Applet Flashing

I know this may seem trivial to some of you more experienced programmers out there, but that's exactly why I'm posting here. . .
I'm writing a JApplet to do some fairly simple medical imaging manipulations (windowing/leveling, zooming, etc.). When I scroll over the applet and part of the applet is being clipped, it produces a terrible flashing effect.
I know that the effect is probably caused by the browser invoking the painting method as I scroll with a part of the applet being clipped. I have overridden the paintComponent method to do custom painting and am using double buffering (on by default in the Swing environment). I am doing my painting in a custom class extending JPanel. I can't think of any other pertinent information.
Is there a trick around this problem or is this problem inherent to the Swing architecture?

I know this may seem trivial to some of you more
experienced programmers out there, but that's exactly
why I'm posting here. . .
I'm writing a JApplet to do some fairly simple medical
imaging manipulations (windowing/leveling, zooming,
etc.). When I scroll over the applet and part of the
applet is being clipped, it produces a terrible
flashing effect.
I know that the effect is probably caused by the
browser invoking the painting method as I scroll with
a part of the applet being clipped. I have overridden
the paintComponent method to do custom painting and am
using double buffering (on by default in the Swing
environment). I am doing my painting in a custom
class extending JPanel. I can't think of any other
pertinent information.
Is there a trick around this problem or is this
problem inherent to the Swing architecture?If you Double Buffer it that will help keep flashing to a minimum, but other than that Flashing is just a problem w/ Applets, I'm not sure if I've seen any good sized applet that could be made to flash under the right circumstances......

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    How can stop my applet from flashing when repaint is
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    eliminate the flashing?If you're using Swing, you should only be painting in the paintComponent method and shouldn't use update.
    You may also want to look into double-buffering.

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      public void sequence() {
        int prev1= 0, prev2= 0, curr;
        for (int a= 0; a<imgSquare; a++) {
          while (prev1 == (curr= rand(7) + 1) || prev2 == curr) ;
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        return Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % siz;
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    I would like to have seven squares on the applet and each applet flashes in different sequences, the first one short, the next one longer...and so on.
    can anybody please help me out with this???
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    Thank you in advance

    The basic idea here is,
    --> Store the images in an array of size 7
    loop {
    --> Randomly generate an integer in the range 0 to 6
    --> Get the image out of the array with this random index
    --> Update the image on your applet square(or whatever)
    } // end loop

  • Applet overlaps HTML elements

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    So are there any similar ways in Applet?

    I am sorry for not describing the problem clearly.
    The HTML elements here I mean are those with an absolute positioning, for example, a flowing <div> element which has an intersection part with an applet and should be exactly positioned over an applet.
    An article has shown the phenomenon in Flash. In that article the "Search Form" is an HTML element which should be rendered above the Flash objects.
    However, in most cases, objects like Flash and Applets usually ignores z-indexes assigned to HTML elements and are always on the topmost and covers these absolute positioned HTML elements if they overlaps. That article hints me about having a parameter like "<param name="wmode" value="transparent">" to force the Flash object rendered below the HTML elements, but I just cannot find a similar way in Applet.
    Any suggestion? Thanks!

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    { trace ("the mouse clicked the comp on the stage")}
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    Only the top works.
    the kicker is the onKeyUp is in blue just like onRelease,
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  • How to stop Flashing

    I've been told that you can stop Java applets flashing by using buffers. How do I go about this? I'm a beginner with Java so can I have some specific code please.

    the kyword is using double buffering
    here at the sun site are some examples of how to create doublebuffered applet, but if you use swing and JApplet, then you may get by thet problem even more eeasily, since swing components have built in support for double buffering....
    oops, seems that JApplet doesn't have support for that...
    but you may have other swing components on your JApplet that have DoubleBuffering turned on...
    and remember that you don't need to turn double buffering on for all the components... if one of them allready is doublebuffered then children of that component are afected by it as well...
    why not run a search on "double buffering"

