Appleshare compatible NAS devices

having just switched to mac hardware, and osx, i now have need for a new nas device and i would like it compliant with AFP and mac sharing.
is there a list of such known nas devices? also, i'm in the uk, if this changes matters more, i.e. no suitable power adaptors, etc!
i dont want to use SMB or NFS shares, if possible.

I think almost any NAS will work. You can look in the specs if it is compatible with Apple. Most modern NAS also support Time Machine backup.
I myself have a QNAP TS-119P+ NAS connected with an Ethernet cable to my Airport Extreme. Setting up and configuring was very easy. I had it all up and running in no time. I'm very pleased with this QNAP product.

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    Thank you for your help
    Best regards,
    Jesper Pedersen

    From my brief experience with Synology, I would like to elaborate on something Laplace noted.
    Synology is not Mac-friendly. It is the antithesis of Mac-friendly if only for one reason:
    The ext4 file system.
    The ext4 file system disallows particular file name character combinations to the extent that many files on an HFS+ file system (i.e. Mac's) simply cannot be transferred onto the device.
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    Why custom partitioning is not allowed is a mystery to me. If there is no way around the issue, it's a bad system for Macs, period. Anyone who tells you otherwise probably doesn't use NAS for network file storage and sharing, which is supposed to be any NAS's main job.
    In summary, Synology and Mac, as they currently stand, do not mix well.
    Not to mention, file names with underscores at the beginning, etc., are not too uncommon on NTFS file sytems either (i.e. Windows'). So Windows users should keep an eye out as well.

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    Many Thanks
    i have got a 3tb version for about £160 rn-Digital-My-Book-Live-2TB-Gigabit-Ethernet-Home-Network-Drive-External-Black/B AK0298/
    well reading all the blurb, perhaps it isnt a proper NAS drive, but it does more or less the same thing LOL. it does what i want it to do, it connects with a wire to my wireless router and i can connect to it wirelessly from my MBP, i must admit it is a bit of a game sharing it's contents with friends on the WWW !.
    Perhaps a proper NAS device makes this a bit easier.

  • About the error: "The account is not authorized to login from this station" when you access NAS devices from Windows 10 Technical Preview (build 9926)

    With the release of Windows 10 Technical Preview (build 9926), some users may encounter an error message of “The account is not authorized to login from this station” when trying to access remote files saved in NAS storage. In
    addition, the following error log may also be found via Event Viewer:
    Rejected an insecure guest logon.
    This event indicates that the server attempted to log the user on as an unauthenticated guest but was denied by the client. Guest logons do not support standard security features such as signing and encryption. As a result,
    guest logons are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks that can expose sensitive data on the network. Windows disables insecure guest logons by default. Microsoft does not recommend enabling insecure guest logons.
    The error message is due to a change we made in Windows 10 Technical Preview (build 9926) which is related to security and remote file access that may affect you.
    Previously, remote file access includes a way of connecting to a file server without a username and password, which was termed as “guest access”.
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    The security change is intended to address a weakness when using guest access.  While the server may be fine not distinguishing among clients for files (and, you can imagine in the home scenario that it doesn’t
    matter to you which of your family members is looking at the shared folder of pictures from your last vacation), this can actually put you at risk elsewhere.  Without an account and password, the client doesn’t end up with a secure connection to the server. 
    A malicious server can put itself in the middle (also known as the Man-In-The-Middle attack), and trick the client into sending files or accepting malicious data.  This is not necessarily a big concern in your home, but can be an issue when you take your
    laptop to your local coffee shop and someone there is lurking, ready to compromise your automatic connections to a server that you can’t verify.  Or when your child goes back to the dorm at the university. The change we made removes the ability to connect
    to NAS devices with guest access, but the error message which is shown in build 9926 does not clearly explain what happened. We are working on a better experience for the final product which will help people who are in this situation. 
    As a Windows Insider you’re seeing our work in progress; we’re sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused.
    You may see some workarounds (eg. making a registry change restores your ability to connect with guest access).
    We do NOT recommend making that change as it leaves you vulnerable to the kinds of attacks this change was meant to protect you from.
    The recommended solution is to add an explicit account and password on your NAS device, and use that for the connections.  It is a one-time inconvenience,
    but the long term benefits are worthwhile.  If you are having trouble configuring your system, send us your feedback via the Feedback App and post your information here so we can document additional affected scenarios.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

