer", "TV"} default button "TV"
if button returned of result = "Computer" then
     do shell script "cd ~/Downloads/SwitchAudioSource-v1; ./SwitchAudioSource -s 'Built-in Output'"
else    if button returned of result = "TV" then
    do shell script "cd ~/Downloads/SwitchAudioSource-v1; ./SwitchAudioSource -s 'Soundflower (16ch)'"
end if
Something like this will work.  Also there is no reason for the code you show to do it in a tell block. The Finder isn;t needed for this.

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    You need *do shell script* attribute described in the 10.4 Changes section of N-104/RN-10_4.html#//appleref/doc/uid/TP40000982-CH104-SW1 Additional info can be gained by posting to the AppleScript and Unix forums under OS X Technologies.

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    Your issue is one of symlink support, so it won't matter how you create the symlinks.
    First off, which version of Windows are you running?
    Only later versions of Windows (Win7 and, I think Vista) support symlinks, so if you're using anything earlier it won't work.
    Secondly, if you're pointing to a network volume then the target paths have to match, and that's likely to be a problem in cross-platform environments. That's because the symlink file really just contains the path to the target and your paths may be different on each OS.
    For example, On your Mac the sharepoint might be mounted at /Volumes/server and your file might be at /path/file on that share.
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    function notification () {
      `osascript <<-AppleScript
            set txt1 to "The URL(s) are on your clipboard from "
            set txt2 to " has finished"
        set appName to "$1" as text
        set subStr to "$2" as text
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            display notification noteStr with title titleStr subtitle subStr
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    While it is possible to do this in the Applescript if the shell script gets at all complicated escaping characters and debugging will be much harder then it needs to be.
    For example taking twtwtw's example and just adding one Applescript variable gives:
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    ls -l"
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    You don't show the rest of your script that's building the password to try, so it's possible the problem is there, but the chances are your delay is not in AppleScript, but in hdiutil.
    On its own AppleScript can execute simple loops pretty quickly. However in this case you're calling hdiutil which has to take the parameters, test the password against the disk image, verify the result and then return an error.
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    The shell used doesn't have any of your environment variables (it is just a generic shell with no custom settings), so if virtuoso isn't in the standard path it won't be found. It is usually a good idea to use full paths anyway, especially when using Automator's Run Shell Script or AppleScript's do shell script. I am also going to guess that the missing space between the -t option is a typo.

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    display dialog the_result

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    set the days_back to the text returned of dialog_1
    end if
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    set cmd to "exiftool -CopyrightNotice=" & exifCopyright & " " & thisFilePath & ""
    set theResult to do shell script cmd
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    set cmd to "exiftool" & space & authorStr & " " & thisFilePath & ""
    set theResult to do shell script cmd
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    Yea, the authorStr value has a space like "Joe Smith"
    Then you need to use quoted form of this string, too:
    set cmd to "exiftool " & quoted form of authorStr & space & thisFilePath
    although the format looks wrong to me - shouldn't there be some kind of switch, such as "-author=' before it?
    You have to consider how you'd enter this at the command line to work out how best to translate it to AppleScript. For example, if the command line version were:
    exiftool -author='John Doe' /path/to/some.jpg
    you can see the quotes are around the name, not the entire -author switch. In this case you should be looking at something like:
    set authorStr to "John Doe"
    set theFilePath to "/path/to/some.jpg"
    set theCmd to "exiftool -author=" & quoted form of authorStr & space & quoted form of theFilePath
    Now you could, of course, use quoted form when you create the variables (e.g. set authorStr to quoted form of "John Doe"), but that may screw you up later on if/when you try to use authorStr in some other way, so I find it best to use quoted form only where it's needed.

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    This fails due the the spaces in the directory and app name
    Right, this is a common problem that many people encounter.
    I'm guessing I'm placing the single quotes or using the quoted form... improperly. Can someone please explain how to format a path in this manor.
    quoted form is the preferred/recommended way of doing this. Here's an example:
    set cmdPath to "/Users/just me/Desktop/Test Project/Test"
    do shell script (quoted form of cmdPath) & " --list"
    If you want to build the script manually then you should single-quote the entire path, e.g.:
    do shell script " '/Users/just me/Desktop/Test Project/Test' --list"
    Note that there are single quotes around the command path but the --list parameter is outside of the single-quoted path.

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    I read doc and learned that there might be a way to put commands together by using the & sign?
    Message was edited by: ttback

    An individual do shell script command runs in its own shell, so to perform multiple commands within that shell you need to combine them into a single statement. You can use the ampersand '&' operator to concatenate text strings, and the semicolon ';' to separate the commands, for example:set theFolder to "/Applications"
    do shell script "cd " & theFolder & "; ls -l ."See the technical note do shell script in AppleScript.

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    I have a program that I run via Terminal, but I don't want a terminal window open while I run it (Just personal preference). I have an applescript set up to run the Terminal command, but the thing is that the command is "on" while the program is running, Is there some way that I can have the command go and then end the script wihtout closing the program? Or am I out of luck and have to have the Terminal window open?
    The program I am using is located here
    Thanks for the help!