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    S_FileName VarChar(20);
    S_Counter Number;
    -- Set the File NAme
    S_FileName :=To_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd')||'Letters.CSV';
    For S_Counter IN 1..4 LOOP
    -- Set the MIME type
    owa_util.mime_header( 'application/octet', FALSE );
    -- Set the name of the file
    htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||S_FILENAME||S_Counter|| '"');
    -- Close the HTTP Header
    -- Loop through all rows in EMP
    for x in (select MPAN_CORE,ACCOUNT_NO
    from Categoriser.LTNA_LETTER_ONE_OUTPUT@link_to_dqmDevdb )
    -- Print out a portion of a row,
    -- separated by commas and ended by a CR
    htp.prn(x.MPAN_CORE ||','|| x.ACCOUNT_NO ||','||
    x.MPAN_CORE || chr(13));
    -- Send an error code so that the-- rest of the HTML does not render
    htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
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    I take it from the lack of response that this is not somthing that APEX can do?No, it's something that HTTP cannot do. Think about it: if it was possible for a server to send multiple files in response to an HTTP request, then it would be possible to break your computer very easily indeed.
    aww well looks like i will need to find another way..You'd need something in the browser client-side, Java applet, Flash control etc...

  • Pages Per Second, User Modes

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    1) The DOWNLOAD and (emulated) RENDERING of the page with its attributes/objects (pages, images, frames etc)
    2) Just the DOWNLOAD of the page with its attributes/objects.
    Does this change between User Modes i.e. Thick and Thin Client

    Hi Paul,
    A page is the eTester representation of what would be a web page in terms of navigations and actions that are performed in the web browser after the document is completely rendered and before the last transition.
    Open the navigation editor and take a look at the Navigations tree. There it can be seen how the pages are divided. Each page will have between 0 to multiple navigations. Pages with zero navigations doesn't count, these pages won't even be shown in the report. If the page have frames the page will show more than one navigation. If the web application uses ajax or a similar technology with http transactions, or if the page uses java applets, flash objects or activex controls that makes http transactions and the proxy recorder was On, then the pages most likely will show more than one navigation.
    eLoad will request all the navigations contained in any given page of any script in your load test scenario, if the web server will responds back successfuly for all the navigations, then this is counted as one page received. eLoad willl be requesting multiple pages from the different scripts that exists in the scenario submitted then it will count how many of those pages are being received in an interval of time, then makes a units convertion of the time interval in order to display it in seconds.
    The pages received per second is the average of how many pages with all the navigations contained in it were successfully obtained from the web servers every second.
    The pages per second is the same statistic regardless if you are running in thick or in thin.
    The pages per second doesn't take into consideration the download of images, scripts, css, or any other object. These are considered in the hits per second.
    A similar thread was created earlier:
    The link was inserted here for crossreference if required later.

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    I developed an application using jdk 1.2.2. Rcently we updated to 1.5.1. The html page that calls the applet opens. You can see the applet flash, but the html page then hides the applet. If you minimize the html page the applet shows, but I really don't want users to have to do this. I have tried using the visble(), toFront(),show(), and requestFocus() methods but to no avail. I have changed the code on the html page to reflect going after the 1.5.1jdk. Thanks for any help you can offer.

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    I am quite certain that there were no programs running that would normally make it overheat (no applets, flash, games, iOS simulator,etc.). I can't understand why the computer would heat up so much and likewise why the fans are not kicking in while the computer is asleep?
    Any word on how to fix this or shuold I be going directly to Apple Care?

    Heat that is generated in a MBP is a function of the activity that is being performed at a given moment.  Text editing and light web browsing will result in very modest temperature.  Video, Skype and other CPU intensive applications will create a lot of internal heat, at times exceeding 100 c. 
    Now if the temperature start exceeding previously determined levels, there are sensors that will initiate a shutdown so that a MBP will no commit Hari Kari.  One of the reasons that MBPs have a reputation of being 'hot' is the aluminum case.  One must understand that it it part of the thermal dissipation scheme which helps in keeping the internal temperatures at reasonable levels.  A plastic case would tend to be an insulator thus confining the heat internally and putting more heat stress on the internal components.

  • HT2434 Can a logic board, RAM, or processor core be compromised if an attacker gains root access?