    Hi RPMM,
    Homegroup works great in Windows 10 Technical Preview (9926 build), when I invited my Windows 10 Technical Preview (9926 build) joined in HomeGroup, I can access the shares smoothly:
    My shares settings is like this:
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Windows 8 backup (Win7 File Recovery system image) creation to NAS device fails with error 0x807800C5

    I have a ZyXEL NSA310 NAS device on my network that I use for backups (as well as a media server). I have been very happy with it as, amongst other things, it has a gigabit Ethernet connection. I recently upgraded my home laptop from Win7 Pro to Win8
    Pro. Under Win7 the NAS device worked perfectly as the backup target. I could back up file sets and - most importantly to me - create a system image on the device should I need to restore the system in the event of a full disk failure.
    When I upgraded to Win8 it kept the Win7 settings and it looked like it was just going to work, then as it came to create the system image it failed with error code 0x807800C5 and message "The version does not support this version of the file format".
    I have searched the internet and seen that others have had similar issues on Win7 and Win8 with NAS devices where they have had to hack the device to get it working - though it isn't clear that this has been successful for everyone. This isn't an option
    for me as the NSA310 is a closed device and in any event I don't see why I should have to hack the device when clearly this is a Win8 issue (since Win7 worked perfectly).
    Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this issue so that I can create the full backups I require?
    Event Log messages:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Backup
    Date:          13/01/2013 23:14:52
    Event ID:      517
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      Home-Laptop
    The backup operation that started at '‎2013‎-‎01‎-‎13T23:13:43.523158000Z' has failed with following error code '0x807800C5' (There was a failure in preparing the backup image of one of the volumes in the backup set.). Please review the event details for a
    solution, and then rerun the backup operation once the issue is resolved.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Windows Backup
    Date:          13/01/2013 23:14:56
    Event ID:      4104
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      Home-Laptop
    The backup was not successful. The error is: There was a failure in preparing the backup image of one of the volumes in the backup set. (0x807800C5).

    Thanks willis! I will look into the iSCSI route. A quick Google search and I can see some mention of the NSA310 and iSCSI so maybe it does support it.
    One question: Have you ever attempted to restore a system image from a NAS iSCSI device with a Win8 Restore Disk? Is it easy? I just want to be sure that it is possible to do so in case the worst happens and I need to restore the entire image onto a
    new disk.
    Hopefully Microsoft will fix the issue with the standard NAS setup with an update in the future, but I don't want to wait for it.
    Thanks again,
    Hi Phil,  No I have not had to do this yet, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work as the iSCSI disk looks just like a regular hard disk to the OS. I agree that Microsoft should fix the direct NAS support as the iSCSI approach does have the downside
    of dedicating a fixed chunk of your NAS drive to the iSCSI disk that you have to choose when you create the disk whereas the direct NAS just uses the actual space currently needed by the backup. Also I had some trouble getting authentication (access rights)
    to work so I left the iSCSI portal as open access - which is OK for a home solution but not a good idea in general. I will revisit this for my own setup and see if I can get it working but just wanted to mention it in case you have the same issue. It manifests
    itself as not being able to connect to the iSCSI portal due to failed authentication when running iSCSI initiator setup.

  • How to migrate File server to NAS device?

    All right so here's the scenario.
    An external forest level trust is setup between two forests A & B as recently as we acquired the company B.
    Users from forest B were already migrated to domain A.
    Now I need to migrate file server from domain B to my domain A but the target where we need to move file shares is a NAS device, so basically we cannot do a simple server migration from domain B to domain A.
    We need to copy over the data+ACL+Share permissions from fileserver in domain B to a NAS device in domain A whereas of course ACL permissions on file server present in domain B will obviously be as per source domain user accounts, example ACL permissions
    currently will show as "B\user1".
    So whats the best way to perform this in order to maintain the permissions & data.
    Another question how do we copy share permissions from file server to NAS as I can robocopy the data with security permissions but how to copy over all the share permissions to destination NAS?

    You need to retain the SID History attribute when users across domains to ensure users in the target domain can access to files during migration.
    For more detailed information, please refer to the threads below:
    ACL migration
    File server migration using FSMT 1.2 in NAS environment
    In additional, you could backup registry key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Shares to copy share permissions.
    Saving and restoring existing Windows shares
    ADMT and network mapped drives
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Using Time Machine with a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device

    I have a Mac household (20" iMac, MacBook Pro and MacBook) all connecting to the internet, wireless printer and a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device via the "n" version AirPort Extreme.
    All software / firmware is up-to-date on all machines / devices.
    Everything works great through the AirPort, but I can't see the NAS in the Time Machine setup. How do I get Time Machine to make backups of each of my machines to the NAS?