    The program is distributed (according to the docs) as a .command file, so you can get the efect you want like so:
    do shell script "/Users/yourname/further/path/Sc2gears-os-x.command &> /dev/null &"
    the &> /dev/null tells applescript that you don't care about any output, so it moves on to the next command, and the closing & sets the process up as a standalone.  Note:
    If the process doesn't close itself automatically you'll need a separate way of doing that
    if the process produces output you want to keep, don't use /dev/null - use an appropriate file path
    (obviously) '/Users/yourname/further/path' needs to be replaced with the correct path to the command, and needs to be single-quoted/escaped if it contains spaces or other unix-confounding characters

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    Hi all,
    From Mac PC, how to get ip address of connected device in shell script or applescript.
    there is any way to launch an app on ipad in shell script or applescript.
    thank you in advance for your help

    Hi all,
    From Mac PC, how to get ip address of connected device in shell script or applescript.
    there is any way to launch an app on ipad in shell script or applescript.
    thank you in advance for your help

  • Do shell script problem in Applescript

    I am an Applescript novice and have been trying to write a code to go to a particular folder, look for all files in the folder tree with extension .m2v and run an executable file to decode them. My problem is that when I run my code (containing do shell script), it searches through all files and folders on Mac HD and starts decoding .m2v files elsewhere that I don't want.
    Eventually it runs out of space (.m2v file decoding takes a lot of space), because it is dumping all decoded .yuv files onto the HD.
    When I run the command on Terminal, it executes the decoding perfectly and stores the decoded files in the same folder.
    Please help me about what's going on.
    My code is something like:
    tell application "Finder"
    set DestinationFolder to "xxxxxx:xxxx:xxxx"
    set NumFolders to (get count of folders under Destination folder)
    repeat for SomeVar from 1 to NumFolders
    set FolderinQuestion to folder SomeVar of DestinationFolder
    -- Tried tell application "Terminal" here, but did not know --how to export the FolderinQuestion variable from Finder to --Terminal
    do shell script " \" cd \" & (POSIX path of (result as text));
    for file in `find $pwd \"*.mov\"`
    /usr/local/bin/decode file
    end repeat
    end tell
    I would greatly appreciate some guidance.

    The root of the problem is that you're trying to quote the cd command for some reason:
    <pre class=command>do shell script " \" cd \" & (POSIX path of (result as text));
    In addition to that you're including the & (POSIX path of (result as text)) as part of the shell command whereas this should be OUTSIDE of the quotes in order to get evaluated
    If you work that through you'll end up with a shell command that looks like:
    <pre class=command>" cd " & (POSIX path of (result as text))</pre>
    If you try to run that in a terminal you'll get a cd : command not found error and that's why the rest of it appears to fail.
    The solution to that one is simple - just don't bother quoting the cd and put the POSIX path stuff outside of the quotes to get it evaluated at runtime:
    <pre class=command>do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of (FolderInQuestion as text)) & ";
    # rest of shell commands here"</pre>
    Now, as for the rest of the script there are a few things I would change.
    First, unless you need to know the index, don't do:
    >repeat for SomeVar from 1 to NumFolders
    set FolderinQuestion to folder SomeVar of DestinationFolder
    the issue is that the number of folders to process may change during the script's execution (other processes may create or remove folders). This will, at best, cause some folders to be skipped and, at worst, cause the script to fail.
    If you're iterating through a list, the best option is to just:
    <pre class=command>repeat with FolderInQuestion in (folders of DestinationFolder)
    This automatically sets the iterator (in this case, FolderInQuestion, to the first item in the list and increments it for each iteration through the loop.
    Secondly, in your shell script itself, scrub the entire do/done loop. You're already using find, so have that do the hard work using the -exec switch:
    <pre class=command>find path -name "*.mov" -exec /usr/local/bin/decode {} \;</pre>
    In find's case, {} is substituted with the current file's path.
    Putting this together you'd get:
    <pre class=command>tell application "Finder"
    set DestinationFolder to "xxxxxx:xxxx:xxxx"
    repeat with folderInQuestion in (get folders of folder DestinationFolder)
    do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of folderInQuestion & "; find . -name \"*.mov\" -exec /usr/bin/decode {} \\;"
    end repeat
    end tell</pre>
    Note that I've used 'quoted form of POSIX path' - this takes care of any shell-unsafe characters like spaces in the path name. I've also used \\; for the -exec switch - this is so that AppleScript passes the \ to the shell command rather than using it for its own escaping.
    But you're not done yet!
    There's still one fatal flaw in this process - and that is the fact that find by default, is recursive - it will walk through every directory that it finds.
    This means that if you start at the top folder and iterate through, find will find all .mov files and decode them. Your script then cd's to the first subdirectory and repeats the process - decoding all the .mov files in that directory and all its subdirectories even though they've ALREADY been decoded.
    The upshot is that you only need to run one loop starting at the top level. You don't need to iterate through all the subdirectories since find will do that for you.
    In addition to that, there might not be a need to use cd at all since the first argument to find is the directory to start searching in. Unless there's some reason that you need to start decode from the top level directory (e.g. is that where it saves the files?), you can drop the whole repeat loop altogether and just run with:
    <pre class=command>set startFolder to (choose folder)
    do shell script "find " & quoted form of posix path of startFolder & " -name \"*.mov\" -exec /usr/bin/decode {} \\;"</pre>
    That's the entire script - a radical compression of your original.

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    Can anybody suggest an addition or modification to terminate when the permissions repair is completed?

    do shell script ¬
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