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    Someone gained keychain access on day one in the first 10-15 min. while I was setting things up thinking that the apple firewall was on by default. (Former PC user-oops) I was nailed by a vicious email attack-lucky that it only worked on the yahoo side and it was not opened by (mail) on my MBP. I was also nailed by a brutal PDF, Safari, Quicktime attacks while using Snow Leopard (Mid 2010) In OSX LION, someone was constanly changing my password after waiting for me to restore everything. Then it was a directory services hack. This is why I am concerned. I still see strange activity in console.
    Thank you for your time! Mac is still enjoyable to use but the popularity has made it a huge target.

    RAM is not the issue in a Mac Pro with Xeon processor, unless you get a distinctive kernel panic, machine check. Otherwise, every Read from memory is checked by Hardware and errors are corrected on the fly, with essentially no slowdown. In the Mac Pro silver tower or dark cylinder, Memory problems do not fester undetected.
    panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff800d8dcc1d): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f8df3d00c, type 14=page fault
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
    Page fault is a reference to memory out of bounds (you do not own). It is most often caused by software.
    If you remove the hexadecimal addresses from the stack trace as shown above, the list of what extensions were at the "scene of the crime" becomes much more clear. That is why I could see that your external (SCSI architecture) drives were implicated, and thomas_r. could call out the highpoint driver as being involved.

  • Do I need to pass a applet test with Java before the Flash player will function?

    I have downloaded the unstall and install programs for Adobe Flash Player and followed all the steps poster, "eidnolb" noted to prior poster greenie41180 on March 6th,  2010, 8:05PM.   The flash player test did not work.   I also do not see applets, when I use the latest version of Java on an applet test.    I might try reinstalling IE8, or going to IE7 and reinstalling Flash Player.  Gawd!  hours have been used, just trying to get Flash Player going so I can resume watching the tutorials at   
    What other troubleshooting steps can be taken?   I have tried everything eidnolb suggested in prior posts.
    Hello everyone, When I try to download the Flash player I get the error message listed above.    I turned off the firewall and virus modes on my TrendMicro protection program, when downloading the player.     I already have Java 6, update 18 in the system.   I restarted the computer.  I also adjusted the configurations for Javascript and ActiveX under the "Tools" menu for the Security and Advanced tabs of Internet options.  I have Windows XP, service pack 3, with Internet Explorer 8.  
    Also, I tested the recent, most updated program, Java and I still can not see an applet.    I have spent 7 or more hours on this.  I thought initially this process was going to be straight forward.     I desperately need this Flash player so I can learn math at the streaming video site called,       Oh! gosh maybe someone here can help me help myself by giving me more troubleshooting steps.  I did follow Adobe's troubleshooting steps, but I still get the same, above error box with,  MSXML2.XSL Template 3.0 (Original exception: undefined)
      I hope, eventually to watch the streaming site, once this Flash Player is loaded.   I really do not understand what is going on here.  Thanks for your help.
    Information:   Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash
    These items are in the Flash folder:
                                                    Flash10e.ocx    version
                                                    Install text document
                                                    FlashUtil10e  Adobe Flash Player Helper
                                                    Should not FlashUtil10e be listed as FlashUtil10e.exe  ???
                                                    FlashInstall text document
    Genuinst   Microsoft application file  version
    6.0.2800.1531                                                                            KB913433 Setup Information 
                                                                                                           This is the Java version and also, these are listed and enabled in the “Manage add-ons” for Internet Explorer 8:           C:\Program Files\Java\jre\bin
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_18  ActiveX control
    File: npjpi160_18.dll  version:
                                                    Java™Plug-in 2 SSV    version:  , file: jp2ssv.dll
    JQSIEStartDetectorImpl  Class  version:,  file:                               jqs_plugin.dll   for  program Files\Java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\ie
    Adobe PDF link Helper, version
    File:  AcroIEHelperShim.dll
    For C:\Program Files\Adobe  the listed files are:  
                                                    Reader 9.0
                                                    Photoshop 7.0
    Also,  under common files:   C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX the following files are present:
                            AcroIE HelperShim.dll
    There is also a file called Adobe AIR under the Common Files category.
    Next,  there are some Java undate files listed as:  C:\program Files\Common Files\Java\Java Update
    Also, listed in the “Manage add-ons”  is:  Shockwave Flash Object,  Flash10e.ocx,
    which is enabled.  
    When I checked the C:\program Files  I reviewed all listed folders and did not see folders named,  Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX,  or  Adobe Flash Player 10 plug-in.    The only folder found label with Adobe, was the prior mentioned folder,  Adobe containing Reader9.0,, and Photoshop7.0.