    TM backups to NAS are not officially supported. There are some hacks to make it work but you'll be on your own if you use them. check out this [Mac os x hint| 2Bmachine%2Bafp]. make sure you read all the caveats and comments.

  • Moving photos from iPhoto to NAS Device

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    Thanks much.

    Think of it this way:
    Open a file in a photo editor - say Photoshop, Acorn, Graphic Converter, whatever...
    Fix Red eye.
    What happens? The file containing the photo is edited. The Modification date is changed. There's no way back to the photo before the fixing of the red eye.
    Try do that in iPhoto (or similar apps: Picasa, Ligthroom, Aperture)
    Open a file... Well you can't. You have to import it to a database first. So, that done, now you view the photo.
    Fix red eye. Okay. There's no 'Save' you just move to the next picture.
    Now look at the file you imported. Notice anything about the modification date? It hasn't changed. Open the file in another app. Notice anything? Like the Red-eye isn't fixed...
    iPhoto will never edit the original file. It's called version control. It means that you can always revert back to the original. It preserves the original like a film shooter preseves the negative.
    You don't want that. You want to edit the original. So, use a photo editor, something that edits the original file, uses no database and works the way you want.
    In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    The Gimp (free)
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    Pixelmator ($50 approx)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store.

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    Thank you very much.

    Do you got sound at all?
    Does the  Audio Controller is enabled in BIOS?

  • Problem in data import from dump file on NAS device

    I am using oracle 10g on solaris 10. I have mounted NAS device on my solaris machine.
    I have created a directory object dir on my NAS storage in which i have placed the dump file.
    Now when i execute the following command to import data
    impdp user/pass DIRECTORY=DIR DUMPFILE=MQA.DMP logfile=import.log
    then i get the following error message
    ORA-39002: invalid operation
    ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
    ORA-29283: invalid file operation
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 475
    ORA-29283: invalid file operation
    Can any body help ?

    Also, Datapump from NAS device would perform slow.
    Take a look at this:
    10gR2 "database backup" to nfs mounted dir results in ORA-27054 NFS error
    Note:356508.1 - NFS Changes In 10gR2 Slow Performance (RMAN, Export, Datapump) From Metalink.

  • How to automatically reconnect to a NAS device when wireless drops..

    When my mini sits idle for awhile, the wireless network connection drops. I've read (I thought) that this is a "know/common" problem.
    My question is, I have a NAS device connected to my network. Everytime the signal drops, I have to reconnect to the device as it doesn't show on my desktop. Is there a way to make the mini reconnect automatically when I reconnect to my wireless signal?

    As a client OS X supports the major two VPN protocols, PPTP and L2TP over IPSec. As a server technically OS X supports both of these too but the difference is this sort of thing was more aimed at OS X Server so there is no nice GUI to work with.
    Of course I wouldn't have suggested this if there wasn't a nicer solution at hand. I'm sure there are others too but what I know works (as I use it) is [iVPN|>, essentially a GUI wrapper to the already installed daemons. As far as performance goes it's dependent on both your connection at home and the connection wherever you are but then that would also be the case if trying to access the NAS remotely anyway. I'd also guess this will result in a safer connection too as the file sharing protocols you're using probably aren't concerned about encryption.
    The only thing I'd say is I do believe there are issues if both the home network and the place you are at are both using the same private IP range, assuming both locations are behind a router. The reason being if both use the same range how can your machine know when you mean one network and not the other. Careful selection of the IP range at home though can minimise this by choosing a non-standard private IP range. So a lot of home routers, the majority I've come into contact with anyway use or The entire though, assuming the router allows you to do so is open and if you pick something in the upper half the chances of both places doing the same has to be very slim.

  • Multiple macs and iTunes library on NAS device

    My iTunes library is stored on a Buffalo NAS drive. 
    I have an older Mac desktop - running OS X 10.6.8; on this machine iTunes 11.4 is set up to use the library on the above noted NAS device.  This is working fine; all my burned and purchased music is playing no problem. 
    I have a new (latest) version Macbook Pro Retina - running OS X Yosemite 10.10.2.  I proceeded to set iTunes on this machine to use the exact same shared location as is being used on the desktop noted above for the library location.  On this machine, however, I am only able to view my purchased music (with the download cloud displayed). 
    Anyone know why two Macs pointed to the exact same iTunes library shared folder location would result in one working fine and the other only showing purchased music available for download?   