    Hi, May I suggest that you read your previous 3 threads that have been responded to?
    You need to stop starting threads, this is the 4th one. You need to stop copying and pasting from the first thread to the new threads that you are starting. It serves no positive purpose.

  • Running a java applet from flash

    How do you run a java applet from within a Flash movie?
    Is it necessary for the user to download a java interpreter, or is there an interpreter somehow built into their browser that can run applets?

    I was wondering , I don't know too much about Flash
    I remember seeing some classes in amongst the Flash
    files when it installed , but couldn't tell you whart they
    do (at the moment , but you've got me interested)
    maybe you should rethink your strategy for building your page (and your movie) maybe build the movie around
    your applet , or preload it then replace a an area of your movie area with your applet (the way you handle rollovers).
    the advantage is you can make calls to applet methods
    from Flash as it supports Javascript.
    jus remember to set the scriptable <PARAM> to true
    Users shouldn't have to download the plug-in or JRE
    you should specify it in the OBJECT or EMBED tag so
    if they don't have it , the browser will tell them.
    of course this is going to change as Microsoft are stopping support for JAVA , users will then have to download the plug-in from Sun in order to view or use JAVA on the internet.

  • Firefox+Flash: Some flash applets' content doesn't get updated

    Hello community,
    I stumbled upon a very strange problem with Firefox and Flash. Some flash applets (example: show only a plain white rectangle. For a long time I thought that it is a problem with Flashblock and/or NoScript. Today, however, I tried to get rid of the problem and made following observations:
    1. The problem persists in safe mode (with deactivated extensions).
    2. The problem persists after disabling hardware acceleration in the Firefox settings.
    3. The problem does NOT occur in Chromium&Pepper Flash. But I'd like to stick to Firefox for many reasons.
    4. The problem does NOT occur on my laptop running Manjaro (however, the setups are not really comparable).
    5. Initially I thought that the flash applets aren't initialized at all, however, now I observed that if I switch to a different tab and then back to the tab with the flash applet, it gets updated. I can also interact with the applet, however, the changes are only visible after I do the tab switching.
    Any help or hint how to find the cause of the problem is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

    A new finding: I tried to install an older version of Firefox and downloaded a binary from … /releases/. The older binary worked so I tried newer ones and finally arrived at the very same version as the one installed through the package management. The result is: The 33.0.2 binary downloaded from Mozilla works, the 33.0.2 installed through the package management doesn't! All extensions installed on my machine are available in the downloaded binary, so I assume that it knows about ~/.mozilla. What could be the cause of the problem then? Will try to start Firefox with a completely clean home folder (new user) and report back.
    edit: Narrowed down the list of problematic files to this:
    $ ls -l /home/photon/.mozilla/firefox/sw0n83fl.default/
    insgesamt 94852
    -rw------- 1 photon users 94222 31. Okt 11:22 prefs.js
    -rw------- 1 photon users 141109 31. Okt 11:17 search.json
    -rw------- 1 photon users 734 31. Okt 11:06 search-metadata.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 photon users 65536 19. Jun 2012 search.sqlite
    -rw------- 1 photon users 16384 30. Apr 2011 secmod.db
    -rw------- 1 photon users 288 31. Okt 11:22 sessionCheckpoints.json
    -rw------- 1 photon users 2480 31. Okt 11:22 sessionstore.js
    -rw-r--r-- 1 photon users 393216 4. Sep 08:49 signons.sqlite
    -rw------- 1 photon users 25 15. Mai 2013 times.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 photon users 62914560 21. Nov 2012 urlclassifier3.sqlite
    -rw------- 1 photon users 154 31. Okt 10:26 urlclassifierkey3.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 photon users 1622446 21. Nov 2012 urlclassifier.pset
    -rw-r--r-- 1 photon users 31850496 31. Okt 11:22 webappsstore.sqlite
    edit: The problematic file is prefs.js.
    Last edited by PhotonX (2014-10-31 10:29:25)

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