    How exactly did you set it?  You do not do it in preferences (a common mistake).  You do it by starting up iTunes while holding down the option/alt key whereupon iTunes will irreversibly convert what it sees as the library, namely the iTunes Library.itl file, to a version which will only work with the newest version of iTunes you run (your 12).  Clearly you can't use 12 on your old computer so there is no way to share the same library file. Each version of iTunes will have to run its own library file which will essentially maintain its own independent list of entries, though they can share media.  This means changes you make to one library will mostly not appear in the other but if you do something such as delete media in one library the other library will fuss it can no longer find the file, etc.
    If you are going to start doing advanced iTunes things you need to learn how iTunes works.
    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.
    One other tip. Just about every mention I see of people using iTunes with a NAS is something with a problem that results from using iTunes with a NAS.  iTunes is likely not written with NAS use in mind.  It may work, or it may not.  Keep regular backups.

  • Firefox crashes when left on a web page for NAS device

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  • Files saved to iomega NAS device from Mac not visible to PCs

    I'm using my MacBook in a primarily Windows environment at work. We have an Iomega NAS device for our network file sharing.
    Some, but not all, of the files I save to the network share from my Mac are not visible to PCs. Am able to see all the files out there saved by the PCs via the Mac, but not all files saved by the Mac are visible by PCs (ie, they show up in Finder/Mac but not in Explorer/PC).
    - Mac OS X 10.6.2
    - iomega StorCenter ix2 Network Storage Device (NAS)
    - Netgear Router (details unknown)
    All other network works fine from the Mac -- can see shared PCs, can use network attached printer, access the Internet, see all the shared folders on the NAS device.
    Happens with all types of files (MS Office documents, JPGs, GIFs, PDFs), but not for every documents. Probably 3 out of 4 documents saved to NAS device from Mac are visible to PCs on the network, and 1 out of 4 is not visible.
    Any ideas? Thanks.

    OS X 10.4.8 update has not altered the behavior of this bug. The Office 2004 11.30 update seems to have caused the problem to happen less frequently. I would say it now happens half as frequently.

  • Running Apache with html files on a mounted NAS device

    Hi.  I am hoping someone could help me out.  I have been pulling my hair out for the past 2 days.
    I am running Arch v0.8.  I have very few packages installed -- I started with base install and added Apache, MySql, PHP, Samba and a few others.
    - I have apache running as user=apache, group=apache.  I changed this from nobody:nobody in httpd.conf.
    - I have a Buffalo TerraStation on my lan.  It is called edge_nas.  It has a share called "linux".
    - I successfully mounted the Buffalo share using the following entry in fstab:
    //edge_nas/linux /mnt/edge_nas smbfs username=apache,password=theapachepassword,gid=apache 0 0
    - I created a soft link in /home which points /home/httpd to /mnt/edge_nas/home/httpd.
    - I want my web files on the Buffalo NAS device because it is raid 5. 
    - Root is able to read and write anywhere on /mnt/edge_nas.
    - Apache can read /mnt/edge_nas.
    - Apache can write in its home directory on /mnt/edge_nas/home/apache.
    - Apache cannot write in any other directory (especially /mnt/edge_nas/home/httpd/html).
    - How do I grant apache read/write access to the html root?
    Any ideas?  Please be gentle.
    Thank you for your help.

    cactus wrote:umm. still not clear on what you did...
    Please layout a clear step by step of what you did. That might make it easier to help you.
    Ok. From the top...
    On the Buffalo NAS (edge_nas):
    - I logged into the Buffalo web-based admin screen.
    - I created a new share called linux.
    - I created a new user called apache.
    - I granted read/write access to apache on the linux share.
    On Arch Linux:
    - I logged in locally as root.
    - I created a new user apache, in group apache.
    - I created a new directory called /mnt/edge_nas.
    - I mounted the Buffalo share using the following entry in fstab:
    //edge_nas/linux /mnt/edge_nas smbfs username=apache,password=theapachepassword,gid=apache 0 0
    - I changed apache to run as apache:apache.  I changed this from nobody:nobody in httpd.conf.
    - In /home/httpd, I created a softlink for /home/httpd/html, pointing it to /mnt/edge_nas/home/httpd/html.
    - I chmod 777 /mnt/edge_nas/home/httpd/html.
    - I restarted apache.
    - I created a summy index.html in that directory to ensure apache can see the mount.
    To test it out:
    - I logged into arch locally as my apache user.
    - I cd'ed to /home/httpd/html.
    - I tried to create a new text file with vi.
    - I cannot open the text file for write.
    I hope that helps.  Please excuse any misuse of terminology.

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